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The Croft Cottage

Self Catering


4.8/ 5

Based on 56 reviews


Value for money
Danie B
Short stay With partner
Nov 2024

Absolutely great! Perfect cottage as a home base to explore the beautiful surroundings.

Value for money
The Croft Cottage
Thank you very much for your wonderful review. We are so glad to hear that you had a great stay! We hope to welcome you back soon in the near future.

Coenie G
Short stay With partner
Nov 2024

Comfortable, quiet, wildlife, beautiful, tree-lined, in a ravine, neat unit. Premises are small but very neat with everything you need. Everything is there, except a wardrobe, but understandable with the unit's size. Enough wood is provided by the owner, the place is clean and everything works. The "shower" and hot water facilities work with gas, as well as a small stove for food preparation along with the braai. The braai is nice and big and there is also a built-in fireplace (we didn't use it because it's summer). It averaged 35 degrees over the weekend and the unit, being under trees, was cool and comfortable. It's relatively close to the tarmac, the dirt road there is acceptable and can be driven with any vehicle (just not a Porsche), but normal vehicles are okay. It's close to Haenertsburg, the Magoebaskloof + hotel and the nature is beautiful. If it's just the 2 of you who want to get away for the weekend, this is a really nice little romantic spot. There is no TV or WiFi, you go there just to get quiet again.

Gerieflik, stil, natuurlewe, prag, boomryk, in 'n kloof, netjiese eenheid. Perseel is klein maar baie netjies met alles wat jy nodig het. Alles is daar, behalwe 'n klerekas, maar verstaanbaar met die eenheid se grootte. Genoeg hout word voorsien deur die eienaar, die plek is skoon en alles werk. Die "shower" en warm water geriewe werk met gas, asook 'n klein stoof vir kos voorbereiding saam met die braai. Die braaier is lekker groot en daar is ook 'n ingeboude kaggel (ons het dit nie gebruik nie, want dit is somer). Dit was oor die naweek gemiddeld 35 grade en die eenheid, omdat dit onder bome is, was koel en gerieflik. Dis relatief naby aan die teerpad, die grondpad soontoe is aanvaarbaar en kan met enige voertuig aangedurf word (net nie 'n Porsche nie), maar gewone voertuie is oke. Dis naby Haenertsburg, die Magoebaskloof + hotel en die natuur is pragtig. As julle net 2 is wat wil wegbreek vir die naweek, is dit 'n baie lekker klein romantiese plekkie. Daar is nie TV of WiFi nie, jy gaan soontoe om net weer stil te word.

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

Thank you very much for your positive feedback! We are glad that you enjoyed your stay with us so much. It is important for us to hear that you appreciated the tranquility, nature and amenities of our unit. We appreciate the time you took to share your experience with us and hope to welcome you again in the future.

Baie dankie vir u positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly dat u u verblyf by ons so geniet het. Dit is vir ons belangrik om te hoor dat u die rustigheid, natuur en geriewe van ons eenheid waardeer het. Ons waardeer die tyd wat u geneem het om julle ervaring met ons te deel en hoop om u weer in die toekoms te verwelkom.

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Emile T
Short stay Individual traveller
Aug 2024

A wonderful experience. Very worthwhile getaway. It was a lovely stay.

N Wonderlike ervaring. Baie waardevolle wegbreek. Dit was n heerlike verblyf.

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

Thank you very much Emile for your wonderful accommodation review. We hope to welcome you again soon for another pleasant stay experience!

Baie dankie Emile vir jou wonderlike akkommodasie resensie. Ons hoop om jou weer binnekort te verwelkom vir nog 'n aangename verblyfervaring!

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Theuns C
Short stay With partner
Aug 2024

Calm and quiet. From arrival to departure, everything went smoothly. Nicola is friendly and always willing to help, even with troublesome calls. Everything was pretty neat and clean. The cottage is nice and warm, even though it was cold outside. We didn't even need to use the heater or fireplace.

Rustig en stil. Van aankoms tot vertrek het alles seepglad verloop. Nicola is vriendelik en altyd bereid om te help, selfs met lastige oproepe. Alles was mooi netjies en skoon. Die kothuis is lekker warm, al was dit koud buite. Ons het nie eers nodig gehad om die verwarmer of kaggel te gebruik nie.

