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Thembe Eco Lodge


3.5/ 5

Based on 11 reviews


Value for money
Petra W
1 night stay With friends
Dec 2022

Basic accommodation. Unfortunately, the smell is not bearable inside the rondavel. We left with a headache and would not recommend staying there.

Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Thank you for your feedback. It is a pity you did not report it to the office, we could have moved you to another room.

Dankie vir jou terugvoering. Dit is jammer jy het dit nie by die kantoor aangemeld nie, ons kon jou na 'n ander kamer geskuif het.

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Bert L
Long stay Large group
Jan 2019

Nice stay and ablutions and pitches are clean and tidy. We had a great stay and the service is very good. The management is always available and very helpful. They even let us sleep in a chalet the last night when there was a storm and we had damage to our tent. They use borehole water so you can drink the water and they are pretty central to get anywhere. We will definitely use them again.

Lekker gebly en ablusies en staanplekke is skoon en netjies. Ons het baie lekker gebly en die diens is baie goed. Die bestuur is altyd beskikbaar en baie behulpsaam. Hulle het ons tot in 'n chalet laat slaap die laaste aand toe daar 'n storm was en ons skade gehad het met ons tent. Hulle gebruik boorgat water so jy kan die water drink en hulle is redelik sentraal om orals uit te kom. Ons sal definitief weer van hulle gebruik maak.

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Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Thank you very much, it was nice to have you at Thembe Eco Lodge, see you again soon

Baie dankie, was lekker om julle by Thembe Eco Lodge te he, sien julle binnekort weer

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Anonymous Guest
Short stay Family with teenagers
Mar 2019

Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge
Baie dankie, ons is tans besig met verbeteringe.

Ewan Eduan C
1 night stay With partner
May 2017

Quiet. The road to the accommodation is very sandy. A bakkie is your best bet.

Stilte. Die pad na die verblyf is baie sanderig. 'n Bakkie jou beste opsie.

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Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Thank you very much for the positive review. Hope to see you again

Baie dankie vir positiewe review. Hoop om julle weer te sien

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Beana C
Short stay With partner
Sep 2017

Friendly management, not so friendly rondavel. We booked a campsite at Thembe Eco Lodge over a long weekend. On arrival we were kindly welcomed and our stand was assigned. First thing pns notices is that we are the only guests for the weekend - that must be a red light already. The pitches are neat, each with a braai, power point and camp light. The ablution block is also neat and clean, despite the fact that there is only one toilet (luckily I was the only one using it). I also don't remember seeing a washing up area. In general, our luck was a bit out and we had very bad weather on arrival (strong wind and some rain). With the struggle of pitching a tent, one of the drivers came to offer us the rondavel at the same price; We very gratefully accepted the offer and the rondavel was then dusted off for us. I know you never look a given horse in the mouth, but that rondavel will never see me again. We could immediately notice that there were many guests who had not been there for a long time. The cutlery is full of cobwebs, the bedclothes full of dirty goat, Daddy-Long-legs in the fridge, fish moths on the toilet roll, etc. All this after we were cleaned first. The water system is faulty, turn on the bathroom tap and water starts to flow out of the kitchen tap as well. The toilet only worked now and then. I certainly can't blame the management, because they didn't expect anyone in the rondavel, but I feel that a place like this should always be kept tip-top in case someone at number 99 wants to check in there. On another positive note, at least a lady came to clean our rondavel again on a holiday.

Vriendelike bestuur, nie so vriendelike rondawel. Ons het 'n kamppeerplek bespreek by Thembe Eco Lodge oor 'n langnaweek. Met aankoms was ons vriendelik verwelkom en ons staanplek is aangewys. Eerste ding wat pns opmerk is dat ons die enigste gaste is vir die naweek - dit moet reeds 'n rooi lig wees. Die staanplekke is netjies, elkeen met 'n braai, kragpunt en kampliggie. Die ablusieblok is ook netjies en skoon, ten spyte van die feit dat daar net een toilet is (gelukkig was ek die enigste een wat dit so gebruik). Ek kan ook nie onthou dat ek 'n opwasarea gesien het nie. Oor die algemeen was ons geluk bietjie uit en het met aankoms baie slegte weer gehad (sterk wind en bietjie reën). Met die gestoei van tent opslaan, het een van die bestuurders gekom om vir ons die rondawel aan te bied teen dieselfde prys; baie dankbaar het ons die offer aanvaar en die rondawel word toe vinng vir ons afgestof. Ek weet mens kyk nooit 'n gegewe perd in die bek nie, maar daardie rondawel sal my nie sommer weer sien nie. Ons kon dadelik agterkom dat daar baie lanklaas gaste was. Die eetgerei is vol spinnerakke, die beddegoed vol geitjie vuilgeit, Daddy-Long-legs in die yskas, vismotte aan die toiletrol, ens. Dit alles nadat daar vir ons eers skoongemaak is. Die watersisteem is foutief, draai die badkamerkraan oop en water begin by die kombuiskraan ook uitloop. Die toilet het net nou en dan gewerk. Ek kan die bestuur seker nie kwalik neem nie, omdat hul nie iemand in die rondawel verwag het nie, maar ek voel so plek moet maar altyd tip-top gehou word vir ingeval iemand op nommer 99 daar wil inboek. Op 'n ander positiewe noot, het 'n dame darem ons rondawel weer kom skoonmaak op 'n vakansiedag.

