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Self Catering


3.6/ 5

Based on 2 reviews


Value for money
Izak V
Long stay Family with young children
Apr 2024

Disappointing. I am disappointed in the owner and her "hostess". I carried out two rattan chairs for me and my wife to sit at the barbecue area. The chairs got wet with rain in the afternoon, after which my wife and I washed the pillowcases and let the pillows dry. We were not aware of armchairs behind a sofa until after the weekend turned up. I specially did not smoke in the place. Now they claim I damaged their chairs. I would recommend everyone to take videos and photos and make an inventory of everything if they check in there. The coffee machine was not working and the place was dirty. The towels are not well used, the place is not well ventilated and there is not enough ventilation. There is a TV, but I don't know why. There is no WiFi or DStv. The washing machine takes two shorts and two shirts, then it is full. For a six-bedroom, you have to wash and dry clothes day and night, and if you have a power cut, well, you're going to be walking around with dirty clothes. There are no headboards on beds, and the power plugs are located behind the bed, so if you put a charger in, your pillow falls behind the bed. The sliding door lock is loose, and the other sliding doors cannot be locked with the extra lock. The holes are not aligned, and their handles are loose. I'm getting tired of typing and complaining now. Call me if you still want to hear the truth.

Teleurstellend. Ek is teleurgesteld in die eienaar en haar "gasvrou". Ek het twee rotangstoele uitgedra vir my en my vrou om by die braaiplek te sit. Die stoele het middag nat gereën waarna ek en my vrou die kussingslope gewas het en die kussings laat droog het. Ons was nie bewus van sylstoele agter 'n bank nie tot na die naweek daar kom draai het nie. Ek het spesiaal nie gerook in die plek nie. Nou beweer hulle ek het hulle stoele skade aangedoen. Ek sou almal aanbeveel om video's en foto's te neem en 'n inventaris te maak van alles as hulle daar inboek. Die koffiemasjien het nie gewerk nie en die plek was vuil. Die handdoeke is nie goed gebruik nie, die plek is nie goed geventileer nie en daar is nie genoegsame ventilasie nie. Daar is 'n TV, maar ek weet nie hoekom. Daar is nie WiFi of DStv nie. Die wasmasjien vat twee kortbroeke en twee hemde, dan is hy vol. Vir 'n ses-slaapkamer moet jy dag en nag klere was en droog, en as jy kragonderbreking kry, wel, dan gaan jy met vuil klere loop. Daar is nie kopstukke aan beddens nie, en die kragproppe is agter die bed geleë, so as jy 'n laaier insit, val jou kussing agter die bed in. Die skuifdeurslot is los, en die ander skuifdeure kry mens nie met die ekstra slot gesluit nie. Die gate is nie in lyn nie, en hulle handvatsels is los. Ek raak nou moeg getik en gekla. Bel my as julle nog waarheid wil hoor.

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Value for money

The guest was already informed in February that there is no WiFi at Bosnes and was offered the option of moving to UNWINd at the same rate, which was declined. The guest's spouse asked about it again and again it was pointed out that there is no WiFi. They still decided to book Bosnes, rather than the unit (UNWINd) that we offered as an alternative which does offer the desired facilities. The photos and description of Bosnes on LekkeSlaap and other platforms point out that it is a forest house, without WiFi, without cable TV, that it stands in the shade of native trees that shed their leaves all day long and that the outdoor living spaces and outdoor bath fall, and that the cottage can get musty if left for a long time, especially if it rained - which it did. The guest should therefore have taken notice of this in advance and thus make an informed decision whether or not he wants to confirm the reservation. Many guests want to get away from social and other evils of our time and book Bosnes specifically because they can take advantage of the opportunity to spend quality time with their loved ones. Forests come (un)happily with all sorts of critters, including spiders. Anyone who knows the native forests of the Tsitsikamma will tell you that you can now remove a cobweb; just now it's there again. Similarly, drying laundry is a challenge in most homes in Nature's Valley. Correction: it's a three-bedroom cottage, not a six-bedroom. As for the lack of ventilation: Because it's a bush cabin, we've installed dehumidifiers that run 24/7 as the place. There are sufficient windows and 4 x sliding doors and guests can take responsibility for their own ventilation. Unfortunately, baboons and monkeys are a problem and vents cannot be left open unattended. Everyone in Natures Valley has the same problem. Towels and linen are quality cotton and are washed and ironed two days before the customers' arrival. The washing machine and tumble dryer are installed for the convenience of guests - not for washing linen and large pillowcases. The co-owner of the cottage showed the guests how to stream (TV) and also pointed out the camping chairs for outdoor use. Unfortunately, this was not heeded and Malawian rattan chairs were carried outside and left in the rain. Due to the wetness, it started to loosen around the frame and unfortunately we will have to replace it. The balance of the breakage deposit will be refunded as soon as we find the same chairs. Unfortunately, we experienced labor problems, precisely because of the frequent and sometimes unfounded complaints from the guests and they turned her away when she wanted to come and clean. If guests do not like the silence and uniqueness of a cottage in the woods, with everything that comes with it, Bosnes is definitely not meant for them. NB: Bosnes is a non-smoking cottage.

