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Magoebaskloof Camping Sites

Camping/caravan Park


3.6/ 5

Based on 27 reviews


Value for money
Emmerentia A
Short stay With partner
Jun 2023

Where soul and nature meet. Truly an experience to cherish. Quiet, clean and the sounds of nature bring humanity to a standstill. Staff are so helpful. Whoever the owner is, thank you so much for sharing Eden with us.

Waar siel en natuur mekaar ontmoet. Regtig 'n ondervinding om te koester. Rustig, skoon en die natuurgeluide bring menswees tot stilstand. Personeel is so hulpvaardig. Wie ookal die eienaar is, baie dankie dat jy Eden met ons deel.

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Value for money

Jos L
1 night stay
Jul 2023

Very scenic area. We checked in late afternoon and got in easily. The scenery is one for the books. However, the facilities were a bit disappointing. Some of the lights and one of the showers did not work well. If we weren't all human, the broken shower would have been a problem.

Baie natuurskone area. Ons het laat die middag aangemeld en het maklik toegang gekry. Die natuurskoon is een vir die boeke. Die geriewe het egter effe teleurgestel. Van die ligte en een van die storte het nie lekker gewerk nie. As ons nie al mense was nie, sou die gebreekte stort 'n probleem gewees het.

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Value for money

Hanlie F
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2023

If you have a 4x4 vehicle. It's a nice campsite if you have a 4x4 vehicle.

As jy 'n 4x4 voertuig het. Dis 'n lekker kampplek as jy 'n 4x4 voertuig het.

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Value for money

Cathrine F
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2022

Beautiful. Road only for 4x4 caravans.

Value for money

Charlene S
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2022

Beautiful scenery in the heart of the valley. As a whole, a pleasant experience but wouldn't camp here again. The campsite feels exclusive since there are only a few spots, and the no music policy is fantastic. Seems like you're camping on a working farm and you can hear people living on the farm clearly. (The noise at night didn't last long, but we were woken up just after 5am by a car's hooting.) The name on the website is incorrect which makes finding the place quite tricky. (It's actually called Magoebaskloof Getaway). The website states you should look out for yellow banners to find the entrance, however, the banners are no longer yellow - they are now white, and with the name of the campsite being different to the actual name of the campsite, it's rather confusing. This is a little thing, but there was no soap in the soap dispensers. Having it which would have been a welcome touch. Cold shower: this could be due to loadshedding but made my overall experience unpleasant. No braai grid at our camp spot. We were able to use a grid from an unoccupied camp spot, but if all the spots were filled, this would've been inconvenient.

Value for money

Theo I
Short stay With partner
Dec 2022

Nice location but not a place I would recommend. Tried to contact them about 15 times on Sunday December 25th but the cell number rings until it goes to voicemail. A Whatsapp was sent at 20:46pm to the cell number and also to website, tried to contact them as I wanted to check in by 10am on the 26th. On the 26th of December I tried to contact them again at about 10am but the cell still rings until it goes to voicemail. At 11am upon my arrival at their entrance I first get a "yes its fine" Whatsapp. The campsite's name is actually Eden's Gate or Magoebaskloof Getaway and not indicated as on the map provided by the website (there are many other campsites in the same area and without a proper name you will end up in the wrong place). The directions on the website took us to a wrong place in the woods, so we got lost. Called the manager again, but again they didn't answer their phone. I requested a pin drop but still waiting for it. With great difficulty we arrive at the place with a road that I would not recommend with a car and caravan - the road needs a lot of work. We met Sam at reception who was unhelpful as if we were bothering him. He claims the 50% still had to be paid, after I had to quickly correct him that it had already been paid. His flimsy excuse was that there is no catchment in the mountains and was not aware of the calls in the past 2 days. I immediately dialed the number in front of him and he turned red with embarrassment when the phone rang in his hands. Hyt also didn't see that we asked for a pindrop after we got lost in the woods for almost an hour. The campsite was empty and we could choose a pitch. We were the only campers. Took pitch 6 which has the most grass. The rest is dirt and with all the rain it was a mud mess. Surely they can redo the place where your caravan or tent stands with paving bricks like 99% of other campsites which prevent everything from getting full of mud. Bathrooms were clean, but the right side men's toilet (only 2 toilets in men's bathroom and 2 in women's bathroom) was leaking water washing the bathroom floor. The left-hand hand basin tap can also be tightened. The men shower head is broken and you have to dance around to get wet. The women's bathroom's right toilet was also leaking water and I had to turn off the faucet to stop the waste. Only certain bulbs in the campsite worked and we had to take out some of the bulbs from the empty pitches ourselves to replace the ones that had blown. From our arrival we could hear that there is a short circuit somewhere on the electric wire. Day 2 after I complained, they found a live open electrical wire in the yard at stand 5 and tied it off. Also no electricity was available at the pitches where you plug in your caravan as according to the workers it is on a 'single (one) phase' but the site and ablution blocks are on a 'three phase'. After 2 days without power , the workers made available extension cords that had to be plugged into the bathrooms. The people who checked in a day after us at stand 4 and 5 didn't stay long and were also unhappy. The geyser was on solar so the lukewarm water was limited as it was very cloudy. Surely it could also be connected to power to avoid a cold shower. Wall plugs at the chapel which is outside by a river and under trees were open and exposed to the rain. Location was exceptional nice - ponds, grounds, chalets, but serious maintenance needs to be considered. It would also mean a lot if the manager answered their phone as they run a resort. I shudder to think if there was an emergency and people tried to contact them .On a scale of 1 to 10 I give them a 9 for the location. Access to the resort (the dirt road to the resort) 1 out of 10 - would not venture the road without a proper 4X4. Not good for a regular town car. Customer service I would give them a 0.5 out of 10. Would I recommend the place to other campers? Definitely not happy. NB I would give them no star for customer service but had to as you can't save your comment without filling in the space.

