Our website clearly advertises that Karoo Cottage has an outdoor shower only. This is very well concealed behind dense vegetation thus ensuring privacy, and use thereof is entirely optional for guests. On no account is there any valid reason to intimate voyeuristic intentions on the part of the owners, myself, or my husband. This remark is unfair, ungracious, and untrue. Because the shower is so well concealed, my husband was not aware it was in use and only realized the mistake as he was passing. He was embarrassed at the mistake but as it was not mentioned by the guest, he did not approach her later with his apology.
The network password is in fact G-spot. A little humour is required here. Our surname is Graham and Karoo Cottage, McGregor, is our special spot on the planet. Any further association with the name is entirely the perception of the person who may feel affronted and most certainly does not have any unsavory intentions.