Die gas is reeds in Februarie ingelig dat daar nie WiFi by Bosnes is nie en is hy die opsie gebied om na UNWINd te verskuif teen dieselfde tarief, wat van die hand gewys is. Die gas se eggenoot het weer daarom uitgevra en weer is dit uitgewys dat daar nie WiFi is nie. Hulle het nogtans besluit om Bosnes te bespreek, eerder as die eenheid (UNWINd) wat ons as alternatief aangebied het wat wel die verlangde fasiliteite bied. Die fotos en beskrywing van Bosnes op LekkeSlaap en ander platforms wys pertinent uit dat dit 'n bos-huisie is, sonder WiFi, sonder kabel-TV, dat dit in die skadu van inheemse bome staan wat hul blare heel-dag afgooi en wat op die buite leefruimtes en buitebad val, en dat die huisie mufferig kan raak as dit lank toe-staan, veral as dit gereen het - wat wel die geval was. Die gas moes dus vooraf hieroor kennis geneem het en sodoende 'n ingeligte besluit neem of hy die bespreking wil bevestig, al dan nie. Menige gaste wil juis wegkom van sosiale en ander euwels van ons tyd en bespreek Bosnes spesifiek omdat hul die geleentheid om kwaliteit tyd saam hul geliefdes deur te bring, kan benut. Woude kom (on)gelukkig met allerande gediertetjies, insluitende spinnekoppe. Enige-iemand wat die inheemse woude van die Tsitsikamma ken, sal jou vertel dat jy nou 'n spinnerak kan verwyder; netnou is dit weer daar. Insgelyks is wasgoed droogkry 'n uitdaging in meeste huise in Nature's Valley. Regstelling: dis 'n drie-slaapkamer huisie, nie ses-slaapkamers nie. Wat die gebrek aan ventilasie aanbetref: Omdat dit 'n boshuisie is, het ons ontvogtigers geïnstalleer wat 24/7 as die plek toe-staan. Daar is genoegsame vensters en 4 x skuifdeure en kan gaste vir hul eie ventilasie verantwoordelikheid neem. Ongelukkig is bobbejane en ape 'n probleem en kan openinge nie sonder toesig oopgelaat word nie. Almal in Natures Valley het dieselfde probleem. Handdoeke en linne is kwaliteit katoen en is gewas en gestryk twee dae voor die kliënte se aankoms. Die wasmasjien en tuimeldroeer is vir die gerief van gaste geïnstalleer - nie om linne en groot kussingslope in te was nie. Die mede-eienaar van die kothuis het die gaste gewys hoe om te stroom (TV) en ook die kamp-stoele vir buite-gebruik uitgewys. Ongelukkig is daar nie hierop ag geslaan nie en is Malawiese rotanstoele buite-toe gedra en is dit in die reen gelos. Weens die nattigheid, het dit om die raam begin lostrek en sal ons dit ongelukkig moet vervang. Die balans van die breekskade deposito sal terugbetaal word sodra ons dieselfde stoele vind. Ongelukkig het ons arbeidsprobleme ervaar, juis oor die gereelde en soms ongegronde klagtes van die gaste en het hulle haar weggewys toe sy wou kom skoonmaak. Indien gaste nie van die stilte en uniekheid van 'n kothuisie in die bos, met alles wat daarmee saamkom, hou nie, is Bosnes beslis nie vir hulle bedoel nie. NB: Bosnes is 'n rookvrye huisie.

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Jade K
Short stay With friends
Oct 2023

We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. The owner was very attentive and kept us in the loop with any issues relating to load shedding and the queries relating to the property. I even accidentally left something there which she went out of her way to locate and courier back to me in Cape Town.

Value for money

A pleasure having you! You are welcome back any time.

'n Plesier om jou te hê! Jy is enige tyd welkom terug.

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Tharia Verified

Properties 3

Reviews 6

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

From R 3 220
per night, for 6 ppl
R 3 220
per night, for 6 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 20:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 393 St George's, Nature’s Valley, 6600, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA2066ab13f57b2a30e0d82806eaa055ab75962757ab21437fc821839684305074b876e01c53f318f1bb6be5ccbe57d5aa9e5c?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R3 220 per night, for 6 ppl 2 5 1 4 393 St George's Nature’s Valley 6600 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-20:00 10:00 -33.978354945417 23.561799044987

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