The place is not ready to be advertised for accommodation given what is stated.
No cleaning services, TV, and kitchen services. I had to ask for utensils. No privacy as there's a closed door that led to the main house, and as such, one can hear the conversation from the main house and vice versa. No change of linen for the duration of my stay. Only a portion of the wardrobe was made available, and as such, I couldn't hang my trousers. This is absolutely bad.
Hi, I'm so sorry that you had such a bad experience. However, this is not advertised as a hotel with cleaning services, TV and kitchen services, only complimentary coffee and tea services. A change of linen is provided when requested. This accommodation is also advertised as being part of a main house. There is a wall hanger in the room for trousers. The room was not ready as you arrived 4 hours before the checking in time.
Hallo, ek is so jammer dat jy so 'n slegte ervaring gehad het. Dit word egter nie geadverteer as 'n hotel met skoonmaakdienste, TV en kombuisdienste nie, slegs komplimentêre koffie- en teedienste. 'n Verwisseling van linne word voorsien wanneer versoek word. Hierdie verblyf word ook geadverteer as deel van 'n hoofhuis. Daar is 'n muurhanger in die kamer vir broeke. Die kamer was nie gereed nie aangesien jy 4 uur voor die inkloktyd opgedaag het.
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Address: 7 Ravensworth Road, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708, Western Cape,format,compress&q=80
From R850 per night (sleeps 1)
25147 Ravensworth RoadClaremont7708Western Cape021 201 890116:00-19:0010:00-33.984605918.4701462