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Self Catering


3.8/ 5

Based on 4 reviews


Value for money
Jethro C
Short stay With friends
Jun 2023

Absolutely fantastic. One of the most amazing places we have stayed at. Hosts kept constant contact, were accommodating and great to deal with. The house itself has a view worth every cent spent. Beautifully furnished, comfortable, clean, modern. Will definitely go back there!

Value for money

Zane A
Short stay Family with young children
Oct 2023

Very nice and quiet but not suitable if you are in a fun festive mood with kids running around. The neighbours are very nagging. We were staying at 48A. The place is neat and offers great value for money. However, the owner could improve communication skills when providing information regarding the accommodation. There is a neighbour who constantly calls security to complain about music that cannot even be heard downstairs. The music was at a volume lower than our conversation. We forgot 2 items, and the owner said it's impossible for him to courier them in any way. Being from Cape Town, I have to forget about those items. We gave a returnable deposit, and the owner deducted R150 for 1 broken glass that I reported to him. Imagine, it was 6 glasses, lol. All in all, I'll give the place a strong 3 out of 5. All the bathrooms are leaking.

Value for money

Thirst of all I want to thank the guest for choosing my place to enjoy an enjoyable holiday, and just a few pointers from my side. On the music, is that the estate are very strict when it comes to load music and late-night music, that is unfortunately the rule in the estate, so for me as the owner of the house all of us need to obey the rules of the estate. The rules of the estate are also visible in the house. The two toys that were left behind for the child remain the responsibility of the guest to arrange a courier to pick them up from my house at Plett because I keep them in a safe place and don’t want to take any chances and courier them back to the guest original destination because of the risk of damaging the items. Lastly, the one glass that was broken is that we must replace the whole set of six glasses and not only one glass of the set so I am sure that you will understand it and R150 for a set of six glasses is cheap. Remember after you have used the shower the head of the shower will have some water that is dripping after you have used the shower. Hope to see you again for an enjoyable stay at my house in the most beautiful part of the Country for an enjoyable relaxing stay my regards.

In die eerste plek wil ek die gas bedank vir die keuse van my plek om 'n genotvolle vakansie te geniet, en net 'n paar wenke van my kant af. Op die musiek, is dat die landgoed baie streng is wanneer dit kom by laai musiek en laataand musiek, dit is ongelukkig die reël in die landgoed, so vir my as die eienaar van die huis moet almal van ons die reëls van die boedel. Die reëls van die landgoed is ook sigbaar in die huis. Die twee speelgoed wat vir die kind agtergebly het, bly die gas se verantwoordelikheid om 'n koerier te reël om dit by my huis by Plett te kom haal want ek hou dit op 'n veilige plek en wil geen kanse waag en terugkoerier nie na die gaste se oorspronklike bestemming as gevolg van die risiko om die items te beskadig. Laastens, die een glas wat gebreek is, is dat ons die hele stel van ses glase moet vervang en nie net een glas van die stel nie so ek is seker jy sal dit verstaan en R150 vir 'n stel van ses glase is goedkoop. Onthou nadat jy die stort gebruik het, sal die kop van die stort bietjie water hê wat drup nadat jy die stort gebruik het. Hoop om jou weer te sien vir 'n aangename verblyf by my huis in die mooiste deel van die Land vir 'n aangename ontspanne verblyf my groete.

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Keith B
Short stay
May 2023

It was nice, except for our stay at Castelton. Welcoming was very unfriendly, there was no communication stating that the host won't be there on arrival. We were a group of 8 adults over 60 and was told by the host on the first night we were making a noise and that our money will be refunded. When we were merely just chatting and socialising. The gas was empty, had to replace the gas using my own money and used my own petrol to go and fill up the tank. My wife and other family members were told they can't smoke inside and there wasn't a smoking area. They had to stand outside in the rain and smoke. The stove was broken, it was raining in by the window. We really had an unpleasant stay. We had to be out on Monday morning at 10 am, however, the DStv was put off and the cleaning lady was waiting there at 8 am and check out was at 10 am.

Value for money

Two weeks before the guest arrived at my place, I indicated to him via “whatsapp” where the key holder for the keys of the house is well as the code for the lock box, the arrival time of 14:00 and pictures of all the activities available in the estate for entertainment. On the issue of the noise, as I was indicating in my opening remarks that I am not staying at the premises so this reporting was done by the security, that is part of their responsibilities to ensure that the house owners are obeying the rules of the estate. In case it is not obeyed they need to report it to management and management reports it to me as the owner. Unfortunately that is the rules of the estate and all of us, guests and owners need to obey it. The house rules are visible inside the house for each guest that make use of my house. The gas bottle was full on the date of arrival, just strange that the guest waits four days after staying in my house to report that the gas bottle is empty. The guest did send me his expenses for refilling the gas bottle, and I did refund the amount back into his account. The oven of the stove did give a problem, but it has been attended to, that is normal wear and tear that happens, but the rest of the stove was in perfectly working order. You are not allowed to smoke inside the house and that is communicated with every guest before arrival and when I received this question from the guest via “whatsapp” I did indicate to him that he is more than welcome to smoke in the entertainment area, it is a covered area where you can smoke and not get wet when it rains. The guest is correct that the departure time is 10:00 in the morning so the cleaning lady was early, but she did not enter the house before 10:00 but did clean the steps on the outside of the house as well as the undercover parking area. I hope next time this guest will make sure they read the rules and “whatsapps” next time before arrival so that they understand how the house operates to ensure a pleasant stay at this lovely area of our beautiful country, South Africa. Regards the owner and thank you for your support.