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Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Dear Beane, Thank you very much for the feedback. As rightly mentioned, we went out of our way to make it as convenient as possible for you, especially with the storm on the day of your arrival. We really only tried to do good by offering you a rondavel rather than leaving you in the weather with the facilities that were booked for. No extra costs are charged for the use of the rondavel. It's a shame that you didn't experience this gesture positively. The thatched roofs in the rondavels are sprayed for insects when they are empty, but because they are located in the forest, dust, insects and geckos cannot be fully kept away. To make up for the inconvenience of cobwebs, gecko droppings and the like, we offer a full cleaning service. It's a shame that you didn't bring the problems regarding the water system, toilet and taps to our attention. We would have liked the opportunity to address these issues immediately during your stay. Although your comments regarding the rondavels as well as the empty tent camp are disappointing, we also want to thank you for the positive points. Regards, Martina

Beste Beane, Baie dankie vir die terugvoer. Soos tereg genoem, het ons uit ons pad gegaan om dit vir julle so gerieflik moontlik te maak, veral met die onweer op die dag van jul aankoms. Ons het regtig net probeer goed doen deur vir julle 'n rondawel aan te bied eerder as om julle in die weer te los by die geriewe waarvoor daar bespreek was. Geen ekstra kostes is gehef vir die gebruik van die rondawel nie. Dis jammer dat julle nie hierdie gebaar positief ervaar het nie. Die grasdakke in die rondawels word wel gespuit vir insekte as dit leeg is, maar omdat dit in die bos geleë is, kan stof, insekte en geitjies nie ten volle weggehou word nie. Om op te maak vir die ongerief met die spinnerakke, geitjiemis en dies meer, het ons 'n volledige skoonmaakdienste gebied. Dis jammer dat julle nie die probleme rakende die watersisteem, toilet en krane onder ons aandag gebring het nie. Ons sou graag die geleentheid wou gehad het om hierdie probleme onmiddelik aan te spreek tydens jul verblyf. Al is jul kommentaar rakende die rondawels sowel as die leë tentekamp telleurstellend, wil ons julle ook bedank vir die positiewe punte. Groete, Martina

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Karen S
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2017

Very neglected unit, bad quality for price paid. Staff on premises was friendly and helpful. Unit is not up to standard with regards to price paid.

Eenheid baie verwaarloos en swak gehalte vir prys betaal. Personeel op perseel is vriendelik en hulpvaardig. Eenheid is nie op standaard vir prys wat betaal word nie.

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Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Sorry for the inconvenience, working on improvements

Jammer vir die ongerief , werk op verbeterings

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Darius W
Short stay With partner
Dec 2016

Good value for money. Went with a sedan, got stuck on sand and lost a bumper. Safe, secure, didn't have electricity for 3/3 evenings, 1 evening due to the the plug points not working, 2 evenings due to thunderstorms striking an electricity box. Still a lovely experience. Would go again with a different vehicle.

Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Thank you for the possitive vibe. Hope to see you again

Thank you for the possitive vibe. Hope to see you again

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Gerrit P
Short stay With partner
Jan 2016

Disappointing as the resort has a lot of potential. The unit was very untidy inside and air conditioning did not work the first night. After we notified the owner, she had it repaired.

Teleurstellend aangesien die oord baie potensiaal het. Die eenheid was baie slordig binne en lugversorging het nie gewerk die eerste aand nie. Nadat ons die eienares in kennis gestel het, het sy dit laat herstel.

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Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

The air conditioner's gas was finished and was left to be filled the next day. The guests didn't complain at all about anything except the air conditioning that didn't work. The units are usually very tidy inside but cleaners do not work on holidays and Sundays.

Die lugversorger se gas was klaar en is die volgende dag laat volmaak. Die gaste het glad nie gekla oor enige iets behalwe die lugversorging wat nie gewerk het nie. Die eenhede is gewoonlik baie netjies binne maar skoonmakers werk nie vakansiedae en Sondae nie.

