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New Cumberland 501

Self Catering


4.5/ 5

Based on 6 reviews


Value for money
Lisa L
Long stay Individual traveller
Feb 2025

Fantastic! I am filling in the review on behalf of my uncle. He had the most wonderful time and was very sad to leave after 37 days. He will definitely be back. The apartment and its views were spectacular.

Value for money

Stefan V
Short stay Family with young children
Jul 2024

Very very nice. Internet has a security breach. Please let look at it

Baie baie nice. Internet het 'n safety breach. Laat asb. daarna kyk.

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Value for money
New Cumberland 501
Hi Stefan, Thank you for taking the time to write us a review, it is always appreciated, so that we know what we are doing right and how we can improve. Glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us. Thank you for bringing the internet situation to our attention, we have reached out to our service provider. I hope that we will welcome you back again soon. Kind regards, Jessica CTHA Team

Butch A
Short stay With partner
Feb 2025

If you need to get more input please contact my wife Jennifer I cannot believe that a place of this nature did not have accessibility to the 5th floor via a lift. At our age, we had to carry all our cases up a flight of stairs from the 4th to the 5th floor. Bedding was really not up to standard. Blinds were tatty and shredded - not what I was expecting from such a pricey apartment. Really could not recommend it. No DSTV, had to stream it, and that did not work either. In fact, not at all satisfactory.

Value for money

Louid B
Short stay With friends
May 2023

Great unit. Pathetic service. They asked me what time we want to check in between 2 pm and 6 pm. I let it be known that we would be there just before 6 pm. The lady told me that she is unfortunately not available at that time, but can help us at 7 pm. I had to pay a late check-in fee because they couldn't help me in time. Parking was also a problem. There were constantly other vehicles stopping in our designated parking. The microchip to enter the building from the parking lot does not work. You have to walk around the whole block to get in the front door. I paid a depostio. It is now 12 days after check-out. Haven't received anything back yet. According to them, it can take up to 15 days to refund. I get a feeling it still hasn't happened after 15 days.

Puik eenheid. Patetiese diens. Hulle het my gevra hoe laat ons wil inboek tussen 2 nm en 6 nm. Ek het laat weet dat ons so net voor 6 nm daar sal wees. Die dame het vir my gesê sy is ongelukkig nie daai tyd beskikbaar nie, maar kan ons 7 nm help. Ek moes 'n laat check-in fooi betaal, omdat hulle my nie betyds kon help nie. Die parkering was ook probleem. Daar het gedurig ander voertuie op ons aangewyste parkering gestop. Die microchip om in die gebou te kom vanaf die parkering werk nie. Jy moet om die hele blok stap om by die voordeur in te gaan. Ek het 'n depostio betaal. Dit is nou 12 dae na check-out. Nog niks terug ontvang nie. Volgens hulle kan dit tot 15 dae neem om terug te betaal. Ek kry 'n gevoel dit gaan na 15 dae steeds nie gebeur het nie.

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Value for money
New Cumberland 501