Twee weke voor die gas by my aankom, het ek per “whatsapp” vir hom beduie waar die sleutelhouer vir die sleutels van die huis is asook die kode vir die sluitkas, die aankomstyd van 14:00 en foto’s van al die aktiwiteite beskikbaar in die landgoed vir vermaak. Oor die kwessie van die geraas, aangesien ek in my openingsopmerkings aangedui het dat ek nie by die perseel bly nie, so hierdie rapportering is deur die sekuriteit gedoen, dit is deel van hul verantwoordelikhede om te verseker dat die huiseienaars die reëls van die boedel. Indien dit nie gehoorsaam word nie, moet hulle dit aan die bestuur rapporteer en bestuur rapporteer dit aan my as die eienaar. Ongelukkig is dit die reëls van die landgoed en almal van ons, gaste en eienaars moet dit gehoorsaam. Die huisreëls is binne die huis sigbaar vir elke gas wat van my huis gebruik maak. Die gasbottel was vol op die datum van aankoms, net vreemd dat die gas vier dae wag nadat hulle in my huis gebly het om te rapporteer dat die gasbottel leeg is. Die gas het wel vir my sy uitgawes vir die hervul van die gasbottel gestuur, en ek het die bedrag in sy rekening terugbetaal. Die oond van die stoof het wel 'n probleem gegee, maar dit is opgepas, dit is normale slytasie wat gebeur, maar die res van die stoof was in 'n perfekte werkende toestand. Jy mag nie binne die huis rook nie en dit word met elke gas gekommunikeer voor aankoms en toe ek hierdie vraag van die gas via "whatsapp" ontvang het ek wel vir hom aangedui dat hy meer as welkom is om in die onthaalarea te rook, dit is 'n bedekte area waar jy kan rook en nie nat word as dit reën nie. Die gas is korrek dat die vertrektyd 10:00 in die oggend is so die skoonmaker was vroeg, maar sy het nie die huis voor 10:00 binnegekom nie maar het wel die trappe aan die buitekant van die huis skoongemaak asook die onderdak parkering gebied. Ek hoop hierdie gas sal volgende keer seker maak dat hulle die reëls en "whatsapps" volgende keer voor aankoms lees sodat hulle verstaan hoe die huis funksioneer om 'n aangename verblyf in hierdie lieflike area van ons pragtige land, Suid-Afrika, te verseker. Groete die eienaar en dankie vir u ondersteuning.

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Madeleine R
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jul 2023

Unpleasant. Please be careful! The owner at Castelton claimed there was an error with the booking. He informed me via WhatsApp that we had to leave a day earlier. Extremely unprofessional. We were six guests on tour with reasonable luggage as well as food etc. We had a schedule for each day and were very inconvenienced. It happened a previous time too. My booking was already confirmed and settled in April. It seems as if there were additions or work inside the house. It has not yet been painted and looks very untidy. The wall in the sitting room is also tracking badly.

Onaangenaam. Wees asb. versigtig! Die eienaar by Castelton het beweer daar is 'n fout met die bespreking. Hy het my per WhatsApp in kennis gestel ons moes 'n dag vroeër uit. Uiters onprofessioneel. Ons was ses gaste op toer met redelik bagasie asook kos ens. Ons het 'n skedule vir elke dag gehad en was erg verontrief. Dit het 'n vorige keer ook gebeur. My bespreking was April reeds bevestig en vereffen. Dit wil voorkom asof daar aanbouings of gewerk was binne die huis. Dit is nog nie geverf nie en lyk baie onnet. Die muur in die sitvertrek dop ook erg op.

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Value for money

All reservations are handled professionally from the day the guest checks in to our home and the day the guest leaves the home. It was the first time that the guests went to my house and as I already explained to her via whatsup there was a misunderstanding between her and myself which caused the reservation to be cut short by one day for which they were compensated. There are no additions taking place in the house because the house has been standing in its original form for years so I don't understand where I can make any further additions to the house, but what was a problem was the last month was the incredible lot rain we had which resulted in one wall getting some water damage, but everything has been repaired. I hope you will make use of my accommodation again in the future because it is still a very beautiful destination in our country to take a holiday and be so close to nature. Thank you again for your support.

Alle besprekings word professioneel hanteer van die dag die gas inboek by ons huis en met die dag die gaste die huis verlaat. Dit was die eerste keer dat die gaste by my tuis gegaan het en soos ek reeds aan haar verduidelik het per whatsup was daar n misverstand tussen haar en myself wat veroorsaak het dat die bespreking met een dag kort geknip was waarvoor hulle wel vergoed was. Daar is geen aanbouings wat in die huis plaasvind nie want die huis staan al jare in sy oorsproklike vorm so verstaan nie waar ek enige verdere aanbouings aan die huis kan maak nie, maar wat wel n probleem was, was die afgelope maand was die ongelooflike baie reen wat ons gekry het wat tot gevolg gehad het dat die een muur bietjie waterskade gekry het, maar alles is weer herstel. Ek hoop julle sal in die toekoms weer van my verblyf gebruik maak want dit bly nogsteeds n baie mooi bestemming in ons land om vakansie te hou en so na aan die natuur te wees nogmals dankie vir julle ondersteuning.

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Pieter Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 4

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

From R 2 200
per night (sleeps 8)
R 2 200
per night (sleeps 8)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 8 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 17:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Castleton 31, Piesang Valley Road, Plettenberg Bay, 6600, Eastern Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA57cfbfcb6aa68aa590d5f36fd453931e8d32cea3f43d415a11e79e91e86a83e42f70287446752cb3352c8f7de14d3249237d?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 200 per night (sleeps 8) 4 5 1 4 Castleton 31 Piesang Valley Road 6600 Eastern Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-17:00 10:00 -34.0522142 23.3543806

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