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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate

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Reviews 214

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

Review Summary

3.8 out of 5from 104 reviews for Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Value for money
Lukas J - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Lukas J
With partner

Ons het net een nag oorgeslaap. Ons het dit regtig baie geniet en sal weer daar.

Alles was mooi skoon en netjies. Die diens was ook baie goed.

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We only stayed one night. We really enjoyed it and will be there again.

Everything was nice and clean. The service was also very good.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Dit is wonderlik om te hoor! Dit klink of julle 'n aangename tyd gehad het en ek is bly dat alles na wens was. Die netheid en goeie diens wat julle ervaar het, is vir ons baie belangrik, en ek waardeer dat julle dit onder ons aandag bring. As daar enige ander terugvoer of voorstelle is, hoor ek graag van julle. Baie dankie dat julle Dunkeld gekies het vir julle verblyf.

Ons sien uit daarna om julle weer te verwelkom!

Vriendelike groete, Sharon

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Lerato M - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Lerato M
With partner

Lovely and cosy stay at Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate.

My stay was amazing, the service and staff were helpful, and the restaurant food tasted amazing.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

We’re so glad to hear that you had an amazing stay! It’s fantastic to know that our team made a positive impression and that you enjoyed the delicious food at the restaurant. We look forward to welcoming you back for another great experience!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Linda R - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Linda R
Family with teenagers

Pragtige area en omgewing met baie om te doen. Luukse en pragtige akkommodasie.

Die akkommodasie was luuks, skoon, netjies en ons het dit baie geniet om in hierdie pragtige eenheid te bly. Die Country Spa was ook 'n groot bederf en heerlik ontspannend.

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Beautiful area and surroundings with lots to do. Luxurious and beautiful accommodation.

The accommodation was luxurious, clean, tidy and we really enjoyed staying in this beautiful unit. The Country Spa was also a great treat and wonderfully relaxing.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dit klink wonderlik! Dit is goed om te hoor dat julle die akkommodasie en die Country Spa so geniet het.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Hanelie E - May 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Hanelie E
With friends

Heerlike ontspanne atmosfeer.

Akkommodasie baie skoon en netjies. All die personeel was super vriendelik en baie hulpvaardig.

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Lovely relaxed atmosphere.

Accommodation very clean and tidy. All the staff were super friendly and very helpful.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dit klink pragtig! Dit is goed om te hoor dat die akkommodasie baie skoon en netjies was, en dat al die personeel so vriendelik en hulpvaardig was.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Werner O - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Werner O
With partner

Fantastiese plek!

Baie lekker gebly!

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Fantastic place!

Very nice stay!

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is so bly om te hoor dat jy ’n lekker tyd by ons gehad het, en ons hoop om jou binnekort weer te sien vir nog ’n wonderlike wegbreek!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Tjaart O - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Tjaart O
With partner

Heel aangenaam.

Ons het lekker gebly.

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Very pleasant.

We had a nice stay.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Beste Tjaart,

Baie dankie dat jy Dunkeld Country en Equestrian Estate as jou bestemming gekies het. Ons is verheug om te hoor dat jy 'n aangename verblyf gehad het. Ons streef daarna om elke gas 'n onvergeetlike en genotvolle ervaring te bied. Jou terugvoer is vir ons waardevol en help ons om voortdurend te verbeter.

Ons hoop om jou binnekort weer by ons te verwelkom.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Janice H - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Janice H
With partner

Lovely, beautiful and relaxing estate. So many activities.

Variety of activities, something for everyone to do. Toilet spray required. More info provided regarding wood and fire lighters not available in the unit. Load shedding not clearly communicated, a little more emphasis on this would be better. Difficulty finding the entrance to our hotel room from the parking area.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Guest,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We're thrilled to hear that you found our variety of activities appealing and suitable for all guests. Your comments regarding the need for toilet spray and the lack of information on wood and firelighter availability will be shared with our team for improvement.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the lack of clarity on load shedding and the difficulty in finding the entrance to your room. Your insights are valuable, and we'll strive to enhance communication and accessibility for future guests.

We appreciate your input and hope to welcome you back for an even more seamless experience in the future.

Warm regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Qwie K - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Qwie K
With partner

Baie aangenaam dankie.

Ons het in die Equestriaan gedeelte gebly, baie mooi plek, lekker beddens, heerlike en groot stort met baie mooi natuurskoon. Ons het vriendelike en behulpsame personeel ervaar, lekker aandetes en ewe lekker ontbyt geniet en sal vir seker weer gaan.

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Very pleasant thank you.

We stayed in the Equestrian section, very nice place, nice beds, lovely and big shower with very beautiful scenery. We experienced friendly and helpful staff, enjoyed delicious dinners and equally delicious breakfasts and will definitely go again.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte gas,

Dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer oor jou verblyf by ons. Ek is verheug om te hoor dat jy die volgende aspekte van die Equestriaan-gedeelte geniet het:
Mooi plek
Lekker beddens
Heerlike en groot stort met baie mooi natuurskoon
Vriendelike en behulpsame personeel
Lekker aandetes en ontbyt
Ons waardeer jou insette en sien uit daarna om jou weer te verwelkom vir 'n aangename verblyfervaring.

Hartlike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Jannie E - May 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Jannie E
With partner

Baie lekker.

Ons het baie baie lekker gebly. Sal definitief aanbeveel.

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Very nice.

We had a very nice stay. Will definitely recommend.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Beste Jannie,

Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer! Ons is verheug om te hoor dat jy 'n baie lekker verblyf by Dunkeld Country en Equestrian Estate gehad het en dat jy ons beslis sal aanbeveel. Ons sien uit daarna om jou weer in die toekoms by ons te verwelkom.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Erin S - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Erin S
With partner

Baie lekker, rustig, skoon, beeldskoon.

