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The Wild Pear Shack

Guest House


4/ 5

Based on 12 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Chantell H
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2023

Will definitely come again. Something different and unique, affordable, and casual.

Value for money
The Wild Pear Shack

Hi Chantell, thank you for the review and we are glad you enjoyed your stay. We're looking forward to seeing you back one day again.

Hallo Chantell, dankie vir die resensie en ons is bly jy het jou verblyf geniet. Ons sien uit daarna om jou eendag weer te sien.

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Daan En Rina O
1 night stay Individual traveller
Sep 2023

Very friendly reception. Easy to find and very convenient. It was really experiencing the shack life, with all the comforts the traveler needed. Very original and well furnished. Really affordable. El will pop in there again anytime for a lovely night's rest. Thank you, Wynand!

Baie vriendelike ontvangs. Maklik om te kry en baie gerieflik. Dit was regtig om die shack life te ondervind, met al die gerief wat die reisiger nodig gehad het. Baie oorspronklik en goed ingerig. Werklik bekostigbaar. El sal enige tyd weer daar inloer vir 'n heerlike nag se uitrus. Dankie, Wynand!

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Value for money
The Wild Pear Shack

Thank you very much, it was just a pleasure to have you with us. And when ever again in need please let us know. Greetings Wynand

Baie Dankie, dit was net n plesier gewees om julle by ons te kon he. En when ever again in need laat ons weet asb. Groete Wynand

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Leander J
1 night stay With partner
May 2023

Was very peaceful and comfortable. Place was easy to get to, friendly people and suitable for what we needed.

Was baie rustig en gemaklik. Plek was maklik om by uit te kom, vriendelike mense en gepas vir wat ons nodig gehad het.

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Value for money
The Wild Pear Shack

Thank you very much Leander. It was just a pleasure to have you with us. And we hope and believe to see you again one day in the future. Greetings Wynand

Baie Dankie Leander. Dit was net n plesier om julle by ons te gehad het. En ons hoop en glo om julle weer eendag in die toekoms te sien. Groete Wynand

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Clive N
Short stay With partner
Sep 2024

Value for money if you are just sleeping over. Fine, thanks. No complaints.

Value for money

Riana P
Short stay
Apr 2023

Clean, tidy and safe accommodation. The Wild Pear Shack is ideal for a single person or two people to sleep over. Comfortably furnished, excellent service and loadshedding friendly. No cooking facilities, but an electric and gas kettle. Large bathroom with hot water and a nice shower. Safe and well located in relation to the business center. No TV, but wi-fi. I will definitely stay there again if I have to spend the night in Heidelberg again.

Skoon, netjiese en veilige verblyf. Die Wild Pear Shack is ideaal vir 'n enkelpersoon of twee mense om oor te slaap. Gerieflik ingerig, uitstekende diens en loadshedding-vriendelik. Geen kosmaakgeriewe nie, maar wel 'n elektriese en gasketel. Groot badkamer met warm water en 'n lekker stort. Veilig en goed geleë t.o.v. die besigheidsentrum. Geen TV nie, maar wel wi-fi. Ek sal vir seker weer daar gaan oorslaap indien ek weer in Heidelberg moet oornag.

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Value for money
The Wild Pear Shack

Thank you very much Riana, it was just a pleasure to have you with us during your visit to Heidelberg. Yes, we look forward to having you stay with us again when you may need to come back one day.

Baie Dankie Riana, dit was net 'n plesier om julle by ons te he tydens julle besoek aan Heidelberg. Ja, ons sien uit om julle weer by ons te laat oorslaap waneer julle dalk terug moet kom eendag.

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Hilletje C
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2023

One night stay in Heidelberg, due to a late night function we attended. The Wild Pear Shack is perfect for what we needed and 100% value for money. Quick stay for an affordable price.

Een aand verblyf in Heidelberg, weens 'n laat nag funksie wat ons bygewoon het. The Wild Pear Shack is perfek vir wat ons nodig gehad het en 100% warde vir geld. Vinnige veblyf vir 'n bekostigbare prys.

