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Rock Cottage

Self Catering


4/ 5

Based on 10 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Kristian D
Short stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2024

Comfort and quiet. This was our 2nd stay, bathrooms nicely upgraded. We just love this place, lots of special family memories.

Value for money
Rock Cottage
It was lovely hosting you again. We value you!

Eric V
Short stay Family with young children
May 2024

Lovely bushveld weekend. Beautifully isolated venue away from the hustle and bustle of Mabalingwe, but close enough to the shop and other entertainment. Good amenities and plenty of little creatures came to visit. Fire pit and plunge pool were the cherry on top for us.

Value for money
Rock Cottage

Thank you, Eric, it was lovely hosting you.

Dankie, Eric, dit was heerlik om jou te huisves.

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Willie S
Short stay Family with teenagers
Mar 2024

Incredible view of the woodland! We had a wonderful stay at Rock Cottage. The view is incredible and especially from the small pool over the woodland! The cottage was nice and clean and all facilities were there, as well as an air fryer, dishwasher and even a pod coffee machine. Rock Cottage is at the back of Mabalingwe, and entrance is mainly from the Elandsfontein gate. However, one is able to drive through Mabalingwe itself as well, the largest part of which is tarmac, with the last 2 km roughly dirt road. As recommended a higher motor will definitely work better on the last bit - it's definitely worth it. Lynette was a wonderful hostess and we hope to stay there again in the future.

Ongelooflike uitsig oor die bosveld! Ons het heerlik by Rock Cottage gebly. Die uitsig is ongelooflik en vernaamlik van die klein swembad oor die bosveld uit! Die cottage was mooi skoon en alle geriewe was daar, asook 'n airfryer, skottelgoedmasjien en self 'n pod koffie masjien. Rock Cottage is aan die agterkant van Mabalingwe, en ingang word hoofsaaklik van die Elandsfonteinhek gekry. Mens is egter instaat om deur Mabalingwe self te ry ook, waarvan die grootste gedeelte teerpad is, met die laaste 2 km omtrent grondpad. Soos aanbeveel sal 'n hoër motor beslis beter werk op die laaste stukkie - dis beslis die moeite werd. Lynette was 'n wonderlike gasvrou en ons hoop om weer daar te bly in die toekoms.

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Value for money

Anonymous Guest
Short stay With friends
Aug 2024

Value for money
Rock Cottage
Thank you for your valued feedback.

Vivienne C
Short stay
Jun 2024

Disappointed. Extremely disappointed. Cottage had not been cleaned from previous guests. Bedding was provided promptly and the place was cleaned the next day. Spoilt the weekend for me.

Value for money
Rock Cottage

Hi Vivienne We are sorry for the inconvenience of the unmade beds. It was my oversight, and we rectified the situation the same evening. We also provided an extra cleaning service the following day and provided free firewood. I am sorry that it spoiled your weekend.

Hallo Vivienne Ons is jammer vir die ongerief van die onopgemaakte beddens. Dit was my toesig, en ons het die situasie dieselfde aand reggestel. Ons het ook die volgende dag 'n ekstra skoonmaakdiens verskaf en gratis vuurmaakhout verskaf. Ek is jammer dat dit jou naweek bederf het.

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Keith H
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2023

Pleasant and peaceful place to relax. In general, this is a quiet, peaceful location and a good place to relax. We were well received and received great hospitality from the owners who were always available for any problems. The cottage needs a lot of maintenance; door handles come off easily, sliding doors are difficult to open, and when it rains, there are a lot of leaks in the lounge area. Also, no hot water in the kitchen.

Value for money

Helge R
Short stay With friends
Dec 2023

Ideal for a few days of peace of mind in the forest. If you like absolute seclusion and silence, this is the ideal place. You are literally in the woods with nothing and no one around you. We really enjoyed it. Many go hiking and visit Mabalingwe Reserve. We will definitely go again, but the place needs some attention. The rooms and bathrooms are extremely small and cramped with no cupboards or hanging space. The place is perfect for 4 adults, definitely not 6. The kitchen also only has the basic appliances, but is comfortable. In the living room is a small bench with extra camping chairs under the stairs. Since the rooms are so small, the furniture or seating in the living area could definitely be upgraded. The linen was beautifully neat and clean. With the understanding that it is indeed in the woods, the place just needs a thorough cleaning, especially the porch/braai area. Lynette was always available and arranged for our water problem to be sorted within minutes. Thank you very much!

