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Shangri La, Ballito Beachfront Villa KBW1

Self Catering


3.9/ 5

Based on 3 reviews


Value for money
Myburgh S
Short stay Family with young children
Mar 2023

Very nice spacious house with everything you need. On arrival the place was not ready for us there was a double booking and we had to wait 4 hours before the place was ready for us to unpack after a very long trip with children. Compensation for our inconvenience was promised, but nothing received. The house is very well located and very comfortable. The maid stays on site which makes it convenient but privacy is an issue as she can come and go as she pleases. Domestic help is very reliable and friendly.

Baie lekker ruim huis met alles wat jy benodig. Met aankoms was die plek nie gereed vir ons nie daar was 'n dubbel bespreking en ons moes 4 ure wag voor die plek reg was vir ons om af te pak na 'n baie lang reis met kinders. Vergoeding vir ons ongerief was belowe, maar niks ontvang nie. Die huis is baie goed geleë en baie gerieflik. Die huishulp bly op die terrein wat dit gerieflik maak, maar privaatheid is 'n probleem omdat sy kan inkom en gaan wanneer sy wil. Huishulp is baie betroubaar en vriendelik.

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Value for money

John D
Long stay Large group
Feb 2023

Disappointing for the price range, needs more attention and maintenance! Unfortunately, this property's presentation did not meet expectations. The generator did not work at all. The power also kept "tripping" even when one hair dryer and a washing machine were on together. Also when an air conditioner and a washing machine, or a hair dryer are equal. Needless to say, two hair dryers (we had 5 ladies in the house) at once also "tripped" the power. There is no dressing table with a chair in any of the rooms for ladies to blow dry their hair and apply make up. The only mirrors in the house are in the bathrooms. Extension cords (leads) were delivered to us after we complained about this! We also expected more than a boiler in a house of this caliber. Upon further enquiry, we were told by the owner that no one in South Africa has or supplies percolators or "French press". This is absolute twak! All the other houses we've rented in SA (always) had some sort of decent coffee machine. It is also like that elsewhere in the world. The patio furniture's cushions were dirty. The best of this house for sure is the location and Lindiwe who was a star. I will for sure never book this property again. The location does not make up for the other shortcomings!

Teleurstellend vir die prysklas, meer aandag en instandhouding nodig! Ongelukkig het hierdie eiendom se voorstelling nie aan verwagtinge voldoen nie. Die generator het glad nie gewerk nie. Die krag het ook die heeltyd "ge-trip" selfs wanneer een haardroër en 'n wasmasjien saam aan is. Ook wanneer 'n lugreëling en 'n wasmasjien, of 'n haardroër gelyk aan is. Nodeloos om te sê, twee haardroërs (ons het 5 dames in die huis gehad) op een slag, "trip" ook die krag. Daar is geen spieëlkas met 'n stoel in enige van die kamers vir dames om hare droog te blaas en grimering aan te sit nie. Die enigste spieëls in die huis is in die badkamers. Verlengsnoere (leads) is by ons afgelewer nadat ons hieroor gekla het! Ons het ook meer as 'n ketel verwag in 'n huis van hierdie kaliber. Met verdere navraag is aan ons meegedeel deur die eienaar dat niemand in Suid-Afrika perkoleerders of "French press" het of verskaf nie. Dit is absoluut twak! Al die ander huise wat ons in SA gehuur het (nog altyd) het die een of ander ordentlike koffiemasjien gehad. Dit is ook so elders in die wêreld. Die stoepmeubels se kussings was vuil. Die beste van hierdie huis is vir seker die ligging en Lindiwe wat 'n ster was. Ek sal vir seker nooit weer hierdie eiendom bespreek nie. Die ligging maak nie op vir die ander tekortkominge nie!

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Value for money

Kobus B
Short stay Large group
Sep 2022

Cleaning and cleanliness excellent. Generator out of order. Alarm out of order (fixed during stay). Electric gate also breaks down with power outages. Owner not very involved in fixing the items.

Skoonmaak en netheid uitstekend. Kragopwekker buite werking. Alarm buite werking (reg gemaak tydens verblyf). Elektriese hek raak ook onklaar met krag onderbrekings. Eienaar nie baie betrokke by die regmaak van die items nie.

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Value for money

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Dillon Verified

Properties 71

Reviews 225

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R 5 150
per night (sleeps 14)
R 5 150
per night (sleeps 14)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 14 people
    10 adults, 4 children
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 32a Compensation Beach Drive, Ballito, 4399, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc513093196402a1659a1b4e79b37750d589bf7fe42c6e722f155def08ecbb198c39812f8b0e7fc9351711c8ea9a7e1da13a2?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R5 150 per night (sleeps 14) 3 5 1 4 32a Compensation Beach Drive Ballito 4399 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-20:00 10:00 -29.54521 31.21276

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