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Bergland Vakansiehuis

Self Catering


5/ 5

Based on 27 reviews


Value for money
Lezette P
Short stay With partner
Aug 2024

Relaxing and beautiful. We had a lovely stay and Ina and Koos were such gracious hosts and always made sure we had everything we needed.

Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis
Hi Lezette, it was lovely to have such super guests. Hope to see you again.

Yolandi T
Short stay Family with young children
Aug 2024

Fantastic accommodation in a stylishly furnished unit with the most beautiful sea views. It was the best ever! Ina is an exceptional hostess and spoiled us on arrival with the most delicious platter. There was milk and water in the fridge and bread rolls and biscuits on the counter. The accommodation is tastefully furnished with lovely sea views from the rooms and balcony, everything is spotless and extra effort has been put into every little thing. Absolute value for money, just a shame we could only stay for a weekend. But we will definitely come back again!

Fantastiese verblyf in 'n stylvol-gemeubileerde eenheid met mooiste see-uitsigte. Dit was nou die lekkerste ooit! Ina is 'n besonderse gasvrou en het ons met aankoms bederf met die heerlikste platter. Daar was melk en water in die yskas en broodrolletjies en beskuit op die toonbank. Die akkommodasie is smaakvol ingerig met lieflike see-uitsigte vanuit die kamers en balkon, alles silwerskoon en daar is ekstra moeite in elke klein dingetjie ingesit. Absolute waarde vir geld, net jammer ons kon net vir 'n naweek bly. Maar ons kom beslis weer terug!

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Thank you very much for your nice review! Thank you for taking such a good look at our home. As you say, a weekend is in short supply. Hope to receive you again in the future. Greetings to Bella who wrote me a message in our guestbook on her own (7 years old)! Nice walk.

Baie dankie vir julle mooi resensie! Dankie dat julle so mooi na ons huis gekyk het. Soos jy sê, 'n naweek is tekort. Hoop om julle in die toekoms weer te ontvang. Groete aan Bella wat op haar eie (7 jaar oud) vir my 'n boodskap in ons gasteboekie geskryf het! Mooi loop.

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Lauren N
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2024

Unforgettable. It's always nice to stay here. Ina always spoils us with something delicious. The house is beautiful and very neat. Thank you for the hospitality.

Onvergeetlik. Dit is altyd lekker om hier te bly. Ina bederf ons altyd met iets lekkers. Die huis is pragtig en baie netjies. Dankie vir die gasvryheid.

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Hi Lauren, it was truly a privilege to welcome your family to us once again. You are super guests. Nice walk.

Hi Lauren, dit was voorwaar 'n voorreg om julle gesin weer 'n keer by ons te verwelkom. Julle is super gaste. Mooi loop.

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Juanita S
Short stay
Feb 2025

Bergland Holiday Home exceeded all our expectations! Bergland Holiday Home exceeded all our expectations! Beautifully and stylishly furnished and the house has everything you can think of, with the most beautiful view. Ina's effort with her guests and the smaller details in the house were a bonus. We can't wait for another visit to Bergland!

Bergland Vakansiehuis het al ons verwagtinge oortref! Bergland Vakansiehuis het al ons verwagtinge oortref! Pragtig en stylvol gemeubileer en die huis beskik oor alles wat jy aan kan dink, met die mooiste uitsig. Ina se moeite met haar gaste en die kleiner detail in die huis was 'n bonus. Ons kan nie wag vir nog 'n kuier by Bergland nie!

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Value for money

Franzua V
Short stay With friends
Apr 2024

This is an address that you can advertise as far as you go! We had a lovely stay in the extremely tasteful unit where you can see Ina's hand in every detail. Three bedroom accommodation is hard to come by and Bergland Vakansiehuis offers the accommodation with such detail, cleanliness and comfort that none of the guests feel neglected in any of the rooms. Thank you very much again for the delicious dinner upon our arrival and that we could stay safe, cared for and comfortable for the duration of our visit.

Dit is 'n adres wat mens kan adverteer sover jy gaan! Ons het heerlik gebly in die uiters smaakvolle eenheid waar mens Ina se hand in elke stukkie detail kan sien. Drie slaapkamer verblyf is moeilik om te bekom en Bergland Vakansiehuis bied die verblyf met soveel detail, netheid en gemak dat geen van die gaste in enige van die kamers afgeskeep voel nie. Baie dankie weereens vir die heerlike aandete met ons aankoms en dat ons vir die duur van ons kuier veilig, versorg en gemaklik kon bly.