Baie lekker gebly! Sal die plek vir seker weer 'n naweek geniet.

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Very nice, quiet, clean, beautiful.

Very nice stay! Will definitely enjoy the place again on a weekend.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Erin,

Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoer! Ons is verheug om te hoor dat jy jou verblyf geniet het. Ons sien uit daarna om jou weer vir 'n naweek by ons te verwelkom.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Leoni V - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Leoni V
With friends

Baie rustig.

Was baie koud maar die huisie was lekker met kaggel en beddens was lekker warm. Huisie goed toegerus en pragtige uitsig.

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Very calm.

Was very cold but the house was nice with a fireplace and beds were nice and warm. Cottage well equipped and beautiful view.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte gas,

Baie dankie vir die terugvoer oor julle verblyf by ons. Ek is bly om te hoor dat die kaggel julle gehelp het om die koue te trotseer en dat die beddens lekker warm was. Dit is belangrik vir ons dat ons gaste gemaklik en tevrede is met hulle verblyf.

Ek is verheug om te hoor dat julle die eenheid goed toegerus gevind het en dat julle kon geniet van die pragtige uitsig. Ons streef daarna om 'n aangename ervaring vir ons gaste te bied, en ek waardeer julle positiewe terugvoer.

Ons hoop om julle in die toekoms weer te verwelkom vir 'n net so aangename ervaring.

Met vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Craig S - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Craig S
Family with young children

Great location, rooms and views. Disappointing restaurant.

Always stay here when traveling up to the Kruger. Love the location and the views but the restaurant is a shambles and brings the overall experience down significantly.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your loyalty and kind words about our location and views! We're thrilled that you enjoy staying with us on your way to Kruger. We hear your feedback about the restaurant and will certainly take it into account as we work to improve the overall experience. We hope to make your next visit even better!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Jan Hendrik Harm S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Jan Hendrik Harm S

Pragtige omgewing, gerieflike eenhede. Personeel is vriendelik.

Ons het lekker gebly in 'n eenheid (Wilde Eend) wat baie privaat geleë is met pragtige uitsig oor 'n foreldam. Die eenheid is loopafstand van die hoofgebou en naby die perdestalle. Dit was lekker met die perde wat soggens rondom die huis beweeg het. Ongelukkig was daar nie 'n DSTV-dekodeerder in die eenheid toe ons aangekom het nie. Personeel kon dit ook nie regkry om een te kom installeer nie. Dit pla nie as mens nie TV verwag nie, maar dit word met DSTV geadverteer. Daar was skade aan verhitters en ligte in van die kamers. Geen komplimentêre koffie, tee of water nie. Die meeste selfsorgplekke voorsien wel so iets.

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Beautiful surroundings, comfortable units. Staff is friendly.

We had a nice stay in a unit (Wild Duck) which is very privately located with a beautiful view of a trout pond. The unit is within walking distance of the main building and close to the stables. It was nice with the horses that moved around the house in the morning. Unfortunately there was not a DSTV decoder in the unit when we arrived. Staff also couldn't manage to come and install one. It doesn't bother if you don't expect TV, but it is advertised with DSTV. There was damage to heaters and lights in some of the rooms. No complimentary coffee, tea or water. Most self-catering places do provide something like this.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Baie dankie dat julle by ons oord gebly het. Ek waardeer die tyd wat julle geneem het om terugvoer te gee oor julle ervaring in die eenheid 'Wilde Eend'.

Ons is bly om te hoor dat julle die privaatheid en die uitsig oor die dam geniet het, asook die nabyheid van die perdestalle. Ek wil net julle verseker dat ons julle opmerkings ernstig opneem en ons sal ons uiterste bes doen om die uitdagings wat julle ondervind het, aan te spreek.

Ek waardeer julle eerlike terugvoer en ek hoop ons kan julle in die toekoms weer by ons verwelkom om 'n verbeterde ervaring te bied.

Met vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Chris P - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Chris P
With partner

Werklik 'n vreedsame wegbreek.

Ons het die kuier vreeslik geniet, al wat ons voel nodig is om aandag te skenk aan is die antwoord van telefoonoproepe na die ontvangs. Ons het menigde male probeer deurkom maar met geen sukses. Ons moes later die Spa kontak om net die ontvangs of kontak persoon soos aangedui op die pamflet te gaan nader om ons te kontak in verband met ons versoeke soos bv. die DSTV wat nie wou aangaan nie. Ons sou dit ook waardeer het indien daar reeds hout voorsien was by aankoms. Verder was die kuier uiters heerlik!

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A truly peaceful getaway.

We really enjoyed the visit, all we feel is necessary to pay attention to is the answering of phone calls after the reception. We have tried many times to get through but with no success. We later had to contact the Spa to only approach the reception or contact person as indicated on the leaflet to contact us in connection with our requests such as e.g. the DSTV that did not want to go on. We would also have appreciated it if wood had already been provided upon arrival. Furthermore, the visit was extremely delicious!

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Chris,

Dankie vir jou waardevolle terugvoer.

Ons is bly om te hoor dat julle die kuier vreeslik geniet het. Ons neem julle opmerkings oor die telefoniese bereikbaarheid na die ontvangs ernstig en sal dit intern bespreek om verbeterings aan te bring. Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongemak veroorsaak deur die onvermoë om julle versoeke telefonies te hanteer. Jou terugvoer oor die houtvoorraad by aankoms sal ook oorweeg word vir toekomstige verblywe.