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

Thank you for choosing us for your stay. We are so happy to hear that your stay was such a success. It is important to us that our guests spend a relaxing and comfortable time with us. We appreciate your feedback and hope to welcome you back again soon.

Dankie dat u ons gekies het vir u verblyf. Ons is so bly om te hoor dat u verblyf so 'n sukses was. Dit is vir ons belangrik dat ons gaste 'n ontspannende en gerieflike tyd by ons deurbring. Ons waardeer u terugvoering en hoop om u weer binnekort terug te verwelkom.

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Charl U
Short stay With partner
Aug 2024

The perfect getaway: Cozy accommodation in beautiful surroundings. The Croft Cottage was the ideal getaway for us as a young couple. The unit is extremely neat and well equipped, with a nice cozy atmosphere, especially when the fireplace is crackling. The cottage is painstakingly neat and clean, with a spacious and functional bathroom. The location of the unit is also excellent, remote from the larger conurbation, but central to most attractions around Haenertsburg and Magoebaskloof. The famous Zwakalala brewery is a stone's throw away, and the savory restaurant Pot 'n Plow just around the corner. Check-in and check-out were easy and self-help, with clear instructions. It didn't cause us any problems. In addition, there is also additional security in the form of an alarm system for us scared Gautenians. The immediate surroundings are beautiful and there is so much to do and see, and lovely walks on the site itself. The Croft Cottage is definitely good value for money, and we can recommend it with confidence and will certainly return again. Thank you very much.

Die perfekte wegbreek: Snoesige verblyf in 'n pragtige omgewing. Die Croft Cottage was die ideale wegbreuk vir ons as 'n jong paartjie. Die eenheid is vreeslik netjies en goed toegerus, met 'n lekker snoesige atmosfeer, veral as die kaggeltjie aan die knetter is. Die huisie is pynlik netjies en skoon, met 'n ruim en funksionele badkamer. Die ligging van die eenheid is ook uitstekend, afgeleë van die groter samweling, maar sentraal tot meeste aanloklikhede rondom Haenertsburg en Magoebaskloof. Die bekende Zwakalala brouery is klipgooi, en die hartige restaurant Pot 'n Plow net om die draai. Inklok en uitklok was maklik en selfhelp, met duidelike instruksies. Dit het vir ons geen probleme veroorsaak nie. Boonop is daar ook addisionele veiligheid in die vorm van 'n alarmsisteem vir ons bang Gautengers. Die onmiddellike omgewing is pragtig en daar is soveel om te doen en te besigtig, en lieflike wandelpadjies op die perseel self. Die Croft Cottage is definitief goeie waarde vir geld, en ons kan dit met 'n geruste hart aanbeveel en sal vir seker weer terugkeer. Baie dankie.

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

Thank you so much, Charl, for your excellent accommodation review. We are so glad you had a great time at Croft Cottage! It's fantastic to hear that you enjoyed the fireplace and the walkways so much. We strive to provide a comfortable and relaxing stay, without the worry of safety. If you would like to explore more of our charming surroundings, or if you want to celebrate a special occasion, do not hesitate to contact us again, as we offer special rates for returning guests. We look forward to welcoming you again!

Baie dankie, Charl, vir jou uitstekende akkommodasie-resensie. Ons is so bly dat u 'n wonderlike tyd by Croft Cottage gehad het! Dit is fantasties om te hoor dat u die kaggeltjie en die wandelpadjies so geniet het. Ons streef daarna om 'n gemaklike en ontspannende verblyf te bied, sonder die bekommernis van veiligheid. As u graag meer van ons bekoorlike omgewing wil verken, of as u 'n spesiale geleentheid wil vier, moenie huiwer om ons weer te kontak nie, want ons bied spesiale tariewe vir terugkerende gaste. Ons sien uit daarna om u weer te verwelkom!

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Annelie S
Short stay With partner
Aug 2024

Rest and peace. Nicola was very helpful with information and responded quickly to questions and messages. The Croft Cottage was tidy, well equipped with everything needed and was peaceful with rich bird life and beautiful trees. We have been to the gardens and would love to see them in the spring. Your water is very nice there. We will see you again for sure.

