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Paradys Perdeplaas

Self Catering


4.1/ 5

Based on 4 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Derick H
Short stay With partner
Jan 2025

Unforgettable views and one-of-a-kind experience sharing shelter with horses. This is a truly magical place. Being able to stay in the same building as the horses is an amazing experience. Both the bedroom and the lounge area have windows allowing a clear view of the horse stalls, much to my equestrian girlfriend's delight. The view of the mountains is breathtaking and can be enjoyed from the couch through a perfectly placed window as well. Besides the beautiful views and friendly horses, the accommodation is well-equipped and comfortably spacious. This is the perfect spot for a romantic getaway and allows you to feel like you have escaped from civilisation while only being a few minutes away from shops and wine farms.

Value for money

Christel Z
1 night stay With partner
Nov 2024

Minimalistic but all you need for an unforgettable stay. Lovely and out of the ordinary stay. The host was very accommodating and went above and beyond with our check-in and check-out. Would love to visit again.

Value for money

Ridowan D
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2025

It was very nice to be away from the town and noise, beautiful view of mountains and nature. Had a great time there.

Was baie lekker weg van die dorp en geraas, mooi uitsig van berge en natuur. Was baie lekker daar.

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Value for money

Colin C
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2025

Accommodation area not up to standard. Requires attention. Did not stay. Living area not up to standard. Freezer has old food frozen in it. Dirty rags, vacuum and odd utensils in kitchen cupboards which clearly do not have any use in the accommodation area. Note this is near the cups/bowls used for eating and drinking purposes. Items stored behind a dirty couch. Once again, these items should be stored on the farm and not in the accommodation for guests. A working farm does not imply that the accommodation for guests is compromised so that it benefits the farm. Braai not stable. The view of the mountain is beautiful. The place has potential but is not worth the price as it is currently set up. Very disappointing.

Value for money
Paradys Perdeplaas

The sofa is spotlessly clean, there is a very faint permanent small stain on one backrest that could not be completely removed after several attempts by dry cleaners. It is barely visible. The entire floor is spotlessly clean, also behind the sofa, where the curtain rod for a new curtain is stored completely out of the way. The kitchenette has only two cupboards - one for the cutlery and the other cupboard has two doors. Behind one door are the vacuum cleaner, dish soap, window cleaner and handy Andy as well as a dish with the floor cloth and scrub brush. Behind the other door are saucepans, a slow cooker and a frying pan. There are no other cupboards in the very small kitchenette and it would certainly not be appropriate to leave cleaning supplies and the vacuum cleaner lying around on the floor in the living area. The fridge is spotlessly clean and fully for the use of the guests. The freezer did have freshly frozen apricots in it as our storage space for our frozen fruit was limited. However, it only occupied one shelf in the freezer and was freshly frozen - definitely not old. There is more than enough space in the Fridge and Extra freezer shelf for our guests to use. There are no 'Rags', but a floor cloth in the dish. Since the apartment is completely separate, isolated and almost 1km from the house, it is completely impractical to store the cleaning products of the apartment in the house and transport them back and forth every time. The apartment's cleaning products are therefore - also for the convenience of our guests, kept in the apartment itself. Many of our guests stay for a few weeks at a time and prefer to keep the apartment clean themselves, so we keep the cleaning products and a Vacuum Cleaner in the apartment itself. The apartment is 100% clean, I washed the floors and windows with my own hands the day before this guest arrived. I suspect they did not like the type of accommodation and so excuses are being made to get their money back. If they are looking for five star accommodation on a wine farm, they cannot expect to pay such a fair price. For what we offer our guests, this accommodation is extremely fair, as several of our guests have already testified.

Die bank is silwer skoon, daar is wel n baie dower permanente klein vlek op een rugleuning wat na verskeie pogings deur droogskoonmakers nie heeltemal verwyder kon word nie. Dit is skaars sigbaar. Die hele vloer is silwer skoon, ook agter die bank, waar die Gordynkap vir n nuwe gordyn heeltemal uit die pad gebêre word. Die kombuishoekie het slegs twee kaste - een vir die eetgerei en die ander kas het twee deure. Agter die een deur is die stofsuier, skottelgoedseep, windowlene en handy Andy asook n skottel met die vloerlap en skropborsel. Agter die ander deur is kastrolle, n slow cooker en n braaipan. Daar is geen ander kaste in die baie klein kombuoshoekie nie en dit sal beslis nie gepas wees om skoonmaaiddels en die Stofsuier sommer op die vloer in die woon-area te laat rondstaan nie. Die Yskas is silwerskoon en ten volle vir die gebruik van die gaste. Die vrieskas het wel nuut gevriesde appelkose in gehad aangesien ons bêre plek vir ons gevriesde vrugte Beperk was. Dit het egter slegs een rak in die vrieskas beslaan en is vars gevries - beslis nie oud nie. Daar is meer as genoeg plek in die Yskas en Ekstra vriesrak vir ons gaste se gebruik. Daar is geen ‘Rags’ nie, wel n vloerlap in die skottel. Aangesien die woonstel heeltemal apart, afgesonder en amper 1km van die woonhuis af is, is dit totaal onprakties om die skoonmaakmiddels van die woonstel in die woonhuis te bêre en elke keer heen en weer te vervoer. Die woonstel se skoonmaakmiddels word dus - ook vir die gerief van ons gaste, in die woonstel self gehou. Baie van ons gaste bly vir n paar weke op n slag en verkies om self die woonstel skoon te hou, dus hou ons die skoonmaakmiddels en n Stofsuier in die woonstel self. Die woonstel is 100% skoon, ek het self met my eie hande die vloere en vensters die vorige dag gewas voor hierdie gas gearriveer het. Ek vermoed die tipe verblyf het hulle nie geval nie en dus word verskonings uitgedink om hul geld terug te kry. As hulle vyfster verblyf op n wynplaas soek, kan hulle nie verwag om so n billijke prys te betaal nie. Vir wat ons aan ons gaste bied, is hierdie verblyf uiters billik., soos wat verskeie van ons gaste reeds getuig het.

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Annerie Verified

Properties 4

Reviews 21

On LekkeSlaap 4 years

From R 700
per night (sleeps 2)
R 700
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 2 adults
  • No children allowed
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 11:00
  • Address: Paddy Street, Farm Paradys 330, Robertson, 6705, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA6b1e89267c316f1219b739f09100dddc42cc79c85c103ef278d0565293811658c872197cb45689f1245475299756f84f05f9?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R700 per night (sleeps 2) 4 5 1 5 Paddy Street Farm Paradys 330 6705 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-23:00 11:00 -33.76866601337 19.89994752854

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