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WestBed -The Legend

Guest House


4.7/ 5

Based on 59 reviews


Value for money
Peter James P
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Quiet visit in Langebaan. Plekkie has a peaceful atmosphere, is small but still feels spacious and comfortable. Quiet area with little traffic.

Rustige kuier in Langebaan. Plekkie het 'n rustige atmosfeer, is klein maar tog voel dit ruim en gemaklik. Stil area met min verkeer.

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Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Peter, thank you very much for the feedback and review. This is greatly appreciated and is important to provide excellent quality service at all times. It was a pleasure for us to host you and we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay. Thank you very much for your support.

Peter, baie dankie vir die terugvoer en resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer en is belangrik om te alle tye uitstekende gehalte diens te lewer. Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kon huisves en ons is baie bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning.

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Japie M
Short stay With partner
Sep 2024

Excellent and to be recommended. We stayed completely and thank the host for the excellent service.

Uitstekend en aan te beveel. Ons het heeltemal gebly en gee ons dank aan die gasheer vir die uitstekende diens.

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Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Yep, thank you very much for the feedback and review. This is greatly appreciated and is important to provide excellent quality service at all times. It was a pleasure for us to host you and we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay. Thank you very much for your support. God's richest blessing to you. Regards, Johan and Valerie, WestBed.

Japie, baie dankie vir die terugvoer en resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer en is belangrik om te alle tye uitstekende gehalte diens te lewer. Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kan huisves en ons is baie bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning. God se rykste seën vir julle. Groete, Johan en Valerie, WestBed.

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Natasha M
Short stay Family with teenagers
May 2024

Relaxing. Cosy and welcoming decor, clean, quiet and peaceful surroundings central to amenities, hostess warm and caring.

Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Dear Natasha, thank you so much for your review which is highly valued and important to ensure excellence in our guest service and hospitality. It was an honour to host and accommodate you. You are always welcome back in the future. Thank you for your support. Keep safe and blessings, Johan on behalf of WestBed

Beste Natasha, baie dankie vir jou resensie wat hoog op prys gestel en belangrik is om uitnemendheid in ons gastediens en gasvryheid te verseker. Dit was 'n eer om julle te huisves en te akkommodeer. Jy is altyd welkom terug in die toekoms. Dankie vir jou ondersteuning. Veilig en seën, Johan namens WestBed

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Short stay With partner
Nov 2023

Had a wonderful stay. Comfortable and clean. Quiet environment was very good after a busy day! The communication from the host was fantastic! We knew exactly what to do and not to do and how everything worked in the unit. Many thanks Johan and Valerie!

Heerlik gebly. Gerieflik en skoon. Stil omgewing was baie goed na 'n besige dag! Die kommunikasie vanaf die gasheer was fantasties! Ons het presies geweet wat om te doen en nie te doen nie en hoe alles werk in die eenheid. Baie dankie Johan and Valerie!

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Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Connie, thank you so much for the feedback and review. This is greatly appreciated and is important to provide excellent quality service at all times. It was a pleasure for us to host you and we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay. Thank you very much for your support. God's richest blessing to you.

Connie, baie dankie vir die terugvoer en resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer en is belangrik om te alle tye uitstekende gehalte diens te lewer. Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kon huisves en ons is baie bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning. God se rykste seën vir julle.

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Shannen S
1 night stay With partner
Aug 2023

Awesome stay! Johan was really a great host. We spent 1 night but it was a great night! Thanks so much!

Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Dear Shannen, thank you so much for your review and assessment which is highly valued and important to us to ensure excellence in guest service delivery and hospitality. We are delighted that you enjoyed your stay. It was such an honour to host you and you are most welcome back in the future. We are very excited for your next visit to Langebaan. Thank you for your support and business. God bless you.

Beste Shannen, baie dankie vir jou resensie en beoordeling wat vir ons hoog op prys gestel en belangrik is om uitnemendheid in gasdienslewering en gasvryheid te verseker. Ons is verheug dat jy jou verblyf geniet het. Dit was so 'n eer om julle te huisves en julle is baie welkom terug in die toekoms. Ons is baie opgewonde oor jou volgende besoek aan Langebaan. Dankie vir jou ondersteuning en besigheid. God seën jou.