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Franzua and Elmare, thank you very much for your nice review. From my side, a big thank you for leaving the house so neat and clean. It is for this reason and the appreciation and recognition that we care about our guests, that makes us in this industry. Walk carefully! Hope our paths cross again.

Franzua en Elmare, baie dankie vir julle mooi resensie. Van my kant af, 'n groot dankie dat julle die huis so netjies en skoon gelaat het. Dit is vir hierdie rede en die waardering en raaksien dat ons omgee vir ons gaste, wat maak dat ons in hierdie bedryf is. Mooi loop! Hoop ons paaie kruis weer.

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Deon W
Short stay Family with young children
Mar 2024

Everything more than perfect! The hospitality of was amazing! She welcomed us with a delicious cheese platter and a personal welcome text on a blackboard in the residence. She went above and beyond with everything. Would 100% stay here again and can only highly recommend it! The view on the sea is beautiful and the residence itself is wonderful. We really enjoyed our time here!

Alles meer as perfek! Die gasvryheid van was ongelooflik! Sy het ons verwelkom met 'n heerlike kaasplatter en 'n persoonlike welkomstekst op 'n swartbord in die woning. Sy het soos 'n mens se, "above en beyond" gegaan met alles. Sal 100% weer hier kom bly en kan dit net hoogs aanbeveel! Die uitsig op die see is pragtig en die woning self is wonderlik. Ons het ons tyd hier baie geniet!

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Deon, thank you very much for your nice review. We already felt like old friends when we met since you booked so long in advance. It was my privilege to receive you. Thank you for taking such a good look at our home. Will be happy to receive you again in the future. Walk carefully.

Deon, baie dankie vir jou mooi resensie. Ons het al soos ou vriende gevoel toe ons ontmoet het aangesien jy so lank voor die tyd bespreek het. Dit was my voorreg om julle te kon ontvang. Dankie dat julle so mooi na ons huis gekyk het. Sal julle graag weer ontvang in die toekoms. Mooi loop.

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Juanita K
Short stay With friends
Mar 2024

Wow, wow, wow. Detail to small things was given. Would definitely recommend the place. We had a fantastic stay! The hospitality of the host was exceptional. We are so spoiled. Thank you very much.

Wow, wow, wow. Detail aan klein goedjies is gegee. Sal die plek beslis aanbeveel. Ons het fantasties gebly! Die gasvryheid van die gasheer was uitsonderlik. Ons is so bederf. Baie dankie.

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Juanita, thank you very much for your nice review. From my side, I can give you just as great a compliment. Thank you very much for leaving the house so neat and clean. It's guests like you that make it easy to be in the industry. Hope our paths cross again in the future.

Juanita, baie dankie vir jou mooi resensie. Van my kant af kan ek vir jou net so groot kompliment gee. Baie dankie dat julle die huis so netjies en skoon gelaat het. Dit is sulke gaste soos julle wat dit maklik maak om in die bedryf te wees. Hoop ons paaie kruis weer in die toekoms.

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Werner C
Short stay
Feb 2024

Top class secure accommodation - will not disappoint. Definitely top class accommodation, would support again anytime and encourage others to do the same. On arrival we were surprised with delicious food in the fridge, something you don't just find at other holiday homes or guest houses, definitely a bonus! The house was beautiful and has everything needed, the sea view is breathtaking. Couldn't find any fault honestly. If you are in doubt as to whether you should book this holiday home, stop doubting and book now!

Top-klas veilige verblyf - sal nie teleurstel nie. Beslis top-klas verblyf, sal enige tyd weer ondersteun en ander aanmoedig om dieselfde te doen. Op aankom was ons verras met heerlike eetgoed in die yskas, iets wat jy nie sommer by ander vakansiehuise of gastehuise kry nie, definitief 'n bonus! Die huis was pragtig en het alles wat nodig is, die seeuitsig is asemrowend. Kon eerlikwaar geen fout vind nie. Indien jy twyfel of jy hierdie vakansiehuis moet bespreek, hou op twyfel en bespreek dadelik!

