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Self Catering


4.2/ 5

Based on 10 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Celia V
Short stay Individual traveller
Nov 2024

We had an amazing relaxing time, and will definitely be back! The property is spacious, with excellent amenities. The splash pool is a welcome reprieve in the hot bushveld sun. One evening we even had an adorable night monkey who was playing around with its baby in the thatch roof of the living area. So special.

Value for money

Armand P
Short stay Large group
Dec 2024

Tidy. Room 4's roof doesn't work and gets very hot when you turn it on.

Netjies. Kamer 4 se dak van werk nie en word baie warm as jy hom aanskakel.

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Value for money

Anonymous Guest
Short stay Family with young children
Sep 2024

Value for money

Karien D
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Neat little house in the woods. Very nice place with neat facilities and in the forest, which is what we wanted. All that was a bit of an "inconvenience" for us were the concertina doors of the living area and kitchen which were broken. Then one had to walk around to get to the rooms and boma. There were no flat sheets either. In the summer it is far too hot to sleep under a duvet, and the lighting in the rooms and kitchen/dining room area was not sufficient. The house is also basically against the road, and there is traffic all the time, even at night, so it's not an isolated little house in the woods if you prefer peace and quiet. Luckily we had brought additional fans, otherwise we would have gotten very hot. Maybe you can consider aircons for the rooms. Furthermore, it was very beautiful and we had a good time.

Netjiese huisie in die bos. Baie mooi plek met netjiese fasiliteite en in die bos, wat ons wou hê. Al wat vir ons 'n bietjie van 'n "inconvenience" was, is die konsertina deure van die kuierarea en kombuis wat stukkend was. Dan moes mens omloop om by die kamers en boma te kom. Daar was ook nie vlakke lakens nie. In die somer is dit heeltemal te warm om onder 'n duvet te slaap, en die beligting in die kamers en kombuis/eetkamer area was nie voldoende nie. Die huis is ook basies teen die pad, en daar is heeltyd verkeer, selfs in die nag, so dis nie 'n afgesonderde huisie in die bos as mens rus en stilte verkies nie. Gelukkig het ons addisionele waaiers saamgevat, anders sou ons baie warm gekry het. Dalk kan julle aircons oorweeg vir die kamers. Verder was dit baie mooi en ons het lekker gekuier.

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Value for money

We appreciate your feedback and take all guest comments seriously. We apologise for any inconvenience you encountered during your stay. Your suggestions will be reviewed and considered as we work to enhance our services. We hope to have the opportunity to exceed your expectations on your next visit.

Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en neem alle gaste se kommentaar ernstig op. Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat jy tydens jou verblyf ondervind het. Jou voorstelle sal hersien en oorweeg word terwyl ons werk om ons dienste te verbeter. Ons hoop om die geleentheid te hê om jou verwagtinge te oortref met jou volgende besoek.

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Hendri D
1 night stay
Apr 2024

Ideal for a quick getaway in the woods. We had a great stay and it's ideal for a quick getaway in the woods. We are only sorry that we could not stay a little longer.

Ideaal vir 'n vinnige wegbreek in die bos. Ons het lekker gebly en dit is ideaal vir 'n vinnige wegbreek in die bos. Ons is net jammer dat ons nie so bietjie langer kon bly nie.

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Value for money

Jp W
Short stay With friends
Apr 2024

Weak weak weak. Too many mistakes. Couldn't fix anything in the time we were there. Heavy gate almost fell on my child due to poor maintenance. Very unhappy with the place. Still no deposit back after a week!

Swak swak swak. Te veel foute. Kon niks herstel in die tyd wat ons daar was nie. Swaar hek amper op my kind geval weens swak onderhoud. Baie ongelukkig met die plek. Steeds geen deposito terug ontvang na 'n week nie!

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Value for money

Dear JP Wolmarans, Thank you for reaching out to us and expressing your concerns regarding the processing time for your refund, as well as the resolution of any issues encountered during your recent stay with us. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay in your refund. We indeed inform our guests upon check-out that refunds typically take between 7-14 days to be processed. However, we understand that this delay can be frustrating, and we appreciate your patience as we work to expedite this process for you. Rest assured, your refund is currently being processed, and we are actively monitoring its progress to ensure it is completed as swiftly as possible. Regarding the concerns you raised during your stay, we want to assure you that they were addressed promptly and to the best of our knowledge as reported. Guest satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, and we take all feedback seriously in our continuous efforts to improve our services. Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. If you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing Rooiboklaagte. We look forward to welcoming you back in the future and providing you with an exceptional experience.

