Verified Reviews
West Coast
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in West Coast
Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 7117 reviews.
"Maintain the standard which will attract the people you want to visit & buy in Yzerfontein."
"Ongelooflik lekker gekuier en was absoluut die ideale venue vir my 50ste!"
"Langebaan is a true gem to be discovered. Beautiful and peaceful. Definitely one of our family vacation spots for future!"
Longacres Country Estate, West Coast
Long Acres Bahamas Accommodation"Goed geleë. Lekker vir 'n wegbreek uit die stad. "
"Jammer dat die voëleiland deesdae verwaarloos lyk. Tydens ons verblyf was die elektrisiteit onaangekondig af van vroegoggend tot laataand, nie goed vir toerisme nie; net een restaurant was die aand oop, byvoorbeeld. "
"Eerste keer wat ons daar was, nie te groot en ook nie te klein plek nie. Mooi strande, die 3 dae daar was heerlik, dit baie geniet. "
" Mooi area met genoeg om te doen asook net op die gras te sit en na die see en omgewing te kyk en te kyk met boek wat jy gaan vergeet om te lees."
"Dit is 'n baie rustige plek om weg te breek van die besige lewe waarin ons leef."
"Area is stil en veilig. Strand is super skoon en mense rondom vriendelik. Beste vakansie ligging in die Weskus. "
"Enigste nadeel is die afstand van 'n kafee of restaurant af. Verder is dit 'n beeldskone bestemming!"
"Kan net sê, vir ons is dit 'n pragtige dorpie, julle kan trots wees om daar te bly."
"Sad to say this is not a very nice place for a holiday. The Bird Island has had no maintenance for ages. For example, the penguin pools pump has been broken for ages and pool water is stinking and green. The signs are so faded you can't read them, the railings are all broken and their rope is tied to prevent you from falling off the edge. Very embarrassing when you see international guests looking at what should be a beautiful Bird Island just going to ruin."
"Security must be sharpened. It's out of season why do people still sell crayfish? The area around the shops and the harbour should be painted and cleaned up. Stop people laying around, create vegetable parks where they can work and sell the produce and have food for themselves."
"'n Bekoorlike vissersdorpie met 'n unieke karakter en wonderlike eetplekke. Hier kan jy rus en ontspan."