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Silvermist Wine Estate

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Tessa Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 16

On LekkeSlaap 12 years

Review Summary

4.3 out of 5from 16 reviews for Silvermist Wine Estate
Value for money
Elsebe K - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Elsebe K
With partner

Ongelooflik mooi, baie om te doen, uitstekende wynplase.

Ons bly in die Kaap, lekker 2 dae wegbreek, wynplase besoek, Kirstenbosch gaan verken, La Parada Spaanse danse gaan kyk, sal weer volgende keer verder explore.

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Incredibly beautiful, lots to do, excellent wine farms.

We stay in the Cape, have a nice 2 day break, visit wine farms, explore Kirstenbosch, watch La Parada Spanish dances, will explore further next time.

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Anonymous Guest - May 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Anonymous Guest
On business

Nice location but not value for money.

Very nice location but I thought we would at least be able to see a bit of vineyard or mountain from the rooms. However, one only stares at trees (which is also beautiful, but not what I expected). I also thought for the price we pay there would at least be some form of intervention for load shedding. Solar panels are always as "organic" as one can get. Our room's electric blankets never got warm. So it was bitterly cold at night during load shedding. Breakfast was nice but also not what one would expect for the price we paid. The wifi in my sister-in-law's room was not working. Since she is a foreign visitor, Whatsapp is the only way she has contact with her children.

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Anonymous Guest - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Anonymous Guest
With partner
Carlo J - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Carlo J
With partner

Uitstekende diens en natuurskoon.

Ons het 'n kamer met 'n bad bespreek omdat ons 'n 10 maande dogtertjie het, maar as gevolg van 'n administratiewe fout het ons 'n kamer met slegs 'n stort gekry. My man het navraag gaan doen. Hulle was ongelooflik behulpsaam en het ons na 'n ander kamer wat baie groter is geskuif sonder enige addisionele kostes. Die personeel is puik en baie behulpsaam. Die weer was ongelukkig bietjie goor maar ons sal verseker terug wees om die landgoed weer te verken. Die kamers is baie mooi, stylvol, netjies, skoon en groot. Sal hulle enige tyd aanbeveel.

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Excellent service and scenery.

We booked a room with a bath because we have a 10 month old daughter, but due to an administrative error we got a room with a shower only. My husband went to inquire. They were incredibly helpful and moved us to another room that was much bigger without any additional charges. The staff are great and very helpful. Unfortunately the weather was a bit rough but we will definitely be back to explore the estate again. The rooms are very nice, stylish, neat, clean and big. Would recommend them anytime.

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Evelynn,

Thank you for your feedback we will make our best effort to see that improvements are made accordingly.

Please note the option for filling the Mini Bar is available upon request from our guests.

The Silvermist wine tasting facility is currently being renovated. The new tasting facility is due to launch 1st December 2018. La Colombe Fine Dining and Green Vine Restaurant in the Estate are always highly recommended to our visiting guests staying at our hotel.

Silvermist and the surrounding areas offer the most beautiful mountain walks, neighboring wine estates and award-winning restaurants.

Silvermist Wine Estate

Silvermist Wine Estate
Christoff D - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Christoff D
With partner

Baie lekker!

Ek en my vroutjie en het lekker oornag by Silvermist met 'n heerlike ontbyt wat ingesluit was in die koste. Ons sal vir seker aanbeveel!

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Very nice!

My girlfriend and I stayed overnight and a delicious breakfast was included. We will certainly recommend Silvermist Wine Estate!

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Anelia K - Nov 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Anelia K
On business

We enjoyed our stay. It's a beautiful place!

The rooms we stayed in were stunning and had everything we needed. Beautiful place with a stunning view. Staff members very friendly.

Ansie L - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Ansie L
With partner

Daar besef jy net weer hoe groot en ongelooflik die Vader se skepping is.

