Surfers Dream Tides Apartment
Kliek op enige tarief om 'n meer volledige prysberekening te sien.
Ekstra Fooie
Buiten die tariewe in die bostaande tabel hef die eiendom ook 'n eenmalige R950 skoonmaakfooi per bespreking.
Geniet afslag met hierdie spesiale aanbiedinge!
Ontdek uitstaande waarde met ons reeks spesiale aanbiedinge wat by hierdie eiendom beskikbaar is. *
Kry 15% af op alle besprekings wat 3 dae of minder voor jou verblyf gemaak word. Hierdie aanbod is altyd geldig.
Prys sluit in
- Selfsorg
House rules:
It's important to note that MUi STAYS bed linen and towels are provided, but guests are responsible for washing their linen and towels during the stay. If you wish to have extra linen or towel changes or request a cleaning service during your stay, we are happy to accommodate these requests at an additional cost. We can also provide extra products such as toilet paper upon request. We encourage guests to keep this in mind when preparing for their stay.
Please note that we are a self-catering holiday rental company. This means that our service is designed for independent stays where guests are responsible for their own day-to-day needs. While we offer a cleaning service, the cleaning fee you pay goes toward the exit clean after your stay, ensuring the property is refreshed for the next guest. Our housekeeping team will handle all linen and towel washing, along with cleaning any areas that need attention once you’ve left the rental.
Pre-Arrival Requirements
Check-In Form
To ensure a smooth and efficient check-in process, all guests are required to complete our check-in form prior to arrival.
Final Payments
If your booking is not fully paid, please contact us immediately to arrange payment. Full payment must be received before your arrival.
Arrival Time
Please inform us of your expected arrival time well in advance.
If your plans change and your arrival time needs to be updated, let us know as soon as possible.
Note: We do not provide 24-hour check-in. Communicating your arrival time helps us make the necessary arrangements for a seamless check-in experience.
If you need any additional assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!
Kansellasiebeleid - Pasgemaak
Meer as 2 weke voor die inkloktyd | 100%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Minder as 2 weke voor die inkloktyd | 50%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
- Kapasiteit: 4 persone
- Alle ouderdomme is welkom
Inkloktyd: 14:00 tot 17:00
Uitkloktyd: 10:00 - Adres: Royal-weg 39, Muizenberg, Kaapstad, 7945, Wes-Kaap