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Summerset Place Country House

Guest House


4.7/ 5

Based on 72 reviews


Value for money
Desiree M
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2024

Perfect paradise. It was absolutely amazing. The accommodation at Summerset Place Country House was fantastic, with a very large room. The food was simply amazing. Perfect for a quiet, quick getaway. We were on our motorcycle, literally an hour and a half away from home. Will most definitely return and make use of the day spa.

Value for money

Elise B
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2024

Safe, tidy and staff are top notch. This was our 3rd time, and every time was tops.

Veilig, netjies en personeel is tops. Dit was ons 3de keer, en elke keer was tops.

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Value for money
Christa & Morne
Summerset Place Country House

I would just like to take a moment to thank you for staying with us at Summerset Place. We are feeling blessed to have hosted you as our guest again. Please do keep safe and we do hope that you will visit us again in the future. Kind regards, Annah & Summerset Place Team

Ek wil net 'n oomblik neem om jou te bedank dat jy by ons by Summerset Place gebly het. Ons voel geseënd om jou weer as ons gas te kon huisves. Hou asseblief veilig en ons hoop dat u ons weer in die toekoms sal besoek. Vriendelike groete, Annah & Summerset Place-span

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Michelle F
1 night stay Family with young children
Mar 2024

Excellent destination. Very kind and helpful staff, very clean and comfortable room.

Value for money
Christa & Morne
Summerset Place Country House

Good day Michelle, I do hope you are well. I would just like to take a moment to thank you for staying with us at Summerset. We are very happy to read that your stay was such a wonderful one and that the team at Summerset Place exceeded your expectations regarding service and friendliness. Please do keep safe and we hope that you will visit us again in the future. Warmest regards, Summerset Place Team

Goeie dag Michelle, Ek hoop dit gaan goed met jou. Ek wil net 'n oomblik neem om jou te bedank dat jy by ons by Summerset gebly het. Ons is baie bly om te lees dat jou verblyf so 'n wonderlike een was en dat die span by Summerset Place jou verwagtinge oor diens en vriendelikheid oortref het. Hou asseblief veilig en ons hoop dat u ons weer in die toekoms sal besoek. Hartlike groete, Summerset Place-span

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Thato T
Short stay With partner
Feb 2024

Memorable. They run the place like a 7-star hotel. They really go above and beyond for every single guest.

Value for money
Christa & Morne
Summerset Place Country House

Good day, I do hope you are well. I would just like to take a moment to thank you for staying with us at Summerset Place this last week. We are feeling blessed to have hosted you. Very happy to read that your stay was such a wonderful one and that the team at Summerset Place exceeded your expectations regarding service and friendliness. Warmest regards, Summerset team.

Goeie dag, ek hoop dit gaan goed met jou. Ek wil net 'n oomblik neem om jou te bedank dat jy die afgelope week by ons by Summerset Place gebly het. Ons voel geseënd om jou te huisves. Baie bly om te lees dat jou verblyf so 'n wonderlike een was en dat die span by Summerset Place jou verwagtinge oor diens en vriendelikheid oortref het. Hartlike groete, Summerset-span.

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Karl V
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2024

Quiet neat clean. Very neat and customer service is very good. Would definitely recommend it.

Rustig netjies skoon. Baie netjies en kliëntediens is baie goed. Sal dit definitief aanbeveel.

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Value for money
Christa & Morne
Summerset Place Country House

Very happy to read that your stay was such a wonderful one and that the team at Summerset Place exceeded your expectations regarding service and friendliness . Please do keep safe and we hope that you will visit us again in the future. Kind regards, Annah & Summerset Place Team

Baie bly om te lees dat jou verblyf so 'n wonderlike een was en dat die span by Summerset Place jou verwagtinge oor diens en vriendelikheid oortref het. Hou asseblief veilig en ons hoop dat u ons weer in die toekoms sal besoek. Vriendelike groete, Annah & Summerset Place-span

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Johann M
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2024

Overnight stay during a family gathering in Bela-Bela. We had a very nice stay, except for the following: The generator did not kick in on Sunday morning. We had to leave early and therefore could not take a shower. Management offered no apology or reason. Our friends in no. 7 had no hot water. The requirement to first inspect the room during check-out is not perceived well. No other guest house has required this from us over the past three years. Management has received our details. Other guesthouses offer two bottles of water (about 300 ml) free of charge. Here we had to pay R20. No water in the fridge. For the price being asked, the above cases are a disappointment.

