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Camps Bay

All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Camps Bay

Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 19 reviews.

Camps Bay

Studio Comrie

"Very nice area. Close to Lion's Head and Table Mountain. Totally recommend staying in Camps Bay. "

Camps Bay

The Bay Hotel

"Kampsbaai op 'n naweek is oorvol - te veel mense en verkeer. Dit is nie meer die toeristebestemming van vroeër nie."

Camps Bay

Camps Bay Sea View Apartment

"Baie mooi ligging. Heerlike restaurante. Die straatsmouse het ons afgesit wat als wil afsmeer en nie nee vat vir 'n antwoord nie. Behalwe vir dit was dit 'n baie goeie bestemming."

Camps Bay

Camps Bay Beach Apartment

"Te lekker gebly, sal enige tyd teruggaan. "

Camps Bay

Camps Bay Village

"Pragtig! Wonderlike ligging, naby Tafelberg, Houtbaai, ens. Goeie restaurante."

Camps Bay

Studio Comrie

"Very central with great beaches and shops nearby."

Camps Bay

Sea Star Boutique Hotel

"Beautiful place to relax and with amazing activities."

Camps Bay

Ocean View House

"Regte vakansie-atmosfeer!"

Camps Bay

Ocean View House

"Daar is altyd lewe in Kampsbaai."

Camps Bay

Camps Bay Village

"Dit is slegs 'n plek vir buitelanders, pryse is belaglik en jy voel geroof. Dit is ook raserig en heeltemal te besig. Paaie kan nie die hoeveelheid besoekers hanteer nie."

Camps Bay

Sea Star Boutique Hotel

"Kampsbaai is 'n baie mooi deel van die Kaap en 'n MOET sien vir toeriste sowel as Suid-Afrikaanse inwoners buite die omgewing. Ek glo dat Tafelberg wat so naby geleë is ook baie toeriste aantrek. "

Camps Bay

Finchley Guesthouse

"Lovely area depending on weather. Not a place for the average man though."

Camps Bay

Ocean View House

"Beautiful view! Restaurants were amazing! It was a really nice side of the city of Cape Town! "

Camps Bay

Ocean View House

"Ons hou baie van Kampsbaai."

Camps Bay

Sea Five Boutique Hotel

"Great for young people. Superb beach."

Camps Bay

The Crystal Studio

"Pragtige area. Asemrowende sonsondergange."

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