Verified Reviews
Garden Route
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Garden Route
Rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 10084 reviews.
"Oudtshoorn is a peaceful place to get away from the busy city life. For me after a week, I'm looking to be back home."
"Die mense van George was baie vriendelik, het gegroet, party het geselsies aangekoop. Ons is selfs verwelkom in die plek."
"Great little town. The local hotel is most likely the best value for refreshments and food one will find. The town is neat and tidy - well worth the stop."
"The Bootlegger was 'n baie goeie stop met heerlike koffie en piesangbrood, sowel as 'n oulike wynboetiek met baie goeie wyne. Wens ons het meer tyd gehad om in die pragtige, skoon dorp te spandeer."
"Lekker stil met verskeie voëlspesies. Lieflike lang strand en sagte sand. Weg uit die gejaagde lewe van Knysna, maar net om die draai."
"Dit is sekerlik die stilste woonbuurt in SA! Jy hoor nie eers 'n hond blaf nie, rustigheid is hier beslis! Dis skoon, strand is pragtig."
"I loved this seaside town. The communtiy was very friendly and helpful. What a beautiful and peaceful little gem. The amount of quality eateries was incredible. We need to give a shoutout to" Daves Kitchen" it was exceptional and "Coffee and Cream", if I could I would pop in there every day, what a gorgeous coffee shop, definitely my favourite. The coffee was great and the food excellent. We will most certainly be coming back to Stillbaai. We fell in love."
"Pragtige plek en natuurskoon. Nabygeleë strande maklik bekombaar."
"George is near all things business-needed and the view of the mountains is just beautiful - for business trips or just staying over for travel - this is your destination. "
"Mosselbaai is wonderlik. Vir die laaste 10 jaar of meer gaan ons gereeld daar kuier. Wat my eintlik getref het is die toename in verkeer op 'n weeksdag. Die plek is vir my baie besiger."