Good afternoon Louis, Thank you for taking the time to write a review. I have investigated your complaints raised and would like to bring the following to your attention. In response to the check-in: I spoke with Cherise, whom checked you in. I am not able to attach the WhatsApp conversation, voicenotes or the call logs, I can send this through to you privately if you require this. Cherise got in touch with you regarding the check-in procedures and advised you that the check-in times (as stated in our correspondence) are on a first-come-first-serve basis and we stress that guests always book in advance as we are not based at the properties and manage many apartments. On 26 May 2023 at 09:06am she advised she can check you in at 19:00pm and explained the first-come-first-serve and that she will be in touch with you and let you know if she can meet you earlier. At 09:07am you responded saying "100%. Lets keep it at 19h00 then." She then went on to advise you on the late check-in fee that will be payable, you did not respond. At 16:25pm as promised she let you know that she was able to check you in earlier and you would then avoid the late check-in fee. She made a plan to move her day around to assist you. She proceeded to call you twice at 16:25pm and again at 17:05pm. You did not respond or answer the calls. Then at 17:07pm she sent a follow up message asking if you will rather be checking in at 19:00pm and to remember that there will be a late check-in fee payable. At 17:10pm you sent her a voice note saying to rather leave the check-in for 19:00 and to please send through the invoice for the late check-in fee and you thanked her for all her efforts. I do not think your review of this is fair bringing the above conversation you had with Cherise to light, I feel Cherise went over and above and kept her word to you. In response to the tag and parking: I cannot seem to find any correspondence or ticket opened bringing the tag and parking issue to our attention, where we could have resolved this for you and replaced your tag, and had security ask the vehicles blocking your bay to move or even go as far as clamping them to ensure they do not park incorrectly again. I have requested further feedback on this but thus far no one has advised that you made any contact with us to attend to this for you. We won't know unless a guest comes to us with an issue and I do apologise for this inconvenience, please let me know who you spoke to so I can take this matter further. In response to the security deposit: Yes, you are correct the refund of security deposits can take up to 15 days to be refunded. This is due to various reasons. The main two reasons are banking details required from guests, or guest damages. I have had a look at your outgoing inspection and there was unfortunately guest damages (missing bath mat) that we needed to attend to and investigate further, the investigation has been finalised and the balance of your refund was sent through for payment. Please do contact me should you have anything further you would like to discuss and I do hope this clears up everything and we do hope that we can welcome you back again. Kind regards, Jessica CTHA Team

Goeie middag Louis, Dankie dat jy die tyd geneem het om 'n resensie te skryf. Ek het u klagtes ondersoek en wil graag die volgende onder u aandag bring. In reaksie op die inklok: Ek het met Cherise gepraat, wie jou ingeboek het. Ek kan nie die WhatsApp-gesprek, stemnotas of die oproeplogboeke aanheg nie, ek kan dit privaat aan jou deurstuur as jy dit benodig. Cherise het met jou in aanraking gekom oor die inklokprosedures en jou meegedeel dat die inkloktye (soos in ons korrespondensie vermeld) op 'n eerste-kom-eerste-bedien-basis is en ons beklemtoon dat gaste altyd vooraf bespreek aangesien ons is nie by die eiendomme gebaseer nie en bestuur baie woonstelle. Op 26 Mei 2023 om 09:06 vm. het sy aangeraai dat sy jou om 19:00 nm kan aanmeld en verduidelik wat die eerste-kom-eerste-bedien is en dat sy met jou in verbinding sal tree en jou sal laat weet of sy jou vroeër kan ontmoet. Om 09:07 het jy geantwoord en gesê "100%. Kom ons hou dit dan om 19h00." Sy het jou toe gaan adviseer oor die laat inklokfooi wat betaalbaar sal wees, jy het nie gereageer nie. Soos belowe het sy jou om 16:25 laat weet dat sy jou vroeër kon inklok en jy dan die laat inklokfooi sou vermy. Sy het 'n plan gemaak om haar dag rond te skuif om jou by te staan. Sy het voortgegaan om jou twee keer om 16:25 en weer om 17:05 te bel. Jy het nie gereageer of die oproepe beantwoord nie. Toe het sy om 17:07nm. 'n opvolgboodskap gestuur en gevra of jy eerder om 19:00nm. sal inklok en om te onthou dat daar 'n laat inklokfooi betaalbaar sal wees. Om 17:10nm het jy vir haar 'n stembrief gestuur wat sê om liewer die inklok vir 19:00 te los en asseblief die faktuur vir die laat inklokfooi deur te stuur en jy het haar bedank vir al haar moeite. Ek dink nie jou resensie hiervan is regverdig om die bogenoemde gesprek wat jy met Cherise gehad het aan die lig te bring nie, ek voel Cherise het oor en bo gegaan en haar woord aan jou gehou. In reaksie op die etiket en parkering: Ek kan nie enige korrespondensie of kaartjie vind wat oopgemaak is wat die etiket en parkeerkwessie onder ons aandag bring nie, waar ons dit vir jou kon opgelos het en jou etiket kon vervang het, en sekuriteit kon vra dat die voertuie jou baai blokkeer om te beweeg of selfs so ver te gaan as om hulle vas te klem om te verseker dat hulle nie weer verkeerd parkeer nie. Ek het verdere terugvoer hieroor aangevra, maar tot dusver het niemand in kennis gestel dat jy enige kontak met ons gemaak het om dit vir jou aandag te gee nie. Ons sal nie weet tensy 'n gas na ons toe kom met 'n probleem nie en ek vra om verskoning vir hierdie ongerief. Laat weet my asseblief met wie jy gepraat het sodat ek hierdie saak verder kan neem. In reaksie op die sekuriteitsdeposito: Ja, jy is korrek die terugbetaling van sekuriteitsdeposito's kan tot 15 dae neem om terugbetaal te word. Dit is as gevolg van verskeie redes. Die hoof twee redes is bankbesonderhede wat van gaste vereis word, of gasteskade. Ek het na u uitgaande inspeksie gekyk en daar was ongelukkig gasteskade (vermiste badmat) waarna ons moes aandag gee en verder ondersoek, die ondersoek is afgehandel en die balans van u terugbetaling is deurgestuur vir betaling. Kontak my asseblief indien jy enigiets verder het wat jy graag wil bespreek en ek hoop dit maak alles op en ons hoop dat ons jou weer kan verwelkom. Vriendelike groete, Jessica CTHA-span

