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The Island River Lodge


3.8/ 5

Based on 10 reviews


Value for money
Andre R
Short stay With partner
Apr 2023

Very beautiful, peaceful with the sound of the river and forest. Clean, tidy place to stay for people who want to relax in nature, very quiet, not for children.

Baie mooi, rustig met die klank van die rivier en bos. Skoon, netjiese blyplek vir mense wat in die natuur wil ontspan, baie rustig, nie vir kinders nie.

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Value for money

Lolo M
Short stay With friends
Nov 2023

Nice. Enjoyed ourselves and had peace.

Value for money

Rejoyce M
Short stay With partner
Mar 2023

Excellent location. A secluded location. Great for relaxing. The sound of the river was awesome. It was actually the actual highlight of the stay!

Value for money

Caron E
Short stay With friends
Sep 2023

Weak, weak, weak! Not nearly like the pictures. The chalets were dirty, no coffee or tea facilities, no cup or glass and we could not use any facilities as depicted. The owner is uninvolved and everything we asked for was not available and he only "caters" to overseas customers for breakfast. We were not allowed to use the braai area, and no meals or bar facilities were available. As a group we held our braai at the Tented Camp's kitchen and braai area as the owner made himself at home in the lounge area which should actually be for Chalet residents. The chalets were not serviced in the 2 days, the bathroom in 1 chalet's floor flooded. The place definitely needs attention and if the person then only wants to prepare meals for overseas customers and make the bar available it must be indicated as such. The nearest place to visit is a few km away and the way back is bitterly dangerous in the evening. There is no TV anywhere. Not even in the living area, because the owner finds it too expensive to install and unaffordable. It was an absolute waste of money because the accommodation was extremely expensive for what we got. It now makes clear sense to me why his place was available and not the other lodges around him. We were so disappointed in the place to stay and will definitely never recommend it. There was no wifi or cell phone reception and the owner didn't even offer to make his wifi available to us. Weak, weak, weak!

Swak, swak, swak! Nie naastenby soos die foto's nie. Die chalets was vuil, geen koffie- of teegeriewe nie, geen koppie of glas nie en ons kon geen fasiliteite soos uitgebeeld gebruik nie. Die eienaar is onbetrokke en alles waarvoor ons gevra het was nie beskikbaar nie en hy "cater" net vir oorsese kliënte vir ontbyt. Die braai-area mag ons nie gebruik het nie, en geen etes of kroegfasiliteite was beskikbaar nie. Ons het as groep ons braai gehou by die Tented Camp se kombuis en braai-area aangesien die eienaar homself tuisgemaak het in die kuiergedeelte wat eintlik vir Chalet-inwoners moet wees. Die chalets was nie gediens in die 2dae nie, die badkamer in 1 chalet se vloer het oorstroom. Die plek kort vir seker aandag en as die persoon dan net vir oorsese kliënte wil etes voorberei en die kroeg beskikbaar stel moet dit so aangedui word. Die naaste kuierplek is 'n paar km vandaar en die pad terug bitterlik gevaarlik in die aand. Daar is geen TV nêrens nie. Nie eers in die kuierarea nie, want die eienaar vind dit te duur om te installeer en onbekostigbaar. Dit was absoluut 'n mors van geld want die verblyf is bitterlik duur gewees vir dit wat ons gekry het. Dit maak nou vir my duidelik sin hoekom sy plek beskikbaar was en nie die ander lodges rondom hom nie. Ons was so teleurgesteld in die blyplek en sal dit vir seker nooit aanbeveel nie. Daar was geen wifi of selfoonopvangs nie en die eienaar het nie eers aangebied om sy wifi vir ons beskikbaar te stel nie. Swak, swak, swak!

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Value for money
The Island River Lodge