Ideaal vir 'n paar dae se sielsrus in die bos. Indien jy van absolute afsondering en stilte hou, is dit die ideale plek. Mens is letterlik in die bos met niks en niemand om jou. Ons het dit vreeslik geniet. Baie gaan stap en Mabalingwe-reservaat besoek. Ons sal beslis weer gaan, maar die plekkie kort bietjie aandag. Die kamers en badkamers is bitter klein en beknop met geen kaste of hangplek nie. Die plek is perfek vir 4 volwassenes, beslis nie 6 nie. Die kombuis het ook net die basiese toebehore, maar is gerieflik. In die sitkamer is 'n klein bankie met ekstra kampstoele onder die trap. Aangesien die kamers so klein is, kan die meubels of sitplek in die leefarea beslis opgegradeer word. Die linne was pragtig netjies en skoon. Met begrip dat dit wel in die bos is, kort die plekkie net 'n oordentlike skoonmaak, veral die stoep/braai-area. Lynette was altyd beskikbaar en het gereël dat ons waterprobleem binne minute uitgesorteer word. Baie dankie!

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Value for money

Lucas V
Short stay With partner
Jul 2022

Ideal for those looking for peace and quiet. Linen, bedding and mattresses fairly new and very clean. Fully equipped with coffee maker, microwave oven, dishwasher, cleaning products etc. Beautiful swimming pool with nice barbecue area and pizza oven. Lynette also had wood (R15/bag) delivered to us for the fireplace. Goats and warthogs come to visit in the evening. Small things that scratch: Although the cottage is very private, the bathrooms lack curtains or blinds. Very little/no hanging space in rooms for clothes. There is definitely some maintenance to be done on the cupboard drawers, doors and shower door that don't open well (nothing a competent "handyman" won't be able to fix in a day). Refrigerator will be much colder and economical if it is refilled with gas. Not seating for 6 people, but beds - I would say comfortable for 4 adults and 2 children. Mabilingwe's restaurants and leisure facilities are 9 km (+-30 min) from the cottage. It is a quiet tarmac with lots of wildlife and pretty ponds. NB: There is about 1.5 km of dirt road down to the cottage which you can definitely only drive with a vehicle with a high ground clearance. Would stay there again anytime!

Ideaal vir die persone wat rus en vrede soek. Linne, beddegoed en matrasse redelik nuut en baie skoon. Volledig toegerus met koffiemaker, mikrogolfoond, skottelgoedwasser, skoonmaakmiddels ens. Pragtige swembad met lekker braaiplek en pizza-oond. Lynette het ook sommer hout (R15/sak) vir ons laat aflewer vir die kaggel. Bokke en vlakvarke kom kuier in die aand. Klein dingetjies wat krap: Hoewel die cottage baie privaat is kort die badkamers gordyne of blindings. Baie min/geen hangplek in kamers vir klere nie. Daar moet definitief 'n bietjie onderhoud gedoen word op die kaslaaie, deure en stortdeur wat nie mooi oopmaak nie (niks wat 'n bekwame "handyman" nie in een dag sal kan regmaak nie). Yskas sal veel kouer en ekonomies wees as dit weer met gas gevul is. Nie sitplek vir 6 mense nie, wel beddens - ek sou sê gerieflik vir 4 volwassenes en 2 kinders. Mabilingwe se restaurante en ontspanningsgeriewe is 9 km (+-30 min) van die cottage af. Dit is 'n stil teerpaadjie met baie wild en mooi damme. NB: Daar is so 1,5 km grondpad af na die cottage toe wat jy beslis net met 'n voertuig met 'n hoë grondvryhoogte kan ry. Sal enige tyd weer daar bly!

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Value for money
Rock Cottage

Thanks Lucas for your feedback. We really appreciate it and look at the things where we can improve. It will be nice if you come visit again.

Dankie Lucas vir julle terugvoer. Ons waardeer dit opreg en kyk na die dingetjes waar ons kan verbeter. Dit sal lekker wees as julle weer kom kuier.

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Penny L
Short stay Family with teenagers
Feb 2022

