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Sky Lodge

Self Catering


4.3/ 5

Based on 118 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Anonymous Guest
Short stay With friends
Jul 2024

Value for money

Gerdi M
Short stay With friends
Apr 2024

Most beautiful view, rest for the soul. Can't find fault with anything. Michael was very helpful. The house is well equipped. The outdoor shower in each room was an experience. It helps that one can get wood and ice on the premises. Unbelievably beautiful view with privacy. We rested very well and hung out around the boma fire in the evenings.

Mooiste uitsig, rus vir die siel. Kan nie fout vind met iets nie. Michael was baie hulpvaardig. Die huis is goed toegerus. Die buite stort in elke kamer was 'n belewenis. Dit help dat mens hout en ys op die perseel kan kry. Ongelooflike mooi uitsig met privaatheid. Ons het baie lekker gerus en gekuier om die boma vuur in die aande.

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Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Gerdi Thank you for your kind review. We appreciate the positive feedback! We are glad you enjoyed the magnificent views and we hope to see you again soon!

Hallo Gerdi Dankie vir jou vriendelike resensie. Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly jy het die pragtige uitsigte geniet en ons hoop om jou gou weer te sien!

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Jessica D
Short stay Large group
Feb 2024

Beautiful place! Very nice. Only suggestion is more lighting in the house, especially the rooms.

Pragtige plek! Baie lekker. Enigste voorstel is meer beligting in die huis, veral die kamers.

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Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Jessica Thank you for your kind review. We appreciate the positive feedback! We are glad you enjoyed your stay and we hope to see you again soon!

Hallo Jessica Dankie vir jou vriendelike resensie. Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly jy het jou verblyf geniet en ons hoop om jou gou weer te sien!

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Rika P
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2024

Fantastic. Very nice stay! Beautiful place! The manager and other workers are very friendly!

Fantasties. Baie lekker gebly! Pragtige plek! Die bestuurder en ander werkers is baie vriendelik!

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Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Rika Thank you for your kind review. We appreciate the positive feedback! We are glad you enjoyed your stay and we hope to see you again soon! Robert and Caroline are a great management team. We are lucky to have such dedicated and efficient management and staff.

Hallo Rika Dankie vir jou vriendelike resensie. Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly jy het jou verblyf geniet en ons hoop om jou gou weer te sien! Robert en Caroline is 'n uitstekende bestuurspan. Ons is gelukkig om sulke toegewyde en doeltreffende bestuur en personeel te hê.

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Pauline W
Short stay Family with young children
Jun 2024

Awesome stay and great lodge. We had an amazing stay, and the staff were very friendly and extremely helpful.

Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Pauline Thank you for your kind review. We appreciate the positive feedback! We are glad you enjoyed your stay in the Sunset Private Lodge and we hope to see you again soon! Robert and Caroline are a great management team. We are lucky to have such dedicated and efficient management and staff. Our team is our greatest asset, even better than our views!

Hallo Pauline Dankie vir jou vriendelike resensie. Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly jy het jou verblyf in die Sunset Private Lodge geniet en ons hoop om jou binnekort weer te sien! Robert en Caroline is 'n uitstekende bestuurspan. Ons is gelukkig om sulke toegewyde en doeltreffende bestuur en personeel te hê. Ons span is ons grootste bate, selfs beter as ons sienings!

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Etienne L
Short stay Family with teenagers
Mar 2024

Great and relaxing getaway. We had an amazing time. From the minute of our arrival, met by Robert who is a certain value add, to the cleaning staff, who were very friendly and extremely helpful, we enjoyed every moment.

Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Ettiene Thank you for your kind review. We appreciate the positive feedback! We are glad you enjoyed your stay and we hope to see you again soon! Robert and Caroline are a great management team. We are lucky to have such dedicated and efficient management and staff. Our team is our greatest asset, even better than our views!

Hi Ettiene Dankie vir jou vriendelike resensie. Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly jy het jou verblyf geniet en ons hoop om jou gou weer te sien! Robert en Caroline is 'n uitstekende bestuurspan. Ons is gelukkig om sulke toegewyde en doeltreffende bestuur en personeel te hê. Ons span is ons grootste bate, selfs beter as ons sienings!

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Bronwyn D
Short stay With friends
Jun 2024

Fantasies. It was lovely, peaceful and beautiful, staff are very friendly, especially the caretaker very helpful.

Dit was heerlik, rustig en beeldskoon, staff is baie vriendelik veral die opsigter baie behulpsaam.

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Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Bronwyn Thank you for your kind review. We appreciate the positive feedback! We are glad you enjoyed your stay and we hope to see you again soon! Robert and Caroline are a great management team. We are lucky to have such dedicated and efficient management and staff. Our team is our greatest asset, even better than our views!