Ons is bly dat julle steeds 'n uiters heerlike kuier gehad het, en ons sien uit daarna om julle weer te verwelkom vir 'n nog beter ervaring in die toekoms.

Vriendelike Groete

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Marinda S - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Marinda S
With partner

Baie mooi en ontspannend.

Fantasties, baie mooi en ontspannend.

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Very beautiful and relaxing.

Fantastic, very beautiful and relaxing.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Baie dankie vir u positiewe terugvoer. Ons is verheug om te hoor dat u ervaring by ons oord fantasties, baie mooi en ontspannend was.

Ons waardeer u ondersteuning en hoop om u in die toekoms weer te verwelkom vir nog 'n aangename verblyf.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anonymous Guest - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Anonymous Guest
With partner
Riaan N - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Riaan N
Large group

Was baie lekker.

Die plek is werklik beeldskoon, maar daar was heelwat tekortkominge in die kamers. Nie genoeg borde en eetgerei, toilette wat lek en slegte reuke gehad het. Een van die kamers het soos katpies geruik. Daar was heelwat rondloperkatte in die area.

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Was very nice.

The place is really beautiful, but there were quite a few shortcomings in the rooms. Not enough plates and cutlery, toilets that leaked and had bad smells. One of the rooms smelled like kittens. There were quite a few stray cats in the area.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Beste Riaan,

Baie dankie dat jy Dunkeld Country en Equestrian Estate gekies het vir jou verblyf en dat jy die tyd geneem het om ons terugvoer te gee. Ons is bly dat jy die skoonheid van ons plek geniet het. Ons vra opreg om verskoning vir die tekortkominge wat jy ervaar het en verseker jou dat ons hierdie kwessies dadelik sal aanspreek.

Ons hoop om jou binnekort weer by ons te verwelkom en 'n verbeterde ervaring te bied.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Colani H - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Colani H
Family with young children

Pragtige natuurskoon met baie aktiwiteite vir die kinders.

Wat 'n lieflike uitsig en natuurskoon. Die huisie self was so-so, baie goed het tekort geskiet in die kombuis veral. Geen besems om mee te vee nie, geen skoonmaakbenodighede nie, bv. lappies, skottelgoedsponsies en meer nie. Indien ons bewus gemaak was dat ons al hierdie goed moet saambring, sou dit beter gewees het. Dan kon ons ten minste ons skottelgoed was en die vloere vee soos dit nodig was. Dit sou beter wees as gaste ingelig word met 'n lys van alles wat die huisie wel het sodat gaste beter kan beplan.

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Beautiful scenery with lots of activities for the children.

What a lovely view and scenery. The cottage itself was so-so, a lot of things were lacking in the kitchen especially. No brooms to sweep with, no cleaning supplies, e.g. cloths, dish sponges and more. If we had been made aware that we had to bring all these things with us, it would have been better. Then at least we could wash our dishes and sweep the floors as needed. It would be better if guests were informed with a list of everything the cottage does have so guests can plan better.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Colani,

Dankie dat u die tyd geneem het om terugvoer te gee oor u onlangse verblyf by ons oord. Ons is bly om te hoor dat u die uitsig en natuurskoon geniet het, maar teleurgesteld dat sekere aspekte van die huisie nie aan u verwagtinge voldoen het nie.

Ons neem u kommentaar oor die tekortkominge in die kombuis, insluitend die gebrek aan skoonmaakbenodighede, ernstig op. Dit is belangrik vir ons dat ons gaste 'n gerieflike en aangename verblyf ervaar. Ons sal stappe doen om te verseker dat ons huisies behoorlik toegerus is en dat ons gaste duidelik ingelig word oor wat beskikbaar is en wat hulle dalk moet saambring.

U voorstel om 'n gedetailleerde lys te verskaf van wat in die huisies ingesluit is, is waardevol en ons sal dit oorweeg om dit in ons toekomstige kommunikasie in te sluit.

Ons waardeer u terugvoer, aangesien dit ons help om ons diens te verbeter. Ons hoop om u in die toekoms weer te verwelkom en u 'n beter ervaring te bied.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Rene M - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Rene M
Family with teenagers

Bittersoet kuier.

Ons was al 'n paar keer by Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate en het dit nog altyd baie geniet, want die oord is pragtig en bied soveel om te doen, maar die eenheid waarin ons tydens hierdie kuier was, het bietjie onderhoud nodig. Die bad was bv. gekraak. Dit sal lekker wees as mens winterslakens kry in die winter. Dit sal ook gaaf wees as daar darem paar lappies is om mee skoon te maak en skottelgoed te was. Ons moes die aand van ons aankoms bel en vra vir handdoeke toe ons besef daar is geen handdoeke in ons eenheid nie. Die swembadpomp was stukkend en dit was verlede jaar Julie ook stukkend as ek na die ander resensies kyk, so dit lyk of dit al 'n jaar stukkend is. Ek hoop bestuur besef dat daar bietjie geld aan die oord spandeer moet word om dit so lieflike bestemming te hou.

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Bittersweet visit.

We have been to Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate a few times and have always enjoyed it very much as the resort is beautiful and offers so much to do, however the unit we were in on this visit needs some maintenance. The bath was e.g. cracked. It would be nice if you get winter snails in the winter. It would also be nice if there were at least some cloths to clean and wash dishes with. We had to call the night of our arrival and ask for towels when we realized there were no towels in our unit. The pool pump was broken and it was also broken last July if I look at the other reviews so it seems like it's been broken for a year. I hope management realizes that some money needs to be spent on the resort to keep it such a lovely destination.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die pragtige omgewing van die oord geniet het en dat jy altyd geniet om by ons te kuier. Jou voorstelle oor wintertoebehore en skoonmaakmiddels is waardevol, en ons sal dit beslis aan die bestuur deurgee. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom vir 'n nog beter ervaring in die toekoms!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Joshua H - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Joshua H
Family with young children

Mixed bag of a stay.

