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Okajo Safari Lodge


4.1/ 5

Based on 3 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Coenraad S
1 night stay On business
Nov 2024

Will come again! We had a great stay! Dinner was delicious. Will come again!

Sal weer kom! Ons het baie lekker gebly! Aandete was heerlik. Sal weer kom!

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Value for money
Okajo Safari Lodge

It was a pleasure to have you here. Greetings from Okajo

Dit was 'n plesier om julle hier te hê. Groete van Okajo

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Donna T
1 night stay
Jul 2024

Very nice. Very nice place and nice stay, but could improve on the following: Directional signs too small - didn't see them at first and had to turn around. No barbecue or tongs. No drying cloths. However, breakfast was very nice and staff very friendly.

Heel lekker. Baie mooi plek en lekker gebly, maar kan verbeter op die volgende: Aanwysingsborde te klein - het dit aanvanklik nie gesien nie en moes omdraai. Geen braaibak of braaitang. Geen afdrooglappe. Ontbyt was egter baie lekker en personeel baie vriendelik.

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Value for money

Nico S
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jan 2025

Don't stay here. First the positives: Lea and Saartjie are a team of a thousand and made delicious food and constantly made sure that there were no problems. The place is also clean and tidy. We would not recommend the place. We had to call to get a code for the gate, the place needs a lot of renovation, there were no other guests during our stay (that probably explains everything), there is almost no wildlife, the horses are apparently dead and there is no talk of archery. The dart board was broken and so was the pool table. The indoor swimming was ok, but it would have been better if it had just been a regular swimming pool. There is basically nothing to do.

Moenie hier bly nie. Eers die positiewe: Lea en Saartjie is 'n span duisend en het heerlik kos gemaak en heeltyd seker gemaak dat daar geen probleme was nie. Die plek is ook skoon en netjies. Ons sal nie die plek aanbeveel nie. Ons moes bel om 'n kode vir die hek te kry, die plek het heelwat vernuwing nodig, daar was geen ander gaste tydens ons verblyf nie (dit verduidelik seker alles), daar is byna geen wild nie, die perde is blykbaar dood en van pyl-en-boog skiet is daar nie sprake van nie. Die veerpyltjiebord was stukkend en die pooltafel ook. Die binnenshuise swem was ok, maar dit sou beter gewees het indien net 'n gewone swembad was. Daar is eintlik basies niks om te doen nie.

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Value for money
Okajo Safari Lodge

Dear Steyn family. Thank you very much for your feedback. We are very happy that you enjoyed the food and that our loyal team treated you so well, they are definitely a great asset to us. We try hard to treat our guests here like family and that is what makes Okajo so special. We are in the middle of our rainy season and are very grateful for the rain we receive. The animals are now deep in the bush and it is very difficult to find them. We give our guests the option to go game viewing and therefore we do not charge any compensation when we take them around the farm, we do it for free. Our two beautiful horses are a great loss for us, it is still sad but we will have to replace them. We are one of very few lodges that can boast an indoor swimming pool. Families with children enjoy it as well as our foreign guests who are not used to the hot Namibian sun. January is a very quiet month as most families have taken December off. Most guests enjoy the opportunity to be alone and just rest a bit. On behalf of Okajo Safari Lodge and its team, we would like to apologize that your stay was not pleasant, perhaps we can make it up for you next time. Greetings from the Okajo team.

Liewe Steyn gesin. Baie dankie vir die terugvoering. Baie bly julle het die kos geniet en dat ons getroue span u so goed behandel het, hulle is definitief vir ons 'n groot aanwins. Ons probeer hard om ons gaste hier soos familie te behandel en dit is wat Okajo so besonders maak. Ons is in die middel van ons reënseisoen en is baie dankbaar vir die reën wat ons ontvang. Die diere is nou diep in die bos en dis maar baie moeilik om hulle te vind. Ons gee ons gaste die opsie om te gaan wild kyk en daarom vra ons geen vergoeding as ons hulle op die plaas rondneem nie, ons doen dit verniet. Ons twee pragtige perde is vir ons 'n groot verlies, dis nog hartseer maar ons sal hulle moet vervang. Ons is een van baie min lodges wat kan spog met 'n onderdak swembad. Gesinne met kinders geniet dit sowel as ons buitelandse gaste wat nie gewoond is aan die warm Namibiese son nie. Januarie maand is maar 'n baie stil maand aangesien die meeste families Desember maand verlof geneem het. Meeste gaste geniet die geleentheid om alleen te wees en net 'n bietjie te rus. Namens Okajo Safari Lodge en sy span wil ons u verskoning vra dat u verblyf nie aangenaam was nie, miskien kan ons dit 'n volgende keer vir u opmaak. Groete van die Okajo span.

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Wilson Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 3

On LekkeSlaap 4 years

From R 1 610
per night, for 2 ppl
R 1 610
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 14 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Off C36, Wilhelmstal, 0000, Erongo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA84dc9264aa864c77f81882b970cd4fa5527a6ae4e591715783191ecf6c771b6c7ae13e86f8c9de7f8fce68fff6ef29395936?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 610 per night, for 2 ppl 3 5 1 5 Off C36 Wilhelmstal 0000 Erongo 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -21.817702369315 16.245063829361

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