Verified Reviews
Elephant Coast
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Elephant Coast
Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 868 reviews.
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Turtleshaven"Nothing much to say. It was a beautiful place. It brought back memories of my child days. I was born there. I love St Lucia."
"Sodwana has been our holiday destination for decades, from before my husband and I were married. We used to stay within the Park but their facilities have deteriorated and safety has become a huge concern. I do believe that the Park needs to start evaluating alternatives to entry by allowing visitors to purchase long entry permits. The whole process of having to pay entrance on a daily basis is time consuming and costly as each day documentation needs to be printed."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Flamboyant 10"Toilet and bath needs to be upgraded, with perhaps an extraction fan fitted."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Sunset Lodge Log Cabins"Pity the estuary has been closed for so many years however still an incredible vacation destination. "
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
11 St Lucia Sands"Het elke dag Cape Vidal toe gery. Dis 'n pragtige skoon strand."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Oppi Rotse"Als was baie lekker, maar die plek lyk vervalle by party plekke, die badkamers by die strande word elke dag skoongemaak, want ons was al vroegoggend daar by die see, main beach, maar dit vrot van die urine, dis ondraagbaar, jy weet nie of die water indie badkamer urine is of die vloer wat gewas is nie, daar moet hulle definitief plan maak, anders was al goed. "
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Budget Tented Village @ Urban Glamping"I have been going to St Lucia since I was a small child and I shall continue to go until I die. Treat yourself to a Cape Vidal visit as well."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Ingwenya Lodge"Was baie lekker, maar hulle kan meer aandag gee aan plekke, party plekke is vervalle en die badkamers by die strande is baie vuil en stink vreeslik. Alhoewel elke oggend dames is wat daar skoonmaak kan ek regtig nie sien wat hulle skoonmaak nie "
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Flamboyant 10"Die dorp is ongelooflik! Sal dit vir elkeen aanbeveel wat vakansie in die ongerepte natuur geniet. "
"Skoonste strand wat ek in 'n lang tyd gesien het en lekker vir snorkel van die strand af."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
The Estuary Guest Chalets"Beautiful area. Unfortunately it rained a bit when we were on our hippo and croc cruise but it didn't ruin it for us. There are lots of easy drives to the beaches. Definitely a place worth visiting!"
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Forest Villa's"Isimagaliso is one of the most amazing places to visit! There is so much biodiversity to explore and it's a well-visited family reserve."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Unit 3 The Bridge"Ons was vreeslik beïndruk met al die oulike klein winkeltjies en smul lekker restaurante. Die dorpie se mense is almal baie behulpsaam en vriendelik. Die dorpie en strande was pragtig en skoon!"
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Stone Ridge Luxury Self-Catering Units"Our home away from home. We go to St Lucia 3 to 4 times a year because we love nature. Cape Vidal is the only place in the world where you drive through a nature reserves and end up on the beach after seeing lots of animals. Love this place."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
23 Manzini Chalets - Pumba's Den"Sal graag wil sien dat meer moeite gedoen word om mond oop te kry en oop te hou. Ek het in my jong dae baie daar visgevang. Daar is ook baie vreemdelinge van naby nedersetting wat dorp rond dwaal, maar sien heelwat sekuriteit en polisie se teenwoordigheid. "
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
11 St Lucia Sands"St Lucia Estuary, beslis die beste ervaring vir beide die oseaan en bosveld."
St Lucia Estuary, Elephant Coast
Flamboyant 10"Cape Vidal was definitief vir ons 'n hoogte punt. Dit is elke sent werd. Dis nie oorvol nie, mens loop nie baie ver strand toe nie. My 3 jarige seuntjie het natuurlik die krokodilplaas geniet. Dit was werklik 'n baie lekker naweek."