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LekkeSlaap blog

Author: Lauren Morling

Lauren is a social butterfly with a bubbly personality and making people laugh is easiest for her. She loves to cook and enjoy a glass of wine and this is how she relaxes. She is also very passionate about her family.

Hallowe’en Fun Facts

Let’s admit it. We all love a holiday that allows us to get showered with delicious treats and goodies, even if we don’t know the meaning of the tradition. I’m sure you’ve dressed up in your younger years to go trick or treating, and have probably gone on to dress your own kids up for […]

Peaceful Pretoria Havens

When life gets stressful, there is no better way to de-stress and regroup than by organising a peaceful getaway to soothe both your body and mind. Realistically speaking though, it’s not so easy to head overseas or travel across South Africa to get to that perfect destination. However, you can dry your eyes and rest […]

Pizza Places in the Heart of Cape Town

Are you a self-proclaimed pizza lover? Do you love trying new things? If you answered yes to either of these, then you and I have something in common. I have always had a palate for pizza and a love for finding new places that offer the best in the business. And it’s usually the places […]

Little Known Natural Wonders Around the World

If you’re an avid traveller and you love to explore the exciting, naturally-formed features that our world has to offer, then you and I have something in common. There is nothing quite like trekking out to little-known spots that aren’t saturated with camera-draped tourists and man-made skyscrapers, and actually getting to see the unusual formations […]

Cake Boss Concepts in South Africa

I have always been an avid supporter of the television show “Cake Boss” (pronounced Cake Baws) on TLC. My friends and family have called me crazy, but there is nothing I enjoy more than spending an afternoon watching the most amazing and inspirational cakes been whipped up out of thin air – even if it […]

Kid-Friendly Restaurants in Cape Town

There is nothing better than treating your family to a delicious meal out. After all, everything always tastes better when you haven’t had to cook it yourself. However, going out for meals can get a bit more difficult when you have young children who tire easily of the boring interiors of the “everyday” restaurants. But […]

World’s Weirdest Elevators

We humans tend to live a very routine lifestyle. Tedious, repetitive, predictable – we know what we are going to be doing every day of the week. We forget that spontaneity is important. There is no good reason why “everyday” events such as simply riding an elevator cannot provide an exciting thrill. So if you’re […]

Creative Cape Town Concepts – 3 Unique Restaurants to try

Are you tired of all the same old restaurants day in and day out? Well, there’s no better time than now to break out of your rut and try something new! Cape Town is home to some arbitrary and amazing restaurants that really break boundaries – a “must try” – ESPECIALLY for those who live […]

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