West Coast Beach Villa
Kliek op enige tarief om 'n meer volledige prysberekening te sien.
Ekstra Fooie
Buiten die tariewe in die bostaande tabel hef die eiendom ook 'n eenmalige R650 skoonmaakfooi per bespreking.
Geniet afslag met hierdie spesiale aanbiedinge!
Ontdek uitstaande waarde met ons reeks spesiale aanbiedinge wat by hierdie eiendom beskikbaar is. *
Kry 15% af - Slegs vir LekkeSlaap Rewards Vlak 2-lede.
Nie geldig vir verblyf vanaf: 14 Dec 2023 tot 12 Jan 2024 en 12 Dec 2024 to 10 Jan 2025.
Kry 10% af - Slegs vir LekkeSlaap Rewards Vlak 1-lede.
Nie geldig vir verblyf vanaf: 14 Dec 2023 tot 12 Jan 2024 en 12 Dec 2024 to 10 Jan 2025.
Prys sluit in
- Selfsorg.
'n Terugbetaalbare breekskadedeposito van R1500 moet direk aan die eiendom betaal word.
Please note that construction is expected to take place between January and May 2025. Minimal disruption is expected.
Make use of the bins that is provided for the rubbish and the buckets for the ashes of the braai-area and fireplace. Please do not throw them in the field to prevent fire breakouts.
On Thursdays the municipality comes to collect the rubbish. Guests can divide your waist by putting the recyclables in the black bins in the garage and the kitchen waist in the green bin. Please leave the green bin outside for the day with the recyclables next to the bin if you are there and return the bin to the garage after it has been emptied.
Please use the water sparingly.
ADT security company patrols the area every hour and is on standby if guests need any assistance.
There are two panic buttons in the house, one at the fireplace next to the shelves and one in the main bedroom against the toilet door. When you go out for the day, please put on the alarm system and close the windows.
There is a full electrical inverter for your convenience during loadshedding.
Please make sure you do not use these appliances together during load shedding, because of the inverter’s batteries that can run low: geyser, oven, microwave, washing machine, tumble dryer, iron, kettle.
Please do not move the furniture over the vinyl floors, it makes scuff marks and damages the floor permanently.
Please put the games back in the same boxes and in the cupboard where you find it.
No smoking is allowed in the house, please make use of the deck with the ash buckets provided.
Please wash all the dirty dishes and pots before booking out.
The sea-facing stacking doors are very heavy doors. Please make sure to pull each separate door unit on its own starting from the end. Do not push the doors.
Please bring in the deck cushions and all personal belongings during the night.
There is an indemnity form that contains all your details for your stay that needs to be signed and sent back, even though you do not plan to make use of the kayaks.
The keys of the kayaks are on top of the electrical box in the garage.
Please make sure that all kayaks and accessories are cleaned with clean water.
Kayaks and accessories must be put back where you find them.
Please do not leave the kayaks down at the beach alone or on the deck during night time.
No loud music after 22:00.
Pet policy:
The property is not fenced.
All pets must be on a leash if you are going for a walk.
Please clean after your pet.
Please bring your own food and water containers for your pets.
There is a backyard if you can not take your pet with you when you go out to ensure that they are safe.
Kansellasiebeleid - Matig
Meer as 1 maand voor die inkloktyd | 100%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Meer as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 50%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Minder as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 0%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
- Kapasiteit: 6 mense
- Alle ouderdomme is welkom
Inkloktyd: 15:00 tot 18:00
Uitkloktyd: 10:00 - Adres: Taluga-rylaan 11, St Helena Views, St. Helenabaai, 7390, Wes-Kaap
Welkom by LekkeSlaap
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