We had a great time and were pleasantly surprised with the surroundings and the location.
Our family had a great stay. It is clean and tidy, with more than enough space to keep two teenage boys apart. The daybed in the living area was perfect for our youngest teenage boy to sleep on. Our hostess was friendly and helpful at all times, whether it was about general important information about the area, safety of the beach which is within walking distance, restaurants etc. The only challenge we had was the distance to the nearest safer swimming beach for our teenage boys who turned 13 and the other a few days before 18, which is not within walking distance. The view is breathtaking towards Table Mountain and Robben Island, and there were kitesurfers on the water literally every day from dawn until late during the time we were there. It is also centrally located to several shopping centres. The Waterfront distance by vehicle is about 30 min outside peak hours, and if you want to visit wine farms in the direction of Paarl, it is about 40 min, give or take, and Cool Runnings. The MyCity buses are within walking distance of The Bay B401, which in turn offers alternative transportation to various neighborhoods in the area.
Ons het heerlik gekuier en was aangenaam verras met die omgewing en die ligging.
Ons gesin het lekker gebly. Dit is skoon en netjies, met meer as genoeg spasie om twee tienerseuns uit mekaar se spasie ook te hou. Die dagbed in die leefarea was perfek vir ons jongste tienerseun om op te slaap. Ons gasvrou was te alle tye vriendelik en behulpsaam, hetsy oor algemene belangrike inligting van die omgewing, veiligheid van die strand wat loopafstand is, restaurante ens. Die enigste uitdaging wat ons gehad het, is die afstand na die naaste veiliger swemstrand toe vir ons tienerseuns wat een 13 en ander paar dae tevore 18 geword het, wat nie loopafstand is nie. Die uitsig is asemrowend mooi na Tafelberg en Robbeneiland, en daar was in die tyd wat ons daar was letterlik elke dag van douvoordag tot laat kitesurfers op die water. Dit is ook sentraal geleë na verskeie winkelsentrums. Die Waterfront afstand per voertuig is ongeveer 'n 30 min buite spitstyd, en as jy wynplase in die Paarl se rigting wil besoek, is dit ongeveer 40 min, give or take, en Cool Runnings. Die MyCity-bussies is loopafstand van The Bay B401 af, wat weer alternatiewe vervoer bied na verskeie buurte in die omgewing.
Thank you Wendy, it is always a pleasure hosting wonderful guests like you. Hope to see you again.
Dankie Wendy, dit is altyd 'n plesier om wonderlike gaste soos jy te huisves. Hoop om jou weer te sien.
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Demetria V
Short stay ⋅ Family with teenagers
Feb 2024
Amazing views!
Best host by far, extremely friendly and accommodating. The views were amazing, it's on the 4th level with no obstructions. However, the main gate was unfortunately faulty during our stay, and our car had to be parked outside. The apartment could use some TLC.
Hi Demetria, I do apologise for the gate, but luckily, it is now sorted and should not happen again. Thank you for being such wonderful guests. We are upgrading the unit now and hope you will be impressed when we see you again.
Hi Demetria, ek vra wel om verskoning vir die hek, maar gelukkig is dit nou uitgesorteer en behoort nie weer te gebeur nie. Dankie dat julle sulke wonderlike gaste is. Ons is nou besig om die eenheid op te gradeer en hoop jy sal beïndruk wees wanneer ons jou weer sien.
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Marissa M
Short stay ⋅ Family with teenagers
Jan 2024
Kid is a darling. Location is excellent!
Bokkie is 'n darling. Ligging is uitstekend!
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Thanks Marissa, but it's easy to be a darling with such wonderful guests like you and your family. See you again.
Dankie Marissa, maar dit is maklik om 'n darling te wees met sulke wonderlike gaste soos jy en jou gesin. Sien julle weer.
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Shamel R
Short stay ⋅ Family with young children
Jan 2024
Great sea and mountain views. Spacious apartment.
We had a lovely stay. Beautiful scenery.
Value for money
Isabel G
Short stay
Dec 2023
Excellent and peaceful!
Reception was very friendly and helpful. Beds were comfortable, apartment was well equipped, everything was clean and tidy and it was peaceful with a fantastic view!
Uitstekend en rustig!
Ontvangs was baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Beddens was gemaklik, woonstel was goed toegerus, alles was skoon en netjies en dit was rustig met 'n fantastiese uitsig!
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Address: 1 Shell Road, Bloubergstrand, Cape Town, 7441, Western Cape
From R1 800 per night (sleeps 4)
105151 Shell RoadBloubergstrand7441Western Cape021 201 890114:00-19:0010:00-33.81156889999218.470997874274