I feel i need to respond to Judy's review which is slightly incorrect and a bit unfair. Firstly, to say the underside of the shower is dirty with mildew is news to me. showers that get used daily by guests in a busy apartment need regular upkeep and we just cleaned the studio shower a few weeks ago. I will check on that and give it a good clean again if required. secondly, the night before judy left and the morning of her departure there was no hot water in the studio. we had loadshedding 6-8.30pm the night before and as what happens sometimes with loadshedding, the mains get knocked out and hence the geyser is turned off. it is unfortunate this happened on the night before and morning of her departure. i apologised profusely to her and offered them the use of our guest shower in the main house but she did not reply nor take this up. thirdly, to say she never met the owner is true but i did text judy on their arrival and asked her when i can come and say hi and she said she would let me know but i never heard back from her the whole week. she ended up communicating with my housekeeper which is fine but she must not make out that i was not available or rude not to meet her. I'm sorry her stay did not meet her expectations, hopefully next time she will have a better experience.