Mooi ligging maar nie 'n plek wat ek sal aanbeveel nie. Het hulle Sondag 25 Desember ongeveer 15 keer probeer kontak maar die selnommer lui totdat hy na voicemail gaan. 'n Whatsapp is gestuur teen 20:46pm na die selnommer en ook na webtuiste, hulle probeer kontak het aangesien ek teen 10am die 26ste wou inboek. Die 26ste Desember het ek hul weer probeer kontak teen ongeveer 10uur maar steeds lui die sel tot hy voicemail toe gaan. Teen 11am by my aankoms by hul ingang kry ek eers 'n "yes its fine" Whatsapp. Die kampeerterrein se naam is eintlik Eden's Gate of Magoebaskloof Getaway en nie aangedui soos op die kaart wat webtuiste voorsien het nie (daar is baie ander kampplekke in dieselfde omgewing en sonder 'n regte naam gaan jy op 'n verkeerde plek opeindig). Die aanwysings op webtuiste het ons na 'n verkeerde plek in die bos geneem, ons het dus verdwaal. Weer die bestuurder gebel, maar weereens antwoord hul nie hul foon nie. Ek het 'n pindrop versoek maar wag steeds daarvoor. Groot gesukkel kom ons by die plek aan met 'n pad wat ek nie sou aanbeveel met 'n kar en karavaan nie - die pad kort baie werk. Ons het vir Sam by ontvangs ontmoet wat nie hulpvaardig was nie, so asof ons hom kom pla. Hy beweer die 50% moes nog betaal wees, na ek hom vinnig moes reghelp dat dit reeds betaal was. Sy vlou verskoning was daar is nie opvangs in die berge nie en was nie bewus van die oproepe die afgelope 2 dae nie. Ek bel onmiddellik die nommer voor hom en hy word rooi van skaamte toe die foon in sy hande lui. Hyt ook nie gesien dat ons 'n pindrop gevra het na ons amper 'n uur in die bos verdwaal het nie. Kampeerterrein was leeg en ons kon 'n staanplek kies. Ons was die enigste kampeerders. Het staanplek 6 gevat wat die meeste gras het. Die res is grond en met al die reen was dit 'n moddergemors. Sekerlik kan hulle die plek waarop jou karavaan of tent staan, met paving bakstene oordoen soos 99% van ander kampplekke wat verhoed dat alles vol modder word. Badkamers was skoon, maar die regterkantste mans toilet (net 2 toilette in mansbadkamer en 2 in vroue badkamer) lek water wat die badkamervloer verspoel. Linkerkantste handewasbak se kraan kan ook vasgedraai word. Die mans stort kop is gebreek en moet jy ronddans om nat te word. Die vroue badkamer se regtertoilet lek ook water en ek moes die kraan toedraai om die vermorsing te stop. Net sekere gloeilampe in die kampeerterrein het gewerk en moes ons self van die gloeilampe by die leë staanplekke uithaal om die wat geblaas is te vervang. Van ons aankoms kon ons hoor daar's 'n kortsluiting iewers op die elektrise draad. Dag 2 na ek kla, het hulle in die tuin by staanplek 5 'n lewendige oop elektriese draad gevind en dit afgebind. Ook geen elektrisiteit was beskikbaar by die staanplekke waar jy jou karavaan inprop nie aangesien die glo volgens die werkers op 'n 'single (one) fase" is maar die terrein en ablusieblokke is op 'n "three fase". Na 2 dae sonder krag, het die werkers verlengengskoorde beskikbaar gestel wat in die badkamers ingeprop moes word. Die mense wat 'n dag na ons ingeboek het op staanplek 4 en 5 het ook nie lank gebly nie en was ook ongelukkig. Die geyser was op solar so die lou water was beperk aangesien dit baie bewolk was. Sekerlik kon dit ook aan krag gekoppel word om 'n koue stort te voorkom. Muurproppe by die kapel wat buite langs 'n rivier en onder bome is, was oop en bloodgestel aan die reën. Ligging was besonders mooi - damme, terrein, chalets, maar ernstige maintenance moet oorweeg word. Dit sou ook baie beteken as die manager hulle telefoon antwoord aangesien hulle 'n oord bestuur. Ek sidder om te dink as daar 'n noodgeval moes wees en mense hulle probeer kontak. Op 'n skaal van 1 tot 10 gee ek hulle 'n 9 vir die ligging. Toegang tot die oord (die grondpad na die oord) 1 uit 10 - sal die pad nie aandurf sonder 'n behoorlike 4X4 nie. Nie goed vir 'n gewone dorpskar nie. Kliëntediens sal ek hulle 'n 0.5 uit 10 gee. Sou ek die plek aanbeveel vir ander kampeerders? Beslis nie graag nie. LW ek sou hul geen ster gee vir kliëntediens nie, maar moes gedwonge aangesien jy nie jou kommentaar kan stoor sonder die spasie te voltooi nie.

