Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Southbroom
Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 178 reviews.
"A little gem of a town. Southbroom is well worth the visit. Quiet, calm and beautiful. Great security presence."
"Its a lovely, quaint, underrated town. We found an amazing spa, Sensasia day spa, and my husband and I had a very relaxing and rejuvenating few hours there."
"Die Suidkus is nie meer wat dit was jare terug nie. Southbroom of meer spesifiek Sanlameer sal altyd 'n wyse keuse wees. Baie om te doen, en veilig daarby."
"Southbroom is a very beautiful place for family friends vacations and its easy to get there."
"Marina Beach is fantastiese en Casa Alegre Gaste huis is 'n bate vir SA toeriste. "
"Nice beach, ablutions dirty, no water on the beach showers and ablutions. Shop had no ice creams. Potholes in the main road which is poorly maintained."
"Tranquil and lush. Some really great restaurants offering excellent food & great value. Loved the beaches too!"
"Natuurskoon is pragtig, vriendelike mense, rustig, natuurbewaring is op hul prioriteitslys, voël- en wildleweparadys. Strand is skoon, oop en die see is pragtig. Soms speel dolfyne en walvisse in die water, apies kom groet jou by die huis. Daar is wel 'n klein, lokale kruidenierswinkel, maar vir die shopaholic is MacBananas in Port Edward of Shelley Beach winkelsentrum 'n beter opsie. Kan Trafalgar in Southbroom omgewing definitief aanbeveel en sal beslis weer daar gaan kuier."
"Soutbroom is 'n lekker toeriste bestemming. Ongelukkig is daar in die area nogal min restaurante om van te kies. Ons dink dat baie restaurante ook toegemaak is a.g.v Covid19. Andersins is dit 'n lekker stil gebied op die Suidkus."