Hallo Bronwyn Dankie vir jou vriendelike resensie. Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly jy het jou verblyf geniet en ons hoop om jou gou weer te sien! Robert en Caroline is 'n uitstekende bestuurspan. Ons is gelukkig om sulke toegewyde en doeltreffende bestuur en personeel te hê. Ons span is ons grootste bate, selfs beter as ons sienings!

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Sergio L
Short stay Family with young children
Jan 2024

Staff of the lodge was friendly, location & views great. Standards were not met! Unfortunately, two of the bedrooms were under renovations and not open. The fumes of the paint were unpleasant, and we were not informed that the house was under renovation, which is actually not acceptable. The outside deck was a hazard as some of the wooden slats were loose and broken, making it unsafe to walk on. The air conditioning unit in one of the bedrooms made such a noise that it could not be used. The gas stove was not working properly, which the on-site manager confirmed they were waiting for a part to fix. We were seven adults and one child, and we had to make different sleeping arrangements as two bedrooms were locked. The general manager of the lodge did not bother to return my call when I phoned to complain. In one of the main bedrooms, the shower had no window, and chicken wire was used to keep out some of the larger insects. This is not acceptable when one is paying this type of rate!

Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Sergio, Thank you for taking the time to review us, we appreciate it! Thank you for your positive comments about our staff, we really appreciate it as Robert and our team always go the extra mile with a smile. It is unfortunate that you booked and paid for 8 guests but expected to be allocated all 7 bedrooms normally reserved for 14 guests. The LekkeSlaap website where you booked does state as follows: Bookings are done on 2 people sharing a room. Rooms will be locked if you book less than the maximum occupancy. Bedrooms not being used will be locked for housekeeping purposes. The site is therefore clear that costing is based on 2 guests per room. For example, if a guest books and pays for only 8 guests like in your situation, we open 4 bedrooms and close the excess rooms as advertised. We do this to save costs for guests that are below the maximum number of 14 but still want to book the lodge without having to pay extra for full capacity. There seems to have been a misunderstanding about how many rooms your 8 guests will have access to. As the Red Sky Lodge is a big lodge, when guests book for less than the maximum capacity of 14 guests (7 bedrooms) we do occasionally take the opportunity to do routine midweek maintenance on the extra unused rooms. We never have workers onsite when we have guests in the lodge. We also make sure we do not paint within 2 days of a guest arriving, and prior to your arrival we did not paint the closed off rooms at all. As we were not doing painting, it could be that the fumes you were smelling was the tile cleaner detergent we use to clean the floors before your arrival. We apologise for this. Our lodge has beautiful views over the valley and we try optimise this feature as much as possible. The upstairs bathroom has been designed to take full advantage of the valley views and we specifically designed the bathroom with a huge window and no curtains to overlook the valley. We did not put curtains on that upstairs bathroom location as it is not visible into the bathroom from the street and neighbouring farms. On all our lower bathrooms which are visible we have put either curtains or frosted glass to ensure privacy of our guests. The upstairs shower with open section is our attempt at creating an open space so that guests can feel closer to the bush. The mesh at the opening is to prevent birds from entering the space, it's not an attempt to replace a window. Our other lodge called Sunset Lodge has open showers on the private patios which are also very popular because of the bush feel. We are sorry you did not enjoy the open bathroom feel. We have already replaced all the wooden decks at Blue Sky and Sunset Lodges with steel and concrete decks and I agree that this is more sustainable in the long term. We plan to do the same with Red Sky Lodge, then all 3 lodges will have the same type of deck.

