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Seabird Point

Self Catering


4/ 5

Based on 1 review

Very Good

Value for money
Emsie P
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2021

Amazing location, very private and tastefully furnished It was a wonderful place to enjoy nature in seclusion and very private. Sea on your doorstep and the house is beautifully and comfortably furnished. We couldn't have asked for a better place during the lockdown. However, it was very expensive but under the circumstances, for the privacy and seclusion, we were willing to pay it. Unfortunately, there are some negative points: The road to the house is a challenge for a vehicle with normal ground clearance, despite what is said. We were asked for a damage deposit of R3500 which we paid but had to keep following up only the agent (Weskuskuier) to get the deposit back. There was also miscommunication about the check-out time. Oven and oven pans were not clean and we chose not to use them. It is a reflection on the agent and not on the place. We had to do laundry as we went on vacation even further. We handed our clothes in at Washed up opposite Spar in town but clothes were stolen and damaged. Rather use the facilities available at home.

Ongelooflike ligging, baie privaat en smaakvol gemeubileer Dit was ‘n wonderlike plek om in afsondering die natuur te geniet en baie privaat. See op jou voorstoep en die huis is pragtig en gerieflik ingerig. Ons kon nie vir ‘n beter plek gevra het gedurende die inperking nie. Dit was egter baie duur maar onder omstandighede, vir die privaatheid en afsondering, was ons bereid om dit te betaal. Ongelukkig is daar ‘n paar negatiewe punte: Die pad na die huis is ‘n uitdaging vir ‘n voertuig met normale grondvry hoogte, ondanks wat daar gesê word. Ons was gevra vir 'n breekskade deposito van R3500 wat ons betaal het maar moes aanhoudend opvolg net die agent (Weskuskuier) om die deposito terug te kry. Daar was ook miskommunikasie oor die uitkloktyd. Oond en oondpanne was nie skoon nie en ons het verkies om dit nie te gebruik nie. Dit is 'n refleksie op die agent en nie op die plek nie. Ons moes wasgoed was aangesien ons nog verder met vakansie gegaan het. Ons het ons klere ingegee by Washed up oorkant Spar in die dorp maar klere is gesteel en beskadig. Gebruik liewer die fasiliteite beskikbaar by die huis.

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Value for money
Seabird Point

Thank you very much for your review Emsie, and we are very happy to hear that you are so impressed with the house and the reserve. Your comments on certain matters have been noted and we apologize for any inconvenience. You are the very first guest to have had problems and we have taken the matter up with our managing agent, Weskuskuier, and will make sure it doesn't happen again. Unfortunately the road to the reserve was vandalized by 4x4 enthusiasts over the holidays and we took it up with the roads department. Usually it's no problem for a regular car to get through. We note that your comments about the laundry have nothing to do with Seabird Point or Weskuskuier and were your own choice. There is a washing machine at Seabird Point for our guests' convenience. We note that you have received our special 30% discount for the rent and we cannot agree that for a house that accommodates 10 people and is absolutely private, facing the sea in a nature reserve, that our price is expensive . We have never had an objection to our prices before. We appreciate your comments and will use them to improve our standard going forward.

Baie dankie vir u resensie Emsie, en ons is baie gelukkig om te hoor dat u so beindruk is met die huis en die reservaat. U opmerkings oor sekere sake is opgelet en ons vra vir verskoning vir enige ongerief. U is die heel eerste gas wat probleme gehad het en ons het die saak met ons bestuurende agent, Weskuskuier, opgevat en sal seker maak dat dit nie weer gebeur nie. Ongelukkig was die pad na die reservaat deur 4x4 entoesiaste oor die vakansie tyd verniel en ons het dit met die paaie department opgeneem. Gewoonlik is dit geen probleem vir 'n gewone kar om deur te kom. Ons merk op dat u opmerkings oor die wasgoed het niks met Seabird Point of Weskuskuier te doen en was u eie keuse. Daar is 'n wasmasjien by Seabird Point vir ons gaste se gerief. Ons let op dat u ons spesiale 30% afslag gekry het vir die huur en ons kan nie saam stem, dat vir 'n huis wat 10 mense huisves en absoluut privaat, teen die see in a natuur reservaat staan, dat ons prys duur is nie. Ons het nooit voorheen 'n beswaar teen ons pryse gehad nie. Ons waardeer u opmerkings en sal dit gebruik om ons hoe standaard na voorentoe te verbeter.

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Peter Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 1

On LekkeSlaap 6 years

From R7 250
R 7 250 R 5 800
per night (sleeps 6)
From R7 250
R 7 250 R 5 800
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 21:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Seabird Point, Groot Paternoster Punt Private Nature Reserve, Britannia Bay, 7282, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEkasTIKnidMqetdZ37lI0UfpgYIR2h25Vn2SbZERQIesYMo5wo?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R7 250 nowFrom R5 800 per night (sleeps 6) 1 5 1 4 Seabird Point Groot Paternoster Punt Private Nature Reserve 7282 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-21:00 10:00 -32.741369139569 17.897339106336

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