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Rina M
Short stay With partner
Sep 2022

It was fantastic, the view is finominal, you can't get better. Unit is tastefully furnished. You can't ask for a better view. We would go back again anytime and highly recommend.

Dit was fantasties, die uitsig is finominaal, jy kan nie beter kry nie. Eenheid is smaakvol gemeubileer. Jy kan nie vir 'n beter uitsig vra nie. Ons sal enig tyd weer teruggaan en is hoogs aan te beveel.

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Value for money
New Cumberland 501

Hi Rina. We are so glad you enjoyed your stay and we really look forward to seeing you again. Greetings CTHA Team

Hi Rina. Ons is so bly jul het die verblyf geniet en ons sien sommer baie uit om jul weer te sien. Groete CTHA Span

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Cathrine V
Short stay Family with young children
Nov 2021

Fabulous - check-in is a bit laborious. Fantastic spot to stay, location is brilliant. Only negative would be the extremely squeaky, slippery floors- not advised for elderly or anyone with injury.

Value for money
New Cumberland 501

Good day Cathrine. We are really glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay. Thank you for pointing the floors out as we will be sure to look into the slippery side of that for sure. That is one thing about laminated wood flooring, they tent to be a bit noisy. Other than that, glad you enjoyed it and hope to see you again some day soon. Regards CTHA Team

Goeie dag Cathrine. Ons is regtig bly om te hoor dat jy jou verblyf geniet het. Dankie dat jy die vloere uitgewys het, want ons sal verseker na die gladde kant daarvan kyk. Dit is een ding van gelamineerde houtvloere, hulle maak 'n bietjie raserig. Buiten dit, bly jy het dit geniet en hoop om jou eendag binnekort weer te sien. Groete CTHA-span

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FZP/CTHA Verified

Properties 74

Reviews 268

On LekkeSlaap 11 years

From R3 562
R 3 562 R 2 672
per night (sleeps 4)
From R3 562
R 3 562 R 2 672
per night (sleeps 4)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 4 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Beach Road, Mouille Point, 8001, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAANyl6PH6sz4TvJVdH0Fnbu8LVRw9jrNIHqqhdFJJBSwznbRBmcs?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R3 562 nowFrom R2 672 per night (sleeps 4) 6 5 1 5 Beach Road Mouille Point 8001 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -33.900002 18.405451

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