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Value for money

Rachel V
Short stay
Jan 2021

Very clean and tidy. Beautiful nature and peaceful.

Baie skoon en netjies. Mooi natuur en rustig.

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Value for money

Marisa B
Short stay With partner
Nov 2021

Lovely, peaceful visit. We had a great time camping, but the road was not suitable for a 2x4 with a trailer. You definitely need a 4x4 for towing to the camp.

Heerlik, rustig gekuier. Ons het baie lekker gekamp, maar die pad was nie geskik vir n 2x4 met 'n sleepwa nie. Mens het virseker 'n 4x4 nodig vir sleep na die kamp toe.

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Value for money

Christo H
Short stay With friends
Aug 2021

Very quiet and beautiful. Path down to the resort a bit steep for a regular caravan. Ideal for tents and forest wagons. Ablution facilities nice and clean, but can be too few if park is full. Very nice camping and the little shop has everything you need.

Baie stil en mooi. Paadjie af na die oord bietjie steil vir gewone karavaan. Ideaal vir tente en boswaens. Ablusiegeriewe mooi en skoon, maar kan te min wees as park vol is. Baie lekker gekamp en winkeltjie het nodigste.

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Value for money

Kyle M
Short stay With friends
Jan 2021

Not as advertised. This place was not as advertised, there are no waterfalls near the area as advertised, no trails directly from camp site, we went for a walk and got chased off a property for trespassing. There is no mention of the wedding chapel on the camp grounds and no prior notification that a wedding will take place during our stay. So the rest of the camp area was used as a parking lot for 150 peoples cars, in addition the wedding venue did not have enough ablution facilities so the camp ground ablutions was used and not cleaned. No sanitizing stations were available at the ablutions as per Covid 19 regulations needless to say that the 150 people that attended the wedding at the camp site a day after the new level 3 was announced. I would not recommend this camp ground to anyone, the blatant false advertising is disappointing. We ended up leaving 3 days earlier than planned due to all of the above. In addition the camp manager indicated that she is aware of the false advertisement and verbally communicated that the owner will not change the false advertisement on the websites.

Value for money

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Prosper Verified

Properties 7

Reviews 155

On LekkeSlaap 12 years

From R 460
per night, for 2 ppl
R 460
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Magoebaskloof 47.1, Magoebaskloof, 0730, Limpopo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA9263d4d2964b0e7d04bd691e1642e99c4fec825ea79300beeed15e2f8c1b6079c5b0058fb645f8baeb6fcce5b7567fcdf75d?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R460 per night, for 2 ppl 27 5 1 4 Magoebaskloof 47.1 Magoebaskloof 0730 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -23.869308604836 30.014139476196

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