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2 Guests

15 San Marino

Self Catering


4.7/ 5

Based on 10 reviews


Value for money
Arle D
Long stay Family with young children
Jan 2023

Place was incredibly dirty. There were used ear plugs and hair behind one room's bed, the other rooms were just as dirty. There is only room for 2 vehicles in is not easy parking, you have to drive in style on 2nd floor parking, big vehicles can get badly hurt. Heleen from HostAgents was incompetent and badmouthed me over an email because we were in no way satisfied with her services. The house is not child friendly for 2 small babies. There are no swimming facilities even though it shows that there is a pool. The place was incredibly dirty, we had to wash all the cutlery with Domestos, there was still food stuck to the wooden spoons! The cutlery and crockery are mediocre. The house was so dirty when we got there, there were used ear plugs behind our bed with bits of paper, dust, hair etc. The other rooms were just as dirty. The floors were sticky and dirty. The parking is challenging because you have to park on the 2nd floor, large vehicles can get hurt very badly and you need someone to guide you to the top. There is also only room for 2 cars. We paid in full, in advance for a cleaner, we and Heleen from HostAgents agreed in advance the time the cleaner should come in each day, it was not the same day. We were unhappy with her service and she was abusive about an email to me after we made a complaint to the owner. She is very unprofessional and it further soured our holiday. The DStv never worked even though she promised it would. The house is by no means child-friendly for babies. There is no swimming pool, even though the photos show that there is. The location of the house is good but I would not recommend it.

Plek was ongelooflik vuil. Daar was gebruikte oorstokkies en hare agter die een kamer se bed, die ander kamers was net so vuil. Daar is net plek vir 2 voertuie in is nie maklike parkering nie, mens moet styl op ry op 2de vloer parkering, groot voertuie kan lelik seer kry. Heleen van HostAgents was ongeskik en het my lelik beledig oor 'n e-pos omdat ons geensins tevrede was met haar dienste nie. Die huis is nie kindervriendelik vir 2 klein babas nie. Daar is nie swemgeriewe nie al wys dit dat daar is swembad. Die plek was ongelooflik vuil, ons moes al die eetgerei was met Domestos, daar het steeds kos vasgesit aan die houtlepels! Die eetgerei en breekware is middelmatig. Die huis was so vuil toe ons daar aankom, daar was gebruikte oorstokkies agter ons bed met papiertjies, stof, hare ens. Die ander kamers was net so vuil. Die vloere was plakkerig en vuil. Die parkering is uitdagend omdat mens op die 2de vloer moet parkeer, groot voertuie kan baie lelik seerkry en jy benodig iemand om jou te gids tot bo. Daar is ook net plek vir 2 motors. Ons het vol, vooruit betaal vir 'n skoonmaker, ons en Heleen van HostAgents het vooraf afgepreek die tyd wat die skoonmaker elke dag moet inkom, dit was nie een dag dieselfde nie. Ons was ongelukkig met haar diens en sy was beledigend oor 'n e-pos aan my na dat ons 'n klag gelê het by die eienaar. Sy is bitter onprofessioneel en dit het ons vakansie verder versuur. Die DStv het nooit gewerk nie al het sy belowe dat dit sal. Die huis is geensins kindervriendelik vir babas nie. Daar is nie 'n swembad nie, al wys dit op die foto's dat daar 'n swembad is. Die lokasie van die huis is goed maar ek sal dit nie aanbeveel nie.

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Value for money
15 San Marino

We appreciate your review. 1. The guests arrived with 3 vehicles and a trailer, despite the fact that I made it clear to them that the unit offers parking for 2 vehicles, this was clearly indicated in the property's profile. 2. The guest decided, despite the complex's rules, to park in other owners' parking space, causing great inconvenience to the people. 3. The guest was unhappy because she assumed the complex had a swimming pool. If you look at the profile of the unit, we make it clear that there is no pool. 4. At no point did the guest ask if the house was "baby friendly". This is the first time I've heard of this being a problem. If it was bell evening, I would think the guest would have specifically inquired about this during the booking. 5. The problem with DStv was solved within the first day. 6. Daily cleaning. After her initial complaint, which we disagreed with. We arranged for a cleaning to be done immediately. 7. The day the guest complained that the staff was not there on time was the 26th of December. There was no transport as it was a public holiday. Despite this, the supervisor personally picked up the workers and took them to the unit to clean. I understand that you will not book with us again and I am really sorry about that.