Thank you for your review but I have to admit that it is quite disappointing, more to do with the fact that the comments are not quite accurate. Sorry if you felt that I was uninvolved, but you were greeted by myself on your arrival, I took you to your rooms, showed you the Kitchen/Boma/Braai area, also one of the Tented units (for your interest), also the pooled and outside decking area. I also asked what you planned to do during your stay and advised you of options and suggested certain things to do and consider including during your stay. I also spoke to various members of your group on several occasions and asked how things were going. When you went out, I would see you off and, on your return, I checked on how your trip out was. On the day of departure, I was with your group when you left. Therefore, not sure how more involved I could have been. During these times, no comment was made by any member of your party regarding any issues or problems, and unfortunately if not advised then cannot be resolved. Nothing said about a shower or floor flooded, so not able to resolve if not informed of an issue. Just to clarify we do not just offer catered options for overseas guests, as the people that you saw having breakfast were a South African film crew. We provide two offerings, which is available to all guests irrespective of origin, which is catered (Breakfast and Dinner) and Self-catered, which does not offer any meals, drinks etc. These offerings depend on what you book and your budget/requirements rather than whether South African or Overseas, and we do not distinguish between any differing group of people. You were booked on a self-catered basis, which by description means that you understand that you cater for yourself and expected to bring what food, drinks, etc that you personally need or need to frequent a local restaurant, bar, cafe etc. We do not have an Alcohol license so do not offer 'Bar' facilities to any guest, and this was stated to you on arrival. There is also nothing advertising Bar facilities to any guest (catered or self-catered) on any selected booking platform and as you booked 'self-catered' it is assumed that you would bring your own. Unfortunately, you arrived without alcohol on a Sunday and the bottle stores etc are not open as per regulation laws, so only option is a local bar or restaurant. The facilities made available to you were those offered to self-catered guests as per the descriptions provided on booking platforms, and whether you elect to stay in the chalets or tents, then you use the communal kitchen/braai/boma area as advised and shown in the photographs. The pool, outside decking area etc are able to be used by all guests, as you were advised. All guests can use the TV area as per the information when you booked and has nothing to do with which unit occupied, and as advised to you that this is stream based services, i.e., Prime, Netflix, Showmax, YouTube etc. You wanted to watch the rugby, but as advised that we do not offer DSTV so you would need to go to a local pub/restaurant. This service is not advertised to guests on any booking platform. I said in conversation that I had 'personally' come away from DSTV as the cost of what is provided does not offer value....to which most of your party agreed and stated that they had stopped it as well. So, to state that we have no TV, or you were not able to use the lounge is erroneous and not what was advertised or stated to your party. In regard to meals, we do not have or advertise a restaurant onsite, but meals can be booked when you making a reservation if asked or it has to be booked at least 24 hours in advance but not on arrival as you wanted. This is especially true on a Sunday afternoon when shops are already shut and unable to get fresh produce. Regarding Coffees etc, each room has a coffee/tea making facility, but you booked on self-catered it is assumed that you bring tea and coffee as part of your supplies, however as you did not arrive with anything, I offered to provide these to you on request, which you did not prevail yourselves of and said you were fine. The rooms were cleaned and checked before your arrival, and I can state that they were clean to standard. Regarding your comment that the rooms were not serviced, this is disingenuous, as at 7.30am when I spoke to members of your party and asked how they slept etc and that everything was ok and to let me know when the housekeepers can enter the room it was stated that the rooms do not need to be cleaned. I re-asked and was given the same response. If your group has stated that they do not need the rooms serviced, then it is unreasonable to state that we did not service the rooms. On your arrival you were shown your rooms and also taken and shown the communal kitchen, boma/braai areas, which I also pointed out that the boxes containing all cutlery, eating and drinking utensils were in this area. These are in separate boxes per unit as a holdover from CoViD. However, I stated that if you wished each box to be at the separate unit to let me know. This you never requested. So, to say that you were not allowed to use the Braai area is inaccurate and you certainly were not told that at all. I am also confused that you stated that you had a Braai but had to use the area that is designated for the use of self-catered guests and the same one which I showed you on your arrival. This is irrespective if you booked a tent or chalet, as we charge and provide the same offering. Regarding Telephone signal and Wi-Fi. We are not responsible for signal levels provided by any operator. We are in line of site of the main tower in the area and therefore can get both main two providers, but unfortunately topography can have an impact on the level of signal. I have a dual sim phone and can make and receive calls on both providers, however buildings, trees and topography can impact at times. You were advised that Wi-Fi was available but due to restrictions of point-to-point Wi-Fi in the bush, that it was only available at the main lodge. So, to say that we do not provide Wi-Fi is not accurate. At no time during your stay did any of your party re-enquire about the Wi-Fi or come to the main lodge to make use of it, and the lodge was open the whole time you were on site. Regarding your statement concerning the pictures not representing what is offered please provide your own photos to compare to what is advertised by our establishment as we have tried to make sure that the photos reflect what is offered. Regarding your comment on the 'nearest place to visit' I assume refers to the restaurant you went to use to watch the rugby, but not sure about the 'bitterly dangerous' statement. I have used this establishment on several occasions and do not see how the roads are dangerous, this is especially true as you are farmers and live in rural areas and stated the roads here were better than the ones you are used to in the Free State. I can only assume that this statement was for effect. So again, disappointed that you were not happy with your stay, but as per my response, what you booked, what you paid for and facilities offered for the basis of your booking (i.e. self-catered) was fully in line with what was advertised and provided to you. This is especially true, because I asked various members of your party if they were ok, how are things, anything I can do etc, to which I got no negative response or notified of any issue, so therefore we can only deal with issues we are made aware of. Your party also said that they enjoyed their stay on departure which is strange if all the referred to issues impacted your stay negatively.