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Cilmie G
1 night stay Individual traveller
May 2023

Clean, tidy, everything I needed. Only stayed one night for work purposes. Johan's communication beforehand was very good in terms of checking in himself. He also made very good recommendations for restaurants. Liggie is provided for loadshedding.

Skoon, netjies, alles wat ek benodig het. Net een aand oorgeslaap vir werksdoeleindes. Johan se kommunnikasie vooraf was baie goed in terme van self check in. Hy het ook baie goeie aanbevelings gemaak vir restaurante. Liggie is voorsien vir loadshedding.

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Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Bianca, thank you very much for the feedback and review. This is greatly appreciated and is important to provide excellent quality service at all times. It was a pleasure for us to host you and we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay. Feel free to drop by again. Thank you very much for your support. God's richest blessing to you.

Bianca, baie dankie vir die terugvoer en resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer en is belangrik om te alle tye uitstekende gehalte diens te lewer. Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kon huisves en ons is baie bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Kom loer gerus weer in. Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning. God se rykste seën vir julle.

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Sandy D
Short stay With partner
Jan 2023

It was like a Shangrila - an ideal resting place for the soul as well as the body - away from the normal bustle of modern life. We were invited to a wedding at Boesmanland Farm Kitchen. There were many places we could stay, but for me it was too busy. We were looking for a quiet place where we could stay and I saw WestBed's ad and it was the ideal place in the ideal environment for us. We were very impressed with our stay. The microwave, kettle and fridge were a plus - as were the complimentary coffee and tea. However, we drink a lot of coffee and have replenished our stock and just kept extra milk and drinks in the fridge. It was great to have DSTV for the few minutes we might want to watch something - and the free WiFi was an absolute bonus. We decided to explore Langebaan and also support its restaurants. WestBed is close to everything and it was nice to be part of the happy atmosphere. We didn't get lost either - thanks to Google Maps and didn't hesitate to just take the road, because we would get back to WestBed. Even the load shedding didn't bother us - we slept very well and felt safe with our car not parked in the street either, but opposite our entrance in the yard. Johan is an excellent host! It was also nice to be able to chat with him in Afrikaans. He had our best interests at heart and often asked if we needed anything else. He even sent us Eskom's load shedding times on WhatsApp which helped us with our planning. We will definitely stop by WestBed again, should we go in that direction again or just want to relax a bit. Thank you very much, Johan for an unforgettable time!

Dit was soos 'n Shangrila - 'n ideale rusplek vir die siel en ook liggaam - weg van die normale geroesemoes van die moderne lewe. Ons is na 'n troue by Boesmanland Plaaskombuis genooi. Daar was baie plekke waar ons kon bly, maar vir my was dit te besig. Ons het 'n rustige plekkie gesoek waar ons kon bly en ek het WestBed se advertensie gesien en dit was die ideale plekkie in die ideale omgewing vir ons. Ons was baie beïndruk met ons verblyf. Die mikrogolf, ketel en yskas was 'n plus - asook die komplimentêre koffie en tee. Ons drink egter baie koffie en het ons voorraad aangevul en sommer ekstra melk en drinkgoed in die yskas gebêre. Dit was wonderlik om DSTV te hê vir die paar minute wat ons dalk iets sou wou kyk - en die gratis WiFi was 'n absolute bonus. Ons het besluit om Langebaan te verken en ook sy restaurante te ondersteun. WestBed is naby aan alles en dit was lekker om deel te wees van die vrolike atmosfeer. Ons het ook nie verdwaal nie - danksy Google Maps en het nie geskroom om sommer net die pad te vat nie, want ons sou weer by WestBed uitkom. Selfs die beurtkrag het ons nie gepla nie - ons het baie lekker geslaap en veilig gevoel met ons motor wat ook nie in die straat gestaan het nie, maar regoor ons ingang in die erf. Johan is 'n uitstekende gasheer! Dit was ook lekker om in Afrikaans met hom te kon gesels. Hy het ons belange op die hart gedra en het gereeld gevra of ons nog iets nodig het. Hy het selfs vir ons Eskom se beurtkragtye op WhatsApp gestuur wat ons met ons beplanning gehelp het. Ons sal baie beslis weer by WestBed aanklop, sou ons weer in daardie rigting gaan of net 'n bietjie wil gaan ontspan. Baie dankie, Johan vir 'n onvergeetlike tydjie!