Ons waardeer jou resensie. 1. Die gaste het opgedaag met 3 voertuie en 'n sleepwa, ten spyte van die feit dat ek dit duidelik aan hulle gestel het dat die eenheid parkeerplek vir 2 voertuie bied, was dit duidelik in die eiendom se profiel aangedui. 2. Die gas het besluit, ten spyte van die kompleks se reëls, om op ander eienaars se parkeerplek te parkeer, wat groot ongerief vir die mense veroorsaak het. 3. Die gas was ongelukkig omdat sy aangeneem het die kompleks het 'n swembad. As jy na die profiel van die eenheid kyk, maak ons dit duidelik dat daar geen swembad is nie. 4. Die gas het op geen stadium gevra of die huis “babavriendelik” is nie. Dit is die eerste keer dat ek hoor dat dit 'n probleem is. As dit klokaand was, sou ek dink die gas sou spesifiek hieroor navraag gedoen het tydens die bespreking. 5. Die probleem met DStv is binne die eerste dag opgelos. 6. Daaglikse skoonmaak. Na haar aanvanklike klagte, waarmee ons nie saamgestem het nie. Ons het gereël dat 'n skoonmaak dadelik gedoen word. 7. Die dag waarop die gas gekla het dat die personeel nie betyds daar was nie, was die 26ste Desember. Daar was geen vervoer nie, want dit was 'n openbare vakansiedag. Ten spyte hiervan het die toesighouer die werkers persoonlik opgelaai en na die eenheid geneem om skoon te maak. Ek verstaan dat jy nie weer by ons sal bespreek nie en ek is regtig jammer daaroor.

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Silvi H
Short stay With friends
Oct 2022

Wonderful few days. The whole experience of our stay at 15 San Marino was great. The owner was very helpful from the start and frequently inquired if everything was okay. 15 San Marino accommodation is ideal for a larger group of people without everyone being under each other's feet. The rooms and other rooms are spacious. The large veranda outside is a lovely place to hang out and barbecue and enjoy the sea view. We will definitely go back there again.

Wonderlike paar dae. Die hele ervaring van ons kuier by 15 San Marino was puik gewees. Die eienaar was van die begin af baie behulpsaam en het gereeld navraag gedoen of alles in orde is. 15 San Marino blyplek is ideaal vir 'n groter groep mense sonder dat almal onder mekaar se voete is. Die kamers en ander vertrekke is ruim. Die groot stoep buite is 'n heerlike plek om te kuier en braai en die see uitsig te geniet. Ons gaan beslis weer terug soontoe.

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Value for money
15 San Marino

Dear Silvi. We are very happy that you enjoyed your holiday and that we were able to meet your expectations. It is important to Us to keep guests happy and to See them again. Thank you very much for the positive review. Hope to see you again soon. Regards. Aart and Lizette

Beste Silvi. Ons is baie bly julle het julle vakansie geniet en ons kon voldoen aan julle verwagtinge. Dit is belangrik vir Ons om gaste gelukkig te hou en hulle weer te Sien. Baie dankie vir die positiewe resensie. Hoop om julle binnekort weer te sien. Groete. Aart en Lizette

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Sandra N
Short stay Family with young children
Nov 2022

Peacefully and relaxing accommodations. Lovely spacious apartment. The apartment has everything needed for self-catering - very relaxing. I loved the space and view.

Value for money
15 San Marino

Thank you very much for your review, Sandra. We certainly hope seeing you again soon and that your memories will remain with you and your family for a very long time, take care. Aart and Lizette

Baie dankie vir jou resensie, Sandra. Ons hoop beslis om jou gou weer te sien en dat jou herinneringe vir 'n baie lang tyd by jou en jou gesin sal bly, pas op. Aart en Lizette

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Anabel V
Long stay Family with young children
Jan 2022

Enjoyed the stay at San Marino. Well located near tidal pools. Large apartment with plenty of space for a family to relax. Owner very attentive to our needs.

Value for money
15 San Marino

Thank you Anabel for the review. Was a pleasure hosting you and your family. Hope to see you soon again. Take care. Aart and Lizette

Dankie Anabel vir die resensie. Was 'n plesier om jou en jou gesin te huisves. Hoop om jou gou weer te sien. Kyk mooi na jouself. Aart en Lizette

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Des V
Long stay With partner
Oct 2021

It was truly a 10 out of 10. All facilities are clean and tidy. Conveniently close to important points and very safe. Would definitely recommend it.

Dit was werlik ’n 10 uit 10. Alle geriewe is skoon en netjies. Gerieflik naby aan belangrik punte en baie veilig. Sal dit definitief aanbeveel.