Rus en vrede. Nicola was baie hulpsaam met informasie en het vinnig gereageer op vrae en boodskappe. The Croft Cottage was netjies, goed toegerus met alles wat nodig was en was rustig met ryk voëllewe en pragtige bome. Ons was in die tuine en sal dit graag in die lente wil sien. Julle water is baie lekker daar. Ons sal julle vir seker weer sien.

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Value for money

Juliana V
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Beautiful, quiet, safe and private. Had such a nice stay! We were "upgraded" to Meadow Cottage! Both cottages are beautiful, but Meadow Cottage's location is better because it is more private. Environment is beautiful!

Wonderskoon, rustig, veilig en privaat. So lekker gebly! Ons is "opgradeer" na Meadow Cottage! Albeit cottages is pragtig, maar Meadow Cottage se ligging is beter omdat dit meer privaat is. Omgewing is wonderskoon!

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

Thank you very much for your positive feedback, Juli Van Rooyen! It is great to hear that you had such a nice stay in Meadow Cottage. We are glad that you appreciated the location and privacy there, and that you found the environment so beautiful. We hope to welcome you again soon for another pleasant stay experience!

Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer, Juli Van Rooyen! Dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat jy so lekker gebly het in Meadow Cottage. Ons is bly dat jy die ligging en privaatheid daar waardeer het, en dat jy die omgewing so mooi gevind het. Ons hoop om jou weer binnekort te verwelkom vir nog 'n aangename verblyfervaring!

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Juanita V
Short stay With partner
Feb 2024

Quietly secluded on the farm and in nature. Nice and quiet in nature, but not too isolated. It's nice to hear a combination of farm life and nature early in the morning. We just regularly set foot to the surrounding farms. There is also plenty to do in the area within a short driving distance.

Rustig afgesonder op die plaas en in die natuur. Lekker rustig in die natuur, maar nie te afgesonder nie. Dis lekker om 'n kombinasie van plaaslewe en natuur vroeg in die oggende te hoor. Ons het sommer gereeld voetgeslaan na die omliggende plase toe. Daar is ook heelwat om te doen in die omgewing binne 'n kort ryafstand.

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

It is wonderful to hear that you had a peaceful and pleasant time with us and in nature. Thank you very much for your support and feedback!

Dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat julle 'n rustige en aangename tyd gehad het by ons en in die natuur. Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning en terugvoer!

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Elsabie V
Short stay With partner
Sep 2024

Immediately felt at home in the comfortable cottage! We had an unforgettable visit on the farm! There are so many beautiful walking paths and sitting next to the ponds on one of the wooden benches was indescribably beautiful! Thank you very much!

Dadelik tuis gevoel in die gerieflike cottage! Ons het 'n onvergeetlike kuier op die plaas gehad! Daar is soveel pragtige wandelpaadjies en om langs die damme te gaan sit op een van die houtbankies was onbeskryflik mooi! Baie dankie!

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

Thank you very much for your positive feedback! We really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us. We hope that you will visit us again soon, so that we can welcome you again!

Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer! Ons waardeer dit regtig dat jy die tyd geneem het om jou ervaring met ons te deel. Ons hoop dat julle weer gou by ons sal kom kuier, sodat ons julle weer kan verwelkom!

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Jackie S
Short stay With partner
May 2024

Place is neat and the area is always beautiful. Everything was perfect.

Plek is netjies en die area is altyd mooi. Alles was piekfyn gewees.

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Value for money
The Croft Cottage

Thank you very much for your positive review, Jackie! We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us and that you found the place neat and the area beautiful. We take your suggestions into account and hope to have you as a guest again soon!

Baie dankie vir jou positiewe resensie, Jackie! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy jou verblyf by ons geniet het en dat jy die plek netjies en die area mooi gevind het. Ons neem jou voorstelle in ag en hoop om jou weer gou as gas te hê!

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Nicola Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 62

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R 1 400
per night (sleeps 2)
R 1 400
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: L6 Cheerio Road, Sequoia Garden Retreat, Haenertsburg, 0730, Limpopo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf3dbd6666bad926a952966aaeabae9f8fbcdc207318752a44d4fad9a9b9e277b25c1b59e8001d8a030bf35526bb2b2f21a6b?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 400 per night (sleeps 2) 56 5 1 5 L6 Cheerio Road Sequoia Garden Retreat 0730 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -23.899891666667 29.949261111111

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