The cottage was overall very disappointing and there were very little redeeming qualities except for the pool. The only reason I am bothering to even write this review in the first place is to help people understand exactly what they are getting themselves into. My family and I feel as though the owners of this cottage do not care about the wellbeing, the safety or the comfort of their guests and this is why: The road to the cottage from the point where one exits Mabalingwe is probably the worst road that I have ever had the displeasure to drive on, to call it “bumpy” would be an understatement. The road is far from suitable to drive on unless you have a 4x4 and even then it would be advisable to go slow on it. There was no warning that the road would be unsuitable for normal cars, otherwise I would not have booked the cottage in the first place. The location itself has a great view and is very secluded but the seclusion could be more of a problem than a good thing because in the booklet that is in the cottage, it states that there are frequent opportunistic robberies (which is also not stated on their website) which does not make one feel safe as there is no burglar bars or alarms or any safety measures except for: “hide your stuff”. There were many problems with the house including: A distasteful zebra skin carpet, dirty bedsheets and pillows on three of the beds, a hole in the ceiling upstairs, a sliding door/window that leaked during a thunderstorm, inadequate ceiling fans, extremely small bathrooms with doors that don’t cover the door frames properly, neither were the bathrooms properly cleaned, a lack of kitchen equipment, such as pot holders or oven mitts, a wipe up cloth, measuring equipment, side plates, a fridge, that could hardly be called cold even when turned up to capacity, air conditioning not properly installed, and only in one bedroom and lastly the cottage does not really cater for 6 people in spite of sleeping 6, as those sleeping upstairs had to use one of the en-suite bathrooms, the indoor dinner table has only 4 chairs and the couch only sits 3 people. The last thing I will mention is that there are no bug screens on the doors and windows which means windows and doors can’t be opened at night for air otherwise you’d be inundated with insect life and mosquitoes, and the fans really were inadequate to cool the cottage properly. The only really good feature in this cottage is the pool, it was excellent, only it was a shame that it’s “infinity” feature was not on because the pool was not filled enough. The cottage was definitely not worth the money I paid. We were so looking forward to this getaway but it was overall a disappointing and stressful experience.

Value for money
Rock Cottage

Thank you for your feedback Penny, however, we can surely not be held responsible for gravel roads in a game reserve. If it rains unfortunately, the road will be a little more rocky. If you do enter the park at the main gate most of the road is indeed tarred with only the last 2 km being gravel road and it's a fair gravel road that is regularly graded. This was also communicated to you ahead of your arrival. We have had zero incidents of theft at the cottage and we only warn guests not to leave valuables in clear sight. This is the norm for all establishments, afterall we are not immune to petty theft that is prevalent in our country. There is a ceiling fan in each room and we don't advertise the property to be air conditioned. Our linen is new and crisp and definitely changed between bookings. If it was indeed the case why did you not bring this under our attention at the time, we could have then tried to remedy this.

Dankie vir jou terugvoer Penny, ons kan egter sekerlik nie verantwoordelik gehou word vir grondpaaie in 'n wildreservaat nie. As dit ongelukkig reën, sal die pad 'n bietjie meer klipperig wees. As jy wel by die hoofhek die park binnegaan is die meeste van die pad inderdaad geteer met net die laaste 2 km wat grondpad is en dis 'n redelike grondpad wat gereeld gegradeer word. Dit is ook aan jou gekommunikeer voor jou aankoms. Ons het geen voorvalle van diefstal by die kothuis gehad nie en ons waarsku net gaste om nie waardevolle besittings in duidelike sig te laat nie. Dit is die norm vir alle ondernemings, ons is immers nie immuun teen klein diefstal wat algemeen in ons land voorkom nie. Daar is 'n plafonwaaier in elke kamer en ons adverteer nie dat die eiendom lugversorging het nie. Ons linne is nuut en kraakvars en beslis verander tussen besprekings. As dit wel die geval was, hoekom het u dit nie destyds onder ons aandag gebring nie, kon ons dit dan probeer regstel het.

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Madelein C
Short stay Family with teenagers
Oct 2021

Quiet family time. Beautiful cottage, lots of silence and kilometers of woodland around you. A must if you want to get away from the busy city and noise. The cottage is fully equipped with top quality towels, bed linen and kitchenware. It was a very hot weekend and an air cooler would definitely have been a bonus. Will definitely visit again, preferably in the winter months with a next opportunity!

Rustige familietyd. Pragtige cottage, baie stilte en kilometers van bosveld om jou. 'n Moet as jy wil wegbreek van die besige stad en lawaai. Die cottage is volledig toegerus met topgehalte-handdoeke, beddegoed asook kombuisware. Dit was 'n baie warm naweek en 'n lugverkoeler sou beslis 'n bonus gewees het. Sal beslis weer besoek, verkieslik in die wintermaande met 'n volgende geleentheid!

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Value for money

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Lynette Verified

Properties 22

Reviews 241

On LekkeSlaap 6 years

From R3 300
per night (sleeps 6)
R3 300
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Off the D180, Mabalingwe Game Reserve, Bela-Bela, 0480, Limpopo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA7cd872e25b7ac211a1c9ba3dc5f969ecbab06f86da2ab0266a819cb7e083655c01f9f235f3e134a751557ed6d072b619ddaf?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R3 300 per night (sleeps 6) 10 5 1 4 Off the D180 Mabalingwe Game Reserve 0480 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-21:00 10:00 -24.822446 28.113926

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