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Value for money

Eddie En Marinda P
Short stay With partner
May 2023

Very cool African setting. The place is very cute and really something to see for guests if you want to experience an "African" setting.

Baie oulike Afrika-opset. Die plekkie is baie oulik en regtig iets om te sien vir gaste as jy 'n "African" opset wil beleef.

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Value for money
The Wild Pear Shack

Good day. Thank you very much for the feedback about the place, our tour of it and thank you very much for visiting us.

Goeie dag. Baie dankie vir die terugvooring oor die plekkie, ons wardeur dit en baie dankie vir die kuier by ons.

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Sarel C
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2023

Slept well. Yes, I slept well and got coffee and milk with sugar and tea. It was really cool.

Lekker geslaap. Ja, ek het lekker geslaap en koffie en melk met suiker en tee gekry. Dit was regtig gaaf.

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Value for money

Marieta M
1 night stay With partner
Nov 2023

It's disappointing, better to avoid. It was very disappointing and the only positive was that the lights and WiFi worked during load shedding. Unfortunately, there are many more negatives. Room 1: The gas geyser did not work. There was no hot water at the sink. The toilet is actually only suitable for children (very low). The fridge didn't work. Room 2: The bathroom walls were only made of corrugated iron and it was very cold. There was no plug in the sink. The fridge/freezer smelled awful and didn't work. The outside area was not clean and tidy at all. The location is poor: it is located in Rensburg and not in Heidelberg itself, and it is very close to a train track with trains running constantly. The owner did refund part of one room's costs because the geyser didn't work.

Dis teleurstellend, liewer vermy. Dit was baie teleurstellend en die enigste positiewe was dat die ligte en WiFi tydens beurtkrag gewerk het. Ongelukkig is daar baie meer negatiewe. Kamer 1: Die gasgeiser het nie gewerk nie. Daar was geen warm water by die wasbak nie. Die toilet is eintlik net geskik vir kinders (baie laag). Die yskas het nie gewerk nie. Kamer 2: Die badkamermure is slegs van sinkplaat gemaak en dit was baie koud. Daar was geen prop in die wasbak nie. Die yskas/vrieskas het verskriklik gestink en nie gewerk nie. Die buite-area was glad nie skoon en netjies nie. Die ligging is swak: dit is geleë in Rensburg en nie in Heidelberg self nie, en dit is baie naby 'n treinspoor met treine wat konstant ry. Die eienaar het wel 'n deel van een kamer se kostes terugbetaal omdat die geiser nie gewerk het nie.

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Value for money
The Wild Pear Shack

More Marieta, thank you very much for the feedback and sorry to hear that you did not enjoy the absolute budget friendly stay at all. Darm did you see there is provision for loadshedding" wonder how many other places it has" And yes there was 50 percent paid back on the room that packed up its geyser" again replaced thanks to insurance. "The location, funnily enough, is the great living area of Heidelberg and forms part of one of the 9 living areas in Heidelberg" also currently the Heidelberg post office that is in operation is also in Rensburg. One of the safest and quietest areas to live in. Then put in a nice way we are also the cheapest place to stay so cheap that the pizza you ordered covers the price of one room's night, and for the reason that we are so cheap we attract guests who can afford budget friendly accommodation and not the much more expensive price paid for another place. For the Price of Bad R400 per night we offer much more than people would expect. And would also like to have you back again when you need a place again in Heidleberg and don't want to pay the more expensive prices "certain places up to almost R2000 per night". The second room yes Thank you we agree that fridge has a funny smell and decided that room doesn't need a fridge, Because we are so cheap we can also leave fridges on permanently. And they if down at the wall so just a call to us ok or to look at the plug would have made it work, we really make Very very little money on the accommodation with costs that cover internet, the cleaning agents and Labour, the commission to be paid on the platform, the coffee and tea and milk and bathroom necessities, electric time and water. There is an extra blanket in the closet in every room, sorry you didn't see it, we leave it there standard and winter other solutions. Our style of accommodation is definitely not white linen ect, and we are also going to change to make a boring place that is just the same as every other place, our rooms are unique "as you can see on our photos" and we get many people coming back. Again, sorry that our place did not meet your standards and I hope and believe that you will visit again one day. Best regards the shack life team

