With the New Year fast approaching, now is an ideal time to start reviewing your goals for 2014. If one of them is fitness, then keep reading to get some motivation!

As is the case with most things in life: you have to work hard to achieve anything, which is more often than not, easier said than done. There are days you’re too tired, there’s too much housework to do, your social schedule is full, the children need your attention, and the list just goes on and on. If you’re hoping to find inspiration to exercise, read below for training techniques that Hunger Games and Catching Fire star, Jennifer Lawrence (playing Katniss Everdeen) employed, to tone up for the grueling Hunger Games.

While going through the workouts you’ve chosen*, motivate yourself by pretending your life depends on finishing that last rep set – because who knows, one day your speed and agility may assist in getting you out of a sticky situation, especially if you travel frequently.

  1. Start Small

Start small and don’t set yourself up for failure by pushing yourself too hard or setting an unrealistic goal to meet within a deadline. Though this approach worked in the film for Katniss, it’s not how the cast trained for their roles – and you shouldn’t either. Instead, break your schedule up into manageable chunks, focusing on the areas you’re intent on improving.

Jennifer Lawrence focused on a six-week intensive course to improve her agility and speed, and did her exercise sessions three days a week. If you’re a beginner, aim for two sessions a week as this will also give your muscles time to recover in-between workouts.

Outdoor yoga. By lululemon (Flickr)

  1. Start it Right

Before any exercise, you need to get the blood flowing in your body, so ensure you do warm-ups. This can be anything from a short yoga session to jumping jacks – just pick something you’ll enjoy and vary it weekly so you don’t become bored. Boredom will kill your motivation faster than anything else!

Katniss was very agile, and Jennifer Lawrence ensured she was fit and flexible by incorporating plenty of yoga into her workouts – if yoga’s a bit too hard for you, try Pilates instead.

  1. Interval Training

Jennifer did plenty of sprints, track drills, agility drills, and treadmill walks to tone up, and this can work for you too! Most of the above will incorporate interval training, which is good as you can mix it up from session to session. The point of interval training is that it works various muscle groups in your body, and pushes you in different areas.

Mockingjay symbol. By AntonioCimmy (Flickr)

Eg: you may find you’re a great sprinter, but have no flexibility – in which case, see the above point about yoga. Just like Katniss had her mockingjay pin, you too should find a symbol or token you can use to inspire yourself to push through the grueling segments of your routine.

  1. Muscle Mass

For your training, incorporate a set of free weights to build up some upper body muscles – this will also help firm and tone your triceps and biceps, and with dedicated practice, will firm up any jiggly bits you’ve just noticed.

If you’re not a fan of weights, than try something like kickboxing – it helps to sculpt your muscles, and is also handy as a self-defense routine. There are a variety of kickboxing styles and types, with Muay Thai being recommended for its self-defense techniques. With regard to muscle building ala the Hunger Games, archery and fencing are two popular options.

Female archer practicing. By SimplyAbbey (Flickr)

  1. Make it Fun

If you’re picturing the above workouts taking place in an air-conditioned gym, then by all means, choose to exercise in that environment. If, however, you’d prefer a different setting, head to your nearest forest or veld with a group of friends who are also keen to get fit (don’t ever go to secluded places alone!).

Become childlike again and admire the beauty of your surroundings as you hike, climb trees or rock faces, ‘battle’ each other with fallen tree branches as staves, swim in the dam or river, or (after ensuring you have the proper permit) consider going fishing. These outdoor exercises offer a more interesting challenge as they are well-suited for groups to enjoy, and they also provide a closer interpretation of the Hunger Games environment. Keep yourself motivated by having fun, and as always when starting any new challenges, “May the odds be ever in your favour”.

*Please consult your physician before engaging in any exercises or routines. Don’t push yourself beyond your limits, and don’t engage in any clearly dangerous activities.

What motivates you too keep active and fit?

Main image credited to Destined4Blacknwhite (DeviantArt)