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The Bell Inn

Guest House


4.7/ 5

Based on 7 reviews


Value for money
Annelie S
1 night stay On business
May 2024

Good. Good and comfortable.

Value for money

Margie V
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2022

Wonder stay, clean neat room with extra personal touches. Absolutely wonderful stay. Would have been nice if our room had a double bed, rather than two single beds. However the fantastic breakfast sure made up for the two single beds! Loved our stay with The Bell In.

Value for money
The Bell Inn

Dear Margie, many thanks for your very complimentary review. If a request is received for a double for 2 adults sharing, we do not know if you require a queen bed for a couple or separate beds. Next time, please ensure you request a queen-size bed. Once again many thanks for taking the time to give us a happy review. Wishing you Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2023. Hope to see you soon. Lorraine Bell

Beste Margie, baie dankie vir jou baie komplimentêre resensie. Indien 'n versoek ontvang word vir 'n dubbelbed vir 2 volwassenes wat deel, weet ons nie of jy 'n koningingrootte-bed vir 'n paartjie of aparte beddens benodig nie. Maak asseblief volgende keer seker jy versoek 'n koningingrootte-bed. Weereens baie dankie dat u die tyd geneem het om ons 'n gelukkige resensie te gee. Ek wens jou Geseënde Kersfees en 'n wonderlike 2023 toe. Hoop om jou binnekort te sien. Lorraine Bell

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Gloudina N
Short stay Individual traveller
Jul 2019

Bell in offers everything I need on a business trip! Bell Inn offers friendly service that makes one feel welcome, without compromising your privacy. Bell Inn is well-equipped, with a beautiful garden for relaxation and clean facilities. I'm sure I'm going to use Bell Inn again in the future!

Bell Inn bied alles wat ek nodig het op 'n sakereis! Bell Inn verskaf vriendelike diens wat mens laat welkom voel, sonder dat jou privaatheid ingeboet word. Bell Inn is goed toegerus, met 'n pragtige tuin vir ontspanning en skoon geriewe. Ek gaan vir seker in die toekoms weer van Bell Inn gebruik maak!

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Value for money
The Bell Inn

Dear Gloudina, Apologies for the late response, life has been a little crazy. Many thanks for your very kind rating and more importantly thanks a million for taking the time to comment. We will endeavor to replace the 5th missing star on customer service. Take care and hope to see you soon, Lorraine The Bell Inn

Liewe Gloudina, Verskoning vir die laat reaksie, die lewe was 'n bietjie mal. Baie dankie vir jou baie vriendelike gradering en meer belangrik 'n miljoen dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om kommentaar te lewer. Ons sal poog om die 5de ontbrekende ster op kliëntediens te vervang. Pas op en hoop om jou binnekort te sien, Lorraine Die Bell Inn

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Frans V
1 night stay On business
May 2019

Value for money. Friendly reception and help. Nice breakfast, good location, quiet area with safe parking.

Waarde vir geld. Vriendelike ontvangs en hulp. Lekker ontbyt Goed geleë, stil omgewing met veilige parkering.

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Value for money

Liphapang P
Short stay On business
Dec 2019

In my requisition I asked for 1 doubled bed, but I was given room with 2 single beds. I think the room was not thoroughly checked. When I got there TV was not working. I was given room with 2 single beds while I requested room with 1 double bed. There was no WiFi yet I was told there is free WiFi.