Dullstroom in itself is a fabulous location. We have been going there for a couple of years now. This was our 5th visit to Dunkheld, and to be honest, even here there seems a bit of neglect. In our unit, for instance, a chair was broken, and one of the 3 televisions was working. On Sunday evening, the neighbours were extremely loud way past 10 in the evening. We stayed in the luxury lodges, so it's right next door. We tried in vain to get a hold of someone to come and assist. We tried the after-hours number 15 times, drove the whole resort at 11 at night, not one security guard to be found. But the area is breathtaking. Dunkheld is, above average expensive, and you would feel that for that price, it can be better maintained, and one can be better assisted if you need help. Other than that, lots to do and lots to see.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Joshua,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us regarding your recent stay at Dunkheld. We're delighted to hear that you appreciate the beauty of Dullstroom and have been returning for several years. However, we regret to learn about the issues you encountered during your stay.

Your comments regarding the maintenance of our units and the responsiveness of our team are concerning and will be addressed internally to ensure improvements are made. We apologise for any inconvenience you experienced due to the noise disturbance and difficulty in reaching our staff. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

We're glad you found plenty to enjoy in the area, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back for a more seamless experience in the future.

Warm regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Caryn G - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Caryn G
Family with teenagers

Location - beautiful. Accommodation and staff - average.

Location: Beautiful setting. Lovely bike and hiking trails. Lots to do for the kids. Their highlight was the horse riding. Accommodation: Although we did not stay in the country villa as shown in pictures, it was comfortable and had everything we needed (it can do with electric blankets in winter). The first house (unit 25 HC) we were booked into had a massive water leak in the bathroom with tile pieces on the floor. They moved us to the unit next door. Cleanliness: The first unit was not very clean, but the unit they moved us to was much cleaner. Staff: Friendly-ish. They do their jobs but do not particularly exude happiness. No WiFi in units.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your wonderful feedback! We're thrilled that you enjoyed the beautiful setting, bike and hiking trails, and especially the horse riding for the kids. It’s great to hear that the second unit provided the comfort you needed. We appreciate your suggestions and will consider them as we continue to improve. We look forward to welcoming you back for another memorable stay!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Ettienne S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Ettienne S
Family with teenagers

Rustige atmosfeer en aktiwiteite.

Ons verblyf by Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate was werklik heerlik. Die foto's beeld die prag van die landgoed akkuraat uit, en die omgewing is stil en rustig, met volop aktiwiteite vir gaste van alle ouderdomme. Ons het veral ons tyd by die Equestrian Estate geniet, wat luukse akkommodasie gebied het. Tog het ons een aspek 'n bietjie ongemaklik gevind, naamlik die nabyheid van ons eenheid aan ander gaste. Alhoewel die verblyf self modern en goed gebou was, het ons soms gesteur aan lawaai uit aangrensende eenhede. Vir ons volgende besoek sal ons verblyf kies wat meer privaatheid bied. Wanneer dit kom tot die algehele waarde vir geld, kan ek sê ons eenheid was ruim en goed toegerus, alhoewel ons klein gemaklikhede soos 'n skêr, koffie, tee, suiker en 'n haardroër sou waardeer het. Dit het ook een aand gereën en dit het in ons eenheid ingereën, maar ons kon dit nie skoonmaak nie, want daar was ook nie 'n mop beskikbaar nie. Die personeel by Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate was deurentyd oplettend en behulpsaam, en het verseker dat ons verblyf skoon en gereed was elke oggend. Alles in ag genome het ons ons tyd by Dunkeld ten volle geniet en oorweeg om in die toekoms terug te keer.

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Peaceful atmosphere and activities.

Our stay at Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate was truly delightful. The photos accurately depict the splendor of the estate, and the setting is quiet and peaceful, with plenty of activities for guests of all ages. We particularly enjoyed our time at the Equestrian Estate, which offered luxury accommodation. However, we found one aspect a bit uncomfortable, namely the proximity of our unit to other guests. Although the accommodation itself was modern and well built, we were sometimes disturbed by noise from adjoining units. For our next visit we will choose accommodation that offers more privacy. When it comes to overall value for money, I can say our unit was spacious and well-equipped, although we would have appreciated little conveniences like scissors, coffee, tea, sugar and a hairdryer. It also rained one night and it got into our unit but we couldn't clean it because there was no mop available either. The staff at Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate were attentive and helpful at all times, ensuring our accommodation was clean and ready every morning. All in all we thoroughly enjoyed our time at Dunkeld and would consider returning in the future.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Baie dankie vir julle verblyf by Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate.

Ek wil net 'n kort boodskap stuur om julle te bedank vir die tyd wat julle by ons deurgebring het. Ons is bly om te hoor dat julle die stil en rustige omgewing geniet het, asook die luukse akkommodasie by die Equestrian Estate.

Ons neem julle terugvoer oor die ongemak rondom die nabyheid van ander gaste en die ontbrekende gemaklikhede ernstig op. Ons waardeer julle eerlike terugvoer en sal dit gebruik om ons diens te verbeter vir toekomstige gaste.

Ons waardeer julle as ons gas en hoop om julle in die toekoms weer te sien vir 'n verbeterde ervaring.

Met vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Hendrien Swanepoel S - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Hendrien Swanepoel S
Family with young children

Sal nie weer daar oornag nie.