Dit is asemrowend mooi. Die uitsig op die berg met die mis wat so verby beweeg is onbeskryflik pragtig. Tuin is netjies, jy wil net daar sit en ontspan. Die kamers is lekker groot en gerieflik. Beddens slaap lekker. Die badkamer is so groot en skoon met 'n geweldige groot stort en 'n pragtige pootjies bad. Ek het wel 'n probleem daarmee gehad dat die DStv nie KykNet gehad het nie. En die ander ding is, vir die prys wat jy betaal vir die verblyf kon hulle regtig maar ontbyt ingesluit het, want om R250 vir 'n bord ontbyt te betaal is buitensporig.

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There you realize just once again how great and incredible the Father's creation is.

It is breathtakingly beautiful. The view of the mountain with the mist moving past is indescribably beautiful. Garden is neat, you just want to sit there and relax. The rooms are nice and big and comfortable. Beds sleep well. The bathroom is so big and clean with a huge shower and a beautiful clawfoot tub. I did have a problem with DStv not having KykNet. And the other thing is, for the price you pay for the accommodation, they really could have included breakfast, because paying R250 for a plate of breakfast is excessive.

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Arnau V - Sep 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Arnau V
With partner

'n Mooi kamer en 'n mooi uitsig kan nie opmaak vir onbevredigende kliëntediens nie.

Silvermist Wine Estate was in 'n groot mate 'n teleurstelling. Die woon-eenheid was baie netjies, maar selfs in gastehuise teen helfte van die prys word daar gewoonlik ietsie persoonliks aangebied. Hier was niks. Nie 'n sjokoladetjie nie, nie 'n peppermint nie, selfs die yskas was leeg. Toe ons by die restaurant wou gaan hoor waar ons 'n bottel wyn kan koop, het hulle ons verwys na die Pick 'n Pay, ongeveer 6 km vandaar. Dit lyk net asof niemand omgee om uit hulle pad te gaan nie. Boonop het die bestuur die badprop verwyder, om water te spaar, maar dit was tevergeefs of ons iemand kon kry om ons te help met 'n badprop. Na ongeveer tien oproepe van hulle navrae en nuttelose pogings om met die eienaars kontak te maak, het ons maar ons eie plan gemaak en watte gebruik in die plek van die prop. Die tweede aand (nadat ons gehoop het dat hulle tog deur die dag 'n prop sou neersit) het ons besluit om nie weer ons tyd te mors om te probeer om 'n prop in die hande te kry nie. Die skuld hiervoor is later op die skouers van die skoonmakers geplaas. Na my mening lê die skuld by die bestuur wat onbereikbaar is na-ure. Hoewel daar mooi uitsigte op die landgoed is, is die kamer wat aan ons toegeken is se enigste uitsig 'n klomp bome. Bome is mooi, behalwe as die webtuiste mens onder die indruk bring dat jy oor die berge gaan uitkyk. Volgende keer sal ons beter navorsing doen en meer resensies lees en waarskynlik eerder in 'n gastehuis tuisgaan waar ontbyt ingesluit word en tariewe meer bekostigbaar is.

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A nice room and a nice view cannot make up for unsatisfactory customer service.

Silvermist Wine Estate was a huge disappointment. The living unit was very tidy, but even in guest houses at half the price, there is usually something personal on offer. There was nothing here. Not a chocolate, not a peppermint, even the fridge was empty. When we asked the restaurant where we could buy a bottle of wine, they directed us to the Pick 'n Pay, about 6 km away. It just seems like nobody cares to go out of their way. In addition, the management removed the bath plug, to save water, but it was to no avail if we could find someone to help us with a bath plug. After about ten calls of their inquiries and fruitless attempts to contact the owners, we just made our own plan and used cotton wool instead of the plug. The second night (after hoping they would put a plug in after all during the day) we decided not to waste our time trying to get hold of a plug again. The blame for this was later placed on the shoulders of the cleaners. In my opinion, the fault lies with the management who are unreachable after hours. Although there are nice views of the estate, the only view from the room we were allocated is a bunch of trees. Trees are beautiful, except if the website gives you the impression that you are going to look out over the mountains. Next time we will do better research and read more reviews and probably stay in a guesthouse instead where breakfast is included and rates are more affordable.

