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Dolphin Coast

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Dolphin Coast bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.6 uit 5 gekry volgens 223 resensies.

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Coral Dreams & Sea-side Spa

"A lovely seaside destination with great restaurants everywhere."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Petite Provence B&B

"Always nice to visit."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Sea-renity Holiday Apartment

"Hou baie van al die doggie friendly-verblyf en selfs restaurante. Alles wat mens nodig het is vinnig en maklik bekombaar en bereikbaar."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Driftwood Coastal Cottage

"Ons het verskriklik gesukkel met Uber in die omgewing. Definitief nie 'n vervoerstelsel om op staat te maak nie. Ons besef wel dat Covid talle mense se lewens raak en ook hul werk beïnvloed."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Sea-renity Holiday Apartment

"Salt Rock sien ons gou weer! So 'n lekker bestemming."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

The Villa Salt Rock

"Heerlike blou strand, naby winkelsentrum vir inkopies."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

6 Gleneagles

"We enjoyed the granny pools!"

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Driftwood Coastal Cottage

"Dis 'n heerlike vakansie atmosfeer met soveel lekker plekkies en markte en goedjies in die omgewing. Lekker wegbreeknaweek gewees."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Driftwood Coastal Cottage

"The best beach with still a cosy village feel!"

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

27 Robbins Road

"Quiet place to relax with family and friends."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Fairview Guest House

"Great area for a holiday destination."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Fairview Guest House

"Salt Rock is excellent. It has easy access to a shopping centre which will provide you whatever you need, including some excellent restaurants like Yami (featuring an excellent one man band) and Mikes Kitchen. Siggi's is also not far away, a local favourite. Unlike Umhlanga and Ballito, Salt Rock is not over built and it has retained most of its natural vegetation. The beaches are also largely unspoilt."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Fairview Guest House

"Pragtige strande, pragtige ligging en omgewing - werklik 'n heerlike plek om vakansie te gaan hou."

Willard's Beach, Dolfynkus

La Montagne

"The beach felt safe and was clean. Hawkers at the steps to the beach did not harass holiday makers. I took a bit of cash to the beach as someone comes around to sell ice cream etc. "

Shaka's Rock, Dolfynkus

Chakas Cove Seaside Home from Home

"Perfekte strandjie vir klein kinders."

Willard's Beach, Dolfynkus

205 Les Mouettes

"For the first time ever, I was disappointed to see that there was quite a bit of litter on the beaches. Very sad as the beaches are so beautiful. "

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Coral Dreams & Sea-side Spa

"Sal vir seker weer besoek."

Thompsonsbaai, Dolfynkus

18 The Islands

"Thompsonsbaai is een van my gunstelingstrande."

Willard's Beach, Dolfynkus

The Manors 38

"Willard's beach is baie mooi, maar verkies Clarke's bay vir kinders."

Salt Rock, Dolfynkus

Salt Break Apartment

"Keep up the fabulous service."

Zimbali Estate, Dolfynkus

13 Yellow Wood

"Sekuriteitstelsels baie kompleks en verwarrend. Administrasie vir sekuriteit te veel! Sal nie maklik weer daar tuisgaan nie. "

Shaka's Rock, Dolfynkus

7 Villa Flamenco

"Shaka's Rock het nie regtig 'n swemstrand nie, maar die lagoon en getypoel is baie lekker, veral vir die kinders. As jy onder toesig in die see wil swem moet jy na Ballito se hoofstrand ry ongelukkig. "

Zimbali Estate, Dolfynkus

31 The Sanctuary

"If they can extend the kitchen hours at the valley of pools restaurant especially during the peak period."

Shaka's Rock, Dolfynkus

Villa Flamenco 14

"Lieflike plek om te kuier."

Thompsonsbaai, Dolfynkus

9 Chaka Sands

"So baie kuierplekke heerlike strand en getypoel met lewensredders maak dit die ideale vakansie-bestemming. Salt Rock se Tiffany inkopiesentrum is minder besig as Ballito se Super Spar en net om die draai van Thompsons Beach."

Shaka's Rock, Dolfynkus

Ocean Gorge Seafront Getaways

"Ek kan dit definitief aanbeveel. Dit is reg by Ballito and Salt Rock. Sugar Rush Park is ook baie naby waar jy Parkrun kan gaan doen, stap, bergfiets ry ens."

Blad 2 - Wys 31 tot 60
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