More Marieta, baie dankie vir die terug voering en jammer om te hoor julle het glad nIe die absolute budget friendly verblyf geniet nIe. Darm het u gesien daar is versiening vir loadshedding”wonder hoeveel ander plekkies dit het” En yes daar was 50 percent terug betaal op die kamer wat se geyser opgepak het” weer verwang danksy versekering. “Die ligging is snaaks genoeg die grootse bly area van heidelberg en vorm deel van een van die 9 bly areas in Heidelberg”ook tans die Heidelbergse postkantoor wat in werking is is ook in Rensburg. Een van die veiligste en stilste areas om in te woon. Dan op n mooi manier gestel ons is ook die cheapste plek om by te bly so cheap dat daai pizza wat u bestel het een kamer se aand Prys dek, en Vir daai rede dat ons so goedkoop is trek ons gaste wat budget friendly verblyf kan bekosting en nIe die Baie duurder Prys betaal vir n ander plek nie. Vir die Prys van Slegte R400 per nag offer ons Baie meer as wat mense Sal verwag. En Sal u ook weer met graagte terug wil he waneer u weer plek nodig het in Heidleberg en nIe die duurder pryse wil betaal nIe”sekere plekkies tot op amper R2000 per aand”. Die tweede kamer yes Dankie ons stem saam daai yskas het n snaakse reuk en het besluit Daai kamer het nIe nodig om n yskas te he nie, Weens ons so goedkoop is kan ons ook nIe yskaste permanent aan los nIe. En hulle as af by die muur so net n oproep aan ons ok of te kyk na die plug sou dit laat werk het, ons maak regtig Baie baie min geld op die verblyf met kostes wat internet dek, die skoon maak middels en Labour, die komiesie wat betaal moet word op die platvorm, die koffie en tee en melk en badkamer nodighede, elektriese tyd en water. Daar is in elke kamer n extra kombers in die kas jammer dat u dit nIe Sien het nIe ons los dit daar standard en winter ander solutions. Ons styl van akkomodasie is beslis nIe white linen Ect nIe, en ook gaan ook nIe verander om n boring plek te maak wat net die selfde as elke ande plek is nIe ons kamers is Unique “soos u kan Sien op ons foto’s”en ons kry baie mense wat terugkom. So weerheens jammer dar ons plek nIe u standaarde gepas het nIe en hoop en glo u Sal eendag weer kom inloer. Beste groete the shack life span

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Carolien D
1 night stay Individual traveller
Dec 2022

Good, affordable overnight accommodation. Owners are very friendly and bed slept great. Everything you need for an overnight stay. Nice clean and garden starting to take shape.

Goeie, bekostigbare oornagverblyf. Eienaars is baie vriendelik en bed het heerlik geslaap. Alles wat mens nodig het vir 'n oornag. Mooi skoon en tuin begin vorm vat.

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Value for money
The Wild Pear Shack

Thank you very much Susan. It was just a pleasure to have you here. You are more than welcome to visit again. Indeed the garden is going well. We are already in the process of starting to garden outside in our field. Greetings, The shack life

Baie Dankie Susan. Was net n plesier om U te gehad het hier. U is meer as welkom om weer te kom kuier. Inderdaad die tuin gaan goed aan. Ons is al besig om buite in ons veld ook tuin te begin maak. Groete, The shack life

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Wynand Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 12

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

From R400
per night (sleeps 2)
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 34 D F Malan Street, Heidelberg, 1441, Gauteng
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAad930d57badb60cbaf53ed555d150939fbd61f9674b23ff77e5dbc1919f2f8f37468a9073f00fd4d2fa141af89d22134078a?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R400 per night (sleeps 2) 12 5 1 4 34 D F Malan Street Heidelberg 1441 Gauteng 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -26.5270033 28.3695014

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