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Hein F
Long stay Family with young children
Jan 2016

Definitely won't recommend staying there to anyone. I myself have worked in the tourism industry for 10 years and I am truly shocked by the service of this place. Firstly, there is no one at the reception to welcome the guests and make sure they are checked in. That is if you can find the place. It is very poorly signed and the signs that do exist are extremely small and you have to look properly to find them. Our booking was for 3 chalets and a camping spot. From the 27th December to the 3rd January for 11 people. Only one toilet roll was available for this period as clearly stated in their rules and regulations. Some of our party left early and I then moved into a chalet. The owner then wanted to charge me again because I was not the original guest. That meaning that 3 chalets were now paid for till 3rd by my family and I could not use any of them. After a heated discussion with the owner they merely said that if you leave early, it's your own choice. The aircon in two chalets were not working and no attempt was made to fix it, only a 'sorry' from management. All in all, the worst place I have visited and will definitely spread word to not use this place. Step up your game Thembe.

Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Good day, I the owner of Thembe Eco Lodge where there personally to checked in this Family from Kimberly. There's a big board as you turn off from the tar road and 8 other boards (Black with Yellow writing) in a 5km road to the Lodge. Nobody ever complaint about our boards before. The cleaners clean all the Units everyday and then also refill the bathrooms with a new roll of Toilet Paper. Yes, some of the Family left before the checked out date as their were no one to feed their animals at home, the person who wrote this commend is the son who stayed behind where he originally booked a Campsite for 1 person but after a few days he then without permission moved a women in with him. Then he and the woman moved into the Chalet after his parents booked out after his parents made arrangement for him only. His mattress, linen and clothes where lying over the Campsites and I had to asked him to please gather the goods. The Guests in the Rondavel No5 refused to let the cleaners clean the unit as they were always busy, it was very dirty after they left and took us the entire day to clean up the unit, we even had to move te mattress out into the sun. They also broke the swings in the Children play park and empty bottles and half smoked cigarettes where lying all over the swimming pool area "the loudness and swearing not to mentioned". The gas of the aircon where finished as the previous guests booked out, but I explained to the parents who understood, that we did call someone to do repairs but was difficult as it was over Christmas time and 300km to the nearest decent town. I can't understand that people book, pay their deposit and when they arrive they don't have money for the balance and then have to asked them over and over to settle their balance. There were many bookings made by TravelGround and everyone was happy except this family who we had to asked more than 3 times to please settle their balance. He can spread the word, I have many guests who visit this lodge every year. Regards The Owner (Martina)

Good day, I the owner of Thembe Eco Lodge where there personally to checked in this Family from Kimberly. There's a big board as you turn off from the tar road and 8 other boards (Black with Yellow writing) in a 5km road to the Lodge. Nobody ever complaint about our boards before. The cleaners clean all the Units everyday and then also refill the bathrooms with a new roll of Toilet Paper. Yes, some of the Family left before the checked out date as their were no one to feed their animals at home, the person who wrote this commend is the son who stayed behind where he originally booked a Campsite for 1 person but after a few days he then without permission moved a women in with him. Then he and the woman moved into the Chalet after his parents booked out after his parents made arrangement for him only. His mattress, linen and clothes where lying over the Campsites and I had to asked him to please gather the goods. The Guests in the Rondavel No5 refused to let the cleaners clean the unit as they were always busy, it was very dirty after they left and took us the entire day to clean up the unit, we even had to move te mattress out into the sun. They also broke the swings in the Children play park and empty bottles and half smoked cigarettes where lying all over the swimming pool area "the loudness and swearing not to mentioned". The gas of the aircon where finished as the previous guests booked out, but I explained to the parents who understood, that we did call someone to do repairs but was difficult as it was over Christmas time and 300km to the nearest decent town. I can't understand that people book, pay their deposit and when they arrive they don't have money for the balance and then have to asked them over and over to settle their balance. There were many bookings made by TravelGround and everyone was happy except this family who we had to asked more than 3 times to please settle their balance. He can spread the word, I have many guests who visit this lodge every year. Regards The Owner (Martina)

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Caren C
Short stay With partner
Dec 2015

Walking the extra mile. Juan and his mother contacted us about every hour on the day of arrival just to make sure that we are okay and travelling safely. We unfortunately get lost and couldn't find Thembe Lodge. They guided us and even suggested that they will come and look for us, which was luckily not necessary. Juan and his mother is very kind and they really walk the extra mile. thanks for your kindness!

Value for money
Thembe Eco Lodge

Thank you Caren, It was lovely having you here. Regards The Owner Martina

Thank you Caren, It was lovely having you here. Regards The Owner Martina

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Juan Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 11

On LekkeSlaap 9 years

From R300
per night, for 2 ppl
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 60 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Thembe Eco Lodge, Thembe Eco Lodge, KosiBay, 3973, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDFlZGM4NDIzLTg2NGUtNDA1NS04MGE4LThlN2RlMTg2ZWYxZg?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R300 per night, for 2 ppl 11 5 1 4 Thembe Eco Lodge Thembe Eco Lodge 3973 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -26.948638963024 32.813774943352

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