Dankie vir jou resensie, maar ek moet erken dat dit nogal teleurstellend is, meer te doen met die feit dat die kommentaar nie heeltemal akkuraat is nie. Jammer as jy gevoel het dat ek onbetrokke was, maar jy is deur myself gegroet met jou aankoms, ek het jou na jou kamers geneem, vir jou die Kombuis/Boma/Braai area gewys, ook een van die Tented units (vir jou belangstelling), ook die swembad en buite dekarea. Ek het ook gevra wat jy beplan om te doen tydens jou verblyf en jou ingelig oor opsies en sekere dinge voorgestel om te doen en te oorweeg om tydens jou verblyf in te sluit. Ek het ook by verskeie geleenthede met verskeie lede van julle groep gepraat en gevra hoe dit gaan. Wanneer jy uitgegaan het, sou ek jou afsien en met jou terugkeer het ek gekyk hoe jou uitstappie was. Op die dag van vertrek was ek by julle groep toe julle weg is. Daarom, nie seker hoe meer betrokke ek kon gewees het nie. Gedurende hierdie tye is geen kommentaar deur enige lid van jou party gemaak oor enige kwessies of probleme nie, en kan ongelukkig nie opgelos word as dit nie aangeraai word nie. Niks gesê oor 'n stort of vloer wat oorstroom is nie, so nie in staat om op te los indien nie ingelig oor 'n probleem nie. Net om duidelik te maak, bied ons nie net spysenieringsopsies vir oorsese gaste nie, aangesien die mense wat jy sien ontbyt eet 'n Suid-Afrikaanse filmspan was. Ons bied twee aanbiedinge, wat beskikbaar is vir alle gaste, ongeag van herkoms, wat voorsien word (Ontbyt en Aandete) en Selfsorg, wat geen etes, drankies ens aanbied nie. Hierdie aanbiedinge hang af van wat jy bespreek en jou begroting/vereistes eerder as of dit nou Suid-Afrikaans of oorsee is, en ons onderskei nie tussen enige verskillende groep mense nie. Jy is op 'n selfsorgbasis bespreek, wat volgens beskrywing beteken dat jy verstaan dat jy vir jouself voorsiening maak en verwag word om die kos, drinkgoed, ens wat jy persoonlik nodig het of nodig het om 'n plaaslike restaurant, kroeg, kafee ens te besoek, saam te bring. Ons het nie 'n alkohollisensie nie so moet nie 'kroeg'-fasiliteite aan enige gas bied nie, en dit is met aankoms aan u gesê. Daar is ook niks wat kroegfasiliteite aan enige gas (versorging of selfsorg) op enige geselekteerde besprekingsplatform adverteer nie en aangesien jy 'selfsorg' bespreek het, word aanvaar dat jy jou eie sal saambring. Ongelukkig het jy sonder alkohol op 'n Sondag aangekom en die bottelwinkels ens is nie oop soos per regulasie wette nie, so enigste opsie is 'n plaaslike kroeg of restaurant. Die fasiliteite wat aan jou beskikbaar gestel is, was dié wat aan selfsorggaste gebied is volgens die beskrywings wat op besprekingsplatforms verskaf word, en of jy kies om in die chalets of tente te bly, dan gebruik jy die gemeenskaplike kombuis/braai/boma area soos aangeraai en gewys. in die foto's. Die swembad, buite-dekarea, ens. kan deur alle gaste gebruik word, soos u aangeraai is. Alle gaste kan die TV-area gebruik volgens die inligting toe jy bespreek het en het niks te doen met watter eenheid beset is nie, en soos aan jou geadviseer dat dit stroomgebaseerde dienste is, dit wil sê Prime, Netflix, Showmax, YouTube ens. Jy wou die rugby kyk, maar soos aangeraai dat ons nie DSTV aanbied nie, so jy sal na 'n plaaslike kroeg/restaurant moet gaan. Hierdie diens word nie aan gaste op enige besprekingsplatform geadverteer nie. Ek het in gesprek gesê ek het 'persoonlik' van DSTV af weggekom aangesien die koste van wat voorsien word nie waarde bied nie....waartoe meeste van julle party ingestem het en verklaar het dat hulle dit ook gestaak het. Dus, om te sê dat ons geen TV het nie, of jy kon nie die sitkamer gebruik nie, is foutief en nie wat geadverteer of aan jou party gestel is nie. Wat maaltye betref, het ons nie 'n restaurant op die perseel of adverteer dit nie, maar etes kan bespreek word wanneer jy 'n bespreking maak indien gevra of dit moet ten minste 24 uur voor die tyd bespreek word, maar nie met aankoms soos jy wou nie. Dit is veral waar op 'n Sondagmiddag wanneer winkels reeds gesluit is en nie vars produkte kan kry nie. Wat Koffies ens betref, elke kamer