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Zamo M - Jan 2016
Overall rating
Value for money
Zamo M
With partner

'n Stukkie paradys.

Luukse gastehuis en lekker naby alles. Die kos is uit die boonste rakke! Parkeerplek is veilig en die algehele uitsig is ongelooflik mooi.

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A piece of paradise.

Luxury guest house and nice close to everything. The food is top notch! Parking is safe and the overall view is incredibly beautiful.

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Zamo

Thank you for the positive review! We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

The Mountain Lodge has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch our accommodation at Silvermist Hotel.

Best Regards,
Silvermist Hotel Reservations

Silvermist Wine Estate
Freddie K - Jan 2016
Overall rating
Value for money
Freddie K
With partner

Die ligging is fantasties, maar die diens was nie so goed nie.

Silvermist Mountain Lodge is geleë in 'n pragtige deel van die Kaap. Ons het daar oornag op oujaarsaand met die gevolg dat die diens wat ons ondervind het nie so goed was nie. Maar ek sal dit weer besoek op 'n ander geleentheid om te ondervind hoe die diens moet mees.

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The location is fantastic, but the service was not so good.

Silvermist Mountain Lodge is located in a beautiful part of the Cape. We spent the night there on New Year's Eve with the result that the service we experienced was not that good. But I will visit it again on another occasion to experience how the service should be most.

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Freddie,

Thank you for your helpful feedback. We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

It is only my pleasure to inform you that an entirely new dynamic team is now in place under new management, not only in the housekeeping department but also new friendly faces at Reservations. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service and ensure visitors to Silvermist Wine Estate have a wonderful experience.

The Mountain Lodge Accommodation has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch it as a unique Boutique Hotel.

Silvermist Wine Estate
Elanie B - Jun 2015
Overall rating
Value for money
Elanie B
With partner

Beste romantiese wegbreek!

Kiss her is die tuin-suite met 'n kaggel en lieflike groot leefarea en badkamer! Definitief die ekstra werd!

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Best romantic getaway!

Kiss her is the garden suite with a fireplace and lovely large living area and bathroom! Definitely worth the extra!

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Elanie,

Thank you for your positive review. We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

It is only my pleasure to inform you that an entirely new dynamic team is now in place under new management, not only in the housekeeping department, but also new friendly faces at Reservations. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service and ensure visitors to Silvermist Wine Estate have a wonderful experience.

The Mountain Lodge Accommodation has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch it as a unique Boutique Hotel.

Silvermist Wine Estate
Louise N - Apr 2015
Overall rating
Value for money
Louise N
With partner

Ongelooflike ligging!

Ons het tydens die Two Oceans Marathon in April in die Manor Room gebly. Die ligging van Silvermist was uitstekend vir die doeleindes van die resies: Dit is naby genoeg aan die beginpunt, en ook lieflik geleë tussen die berge. Die kamer het 'n ongelooflike uitsig oor die berge. Die kamer is nie juis selfsorg nie, want daar is slegs 'n mikrogolf en 'n klein opwasarea. Spandeer eerder 'n bietjie ekstra en kies 'n luukser opsie, in dié omgewing vir seker die moeite werd!

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Amazing location!

We stayed in the Manor Room during the Two Oceans Marathon in April. The location of Silvermist was excellent for the purposes of the races: It is close enough to the starting point, and also beautifully situated between the mountains. The room has an incredible view of the mountains. The room is not exactly self-catering, as there is only a microwave and a small washing-up area. Instead, spend a little extra and choose a more luxurious option, in this environment for sure worth it!

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Louise,

Thank you for your helpful feedback. We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

It is only my pleasure to inform you that an entirely new dynamic team is now in place under new management, not only in the housekeeping department but also new friendly faces at Reservations. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service and ensure visitors to Silvermist Wine Estate have a wonderful experience.

