Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Winterton
Rated 3.9 out of 5 based on 62 reviews.
"Die strate is in 'n swak toestand en beurtkrag maak dat jy nie altyd kan doen wat jy op daardie oomblik wou nie."
"Nie baie om in Winterton te doen nie, maar is die middelpunt om the bly om als om jou te gaan doen."
"Winterton is a nice small little town with a nice view of the Drakensberg."
"Ons kon nie baie tyd in die dorp self spandeer nie, maar ons het wel The Pig and Plough en The Farmer's Lawn-mark baie geniet."
"Beautiful scenery, a variety of interesting places and artisan shops to explore and enjoy."
"The highlight was the Boys Choir. Our experience at Scrumpy Jack's with the bees and the irresistible cheesecake, lunch at Waffle Hut, and the chocolate fondue experience all were great! We would have loved to see the birds fly at Falcon Ridge - Bird of prey centre but their show time clashed with the Boys choir, so we had to give it a miss."
"There are many places to visit at Winterton and surrounding areas. But there were other interesting places that were closed such as the museum in town and the rock art museum at Cathedral peak. That was not good."
"Die Pig and Plough was werklik oulik met lekker kos, maar dis omtrent dit vir Winterton, meer 'n deurgang dorp op pad berge toe."
"Daar is geen restaurante, vermaak of ordentlike winkels vir toeriste nie. "
"Winterton is sentraal geleë om by baie ander besienswaardighede en plekkies uit te kom."
"Baie sentrale punt om die noordelike en sentrale streke van die Drakensberge te besoek."
"Urgently need to consider constructing a new road to bypass the village. Business will no doubt suffer, but as things are currently the entire Winterton infrastructure is breaking up. This will become a ghost town unless heavy traffic is somehow rerouted."
"What a lovely place and close enough to do day drives in the area."
"Pragtige plek, heerlik daar rondgery, jammer dat die Bird of Prey plek toe is op 'n Maandag, as wildlewe fotograaf wou ons so graag daar aandoen."