Chalet het nie veel items ingehad vir self-catering nie. Daar was nie 'n yskas in nie, moes gaan vra vir een. Ook nie 'n asblik in die kombuis nie. Beddens het lekker geslaap. Vir die prys wat ons betaal het, het ons baie beter verwag.

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Will not stay there again.

Chalet did not have many items for self-catering. There was no fridge in there, had to go and ask for one. Nor a trash can in the kitchen. Beds slept well. For the price we paid, we expected much better.

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Angelo R - May 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Angelo R
With partner

Below average, not worth the price.

It was okay. Not great value for money. It was a nice spot, nice surroundings, and breakfast was fantastic. Aside from that, the rooms were not very nice, especially for the price. The dam outside the rooms is badly kept. The pump for the fountain is damaged and was making groaning noises the whole night. Had it cost half, I would've been okay with it, but for R1250 really not worth it.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Angelo,

Thank you for your feedback. We are glad you enjoyed the surroundings and breakfast.

We regret the issues with the rooms and the maintenance of the dam and fountain. Your comments have been noted, and we are addressing these concerns promptly. We appreciate your input and hope to provide a better experience in the future.

Best regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anita L - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Anita L
With partner


Was heerlik, was net bekommerd om laat vanaf die dorp terug te ry met die lokasie so naby, en al die slaggate.

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Was lovely, just worried about driving back from town late with the location so close, and all the potholes.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is so bly om te hoor dat jy jou tyd by ons geniet het. Ons hoop dat jy veilig kon ry, en ons sien uit daarna om jou weer in die toekoms te verwelkom vir nog 'n heerlike wegbreek!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Michaela T - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Michaela T
Large group


No value for money. You do not receive luxury as advertised. Outdated, neglected and in dire need of some TLC. Not worth the money, it's utterly disgusting that they charge you what they do with what you receive and you're still required to pay for each vehicle you have and the extra activities. Would not recommend the accommodation.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your feedback, Michaela. We apologise that your experience did not meet your expectations. Your comments about the condition of the property and additional charges have been noted. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Gerda L - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Gerda L
Family with young children

Lekker wegbreek van die stad.

Daar was 'n paar areas wat nodig is om op te dateer, bv. kaste wat gebreek is, ens.

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Nice break from the city.

There were a few areas that needed updating, eg. cabinets that are broken, etc.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dankie vir u terugvoer. Ons waardeer dit dat u die areas wat aandag benodig, onder ons aandag bring. Ons sien daarna uit om u weer in die toekoms te verwelkom vir 'n verbeterde verblyf.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Adri K - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Adri K
With partner

Ons het in die hotelseksie gebly en kon 2 aande glad nie slaap soos die mense l.

Nee, ons het glad nie. Die kliëntediens is swak by ontvangs. Ons weet nie wanneer die ontbyttye is nie. As jy by die restaurant wil gaan eet, rol die kelners hulle oë, want dit lyk of dit vir hulle nou werk is om jou te bedien.

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We stayed in the hotel section and couldn't sleep at all for 2 nights like the people l.

No, we haven't at all. The customer service is poor at reception. We don't know when the breakfast times are. If you want to eat at the restaurant, the waiters roll their eyes, because it seems like their job is to serve you.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Adri,

Dankie vir jou terugvoer en dat jy jou ervarings by ons oord met ons gedeel het. Ons is opreg jammer om te hoor dat jou verblyf nie aan jou verwagtinge voldoen het nie, veral t.o.v. die kliëntediens by ontvangs en die ervaring by ons restaurant.

Ons neem jou opmerkings ernstig op en sal die kwessies wat jy genoem het ondersoek om te verseker dat ons diens verbeter word. Dit is vir ons belangrik dat elke gas 'n positiewe en gasvrye ervaring het, en ons is spyt dat dit nie in jou geval gebeur het nie.

Ons sal ook die kommunikasie oor maaltye en ander dienste hersien, sodat al ons gaste duidelik ingelig is oor wat beskikbaar is en wanneer.

Ons hoop dat jy ons 'n verdere geleentheid sal gee om te bewys dat ons jou ervaring kan verbeter. Indien jy enige verdere kommentaar of voorstelle het, voel asb. vry om ons te kontak.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Debbie V - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Debbie V
Family with young children


Glad nie lekker nie, ek het 'n Country Villa bespreek, maar in Holiday club huisie opgeëindig, die toestand van die huis was absoluut gehawend om die minste te sê, die netheid skrikwekkend, die meubels oud, wat my die meeste pla, is die absolute netheid wat skokkend was. Ek bespreek al baie jare deur julle en ek sal graag foto's wil aanstuur om die punt te staaf. Die verblyf per nag is nie goedkoop en mens verwag baie beter standaarde, daar was ook nie 'n braaitang, ons moes een leen by die bure. Ek voel bitter teleurgesteld, sal nooit weer van hulle gebruik maak.

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Not nice at all, I booked a Country Villa but ended up in Holiday club cottage, the condition of the house was absolutely battered to say the least, the cleanliness appalling, the furniture old, what bothers me the most is the absolute cleanliness which was shocking. I have been booking through you guys for many years and I would love to forward photos to prove the point. The accommodation per night is not cheap and one expects much better standards, there were also no braai tongs, we had to borrow one from the neighbours. I feel bitterly disappointed, will never use them again.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie dat jy jou terugvoer met ons gedeel het! Ons waardeer jou vertroue oor die jare en is bly dat jy ons weer gekies het vir jou verblyf. Ons is altyd besig om maniere te vind om die ervaring vir ons gaste te verbeter, en ons sal seker maak dat jou terugvoer deel is van hierdie proses. Ons hoop om jou in die toekoms weer te verwelkom met die hoë standaarde wat jy van ons verwag!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Chantel R - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Chantel R
With friends

Die Country Villa soos geadverteer is nie die geld werd nie.