The Mountain Lodge Accommodation has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch it as a unique Boutique Hotel.

Silvermist Wine Estate
Anny G - Oct 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
Anny G
With partner

Mooie lodge, prachtige ligging. Schoon en vriendelijke mensen.

Goede ligging om Kaapstad te bezoeken, Kirstenbosch vlakbij.

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Beautiful lodge, beautiful location. Clean and friendly people.

Good location to visit Cape Town, near Kirstenbosch.

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Anny,

Thank you for your positive feedback. We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

It only my pleasure to inform you that an entirely new dynamic team is now in place under new management, not only in the housekeeping department, however, also new friendly faces at Reservations. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service and ensure visitors to Silvermist Wine Estate have a wonderful experience.

The Mountain Lodge Accommodation has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch it as a unique Boutique Hotel.

Silvermist Wine Estate
Callie M - Nov 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
Callie M
With partner


Die uitsig, veiligheid en atmosfeer is 'n belewenis. Ek sal dit verseker aanbeveel en weer terug kom.

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The view, safety and atmosphere are an experience. I would definitely recommend it and come back again.

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Callie,

Thank you for your positive feedback. We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

It only my pleasure to inform you that an entirely new dynamic team is now in place under new management, not only in the housekeeping department, however, also new friendly faces at Reservations. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service and ensure visitors to Silvermist Wine Estate have a wonderful experience.

The Mountain Lodge Accommodation has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch it as a unique Boutique Hotel.

Silvermist Wine Estate
German B - Dec 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
German B
Family with teenagers

A place with a beautiful location

Our experience was really good and comfortable. The place and the views are exceptional.

Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear German,

Thank you for your positive feedback. We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

It is only my pleasure to inform you that an entirely new dynamic team is now in place under new management, not only in the housekeeping department, but also new friendly faces at Reservations. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service and ensure visitors to Silvermist Wine Estate have a wonderful experience.

The Mountain Lodge Accommodation has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch it as a unique Boutique Hotel.

Silvermist Wine Estate
Dalien V - Nov 2013
Overall rating
Value for money
Dalien V
With partner

Absolute luuksheid in 'n asemrowende omgewing!

Hierdie verblyf het ons stoutste verwagtinge oortref. Die lieflike en veilige omgewing in die luukse en praktiese huisie met al die benodigdhede vir 'n rustige verblyf was hemels. Die onsigbare personeel wat hulle take uiters effektief verrig het, was 'n plesier. Hierheen gaan ons beslis weer gaan.

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Absolute luxury in a breathtaking setting!

This stay exceeded our wildest expectations. The lovely and safe environment in the luxurious and practical cottage with all the necessities for a peaceful stay was heavenly. The invisible staff who performed their tasks extremely effectively were a delight. We will definitely go here again.

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Silvermist Wine Estate 's response

Dear Jan,

Thank you for your positive feedback. We hope to welcome you back to Silvermist Organic Wine Estate in the near future.

It only my pleasure to inform you that an entirely new dynamic team is now in place under new management, not only in the housekeeping department, however, also new friendly faces at Reservations. Our focus is to provide excellent customer service and ensure visitors to Silvermist Wine Estate have a wonderful experience.

The Mountain Lodge Accommodation has undergone numerous interior upgrades and renovations have been underway since January 2016. We are very excited to launch it as a unique Boutique Hotel.

Silvermist Wine Estate
From R3 950
per night (sleeps 2)
R3 950
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 14 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 11:00
  • Address: 0A Hout Bay Road, Constantia, Cape Town, 7808, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAeb46c350bee83f28b79160e2aa375ddeaab2c7f8f305e3948dfefda04ae81b047310f188d5a02a0ca29ff1a27678418e6a46?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R3 950 per night (sleeps 2) 16 5 1 5 0A Hout Bay Road Constantia 7808 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-23:00 11:00 -34.015230315452 18.402837216854

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