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Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Sandy, thank you very much for the feedback and review. This is greatly appreciated and is important to provide excellent quality service at all times. It was a pleasure for us to host you and we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay. Feel free to drop by again. Thank you very much for your support. God's richest blessing to you.

Sandy, baie dankie vir die terugvoer en resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer en is belangrik om te alle tye uitstekende gehalte diens te lewer. Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kon huisves en ons is baie bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Kom loer gerus weer in. Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning. God se rykste seën vir julle.

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Ricardo G
Short stay With partner
Dec 2023

We enjoyed the quietness, and the comforting feeling of home. The accommodation was clean, safe, and laid out nicely. The area in which it was located was very quiet and beautiful.

Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Dear Ricardo, thank you so much for your review and assessment which is highly valued and important to us to ensure excellence in guest service delivery and hospitality. It was such an honour to host you and you are most welcome back in the future. Thank you for your support and business.

Beste Ricardo, baie dankie vir jou resensie en beoordeling wat vir ons hoog op prys gestel en belangrik is om uitnemendheid in gasdienslewering en gasvryheid te verseker. Dit was so 'n eer om jou te huisves en jy is baie welkom terug in die toekoms. Dankie vir jou ondersteuning en besigheid.

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Henry V
Short stay With partner
Oct 2023

Extremely neat and everything a customer needs is provided. The location is in a quiet neighborhood - quite difficult to find (without GPS). It is ideal for shorter periods. Very compact - may be claustrophobic for longer periods. Although "off street" parking, my car was the only one in the immediate area parked outside. Would stay there again for a day or two.

Uiters netjies en alles wat 'n klant benodig, is voorsien. Die ligging is in 'n rustige woonbuurt - nogal moeilik om te kry (sonder GPS). Dit is ideaal vir korter periodes. Baie kompak - kan vir langer periodes dalk klaustrofobies wees. Hoewel "off street" parkering, was my motor die enigste in die onmiddelike area wat buite gestaan het. Sal weer daar bly vir 'n dag of twee.

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Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Henry, thank you very much for the feedback and review. This is greatly appreciated and is important to provide excellent quality service at all times. It was a pleasure for us to host you and we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay. We will be happy to reach out to you personally to receive further feedback regarding service to ensure that our clients receive the best service at all times. Thank you very much for your support. God's richest blessing to you.

Henry, baie dankie vir die terugvoer en resensie. Dit word opreg waardeer en is belangrik om te alle tye uitstekende gehalte diens te lewer. Dit was vir ons aangenaam om julle te kon huisves en ons is baie bly dat julle die verblyf geniet het. Ons sal graag na u persoonlik uitreik om verdere terugvoer te ontvang aangaande diens om te verseker te alle tye ons kliente te alle tye die beste diens ontvang.Baie dankie vir julle ondersteuning. God se rykste seën vir julle.

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Frederick S
Short stay With partner
Sep 2023

Good. Good venue. We would return.

Value for money
WestBed -The Legend

Dear Frederick, thank you so much for your review and assessment which is highly valued and important to us to ensure excellence in guest service delivery and hospitality. With regards to your feedback on the service element we will reach out to you personally in order for us to ensure this area can improve in the future and would appreciate your opinion on how to improve on our service and value for service. It was such an honour to host you and you are most welcome back in the future. Thank you for your support and business. God bless you.

Beste Frederick, baie dankie vir jou resensie en beoordeling wat vir ons hoog op prys gestel en belangrik is om uitnemendheid in gasdienslewering en gasvryheid te verseker. Met betrekking tot jou terugvoer oor die dienselement, sal ons persoonlik na jou uitreik sodat ons kan verseker dat hierdie area in die toekoms kan verbeter en sal jou mening waardeer oor hoe om ons diens en waarde vir diens te verbeter. Dit was so 'n eer om julle te huisves en julle is baie welkom terug in die toekoms. Dankie vir jou ondersteuning en besigheid. God seën jou.

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Johan Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 62

On LekkeSlaap 5 years

From R 1 000
per night (sleeps 2)
R 1 000
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • No children under 5
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 21:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 25 Troon Street, Langebaan, 7357, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAe088a984e7003ec42f9b56c2ec6c395f1acac82d9b861dad559fabde15b662701984efa72ff1fe63bc7271b621e73f8f1e41?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 000 per night (sleeps 2) 59 5 1 5 25 Troon Street Langebaan 7357 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-21:00 10:00 -33.084477637812 18.044870652613

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