het 'n koffie-/teemaakfasiliteit, maar jy het op selfsorg bespreek, daar word aanvaar dat jy tee en koffie as deel van jou voorraad saambring, maar aangesien jy met niks opgedaag het nie, het ek aangebied om dit te voorsien. aan julle op versoek, waaroor julle nie die oorhand gekry het nie en gesê het dit gaan goed met julle. Die kamers is skoongemaak en nagegaan voor jou aankoms, en ek kan sê dat dit skoon was op standaard. Met betrekking tot jou opmerking dat die kamers nie gediens is nie, is dit onopreg, soos om 07:30 toe ek met lede van jou party gepraat het en gevra het hoe hulle geslaap het ens en dat alles ok is en om my te laat weet wanneer die huishoudsters die kamer kan binnegaan. is gestel dat die kamers nie skoongemaak hoef te word nie. Ek het weer gevra en is dieselfde antwoord gegee. Indien u groep verklaar het dat hulle nie die kamers gediens benodig nie, dan is dit onredelik om te sê dat ons nie die kamers gediens het nie. Met u aankoms is u kamers gewys en ook die gemeenskaplike kombuis, boma/braai-areas geneem en gewys, wat ek ook daarop gewys het dat die bokse met alle eetgerei, eet- en drinkgoed in hierdie area was. Dit is in aparte bokse per eenheid as 'n oorblyfsel van CoViD. Ek het egter gesê dat as jy wil hê elke boks moet by die aparte eenheid wees om my te laat weet. Dit het jy nooit versoek nie. Dus, om te sê dat jy nie die braai-area mag gebruik nie, is onakkuraat en dit is beslis glad nie vir jou gesê nie. Ek is ook verward dat jy gesê het dat jy 'n braai gehad het, maar die area moes gebruik wat vir die gebruik van selfsorggaste aangewys is en dieselfde een wat ek vir jou gewys het met jou aankoms. Dit is ongeag of jy 'n tent of chalet bespreek het, want ons vra en bied dieselfde aanbieding. Met betrekking tot Telefoonsein en Wi-Fi. Ons is nie verantwoordelik vir seinvlakke wat deur enige operateur verskaf word nie. Ons is in lyn met die terrein van die hooftoring in die area en kan dus beide hoof twee verskaffers kry, maar ongelukkig kan topografie 'n impak hê op die vlak van sein. Ek het 'n dubbele sim-foon en kan oproepe maak en ontvang op beide verskaffers, maar geboue, bome en topografie kan soms 'n impak hê. Jy is in kennis gestel dat Wi-Fi beskikbaar was, maar as gevolg van beperkings van punt-tot-punt Wi-Fi in die bos, was dit slegs by die hooflodge beskikbaar. Dus, om te sê dat ons nie Wi-Fi verskaf nie, is nie akkuraat nie. Op geen tydstip tydens jou verblyf het enige van jou party weer navraag gedoen oor die Wi-Fi of na die hooflodge gekom om daarvan gebruik te maak nie, en die lodge was oop die hele tyd wat jy op die perseel was. Met betrekking tot jou stelling oor die foto's wat nie verteenwoordig wat aangebied word nie, verskaf asseblief jou eie foto's om te vergelyk met wat deur ons instansie geadverteer word, aangesien ons probeer het om seker te maak dat die foto's weerspieël wat aangebied word. Oor jou kommentaar oor die 'naaste kuierplek' neem ek aan verwys na die restaurant wat jy gaan gebruik het om die rugby te kyk, maar nie seker oor die 'bittergevaarlike' stelling nie. Ek het al verskeie kere van hierdie instansie gebruik gemaak en sien nie hoe die paaie gevaarlik is nie, dit is veral waar aangesien julle boere is en in landelike gebiede woon en gesê het die paaie hier was beter as dié waaraan jy in die Vrystaat gewoond is. Ek kan net aanvaar dat hierdie stelling vir effek was. So weereens, teleurgesteld dat jy nie tevrede was met jou verblyf nie, maar volgens my antwoord was dit wat jy bespreek het, waarvoor jy betaal het en fasiliteite wat aangebied word vir die basis van jou bespreking (d.w.s. selfsorg) ten volle in lyn met wat geadverteer is. en aan jou verskaf. Dit is veral waar, want ek het verskeie lede van jou party gevra of hulle in orde is, hoe gaan dit, enigiets wat ek kan doen, ens, waarop ek geen negatiewe reaksie gekry het of in kennis gestel is van enige kwessie nie, so daarom kan ons net kwessies hanteer wat ons bewus gemaak word van. Jou party het ook gesê dat hulle hul verblyf by vertrek geniet het, wat vreemd is as al die verwysde kwessies jou verblyf negatief beïnvloed het.