Beste JP Wolmarans, Dankie dat jy na ons gekontak het en jou kommer uitgespreek het oor die verwerkingstyd vir jou terugbetaling, asook die oplossing van enige kwessies wat ondervind is tydens jou onlangse verblyf by ons. Ons vra opreg om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat veroorsaak word deur die vertraging in jou terugbetaling. Ons stel inderdaad ons gaste in kennis met uitklok dat terugbetalings gewoonlik tussen 7-14 dae neem om verwerk te word. Ons verstaan egter dat hierdie vertraging frustrerend kan wees, en ons waardeer jou geduld terwyl ons werk om hierdie proses vir jou te bespoedig. Wees verseker, jou terugbetaling word tans verwerk, en ons monitor die vordering daarvan aktief om te verseker dat dit so vinnig as moontlik afgehandel word. Met betrekking tot die bekommernisse wat u tydens u verblyf geopper het, wil ons u verseker dat dit stiptelik en na die beste van ons wete aangespreek is soos gerapporteer. Gaste-tevredenheid is vir ons van die uiterste belang, en ons neem alle terugvoer ernstig op in ons voortdurende pogings om ons dienste te verbeter. Weereens vra ons om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat veroorsaak word, en ons waardeer u begrip en geduld in hierdie saak. Indien jy enige verdere vrae het of hulp benodig, moet asseblief nie huiwer om ons te kontak nie. Dankie dat jy Rooiboklaagte gekies het. Ons sien uit daarna om u in die toekoms terug te verwelkom en u 'n uitsonderlike ervaring te bied.

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Silumko R
Short stay Family with young children
Mar 2023

Relaxing weekend away. The Lodge is situated perfectly and being surrounded by the various wildlife was fantastic. The staff were friendly and hospitable. The lodge was secure and well-kept. The price is right for the weekend. We would refer people to Mabalingwe anytime. Thank you.

Value for money

Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with us! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your stay. Our team works hard to ensure all guests have a memorable experience, and we're delighted to have met your expectations. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon for another enjoyable stay.

Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om jou positiewe ervaring met ons te deel! Ons is verheug om te hoor dat jy jou verblyf geniet het. Ons span werk hard om te verseker dat alle gaste 'n onvergeetlike ervaring het, en ons is verheug om aan jou verwagtinge te voldoen. Ons sien daarna uit om julle binnekort weer terug te verwelkom vir nog 'n aangename verblyf.

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Elmarie D
Short stay Large group
Feb 2023

It was very nice, but. We didn't have water until very late on Friday night - the water pump tripped or something. I would have thought for the price we paid we wouldn't have had load shedding. My deposit has not been refunded yet.

Dit was baie lekker, maar. Ons het nie water gehad tot baie laat die Vrydagaand nie - die waterpomp het getrip of iets. Ek sou gedink het vir die prys wat ons betaal het ons nie load shedding sou gehad het nie. My deposito is nog nie terugbetaal nie.

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Value for money

We appreciate your feedback and take all guest comments seriously. We apologise for any inconvenience you encountered during your stay. Your suggestions will be reviewed and considered as we work to enhance our services. We hope to have the opportunity to exceed your expectations on your next visit.

Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en neem alle gaste se kommentaar ernstig op. Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat jy tydens jou verblyf ondervind het. Jou voorstelle sal hersien en oorweeg word terwyl ons werk om ons dienste te verbeter. Ons hoop om die geleentheid te hê om jou verwagtinge te oortref met jou volgende besoek.

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Marcus S
Short stay Family with teenagers
Mar 2023

The lodge was very nice. The main lodge, open plan kitchen, sitting room, dining room is beautiful and adequately equipped. The bedroom beds should be at least queen size beds with good mattresses and pillows. Sponges in pillowcases do not work. Personally, I prefer raised floors in a bathroom for hygiene purposes.

Die lodge was baie lekker. Die hooflodge, oopplankombuis, sit-, eetkamer is mooi en voldoende toegerus. Die slaapkamerbeddens moet ten minste koningingrootte-beddens wees met goeie matrasse en kussings. Sponse in kussingslope werk nie. Persoonlik verkies ek geteelde vloere in 'n badkamer vir higiëne-doeleindes.