Eerstens, die eenheid wat ons bespreek het is glad nie die eenheid wat ons gekry het nie. Die algemene instandhouding is swak, kas se deur is stukkend en skeef, blindings maak nie lekker oop en toe en lyk net oor die algemeen afgeleef. Die kamers het glad nie verwarmer in of aircons nie, die hoofslaapkamer is 'n vrieskas, daar was ten minste 'n elektriese kombers maar daarsonder sou geen mens kon slaap in daardie koue kamer. Die kombuis laat veel te wense oor, die eetgerei is skaars genoeg vir die hoeveelheid mense wat die huis akkommodeer en dit lyk of verskillende stelle goed net bymekaargegooi is. Daar is glad nie 'n mikrogolfoond nie, al het die eenheid een geadverteer. Die potte en panne en braaibak is afgeleef en het nie eers deksels wat by dit pas nie. Die "slaapbanke" soos geadverteer vir kinders is beslis nie slaapbanke nie, eerder net gewone banke wat so gaar en uitgesit is geen kind kan gemaklik daarop slaap nie. Daar is ook geen behoorlike eetkamertafel soos geadverteer nie, net 'n kombuistoonbank om by te eet. Dunkeld is veronderstel om 'n baie goed versorgde plek te wees, want dit is al jare 'n gesogte plek, maar die instandhouding is swak en afgeleef. Dit is glad nie die moeite werd nie en as mens kyk na al die ander resensies wat dieselfde terugvoer het, gee hulle net glad nie om om enigsins te luister na terugvoer of om te verbeter nie.

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The Country Villa as advertised is not worth the money.

First of all, the unit we booked is not the unit we got at all. The general maintenance is poor, the cupboard door is broken and crooked, blinds don't open and close well and just generally look tired. The rooms have no heater or aircon at all, the main bedroom is a freezer, there was at least an electric blanket but without it no one would be able to sleep in that cold room. The kitchen leaves a lot to be desired, the cutlery is barely enough for the amount of people the house accommodates and it looks like different sets of things have just been thrown together. There is no microwave at all, even though the unit advertised one. The pots and pans and braai tray are old and don't even have lids that fit them. The "sofa beds" as advertised for children are definitely not sofa beds, rather just ordinary sofas that are so cooked and stretched out that no child can comfortably sleep on them. There is also no proper dining room table as advertised, just a kitchen counter to eat at. Dunkeld is supposed to be a very well looked after place as it has been a sought-after location for years but the maintenance is poor and shabby. It's not worth it at all and if you look at all the other reviews that have the same feedback, they just don't care at all about listening to feedback or improving.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou waardevolle terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy oor die jare heen ’n liefde vir Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate gehad het. Jou opmerkings oor die fasiliteite en instandhouding is belangrik vir ons, en ons sal dit aan die bestuur deurgee om te help verbeter. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en jou ’n verbeterde ervaring te bied.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anonymous Guest - May 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Anonymous Guest
Family with young children

We were very disappointed with how it turned out.

Accommodation was very disappointed. Maintenance is so behind. Place looks neglected. Broken places everywhere. I have some photos. Cobwebs everywhere, found spider in bed, rooms smell of miff. There were only 3 tall glasses for 10 people. 2 rooms did not have bath towels. Break stairs' tiles that can cut your foot open. Rotten pot with very old soup found in the cupboard. Says 3 Kings but was 1 King, 2 double beds and 2 with single beds. They just throw the dirty black bags outside, horses in the night they come to shave open and eat out of it. Reception people were very friendly and helpful but the accommodation was horrible!

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Pieter D - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Value for money
Pieter D
With partner

Unhappy with you and Dunkeld.

Rude people at the reception, no coffee etc. in the room, dirty showers, and the place smelled like sewage, very disappointed and the guests around me were also as experienced at reception by their complaints.

Xolane S - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Xolane S
With partner


It was peaceful and I enjoyed all the activities.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Guest,

Thank you for your feedback. We are delighted to hear that your experience at our resort was peaceful and that you enjoyed all the activities. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to welcoming you again for another enjoyable stay.

Best regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Sarina S - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Sarina S
Family with young children

Absolutely breathtaking!

As always, the stay at Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate was exceptional. I would suggest perhaps more plastic cutlery for toddlers and some Tupperware for leftover food, but other than that, we have no complaints and enjoyed our stay immensely!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Guest,

Thank you for providing suggestions for enhancements. We're thrilled to hear that your stay at Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate was exceptional. Your feedback regarding more plastic cutlery for toddlers and additional Tupperware is duly noted. We appreciate your input and look forward to welcoming you back in the future.

Best regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Amanda E - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Amanda E
Family with teenagers

Was ongelooflik mooi!

Was baie lekker, die scenery was amazing!

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Was incredibly beautiful!

Was very nice, the scenery was amazing!

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Dankie vir u waardevolle terugvoer oor u onlangse verblyf by ons oord. Ons is bly om te hoor dat u die verblyf geniet het en dat die natuurskoon u beïndruk het.

Ons streef daarna om 'n onvergeetlike ervaring vir al ons gaste te verskaf en u kommentaar bevestig dat ons in hierdie strewe slaag. Dit is vir ons 'n groot vreugde om te weet dat die omgewing en die atmosfeer van ons oord aan u verwagtinge voldoen het.

Ons sien uit na die geleentheid om u in die toekoms weer by ons oord te verwelkom en u nog 'n asemrowende ervaring te bied.

Hartlike groete, Sharon

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Lorette M - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Lorette M
With partner

Rustig, prentjiemooi natuur skoonheid.