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Douglas G
Long stay With partner
Jan 2022

Value for money, peaceful. Attentive owner, very clean, nice pool area. Trees need to be trimmed heavily to give advertised views.

Value for money

Denise V
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2021

Nice, but not so much for kids. Nice rest and great area if you like bushveld and camping.

Lekker, maar nie so veel vir kinders nie. Lekker gerus en wonderlike area as jy van bosveld en uitkamp hou.

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Value for money

Tereza S
Short stay With partner
Aug 2019

Beautiful setting and the accommodation is really wow, friendly and helpful host with knowledge of where to go and what to do. We arrived late in the evening and Ian was patiently waiting for us and guided us to our tented chalet. He is really a lovely host and checked on us every day, suggesting various places in the area we can visit. The shared kitchen and boma space is fully kitted, and everything is neat and clean. The staff working at the lodge are engaging, cleaning the kitchen after every meal and loads of wood were piled on the braai for our fire every night.

Pragtige omgewing, en die akkommodasie is baie wow, vriendelike en hulpvaardige gasheer met kennis van waarheen om te gaan en wat om te doen. Ons het laat die aand aangekom en Ian het geduldig op ons gewag en ons na ons tenthuisie gelei. Hy is regtig 'n lieflike gasheer en het elke dag by ons gekyk, en hy stel verskillende plekke in die omgewing voor wat ons kan besoek. Die gedeelde kombuis- en boma-ruimte is volledig toegerus en alles is netjies en skoon. Die personeel wat by die lodge werk, is besig met die skoonmaak van die kombuis na elke maaltyd en daar is elke aand hope hout op die braai gestapel vir ons vuur.

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Value for money

Anonymous Guest
Short stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2019

Value for money
The Island River Lodge
Thank you for your review. The property does not offer a restaurant or bar facilitie, and does not advertise such. You booked the units on a self-catered basis and not catered and therefore meals are not organised. If guests require dinner and/or breakfast then this needs to be booked 24 hours before arrival, so to allow to provide fresh food to guests. In regard to my cleaning staff, they were off on the Saturday after the public holiday week, but at any time they are off I provide any and all cleaning services required. I spoke to you and said that I would clean your units on the Saturday which you declined.

Lerutisang Pamela M
Short stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2018

Too much flies. There was just too much flies in the area, never ate our food in peace. It's very important as a manager to be consistent in terms of hospitality, the guy was very friendly when we got there and helping with all things, but he became something else when we left on Thursday. The cleaners were already cleaning the kitchen before we even finished using it, to us it looked like we were not welcome anymore, so never ever will I return to that place.