Hallo Sergio, Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om ons te beoordeel, ons waardeer dit! Dankie vir jou positiewe kommentaar oor ons personeel, ons waardeer dit opreg aangesien Robert en ons span altyd die ekstra myl loop met 'n glimlag. Dit is jammer dat jy vir 8 gaste bespreek en betaal het, maar na verwagting sal al 7 slaapkamers toegeken word wat normaalweg vir 14 gaste gereserveer is. Die LekkeSlaap-webwerf waar jy bespreek het, sê wel soos volg: Besprekings word gedoen op 2 mense wat 'n kamer deel. Kamers sal gesluit wees as jy minder as die maksimum besetting bespreek. Slaapkamers wat nie gebruik word nie, sal gesluit word vir huishoudelike doeleindes. Die terrein is dus duidelik dat koste gebaseer is op 2 gaste per kamer. Byvoorbeeld, as 'n gas net 8 gaste bespreek en betaal soos in jou situasie, maak ons 4 slaapkamers oop en maak die oortollige kamers toe soos geadverteer. Ons doen dit om koste te bespaar vir gaste wat onder die maksimum getal van 14 is, maar steeds die lodge wil bespreek sonder om ekstra vir volle kapasiteit te betaal. Dit lyk asof daar 'n misverstand was oor hoeveel kamers jou 8 gaste toegang sal hê. Aangesien die Red Sky Lodge 'n groot lodge is, gebruik ons soms die geleentheid om roetine midweek instandhouding op die ekstra ongebruikte kamers te doen wanneer gaste vir minder as die maksimum kapasiteit van 14 gaste (7 slaapkamers) bespreek. Ons het nooit werkers op die perseel as ons gaste in die lodge het nie. Ons maak ook seker dat ons nie binne 2 dae na 'n gas se aankoms verf nie, en voor jou aankoms het ons glad nie die afgeslote kamers geverf nie. Aangesien ons nie verfwerk het nie, kan dit wees dat die dampe wat jy geruik het die teëlskoonmaakmiddel was wat ons gebruik om die vloere skoon te maak voor jou aankoms. Ons vra om verskoning hiervoor. Ons lodge het pragtige uitsigte oor die vallei en ons probeer hierdie kenmerk so veel as moontlik optimaliseer. Die badkamer op die boonste vloer is ontwerp om die uitsigte oor die vallei ten volle te benut en ons het die badkamer spesifiek ontwerp met 'n groot venster en geen gordyne om oor die vallei uit te kyk nie. Ons het nie gordyne op daardie badkamer op die boonste vloer gesit nie, aangesien dit nie in die badkamer sigbaar is vanaf die straat en naburige plase nie. Op al ons onderste badkamers wat sigbaar is, het ons óf gordyne óf matglas geplaas om privaatheid van ons gaste te verseker. Die boonste stort met oop gedeelte is ons poging om 'n oop ruimte te skep sodat gaste nader aan die bos kan voel. Die gaas by die opening is om te verhoed dat voëls die spasie binnegaan, dit is nie 'n poging om 'n venster te vervang nie. Ons ander lodge genaamd Sunset Lodge het oop storte op die privaat patio's wat ook baie gewild is weens die bosgevoel. Ons is jammer dat jy nie die oop badkamer gevoel geniet het nie. Ons het reeds al die houtdekke by Blue Sky en Sunset Lodges vervang met staal- en betondekke en ek stem saam dat dit meer volhoubaar is op die lang termyn. Ons beplan om dieselfde met Red Sky Lodge te doen, dan sal al 3 lodges dieselfde tipe dek hê.

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Tania B
Short stay With friends
Mar 2024

Very nice view. Neat and clean, but definitely needs an upgrade and care! Not all the aircons work, and the stairs to the top can become a safety risk if attention is not paid to them.

Baie mooi uitsig. Netjies en skoon, maar kort vir seker 'n opgradering en versorging! Nie al die aircons werk nie, en die trappe na bo kan 'n veiligheidsrisiko word as daar nie aandag daaraan gegee gaan word nie.

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Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Tania Thank you for your review. We appreciate it! We are glad you enjoyed the beautiful views!

Hallo Tania Dankie vir jou resensie. Ons waardeer dit! Ons is bly julle het die pragtige uitsigte geniet!

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Annalize B
Short stay With friends
Oct 2023

We will definitely visit Sky Lodge again! What a fantastic house. It is well appointed and the location is perfect. The host is fantastic and made sure we were well looked after.

Ons sal definitief weer Sky Lodge besoek! Wat 'n fantastiese huis. Dit is goed ingerig en die ligging is perfek. Die gasheer is fantasties en het seker gemaak dat ons goed na omgesien is.

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Value for money
Sky Lodge

Hi Annalize Thank you for your kind review. We appreciate the positive feedback! We are glad you enjoyed your stay and we hope to see you again soon!

Hallo Annalize Dankie vir jou vriendelike resensie. Ons waardeer die positiewe terugvoer! Ons is bly jy het jou verblyf geniet en ons hoop om jou gou weer te sien!

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Michael Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 118

On LekkeSlaap 5 years

From R5 500
R5 500 R2 750
per night, for 2 ppl
From R5 500
R5 500 R2 750
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 40 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Portion 39-41 of the De Rust Farm, Hartbeespoort, 0240, North West
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPQepDUcytB4otxI7fmPNy5Lb6BJBJOR6BdllUuegJxcg694j00?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R5 500 nowFrom R2 750 per night, for 2 ppl 118 5 1 5 Portion 39-41 of the De Rust Farm Hartbeespoort 0240 North West 021 201 8901 15:00-19:00 10:00 -25.802546171475 27.802497614173

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