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Value for money
15 San Marino

Dear Dec, Thank you very much for your feedback. Appreciate. Greetings Aart

Beste Des, Baie dankie vir jou terugvoering. Waardeer. Groete Aart

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Gerhard E
Short stay Family with teenagers
Sep 2019

Awesome and very spacious. Privacy and beautiful view. Will definitely go again to 15 San Marino.

Awesome en baie ruim. Privaatheid en pragtige uitsig. Sal beslis weer na 15 San Marino gaan.

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Value for money

Morne B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Aug 2019

Beautiful and spacious holiday suite. We had a lovely stay! The suite is beautiful, spacious and comfortable. Can definitely recommend.

Value for money

Karen M
Long stay Large group
Mar 2019

It was truly a fantastic holiday in a beautiful place! The apartment was beautiful, well equipped with everything you need and more. It was bigger than expected and more beautiful than the photos. The owner was very helpful. I would recommend the place to a large group of people anytime. Absolutely value for money.

Dit was werklik 'n fantastiese vakansie in 'n pragtige plek! Die woonstel was pragtig, goed toegerus met alles wat mens nodig het en nog meer. Dit was bo verwagting groot en mooier as die foto's. Die eienaar was baie behulpsaam. Ek sal enige tyd die plek aanbeveel vir 'n groot groep mense. Absoluut waarde vir geld.

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Value for money
15 San Marino

Nelmarie we appreciate the review, thank you very much. We are glad you had a wonderful time and look forward to accommodating you again in the future. Regards, Aart and Lizette

Nelmarie ons waardeer die resensie, baie dankie. Ons is bly julle het n wonderlike tyd gehad en sien uit om julle weer te akkommodeer in die toekoms. Groete, Aart en Lizette

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Telanie V
Short stay Large group
Jun 2019

A fantastic place to stay with plenty of space for the whole family! It was an absolute feast to stay here! The large, spacious spaces allow a family to stay and relax easily and comfortably. We were 6 adults, and there was plenty of room! The sea view was a big treat! The walk to the beach is quick and easy. The communication from the owner and agent was excellent. Thank you for the wonderful stay!

'n Fantastiese blyplek met oorgenoeg spasie vir die hele familie! Dit was 'n absolute fees om hier te bly! Die groot, ruim spasies laat 'n familie toe om maklik en gerieflik te bly en te ontspan. Ons was 6 volwassenes, en daar was oorgenoeg plek! Die see-uitsig was 'n groot bederf! Die stappie na die strand is vinnig en maklik. Die kommunikasie vanaf die eienaar en agent was uitstekend. Dankie vir die heerlike verblyf!

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Value for money
15 San Marino

Dear Telanie, we appreciate the review, thank you very much. We are glad you had a wonderful time and look forward to accommodating you again in the future. Also happy for you that your husband did well in the comrades marathon. Regards, Aart and Lizette

Beste Telanie, ons waardeer die resensie, baie dankie. Ons is bly julle het n wonderlike tyd gehad en sien uit om julle weer te akkommodeer in die toekoms. Ook bly vir julle dat jou man goed gedoen het in die comrades maraton. Groete, Aart en Lizette

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Erich W
Long stay
Jul 2017

Unbelievably great. The apartment is unbelievable. Neat, awesome sea view, safe. It was really difficult to lock up and return home, just wanted to stay. It's really an exceptional place.

Ongelooflik lekker. Die woonstel is ongelooflik. Netjies, awesome uitsig oor die see, veilig. Dit was baie moeilik om hom te sluit en terug te keer huistoe, wou net aanbly. Dit is regtig waar 'n besonderse plekkie.

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Value for money
15 San Marino

Thanks for the reference Erich. I look forward to you visiting again regards Aart and Lizette

Dankie vir die verwysing Erich. Ek sien uit dat julle weer kom kuier Groete Aart en Lizette

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Aart Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 10

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R 2 750
per night (sleeps 8)
R 2 750
per night (sleeps 8)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 8 people
  • No children under 17
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 11:00
  • Address: 60 Ocean Drive, San Marino, Shakas Rock, 4392, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA02ad5853209ce30b20b42b948365bdf13b1ece9e40b56c33bffa8aff6b65571e82ea9fbcc44ce549af94239c1a62090b100e?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 750 per night (sleeps 8) 10 5 1 5 60 Ocean Drive San Marino 4392 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 11:00 -29.5150138 31.2301706

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