Oornagverblyf gedurende 'n familiebyeenkoms in Bela-Bela. Ons het baie lekker gebly, behalwe vir die volgende: Die kragopwekker het nie ingeskop Sondagoggend nie. Ons moes vroeg uit en kon dus nie stort nie. Bestuur het geen verskoning of rede aangebied nie. Ons vriende in nr 7 het nie warm water gehad nie. Die vereiste om eers inspeksie te doen in die kamer gedurende uitboek word nie goed ervaar nie. Geen ander gastehuis het dit van ons vereis oor die afgelope drie jaar nie. Bestuur het ons besonderhede ontvang. Ander gastehuise bied twee bottels water (omtrent 300 ml) gratis aan. Hier moes ons R20 betaal. Geen water in die yskas nie. Vir die prys wat gevra word is bogenoemde sake 'n teleurstelling.

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Value for money
Christa & Morne
Summerset Place Country House

Good day John Thank you very much for staying with us. I am sorry that certain items during your stay were unacceptable to you and we hope to be able to improve it with your feedback so that other guests do not experience it this way. For quick clarification: 1) Our generator is not switched on between 11pm and 6am. There are battery lights in the rooms. We will keep the generator running for 24 hours for guests with special needs eg oxygen machines etc. 2) The water and other items in our room fridges are payable and your choice to use them or not. This is a way of keeping our rates affordable and I think you will agree with me that our rates are very reasonable and compare well with other 4 star guesthouses in our class. 3) Rooms are checked quickly before departure not only for our benefit but also for your own. We have had customers who have forgotten items such as firearms and jewelery in bedside drawers and unfortunately these cannot be sent around with couriers. You would also see upon your arrival there is an inventory list that you could check and that is to make sure that what we have in the rooms is in the same condition for the next paying customer. 4) I currently have no explanation for the hot water situation in room 7, except that the customer had no hot water problems before and after you. It is possible that the thermostat did not turn back on for that moment during the power outage and we will check this thoroughly. We hope to be able to host you again and please do not hesitate to contact me personally if you may wish to discuss the matter further or make special arrangements for a subsequent discussion. We like to do it. Friendly greeting Morne Strydom

Goeiedag Johann Baie dankie dat julle by ons tuis gegaan het. Dit spyt my dat sekere items gedurende julle verblyf vir julle onaanvaarbaar was en ons hoop om met julle terugvoer dit te kan verbeter sodat ander gaste nie ook dit so ervaar nie. Ter vinnige verduideliking: 1) Ons kragopwekker word nie aangeskakel tussen 23:00 en 06:00 nie. Daar is wel battery ligte in die kamers. Ons sal wel die kragopwekker vir 24 uur laat werk vir gaste met spesiale behoeftes bv suurstof masjiene ens. 2) Die water en ander items in ons kamer yskaste is wel betaalbaar en jou keuse om dit te gebruik of nie. Dit is 'n manier om ons tariewe bekostigbaar te hou en ek dink jy sal met my saamstem dat ons tariewe baie billik is en vergelyk goed met ander 4 ster gastehuise in ons klas. 3) Kamers word vinnig nagegaan voor vertrek nie net vir ons voordeel nie maar ook vir julle eie. Ons het al kliënte gekry wat items soos vuurwapens en juwele in bedkassie laaie vergeet het en dit kan ongelukkig nie met koeriers rond gestuur word nie. Jy sou ook sien by jou aankoms is daar 'n inventaris lys wat jy kon nagaan en dit is om seker te maak dat dit wat ons in die kamers het in dieselfde toestand is vir die volgende betalende kliënt. 4) Die warm water situasie in kamer 7 het ek tans geen verduideliking nie behalwe dat die kliënt voor en na julle nie warm water probleme gehad het nie. Dit is moontlik dat die termostaat vir daardie oomblik gedurende beurt krag nie weer aangeskakel het nie en ons sal dit deeglik nagaan. Ons hoop om julle weer te kan huisves en moet asb. nie huiwer om my persoonlik te kontak as jy dalk die aangeleentheid verder wil bespreek of spesiale reelings wil tref vir 'n volgende bespreking nie. Ons doen dit graag. Vriendelike groete Morne Strydom

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Thabang W
Short stay Family with young children
Sep 2023

Serene place with great service. The cleanliness was appreciated. The Saturday braai dinner under the stars at Summerset Place Country House was amazing. House services - please get a new iron or clean the current one. Bathroom soaps/shampoo could be in small separate packages. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the stay!

