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Friesland Cottage

Self Catering


4.7/ 5

Based on 7 reviews


Value for money
Wynand D
Short stay With partner
Sep 2024

Peaceful. It was quiet and peaceful. If you need a break from the rush, it is perfect.

Value for money

Ilzahn L
Short stay Family with young children
Jul 2023

Blissful, peaceful, relaxing and definitely worth it. We had a really nice stay. Service was excellent, always helpful and lovely fresh cow's milk every day, and I would recommend it to anyone who needs some quiet time. The perfect getaway and the kids enjoyed it just as much.

Salig, rustig, ontspan en beslis die moeite werd. Ons het verskriklik lekker gebly. Diens was uitstekend, altyd behulpsaam en lieflike vars koeimelk elke dag, en ek sal dit vir elkeen aanbeveel wat n lekker rustige tyd nodig het. Die perfekte wegbreek en die kinders het dit net so baie geniet.

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Value for money

Paul B
Short stay Large group
May 2023

Hidden Gem with Best of Both. Accommodation in the heart of the Garden Route with both forest, farm and sea elements within easy reach without the hustle and bustle of the town/city. Absolutely perfect!

Versteekte Juweel met Beste van Beide. Verblyf in hartjie van Tuinroete met beide bos, plaas en see elemente binne onmiddelikke bereik sonder die gedruis van die dorp/stad se gewoel. Absoluut perfek!

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Value for money
Friesland Cottage

Thank you very much for the positive feedback, Paul. We are so glad you had a good time together. We hope to see you again on the farm soon.

Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer, Paul. Ons is so bly julle kon lekker saam kuier. Ons hoop ons sien julle gou weer op die plaas.

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Nicole A
Short stay Family with young children
Jun 2023

We recently had the opportunity to spend some time at your beautiful property. The cottage was picturesque and the scenic views provided an incredibly relaxing atmosphere - the quintessential elements for a rejuvenating holiday. However, we would be remiss not to highlight certain aspects of our stay that fell short of our expectations, largely due to a lack of clarity at the booking stage. As a paying customer, receiving the terms and conditions two weeks after the booking is not good.

Value for money
Friesland Cottage

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review regarding your recent stay at our self-catering accommodation. We appreciate your feedback and would like to address the concerns you raised during your stay, which primarily revolve around two issues that occurred prior to and during your visit. Firstly, we understand your disappointment regarding our policy of not allowing a 2-year old child as an additional guest at Friesland cottage. Our policy clearly states that Friesland cottage is rented on a per-unit, per-night basis for a maximum of 8 guests. When the booking was made, it was for 8 adults, and it was only later revealed that a child would be accompanying the group. The limitation on guest numbers is in place due to past incidents where our facilities were mishandled or damaged, resulting in significant expenses for our business. Consistency in enforcing our policies is essential to ensure the upkeep and maintenance of our cottages to the desired standards. Allowing additional guests beyond the stipulated limit puts undue strain on our facilities, leading to increased wear and tear, damages, breakages, and greater resource consumption. We did offer the availability of Ayrshire cottage to accommodate the extra guests, but unfortunately, this alternative was declined. We sincerely attempted to meet your needs within the boundaries of our policies. Secondly, we acknowledge the incident that occurred during your stay involving unauthorized additional day visitors who were entertained by your group at the cottage and on the farm. Our Terms & Conditions clearly state that day visitors are not permitted on the farm without prior arrangements and agreement with the management. These terms and conditions, which include prohibitions on activities like hunting or riding motorcycles on the trails (obvious issues that do not require explanation but are included for clarity), were provided to you prior to your arrival. We received no communication from the guests’ end regarding the presence of these visitors. When we discovered them on the farm in the morning, we made the decision to allow them to stay but politely requested their departure in the late afternoon. It was at this point that the situation became problematic. The presence of these visitors obstructed the road leading to the cottage, causing inconvenience to the occupants of the neighboring cottage, as four vehicles were parked inappropriately. Furthermore, these visitors utilized our facilities for a private braai and social event. Unauthorized entry onto any property, particularly a farm, is unacceptable, and our cottages are not intended to serve as venues for private functions. Such behaviour is clearly inappropriate, and these visitors were, in fact, trespassing as they did not have permission to be on the farm. We indicated to your group that they could finish their braai but were required to leave as soon as possible. We want to emphasize that we are fully committed to managing, protecting, restoring, and conserving the various areas of our farm to the best of our abilities. It is our utmost priority to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all our guests. We appreciate your feedback and understand the concerns you have raised. We strive to continually improve and provide the best possible experience for our guests while adhering to our policies. We regret any inconvenience caused during your stay.

Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om 'n resensie oor jou onlangse verblyf by ons selfsorgverblyf te gee. Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en wil graag aandag gee aan die bekommernisse wat jy tydens jou verblyf geopper het, wat hoofsaaklik draai om twee kwessies wat voor en tydens jou besoek plaasgevind het. Eerstens verstaan ons jou teleurstelling oor ons beleid om nie 'n 2-jarige kind as 'n bykomende gas by Friesland-kothuis toe te laat nie. Ons beleid stel dit duidelik dat Friesland-kothuis op 'n per-eenheid, per nag-basis verhuur word vir 'n maksimum van 8 gaste. Toe die bespreking gemaak is, was dit vir 8 volwassenes, en dit is eers later bekend gemaak dat 'n kind die groep sou vergesel. Die beperking op gastegetalle is in plek as gevolg van vorige voorvalle waar ons fasiliteite verkeerd hanteer of beskadig is, wat aansienlike uitgawes vir ons besigheid tot gevolg gehad het. Konsekwentheid in die toepassing van ons beleide is noodsaaklik om die instandhouding en instandhouding van ons kothuise volgens die verlangde standaarde te verseker. Om bykomende gaste buite die vasgestelde limiet toe te laat, plaas onnodige druk op ons fasiliteite, wat lei tot verhoogde slytasie, skade, breekskade en groter hulpbronverbruik. Ons het wel die beskikbaarheid van Ayrshire-kothuis aangebied om die ekstra gaste te akkommodeer, maar ongelukkig is hierdie alternatief van die hand gewys. Ons het opreg gepoog om binne die grense van ons beleide aan u behoeftes te voldoen. Tweedens erken ons die voorval wat tydens u verblyf plaasgevind het met ongemagtigde bykomende dagbesoekers wat deur u groep by die kothuis en op die plaas onthaal is. Ons bepalings en voorwaardes stel dit duidelik dat dagbesoekers nie op die plaas toegelaat word sonder vooraf reëlings en ooreenkoms met die bestuur nie. Hierdie bepalings en voorwaardes, wat verbode op aktiwiteite soos jag of motorfietsry op die roetes insluit (voor die hand liggend kwessies wat nie verduideliking vereis nie, maar ter wille van duidelikheid ingesluit is), is aan jou verskaf voor jou aankoms. Ons het geen kommunikasie van die gaste se kant af ontvang oor die teenwoordigheid van hierdie besoekers nie. Toe ons hulle die oggend op die plaas ontdek het, het ons die besluit geneem om hulle toe te laat om te bly maar het beleefd versoek dat hulle laatmiddag vertrek. Dit was op hierdie stadium dat die situasie problematies geword het. Die teenwoordigheid van hierdie besoekers het die pad wat na die kothuis lei, versper, wat ongerief vir die bewoners van die naburige kothuis veroorsaak het, aangesien vier voertuie onvanpas geparkeer is. Verder het hierdie besoekers ons geriewe vir 'n privaat braai en sosiale geleentheid benut. Ongemagtigde toegang tot enige eiendom, veral 'n plaas, is onaanvaarbaar, en ons kothuise is nie bedoel om as venues vir privaat funksies te dien nie. Sulke gedrag is duidelik onvanpas, en hierdie besoekers het in werklikheid oortree aangesien hulle nie toestemming gehad het om op die plaas te wees nie. Ons het aan u groep aangedui dat hulle hul braai kan klaarmaak, maar dat hulle so gou moontlik moet vertrek. Ons wil beklemtoon dat ons ten volle daartoe verbind is om die verskillende areas van ons plaas na die beste van ons vermoë te bestuur, te beskerm, te herstel en te bewaar. Dit is ons hoogste prioriteit om 'n veilige en aangename omgewing vir al ons gaste te handhaaf. Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en verstaan die bekommernisse wat jy geopper het. Ons streef daarna om voortdurend te verbeter en die beste moontlike ervaring vir ons gaste te bied terwyl ons by ons beleide hou. Ons betreur enige ongerief wat tydens jou verblyf veroorsaak is.

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Bets J
Short stay
Nov 2022

Great to relax and escape from busy life. Beautiful location. Hot jacuzzi. Friendly service. Neat and clean. Everything you need for a fantastic weekend getaway.

Heerlik om te ontspan en ontvlug van besige lewe. Pragtige ligging. Warm jacuzzi. Vriendelike diens. Netjies En skoon. Alles wat nodig is vir fantastiese wegbreeknaweek.

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Value for money
Friesland Cottage

Thank you very much for the positive feedback, Bets. We are so glad you were able to hang out together and enjoy the special wedding. We hope to see you again soon on the farm.

Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoering, Bets. Ons is so bly julle kon lekker saam kuier en die spesiale troue geniet. Ons hoop ons sien julle weer gou op die plaas.

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Shan-lynn K
Short stay With friends
Aug 2021

Beautiful destination. Truly amazing cottage and surroundings. We will definitely visit again.

Value for money

Etienne E
Short stay Family with young children
Mar 2021

Neat and organized. The house is very clean, tidy and has everything you need. The beds are comfortable and the whole atmosphere of the house makes you feel very much at home. The children were able to play safely outside and really enjoyed it. The environment is picturesque. The hostess's organization and communication were great.

Netjies en georganiseerd. Die huis is baie skoon, netjies en het als wat mens nodig het. Die beddens is gemaklik en die hele atmosfeer van die huis laat mens baie tuis voel. Die kinders kon veilig buite speel en het dit baie geniet. Die omgewing is beeldskoon. Die gasvrou se organisering en kommunikasie was puik.

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Value for money
Friesland Cottage

Thank you very much for the good feedback. It always makes us happy when we have guests who had a good time on the farm.

Baie dankie vir die goeie terugvoer. Dit maak ons altyd bly wanneer ons gaste het wat lekker gekuier het op die plaas.

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Linda Verified

Properties 8

Reviews 32

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R 1 850
per night (sleeps 8)
R 1 850
per night (sleeps 8)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 8 people
    6 adults, 2 children
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Farm Skuinskraal, Hoekwil, Wilderness, 6538, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA21aa9bd8ec193bb6ec7b82aa38121001c1d1a5f2772cdf42b26f54ccfce81caada2491446a0269a4e50d9b70f79451561d1f?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 850 per night (sleeps 8) 7 5 1 5 Farm Skuinskraal Hoekwil 6538 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-20:00 10:00 -33.937597 22.688333

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