Value for money
The Bell Inn

Dear Liphapang, Thank you for taking the time to scribe a report on our establishment. Firstly, I have reviewed your original request and can find no request for a double bed. We do not have any single beds in our Inn, we have doubles and three-quarter beds which are substantially larger than a single bed. You did originally request 1 x double for 1 adult, no mention of the word double bed. A double in the hospitality industry means a room for 2 adults sharing and we have 2 different rates for a double and a single rate which is for 1 adult per room and not a single bed. I did request you to confirm whether your booking was for 1 person or 2 adults to avoid sending you an incorrect quote and nowhere did you specify it must be a double bed. If you had made me aware on your arrival I could have checked whether we had a room with a double bed available. The TV problem I will agree 100% with you and they are checked each morning. I did get our TV Technician to make a call at his first available opportunity which was the first day I was aware there was a problem. In our defence, we can check a TV is working, switch off and in the time between testing and switching on again, the TV could have developed a problem as all appliances can. In the case of your TV, the settings had been changed and I am not knowledgeable in resetting the settings as the installations is not an ordinary household installation, hence I pay for a call out from the professionals. We certainly do have free Wi-Fi available in all rooms - in the rules of the guest house, there is an explanation to request your Wi-Fi password from reception. The rules of the guest house are posted on the inside of the bedroom cupboard doors. I do apologise that your stay was not what you expected but hopefully in future, you will communicate with management to make them aware of your requirements and expectations. Regards, Lorraine Bell The Bell Inn Pinetown

Dear Liphapang, Thank you for taking the time to scribe a report on our establishment. Firstly, I have reviewed your original request and can find no request for a double bed. We do not have any single beds in our Inn, we have doubles and three-quarter beds which are substantially larger than a single bed. You did originally request 1 x double for 1 adult, no mention of the word double bed. A double in the hospitality industry means a room for 2 adults sharing and we have 2 different rates for a double and a single rate which is for 1 adult per room and not a single bed. I did request you to confirm whether your booking was for 1 person or 2 adults to avoid sending you an incorrect quote and nowhere did you specify it must be a double bed. If you had made me aware on your arrival I could have checked whether we had a room with a double bed available. The TV problem I will agree 100% with you and they are checked each morning. I did get our TV Technician to make a call at his first available opportunity which was the first day I was aware there was a problem. In our defence, we can check a TV is working, switch off and in the time between testing and switching on again, the TV could have developed a problem as all appliances can. In the case of your TV, the settings had been changed and I am not knowledgeable in resetting the settings as the installations is not an ordinary household installation, hence I pay for a call out from the professionals. We certainly do have free Wi-Fi available in all rooms - in the rules of the guest house, there is an explanation to request your Wi-Fi password from reception. The rules of the guest house are posted on the inside of the bedroom cupboard doors. I do apologise that your stay was not what you expected but hopefully in future, you will communicate with management to make them aware of your requirements and expectations. Regards, Lorraine Bell The Bell Inn Pinetown

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Ronel H
1 night stay With friends
Oct 2018

Very neat and comfortable. Very friendly reception and comfortable rooms.

Baie netjies en gemaklik. Baie vriendelike ontvangs en gerieflike kamers.

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Value for money
The Bell Inn

Dear Ronel, Wow! Many many thanks for taking the time to give us such a wonderful review. We do try, it is just wonderful to share with my staff the success of their efforts. Thanks a million and hope to see you again in the near future. Take care, Lorraine The Bell Inn

Beste Ronel, Sjoe! Baie baie dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om vir ons so 'n wonderlike resensie te gee. Ons probeer wel, dit is net wonderlik om die sukses van hul pogings met my personeel te deel. Miljoene dankies en hoop om jou in die nabye toekoms weer te sien. Kyk mooi na jouself, Lorraine Die Bell Inn

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Johan L
Short stay With partner
Jan 2018

Phenomenal. We stayed there for 5 days and every day was wonderful. The service is great and the accommodation is spacious, with everything you need. It is centrally located and met all our expectations.

Fenomenaal. Ons het 5 dae daar vertoef en elke dag was wonderlik. Die diens is puik en die verblyf is ruim, met alles wat jy nodig het. Dit is sentraal geleë en het aan al ons verwagtinge voldoen.

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Value for money

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Lorraine Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 7

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R 1 400
per night, for 2 ppl
R 1 400
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 14 people
  • No children under 10
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 16 Manors Road, Pinetown, 3610, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDBhNWY0NzhkLTFmNjktNDFmMS1hZTNiLTc5NTM2MjE2ODA0ZQ?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 400 per night, for 2 ppl 7 5 1 5 16 Manors Road Pinetown 3610 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -29.805098718484 30.863600280423

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