Verified Reviews
Escape From Cape Town
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Escape From Cape Town
Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 17856 reviews.
Witsand, Escape From Cape Town
Joune"Beautiful place that I have been going quite often and will be back soon again."
Witsand, Escape From Cape Town
@ The Whales"Beautiful, relaxing fishing village. Quiet and definitely a place to unwind."
Jacobs Bay, Escape From Cape Town
Die Jacobsdaller"Jacobsbaai se ongereptheid, verskeie baaie, kalm en rustige omgewing, maak dit die ideale wegbreekplek vir die wat 'n rusige omgewing verkies."
Greyton, Escape From Cape Town
51 Park Greyton"Love the little town. Keep going to let the crime not come up, so the people can feel safe."
Arniston, Escape From Cape Town
BlueSky Arniston"The town is brimming will old seaside charm. Note that there are no shops though and restaurant options are very limited. Overall a beautiful place and very comfortable accommodation."
Still Bay, Escape From Cape Town
Beachouse on Gordon"Lieflike dorp, met alles wat nodig is naby en bekombaar. Lekker swemstrand vir kindertjies."
Montagu, Escape From Cape Town
Montague 4 Seasons"Lekker wyn en droëvrugte. Eetplekke maar swak en diens treurig. Wel iets om te beleef. Baie mooi natuurskoon. Oulike dorpie."
Hermanus, Escape From Cape Town
Whale View Self-catering Apartment"Hermanus is 'n pragtige, skoon dorpie!"
Montagu, Escape From Cape Town
Montagu Country Hotel"Gaan bly daar. Julle sal nooit spyt wees nie!"
Witsand, Escape From Cape Town
Suzys Accommodation"Indien jy nie visvang nie, dan kan die dae baie lank raak. Die grootste aantrekking bly die walvisse gedurende walvistyd, buite die periode kan dinge verveeld wees."
Paternoster, Escape From Cape Town
Strandlopertjie"Everyone should visit Paternoster at least once in their lives! It is quaint and breathtaking!"
Gansbaai, Escape From Cape Town
Sunset Bliss"Het gegaan vir rus en het dit wel gedoen. Baie stil area. Sal 100% weer besoek aflê."
Yzerfontein, Escape From Cape Town
Oppi See"Very pleasant and quiet sea-side town, away from the busy city."
Grabouw, Escape From Cape Town
Camphor Tree House"Dit lyk na 'n oulike dorpie en daar is pragtige plekke in die omgewing. Die area is pragtig."
Jacobs Bay, Escape From Cape Town
Togryersvlei Wedding Venue and Guest House"Jacobsbaai is 'n moet-sien."
Paternoster, Escape From Cape Town
D.V. Engelhijs"We greatly enjoyed our (first) time in this little quaint and picturesque village. Loved the white Cape Dutch-style houses."
Paternoster, Escape From Cape Town
D.V. Engelhijs"Ek glo dis die regte plek om te gaan rus! Beslis 'n moet-besoek."
Still Bay, Escape From Cape Town
Strandloper"A lovely, quiet, clean place. People are very friendly. Lots of restaurants to choose from."
Still Bay, Escape From Cape Town
Die Hawehuis"Stillbaai is 'n heerlike plek met alles wat 'n mens benodig. Wil baie graag weer teruggaan soontoe."
Velddrif, Escape From Cape Town
Unit 32 Port Owen Marina"Lovely place to break away from the city for a couple of days. The Spar is excellent."
"Plenty to do, history, wine tasting, cycling. One of our favourite destinations."