Baie om te sien. Natuur skoonheid. Rustigheid.

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Peaceful, picturesque natural beauty.

Lots to see. Natural beauty. Calmness.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Dankie vir u waardevolle resensie van u onlangse verblyf by ons oord. Dit verheug ons om te hoor dat u die pragtige natuurskoon en die rustige atmosfeer geniet het. Ons is trots op die natuurprag van ons omgewing en ons strewe daarna om 'n oase van vrede en natuurskoon te skep vir ons gaste.

Ons neem u terugvoering ernstig en waardeer u positiewe opmerkings. Dit dien as aanmoediging om voortdurend 'n uitstekende ervaring te bied. As u enige verdere insette het wat u met ons wil deel, moedig ons u aan om dit met ons te bespreek.

Ons hoop om u in die toekoms weer te verwelkom vir 'n nog meer gedenkwaardige ervaring. Dankie dat u 'n deel was van ons oord gesin.

Met vriendelike groete,
Sharon Hendricks

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Juanita F - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Juanita F
With partner


Will definitely visit again soon. A very relaxing weekend, exceeding all expectations.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Juanita,

Ons is dankbaar vir u vriendelike woorde en die positiewe terugvoering oor u onlangse verblyf by ons oord. Dit bring ons groot vreugde om te verneem dat u 'n ontspannend naweek beleef het wat u verwagtinge oorskry het.

Ons span streef voortdurend daarna om 'n rustige omgewing te skep wat gaste in staat stel om te herlaai en ontspan. U beoogde terugkeer na ons oord wek groot opwinding, en ons sien uit daarna om u weer te verwelkom.

U vertroue in ons is hooggeskat, en ons sal voortgaan om elke besoek so aangenaam as moontlik te maak. As u enige spesifieke insette of aanbevelings het, versoek ons u vriendelik om dit met ons te deel. U terugvoering is van onskatbare waarde vir ons.

Ons kan nie wag om u binnekort weer te ontvang vir 'n pragtige naweek in ons oord nie.

Met hartlike groete,
Sharon Hendricks

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Nadine V - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Nadine V
With partner

Wonderful stay.

Enjoyed it a lot and will be back.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Guest,

We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your stay with us and that you plan to return. Your positive feedback is truly appreciated, and we look forward to welcoming you back in the future. Your input is valuable as we strive to exceed your expectations.

Thank you for choosing Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate, and we can't wait to host you again.

Warm regards,
Sharon Hendricks

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Riandi P - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Riandi P
With partner

Was baie lekker.

Baie lekker gewees. Sal definitief weer bespreek.

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Was very nice.

It was very nice. Will definitely book again.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Riandi,

Baie dankie dat u, u ervaring met ons gedeel het. Ons is verheug om te hoor dat u verblyf baie lekker was. Dit is 'n voorreg om sulke terugvoer te ontvang en ons waardeer u ondersteuning.

Ons is baie bly om te hoor dat u bereid is om weer by ons te bespreek. Dit is 'n groot kompliment vir ons span en 'n bevestiging dat ons ons gaste se verwagtinge oortref. Ons is toegewyd om u 'n onvergeetlike en aangename ervaring te bied by ons oord.

Dankie dat u ons as u bestemming gekies het, en ons sien uit na u volgende besoek. Ons is verbind tot uitmuntendheid en sal ons bes doen om u toekomstige verblyf net so aangenaam te maak as die vorige.

Baie dankie vir u positiewe terugvoer en vir die geleentheid om u gasheer te wees. Ons sien uit daarna om u weer te verwelkom.

Met opregte dankbaarheid,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Mamorobele M - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Mamorobele M
Individual traveller


Very refreshing and beautiful place to be.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Mamorobele,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback regarding your recent stay at our resort. We are delighted to hear that you found our place to be very refreshing and beautiful. Creating a serene and aesthetically pleasing environment is one of our top priorities, and we are glad that we were able to provide you with a positive experience.

At our resort, we strive to create a relaxing atmosphere where our guests can unwind and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds us. It is heartening to know that you appreciated the efforts we put into maintaining our facilities and grounds.

Your kind words serve as a great motivation for our team, as we are dedicated to delivering exceptional service and ensuring that our guests have a memorable stay. We are grateful for your feedback, as it allows us to understand what aspects of our resort resonate with our guests and continue to improve our offerings.

Once again, we appreciate your positive review and for choosing our resort as your destination. We look forward to welcoming you back for another refreshing and beautiful experience in the future.

Warm regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Christel B - May 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Christel B
Family with young children

Die plek is asemrowend!

Ons het dit vreeslik geniet. Die aktiwiteite wat beskikbaar is het ons as gesin ten volle gebruik.

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The place is breathtaking!

We really enjoyed it. As a family, we made full use of the activities that are available.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Christel

Baie dankie dat u by ons oord gekuier het. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Ons is verheug om te hoor dat u 'n vreeslike lekker tyd by ons gehad het. Dit is vir ons 'n groot bron van vreugde om te weet dat u as gesin ten volle gebruik kon maak van die aktiwiteite wat ons bied.

Ons streef daarna om 'n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite en vermaak aan te bied wat vir elke gesin iets bied. Dit is vir ons belangrik dat ons gaste die tyd by ons ten volle kan geniet en onvergeetlike herinneringe kan skep.

Ons waardeer u ondersteuning en die geleentheid om u gasheer te wees. Ons hoop dat ons u in die toekoms weer kan verwelkom en nog meer onvergeetlike ervarings kan bied.

Baie dankie vir u besoek en vir die positiewe terugvoer.

