Verified Reviews
Marloth Park
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Marloth Park
Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 3395 reviews.
"Fantastic tourist destination, clear to see why it is so popular!"
"Dis die wildtuin BUITE jou kar. Dis die plek vir ontbytmaak langs die rivier terwyl jy Olifante, Buffels, Waterbokke, Vlakvarke, Rooibokke, Bosbokke, Seekoeie en Krokodile kan sien sonder om 'n meter te beweeg en dit terwyl jy ontbyt in die natuur geniet met die Visarend se roep as musiek!! "
"Marloth Park is a great place to stay. You are very close the the Kruger Park while getting to live in the middle of the bush. With an amazing trail to walk or run right next to the fence to the Kruger, you are able to spot game while on foot. An experience all should have!!!!"
"We loved it so much we have decided to buy property in Marloth Park and we are looking to build a house here within the next 2 years!"
"Marloth is pragtig. Die mooiste koedoes en diere gesien, mis dit al klaar! "
"Awesome! love the fact that one is living in the bush amongst the animals."
"I you are an outdoor person and love the wild, then Marloth is the place to be. It is clean, safe and so close to an entrance to the Kruger, not to mentioned two towns as well (Malelane & Komatiepoort). A place we will visit again, and again, and again! Absolute bliss being there!"
"Baie goed geleë. Weg van die daaglikse gejaag van die moderne lewe. Verkies om gedurende lente of herfs te besoek a.g.v. die abnormale temperature."
"I absolutely love Marloth Park! It is a beautiful place to go to if you want to spend time in nature and it is great fun feeding the animals and watching them in their habitat. A must see for everyone - you will not be disappointed!"
"So close to the Kruger, almost no need to go into the Kruger as we saw 4 of the big 5 in the 1st day on the Marloth Park side"
"Marloth Park is a very nice place - I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a bush vacation, it has a very welcoming atmosphere."
"Die inwoners van Marloth Park is baie vriendelik en hulpvaardig. Dit is goed geleë en maklik by ander besienswaardighede uit te kom. "
"Enjoy the game roaming amongst the houses in Marloth Park - it was the best. Great wildlife sightings along the river."
"Definitely a yes - Marloth Park is almost a perfect alternative to the Kruger National Park."
"Marloth Park is a beautiful home for the animals who stay there, this park must be protected at all costs!"
"Dit is baie lekker alhoewel dit in die somer baie warm kan wees, maar dit is die Laeveld. Jy kan nie jou brood aan albei kante gebotter hê nie."