Value for money
The Island River Lodge

Thank you for your review. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about flies and insects in general, it must be highlighted that you are in the bush and any and all meat left uncovered and trays or containers that have had meat in/on them will attract them wherever you are in the world. This is the reason that sealable bins are positioned strategically in and around both the boma area and units, as pointed out to you on your initial inspection. These bins have their plastic bags changed and the bins are washed out daily to minimise flies from the area. The staff are instructed not to disturb the guests, and will neither clean the rooms or the boma area whilst guests are using them, and will return once they are not occupied or not in use. Many guests have commented on this and have stated that it is a positive, as they do not feel the need to vacate their unit or any other facility area. However, it must be highlighted that the stated booking out time is 10am (especially in the busy festive period), and to be just starting making your breakfast at this time should of been included in your review, especially as she was cleaning plates from other guests who had made their food earlier, and neither she or myself at any time suggested that you could not finish making your food, even though it was past 10am and ultimately you did not vacate the establishment until after 11am. My manner and demeanour does not change and I am focused on guests and their time spent here, and neither I or my staff have ever chased guests away if they are still in situ past the agreed booking out time. However it must be highlighted that your family attitude to myself and my establishment altered after I had to ask your husband to desist on chopping and cutting food on the wooden counter tops in the boma kitchen and rather use one of the 3 large chopping boards provided for guests use (which I feel was a fair request). Also my request to your son to turn down the music (twice) that was being played loudly from his vehicle, after other guests comments, is again probably one of the reasons that your attitude altered. But thank you for your review and your patronage, and am sorry that you needed to leave a negative review but will always take notice of any and all positive or negative comments in the these reviews and if something needs addressing then will do so appropriately, if within my or my staff's power. Iain Rendle The Island River Lodge

Thank you for your review. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about flies and insects in general, it must be highlighted that you are in the bush and any and all meat left uncovered and trays or containers that have had meat in/on them will attract them wherever you are in the world. This is the reason that sealable bins are positioned strategically in and around both the boma area and units, as pointed out to you on your initial inspection. These bins have their plastic bags changed and the bins are washed out daily to minimise flies from the area. The staff are instructed not to disturb the guests, and will neither clean the rooms or the boma area whilst guests are using them, and will return once they are not occupied or not in use. Many guests have commented on this and have stated that it is a positive, as they do not feel the need to vacate their unit or any other facility area. However, it must be highlighted that the stated booking out time is 10am (especially in the busy festive period), and to be just starting making your breakfast at this time should of been included in your review, especially as she was cleaning plates from other guests who had made their food earlier, and neither she or myself at any time suggested that you could not finish making your food, even though it was past 10am and ultimately you did not vacate the establishment until after 11am. My manner and demeanour does not change and I am focused on guests and their time spent here, and neither I or my staff have ever chased guests away if they are still in situ past the agreed booking out time. However it must be highlighted that your family attitude to myself and my establishment altered after I had to ask your husband to desist on chopping and cutting food on the wooden counter tops in the boma kitchen and rather use one of the 3 large chopping boards provided for guests use (which I feel was a fair request). Also my request to your son to turn down the music (twice) that was being played loudly from his vehicle, after other guests comments, is again probably one of the reasons that your attitude altered. But thank you for your review and your patronage, and am sorry that you needed to leave a negative review but will always take notice of any and all positive or negative comments in the these reviews and if something needs addressing then will do so appropriately, if within my or my staff's power. Iain Rendle The Island River Lodge

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Pieter W
Short stay With partner
Aug 2017

Outstanding. The place is very beautiful and well maintained. The owner made a lot of effort to make our stay pleasant.

Uitstekend. Die plek is baie mooi en goed versorg. Die eienaar het baie moeite gedoen om ons verblyf aangenaam te maak.

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Value for money
The Island River Lodge

Dankie Pieter I am glad you enjoyed your stay. Iain Rendle The Island Hoedspruit

Dankie Pieter Ek is bly jy het jou verblyf geniet. Iain Rendle Die Eiland Hoedspruit

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Iain Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 10

On LekkeSlaap 9 years

From R 1 650
per night (sleeps 2)
R 1 650
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 16 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Portion 54 Moriah, Hoedspruit, 1380, Limpopo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh5ax0q563El7ZU6PDLI8qkRHesiAdWpOq77CiUoEN075Wd84d?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 650 per night (sleeps 2) 10 5 1 4 Portion 54 Moriah Hoedspruit 1380 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -24.403830721475 30.822111797424

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