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Cape Karoo

All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Cape Karoo

Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 1989 reviews.

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo


"My gunsteling rusplek!"

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Sutherland Guest House

"Hulle is waarde vir geld."

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Sterland Annex

"Pragtige, bekoorlike plekkie met baie interessante mense! SALT besoek amazing en Blue Moon het heerlike kos!"

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Skitterland Gastehuis

"Sutherland was a life changing experience. Stargazing that made me realise that we as Earthlings are merely a molecule in creation, the cemetery, so well preserved and kept, made history a reality. The town is neat, no children or people begging from car to car. A town with pride and dignity. Town is so clean and safe to wander the streets by day or night. No glitz and glamour apart from the stars shining. Pure as snow the souls that inhabit the town. Also very friendly, all apart from the lady in the Antique Shop. She is not friendly and none of her goods in her shop marked and makes up prices as she feels. Not a good experience. Blue Moon Restaurant has such friendly staff and good quality food and the best chocolate cake ever to be found at Strawberry Moon. Jurg/stargazing (Sterland) was a wonderful experience and such an honour to be introduced to the moon and stars by a man with so much passion and knowledge. My first experience and introduction to the galaxy was the best. Thank you so very much, Jurg. Life changing as you realise after stargazing that we are merely molecules in a very, very large galaxy and that all of us on earth are in the same boat of existence no need to be superior to others as you Mr. High and Mighty are also just a molecule in the universe. Sutherland serves as proof that with little a lot can be accomplished.We don't need the jewellery shops the take away franchises and superficial. Thank you Sutherland for grounding me again. Hopefully someday I shall have an opportunity to return. "

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Die Heks se Huis

"Sutherland is 'n sprokiesdorp as mens wakker word en dit sneeu. Wat 'n wonderlike ervaring."

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Sterland Kampering

"Klein, rustige dorpie. Kos vir die siel."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Elfen House and Cottage

"Moet by die Swartberg Hotel gaan eet. Uitstekende kos."

Merweville, Cape Karoo

Die Ou Winkeltjie

"Merweville is pragtig skoon, werklik 'n Karoo-paradysie. Daar is nou 'n teerpad vanaf die N1 na Merweville, al wys die padkaarte dit nie aan nie. Die pad loop vanaf Prins Albert-weg direk na Merweville. Nie veel om te doen nie, maar net om die Karoo stilte te ervaar is wonderlik. Mens kan lekker ver gaan stap. Baie veilig, en die mense is baie vriendelik. Daar is twee oulike en outydse winkeltjies in die dorp met 'n verbasende verskeidenheid goed om te koop."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

The Cottage

"Quaint, well run town. Gaye's dairy was a highlight. Swartberg Pass was amazing."

Ladismith, Cape Karoo

Karoo Karos

"Dit wat ons gesien en gehoor het, het ons laat besluit om vir langer terug te kom om meer van die omgewing te siene te kry. Ons het ten minste lekker kaas gekoop by die Parmalat fabriekswinkel."

Cape Karoo

Abrahamskraal Guest Farm

"Absolutely love the Karoo."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Brakdakkie Guest Cottages

"Gaan stap saam met Ailsa (die Storyweaver). Buiten haar kennis wat sy oordra, het sy die wonderlikste sin vir humor en mens is sommer lief vir haar. Sonder haar vertellings sou Prince Albert nie dieselfde wees nie. Die Gay's Dairy was om die minste te sê 'n mislukking. Mik verby. Hoop hulle sien hierdie kommentaar en doen iets daaraan, want hulle kaas is regtig lekker, maar die res is moeilik om eers as 'n toeriste-aantreklikheid genoem te word!"

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Primrose Cottage

"We had a great tour of the beautiful NG Church. Our guide, Oom Jannie, was very knowledgeable and you can find his number on the side door of the church. The SALT telescope is very worthwhile visiting but unfortunately, due to it being overcast we could not do any star gazing. "

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Primrose Cottage

"Quaint village with friendly people. The newly opened Planetarium, together with Sterland and the SAAO gives the visitor a selection of stargazing options. Very cold in the winter months."

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Primrose Cottage

"Die nuwe planetarium in die dorp is baie interessant en moet besoek word. Aangesien ons tydens 'n vorige besoek op 'n begelyde toer by SALT gegaan het, het ons hierdie keer net die teleskoop terrein besoek. Die uitstalsentrum lyk egter taamlik verwaarloos en vir seker in 'n baie swakker toestand as by ons vorige besoek, so ongeveer tien jaar gelede. "

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Karoo Khaya

"Loved Prince Albert, character filled, neat and clean town."

Ladismith, Cape Karoo

Die Veldhuis @ Vyver's Rus

"Klein dorpie, baie potensiaal, ons sien veranderings aan geboue, het by splinternuwe restaurantjie middagete geniet, historiese gebou! Natuur is pragtig."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Karoo View Cottages

"'n Verskriklike interessante en heerlike plek om te kuier en te ontspan."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Karoo Khaya

"Baie mooi dorp, maar nie veel om te doen nie."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Swartberg Hotel

"Persoonlike smaak bepaal of 'n persoon Prince Albert as 'n toerismebestemming sal beskou of ervaar. "

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Primrose Cottage

"Dit is 'n pragtige dorpie met verskeie dinge om te besoek en leêr. Moenie net een nag oorslaap nie. "

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Gecko Cottages

"Well worth a few days visit! We’d like to spend more time there. We particularly enjoyed the products from the local dairy!"

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Primrose Cottage

"Besoek aan planetarium was wonderlik. Toer na teleskope en die aand se sterrekyk was ongelooflik."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

By-Die-Koppie Guesthouse

"Pragtige dorpie waar mens nog vrylik kan asemhaal."

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Primrose Cottage

"I was disappointed in the tour at the observatory. It was very short and the guide did not give much interesting information about the SALT. I went 10 years ago and the guide had much more information to share about the SALT. I found the new planetarium was a wonderful experience. Unfortunately the video they showed was boring (Google Xprise). I was hoping to see a video about the stars/planets but they showed mostly trailers of lots of different movies. Town itself is typical small town vibe and I loved how peaceful it was."

Prince Albert, Cape Karoo

Swartberg Cottages

"Een van die mooiste dorpies waarby nog oornag het. Die Bush Pub is veral baie outentieke en lekker."

Sutherland, Cape Karoo

Venus Selfsorg

"Sutherland is 'n wonderlike plek met gawe mense en restaurante wat heerlike kos bedien en warm kaggelvure binne restaurant."

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