Verified Reviews
Garden Route
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Garden Route
Rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 10084 reviews.
"Baie mooi dorp, 'n area waar jy moet oorslaap en verken naby aan groter dorpe. Die mense is baie vriendelik. Die dorp voorsien baie aan die buitelandse mark. Wegneemeetplekke maak vroeg toe, maar restaurante maak daarvoor op. Alles is naby en daar is min verkeer."
"Still Bay is a beautiful quiet town. With the ocean right at the doorstep. The people is very friendly and the town is clean with beautiful houses. Will be back."
"Albertinia is 'n klein dorpie, rustig en waar ons oornag het, veilig en daar is baie plekke in omliggende gebiede om te besoek en te doen."
"The Ostrich tour was a lot more interesting and educational than I thought it would be! So many beautiful old buildings to see as well."
"Sal Mosselbaai weer besoek, maar glo nie sal weer die Point Hotel as verblyf kies nie."
"The weather was not the best. Constantly changing. That being said, loved the setting, views, cleanliness and how it is to get from one place to the next."
"Knysna het 'n ongelooflike mooi natuurskoon en veral ook pragtig by Leisure Island. Die sakekern is baie besig en voel bietjie onveilig veral in die aand as mens daar stap."
"Sweet little town although not much to see except for the most delicious café called Trends."