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Value for money

We appreciate your feedback and take all guest comments seriously. We apologise for any inconvenience you encountered during your stay. Your suggestions will be reviewed and considered as we work to enhance our services. We hope to have the opportunity to exceed your expectations on your next visit.

Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en neem alle gaste se kommentaar ernstig op. Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat jy tydens jou verblyf ondervind het. Jou voorstelle sal hersien en oorweeg word terwyl ons werk om ons dienste te verbeter. Ons hoop om die geleentheid te hê om jou verwagtinge te oortref met jou volgende besoek.

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Ingrid J
Short stay With friends
Apr 2023

Elephant surprise! We were woken up on Friday night by elephants that broke through the walls and came and ate the bed and knocked some things over, scared but it was an experience to open a curtain and it's just elephants! Beds are a bit uncomfortable to sleep on and the water has to be carefully figured out before you can take a shower. I think it would be wise to just mention in the overview and description of the residence that if there is no power as during load shedding then there is no water either. Furthermore, the living room and rooms are very spacious and it was wonderful to relax without people feeling like you are on top of each other all the time. We paid R250 on arrival on Friday for cleaning service on Saturday. Only beds were made and dishes were washed. The grill was not cleaned and the "rampage" of the elephants (which we reported early Saturday morning) was not cleaned up either. Only when we went to complain about it in the afternoon, because the price for cleaning and what was done do not match at all, then it was done. Furthermore, we really enjoyed it in the forest and would like to stay there again, maybe for a day or two more. It is now 8 days later and no refund of the deposit paid on arrival has been received yet. I have also seen on the previous reviews that previous people have had issues with deposit refunds as well.

Olifant verrassing! Ons is Vrydagnag wakker gemaak deur olifante wat deur die muurtjies gebreek het en kom bedding opeet het en paar goed omgegooi, geskrik maar was 'n belewenis om 'n gordyn oop te maak en dit is net olifante! Beddens slaap bietjie ongemaklik en die water moet mens eers mooi uitfigure voor jy kan stort. Ek dink dit sal wys wees om net te noem by die oorsig en omskrywing van die woning dat indien daar nie krag is nie soos gedurende loadshedding daar dan ook nie water is nie. Verder is die leefvertrek en kamers baie ruim en was dit heerlik om te ontspan sonder dat mense voel jy is heeltyd op mekaar. Ons het die Vrydag met aankoms R250 betaal vir skoonmaakdiens die Saterdag. Daar is slegs beddens opgemaak en skottelgoed gewas. Die braaier was nie skoongemaak nie en die "amok" van die olifante (wat ons vroeg Saterdagoggend gerapporteer het) was ook nie opgeruim nie. Eers toe ons die middag daaroor gaan kla het, want die prys vir skoonmaak en wat gedoen is stem glad nie ooreen nie, toe is dit gedoen. Verder het ons dit baie geniet in die bos en sal ons graag weer daar wil gaan bly, dalk vir 'n dag of twee meer. Dit is wel nou al 8 dae later en nog geen terugbetaling van die deposito wat betaal is met aankoms is al ontvang nie. Ek het ook op die vorige resensies gesien dat vorige mense ook met deposito-terugbetalings gesukkel het.

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Value for money

We appreciate your feedback and take all guest comments seriously. We apologise for any inconvenience you encountered during your stay. Your suggestions will be reviewed and considered as we work to enhance our services. We hope to have the opportunity to exceed your expectations on your next visit.

Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en neem alle gaste se kommentaar ernstig op. Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat jy tydens jou verblyf ondervind het. Jou voorstelle sal hersien en oorweeg word terwyl ons werk om ons dienste te verbeter. Ons hoop om die geleentheid te hê om jou verwagtinge te oortref met jou volgende besoek.

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Mabalingwe Verified

Properties 8

Reviews 98

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

From R 6 448
per night, for 8 ppl
R 6 448
per night, for 8 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 8 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: R516 Rooiberg/Thabazimbi Road, Bela-Bela, 0480, Limpopo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA957b3aece16c867234032f9144a62105ed9a5ecf8eb21ae61ef2e465a1af96e50e98553643b5ff69c97145c0a6cd6892d5bf?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R6 448 per night, for 8 ppl 10 5 1 5 R516 Rooiberg/Thabazimbi Road Bela-Bela 0480 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -24.843636856652 28.048513673957

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