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Werner, thank you very much for your nice review, it is really appreciated. You were really great guests who left our house incredibly tidy that it looked as if no guests had lived there. It was a privilege to have you there. Hope our paths cross again in the future and will welcome you back with open arms.

Werner, baie dankie vir jou mooi resensie, dit word opreg waardeer. Julle was voorwaar puik gaste wat ons huis ongelooflik netjies agtergelaat het dat dit gelyk het asof daar geen gaste gewoon het nie. Dit was 'n voorreg om julle daar te kon hê. Hoop ons paaie kruis weer in die toekoms en sal julle met ope arms terug verwelkom.

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Annemarie L
Short stay On business
Jan 2024

Excellent service. Very well rested. Perfectly located and good value for money. We had a great time and worked in Bergland Vakansiehuis. Ina, our hostess, went absolutely out of her way to make our stay pleasant. Excellent service. Beautiful view and so well equipped. The place is beautiful, clean and very well equipped! Bergland is definitely your first choice in Glentana.

Uitstekende diens. Baie goed uitgerus. Perfek geleë en goeie waarde vir geld. Ons het baie lekker gekuier en gewerk in Bergland Vakansiehuis. Ina, ons gasvrou, het absoluut uit haar pad gegaan om ons verblyf aangenaam te maak. Uitstekende diens. Pragtige uitsig en so goed toegerus. Die plek is pragtig, skoon en baie goed toegerus! Bergland is definitief jou eerste keuse in Glentana.

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Annemarie, it was a great privilege for me to be able to meet you. You were such 'nice' comfortable guests. Thank you very much for taking such a good look at our house and leaving it so neat and clean. Hope our paths cross again in the future.

Annemarie, dit was vir my 'n baie groot voorreg om julle te kon ontmoet. Julle was sulke 'lekker' gemaklike gaste. Baie dankie dat julle so mooi na ons huis gekyk het en dit so netjies en skoon agter gelaat het. Hoop ons paaie kruis weer vorentoe.

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Sonette D
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2024

Excellent stay, with quite a few good surprises waiting for you! Wow, what a pleasant surprise, from our arrival to the night before we left. Tannie is an exceptional person, who goes out of her way to please her guests and makes it look so easy. Upon arrival in the evening, we were surprised with dinner, as well as all the necessary things for the next morning's breakfast. Everything was at our disposal. The house is comfortable, clean, and everything you need. The view is breathtaking and the surroundings are peaceful. The beaches are clean, people friendly and helpful. It was one of the best places we have ever stayed. Thank you very much again, aunty.

Uitstekende verblyf, met 'n hele paar goeie verrassings wat op jou wag! Wow, wat 'n aangename verrassing, vanaf ons aankoms tot die aand voor ons vertrek. Tannie is 'n besonderse mens, wat uit haar pad gaan om haar gaste tevrede te stel en dit so maklik laat lyk. Met aankoms die aand, was ons verras met aandete, asook al die nodige goed vir die volgende oggend se ontbyt. Alles was tot ons beskikking. Die huis is gerieflik, skoon, en alles wat jy nodig het. Die uitsig is asemrowend en die omgewing is rustig. Die strande is skoon, mense vriendelik en behulpsaam. Dit was een van die beste plekke wat ons al ooit gebly het. Weereens baie dankie, tannie.

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Value for money
Bergland Vakansiehuis

Hi Sonette, it was a great privilege to be able to meet you. You guys are definitely star status. Thank you for taking such a good look at our home.

Hi Sonette, dit was 'n groot voorreg om julle te kon ontmoet. Julle is beslis sterstatus. Dankie dat julle so mooi na ons huis gekyk het.

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INA Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 27

On LekkeSlaap 4 years

From R 2 300
per night (sleeps 6)
R 2 300
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: 09:00
  • Address: 19 Bergland Street, Glentana, Outeniqua Beach, Groot Brak River, 6525, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA022a3b136f3930575bec7c92ca1e88746bf8a867bc3f7664af63d1a97aa224976886db306d607406b7eacbae2367f52aaf0e?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 300 per night (sleeps 6) 27 5 1 5 19 Bergland Street Glentana, Outeniqua Beach 6525 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-20:00 09:00 -34.048577064954 22.291162711595

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