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Coffee Bay

All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Coffee Bay

Rated 3.9 out of 5 based on 50 reviews.

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"The roads are very bad."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Vir my was die HIW die eintlike aantrekking. Sou nie andersins Koffiebaai my bestemming maak nie. Dit is 'n besliste uitdaging om by die HIW Resort uit te kom. Die pad is plek-plek baie sleg en dit neem baie lank met al die slaggate en rondloperdiere. Selfs die ingangspad na die verblyf het 'n bietjie kopkrap gekos om die beste roete deur die verspoeling voor die ingang te vind."

Coffee Bay


"Paaie is bietjie rof vir gewone kar. Leen jou pêl se bakkie en bederf jouself met die amazing plekkie!"

Coffee Bay

Geckos B&B

"Sal weer wil besoek."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Die pad wat ons gery het na die resort was baie baie erg. Potholes, potholes en nog potholes. Hopelik sal dit gou reg gemaak wod."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Ek gee dit 'n drie, nie omdat ek dit nie aanbeveel nie, hulle het baie skade gehad met die oorstromings en dit gaan 'n tyd neem om weer te herstel, natuurskoon is asemrowend, paaie skrikwekkend."

Coffee Bay


"Unfortunately, the weather wreaked havoc and we were largely confined to the accommodation. Fortunately, we have a 4x4 vehicle and were able to get out."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Travelers should be advised regarding the challenging condition of the roads leading to and in Coffee Bay itself."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Coffee Bay is beautiful. The coast line is unspoiled and peaceful, but the roads are dreadful and the place as a whole is extremely run down. If you know what you are getting yourself into then go for it, but if you like the finer things in life, it's probably not for you."

Coffee Bay


"Paaie is in baie slegte toestand."

Coffee Bay


"Paaie na Koffiebaai is in 'n baie slegte kondisie. Koffiebaai se strand is baie skoon en netjies. Die natuurskoon is baie mooi."

Coffee Bay


"Te besig in Desembermaand, maar die moeite werd vir besienswaardighede. Pragtige natuur. Neptunes Cove ook aanbeveelbaar."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Aaklige nare pad."

Coffee Bay


"Die dorp is klaar. Kort 'n bietjie meer plekke om by te eet."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Die natuur is asemrowend!"

Coffee Bay

Kwela Cottage

"Wonderlik, maar nie langer as 3 tot 4 dae nie."

Coffee Bay


"Wish we could stay longer."

Coffee Bay



Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"It's a very beautiful destination with natural views and great scenery. The road to get there is a bit rough if you're using a small car. But other than that it's a great place to visit and take your mind off things."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Please note that the road from Mthatha to Coffee Bay is 95 km long but takes two and a half hours to travel because the road is badly maintained. A bakkie or SUV is needed."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Off-road, needs a bakkie."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Vuil en gevoel van onveiligheid. Bly ons het Hole in the Wall gesien, maar sal nie weer teruggaan soontoe nie."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"It's beautiful except the roads are very dangerous. Not only is it rough corrugated roads, but we shared the roads with all types of animals as well. This was the beauty of seeing the animals just moving swiftly over the roads or lazing in the sun."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Koffiebaai is 'n goeie bestemming, maar die die paaie om die dorp moet opgeknap word. Die laaste dertig na die oord kon ek slegs 40 km per uur handhaaf. "

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Best vacation destination, will surely visit again."

Coffee Bay

Kwela Cottage

"Zak's Seafood Kitchen is fantastic."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"The area is amazing - just the Hole in the Wall resort is very run down and for R3k a night a would have expected a bit more!"

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Lovely side of the country, so many colours all meshed into one beautiful view."

Coffee Bay

Hole in the Wall Resort

"Die pad na Koffiebaai is baie sleg, vol potholes. Miskien kan hulle iets doen om die paaie 'n klein bietjie beter te maak."

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