Value for money

Reinhardt G
1 night stay With partner
Jul 2023

Exceptionally good service. We only stayed one night. The customer service was excellent and the accommodation very neat and comfortable. They went out of their way to accommodate us. Breakfast was delicious.

Besonderse goeie diens. Ons het net een aand oorgeslaap. Die kliëntediens was uitstekend en die verblyf baie netjies en gerieflik. Hulle het uit hulle pad gegaan om ons te akkommodeer. Ontbyt was heerlik.

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Value for money
Christa & Morne
Summerset Place Country House

Afternoon Reinhardt. Thank you very much for taking the time to leave us a review, it is appreciated. Thank you very much for choosing our guest house for your overnight needs. It was a privilege to host and entertain the 2 of you as our guests. Very happy to hear that you enjoyed our hospitality and breakfast. I hope to welcome you here as our guests again soon. Be safe and have a great day. Kind regards, Christa and Summerset Place staff.

Middag Reinhardt. Baie dankie dat jy tyd geneem het om vir ons 'n resensie te laat, dit word waardeer. Baie dankie dat julle ons gastehuis gekies het vir jul oornag behoeftes. Dit was 'n voorreg om die 2 van julle as ons gaste te huisves en te onthaal. Baie bly om te hoor ons gasvryheid en ontbyt het julle geniet. Ek hoop om julle sommer vinnig weer hier as ons gaste te verwelkom. Wees veilig en geniet 'n heerlike dag. Vriendelike groete, Christa en Summerset Place personeel.

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Louw J
1 night stay With partner
Aug 2023

Quiet, safe, tidy place to stay. Friendly, very helpful staff. Clean, tidy and good quality rooms. Quiet and peaceful for a good night's rest. Includes excellent breakfast. Restaurant with adequate menu for other meals on site. Slightly longer on weekend nights.

Rustige, veilige, netjiese blyplek. Vriendelike, baie behulpsame staff. Skoon, netjiese en goeie kwaliteit kamers. Stil en rustig vir 'n goeie nagrus. Sluit uitstekende ontbyt in. Restaurant met voldoende spyskaart vir ander etes op perseel. Effens duur oor naweekaande.

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Value for money

Karen A
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2023

Staff were very friendly and helpful. Enjoy delicious dinner and breakfast.

Personeel was baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Héérlike aandete en ontbyt geniet.

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Value for money
Christa & Morne
Summerset Place Country House

Afternoon Karen. Thank you very much for choosing our guest house for your overnight needs. It is really appreciated. It was a privilege to host and entertain the 2 of you as our guests. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. I hope to welcome you here as our guests again soon. Be safe and have a great day. Friendly greeting, Christa and Summerset Place staff.

Middag Karen. Baie dankie dat julle ons gastehuis gekies het vir jul oornag behoeftes. Dit word opreg waardeer. Dit was 'n voorreg om die 2 van julle as ons gaste te huisves en te onthaal. Dankie dat jy tyd gemaak het om vir ons 'n resensie te plaas. Ek hoop om julle sommer vinnig weer hier as ons gaste te verwelkom. Wees veilig en geniet 'n heerlike dag. Vriendelike groete, Christa en Summerset Place personeel.

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Christa & Morne Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 72

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R1 220
per night (sleeps 2)
R1 220
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 26 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 13 Bospoort Plot, Bela Bela, 0480, Limpopo
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA10ea7d332c559c9931c1698461389d6503ca9a8515a5215985f6d91adf18fd1c550881c0ac511f718bea61eb857467aa2aa5?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 220 per night (sleeps 2) 72 5 1 5 13 Bospoort Plot Bela Bela 0480 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-23:00 10:00 -24.860910122182 28.295436948537

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