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Sandy Bay 12B

Self Catering


4/ 5

Based on 3 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Martie L
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2023

Short break to Cape Town (Bloubergstand) with family after a very challenging 2022. We had a wonderful stay in the unit. The week started off shaky at first, when we were first asked to arrive around 3pm (The unit is available from 2pm). Later the time was postponed several times until finally 16:00, then to 16:15 and finally the lady only arrived at about 17:00 to let us into the premises. Her excuse was that her cell phone had been stolen and that she had to make other plans to contact us by phone. While we waited for about an hour we could see how the unit in question was being cleaned. So - the unit was not available at 2pm. Not what one expects from such expensive accommodation. The lady apologized several times and tried to compensate with coffee as a "peace" gift. Furthermore, load shedding is a risk when the electricity goes out, because the small gate is then open. Furthermore, there are no complaints. Pepper duration, Safety a risk if there is load shedding and unit must be ready and available at promised time (payable for such a high price).

Kort wegbreek na Kaapstad (Bloubergstand) saam met gesin na 'n baie uitdagende 2022. Ons het heerlik gebly in die eenheid. Die week het aanvanklik wankelrig begin, toe ons eers gevra was om so 15:00 te arriveer (Die eenheid is van 14:00 beskikbaar). Later is die tyd verskeie kere uitgestel tot uiteindelik 16:00, toe na 16:15 en uiteindelik het die dame eers so 17:00 opgedaag om ons in die perseel in te laat. Haar verskoning was dat haar selfoon gesteel was en dat sy ander planne moes maak om ons telefonies te kontak. Terwyl ons vir ongeveer 'n uur gewag het kon ons sien hoe die betrokke eenheid skoongemaak word. So - die eenheid was nie 14:00 beskikbaar nie. Nie wat mens van sulke duur akkommodasie verwag nie. Die dame het verskeie kere verskoning gevra en probeer vergoed met koffie as 'n "vredes"-geskenk. Verder is beurtkrag 'n risiko wanneer die elektrisiteit afgaan, omdat die klein hekkie dan oopstaan. Verder is daar nie klagtes nie. Peperduur, Veiligheid 'n risiko as daar beurtkrag is en eenheid moet op beloofde tyd gereed en beskikbaar wees (vir so 'n hoë prys betaalbaar).

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Value for money
Sandy Bay 12B

Good day and Happy New Year to you and your family. We are sorry about the inconvenience of the check-in process, however we can confirm that the host of this property did in fact not have a phone, so communication to guests and her cleaning staff was all effected on that day. Unfortunately, Load shedding is a pain for everyone, and most of properties are not off the grid. So we have to live and plan our life around and according to the load shedding schedule. Wishing you a amazing year ahead, and we hope you all keep safe and well.

Goeie dag en voorspoedige nuwe jaar vir jou en jou gesin. Ons is jammer oor die ongerief van die inklokproses, maar ons kan bevestig dat die gasheer van hierdie eiendom in werklikheid nie 'n foon gehad het nie, so kommunikasie met gaste en haar skoonmaakpersoneel is op daardie dag gedoen. Ongelukkig is beurtkrag 'n pyn vir almal, en die meeste eiendomme is nie van die rooster af nie. Ons moet dus ons lewe rondom en volgens die beurtkrag-skedule leef en beplan. Ons wens julle 'n wonderlike jaar wat voorlê, en ons hoop dat julle almal veilig en gesond bly.

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Anonymous Guest
Long stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2022

Value for money
Sandy Bay 12B
Good day Rubia , Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience. We strive to provide top quality accommodation to our clients, and feedback like yours ensures that we have the information we need to keep improving. We hope that you will grant us the opportunity to accommodate you again in the future. Kind Regards, HostAgents

Dustin T
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2021

Nice stay at Sandy Bay. Opening the gate is a pain in the ass. No undercover parking and satellite television as advertised. Otherwise a very good holiday accommodation.

Lekker gebly by Sandy Bay. Die oop maak van die hek is 'n pyn in die alie. Geen onderdakparkering en satelliettelevisie soos geadverteer. Andersins 'n baie goeie vakansieverblyf.

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Value for money

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Properties 100+

Reviews 725

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R 1 620
per night, for 4 ppl
R 1 620
per night, for 4 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 4 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 21:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 14 Dunbar Street, Sandy Bay 12B, Table View, 7441, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAef7dfcb725720f789f8b3f12019debfc845f57b7f2fdfbc2d0af7ade7a00f39b980f2f7191d7659a4ddc1da14ee4a6495e77?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 620 per night, for 4 ppl 3 5 1 4 14 Dunbar Street Sandy Bay 12B 7441 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-21:00 10:00 -33.8241299 18.4810899

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