Met opregte dankbaarheid, Sharon

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Marieta W - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Marieta W
With partner

Was 'n baie spesiale en lekker naweek waar ek en my suster bietjie "bonding tyd" gehad het.

Ek gaan verseker my man daarheen neem om hom te wys hoe bitter mooi dit daar is.

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Was a very special and nice weekend where my sister and I had some "bonding time".

I will definitely take my husband there to show him how bitterly beautiful it is there.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dit is fantasties om te hoor! Ons is so bly dat jy die skoonheid van ons oord geniet het en dat jy jou man wil meeneem om dit self te ervaar.

Ons sien uit daarna om julle albei te verwelkom en om julle nog 'n onvergeetlike ervaring te bied!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Gertha L - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Gertha L
With partner

Luxury relaxation.

Comfortable and tranquil with beautiful views and entertainment for everyone.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your feedback! We're delighted to hear that you found our location comfortable and tranquil, with beautiful views and entertainment for everyone. We look forward to welcoming you back for another enjoyable stay!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Dylan S - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Dylan S
With friends

Ongelooflike mooi venue.

Netjies en toegerus met alles wat jy nodig het. Sal dit enige tyd aanbeveel.

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Incredibly beautiful venue.

Neat and equipped with everything you need. Would recommend anytime.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Ons waardeer jou terugvoer baie! Dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat jy die netheid en uitrusting waardeer het. Ons waardeer jou aanbeveling en hoop om jou weer te verwelkom vir 'n volgende aangename kuier!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Annemarie S - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Annemarie S
With partner

Heerlike, rustige wegbreek.

Baie mooi natuurskoon, lekker staproetes.

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Lovely, peaceful getaway.

Very beautiful scenery, nice hiking trails.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat jy die pragtige natuurskoon en die lekker staproetes geniet het. Ons waardeer jou kommentaar en hoop om jou weer te verwelkom vir nog 'n aangename kuier!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Freda-lin R - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Freda-lin R
With friends

Our stay was lovely, however our beds were not made and no towels were available at 16:00 on the day we booked in. A request for an electric blanket was never accommodated.

A spa treatment was booked a month in advance, and the request that my friend and I have massages in different rooms was a mix-up, and did not reflect professionally on the Spa. Spa management needs attention. The therapist did not introduce herself, experience was about 5/10. Most of the menu at the restaurant was out of stock on Sunday evening which was disappointing.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Freda-lin,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We sincerely apologize for the issues you encountered during your recent visit to our spa and restaurant. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to provide an exceptional experience to our guests. We have addressed this matter with resort management to ensure that such errors are avoided in the future and that our guests' preferences are always accommodated. We apologize for the disappointment caused by menu items being out of stock on Sunday evening. We understand how frustrating this can be, and our culinary team has improved the menu selection to ensure a wider range of options for our guests. Your feedback is invaluable to us as it helps us identify areas for improvement. We appreciate your understanding and assure you that your comments will be shared with the relevant departments for immediate action and improvement. Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused during your visit. We hope that you may consider giving us another opportunity to provide you with an exceptional experience that exceeds your expectations. If you decide to return, we will be more than happy to assist you with your reservation and ensure a more satisfactory visit. Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.

Kind regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Rudi S - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Rudi S
Family with teenagers


Ons was al verskeie kere Dunkeld toe, dit bly 'n oord om aan te beveel!

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Long weekend getaway.

We have been to Dunkeld several times, it remains a resort to recommend!

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou wonderlike terugvoer! Dit is altyd ‘n plesier om jou by Dunkeld te verwelkom. Ons waardeer jou lof en is bly om te hoor dat ons oord steeds aan jou verwagtinge voldoen.

Ons sien uit daarna om jou weer te sien en jou volgende kuier nog spesiaal te maak!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Chris B - May 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Chris B
With partner

Dit was 'n baie lekker plek en sal weer daar gaan bly.

Die toegangspad by Dunkeld moet daar by 'n informele nedersetting verbygery word wat dit gevaarlik maak, veral as jy laat terugkom in die aand.

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It was a very nice place and will stay there again.

The access road to Dunkeld leads past an informal settlement, which makes it dangerous, especially if you come back late in the evening.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Chris,

Baie dankie dat u, u opmerking oor die toegangspad na ons oord met ons gedeel het. Ons waardeer dit opreg en verstaan die belangrikheid van veiligheid vir ons gaste. Ons verstaan dat die teenwoordigheid van 'n informele nedersetting langs die toegangspad bekommernis kan wek. Dit is egter belangrik om te vermeld dat die voorkoms van informele nedersettinge 'n uitdaging is in verskeie gebiede regoor Suid-Afrika. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het oor die jare verskeie inisiatiewe geloods om hierdie uitdagings aan te spreek en alternatiewe behuising aan gemeenskappe in informele nedersettings te bied. Dit is 'n lopende inisiatief, ook in ons provinsie. U veiligheid en gemoedsrus is ons prioriteit. Ons waardeer u bekommernis en die geleentheid om hierdie saak te bespreek. Baie dankie vir u besoek aan ons oord en vir u ondersteuning. Ons sal voortgaan om ons diens te verbeter en die veiligheid van ons gaste te verseker.

Met opregte dankbaarheid,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Pieter S - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Pieter S
With partner

Pragtige omgewing met vele aktiwiteite.

Ons het die pragtige natuur en aktiwiteite op die perseel baie geniet. Die oord is ook naby aan die dorp geleë wat gerieflik is. Kamers was mooi skoon met elektriese komberse vir die koue aande. Ons het ook die kunsvlieghengel geniet en die dag met 'n koue drankie langs 'n warm kaggel in die "Jazz Bar" afgesluit.

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Beautiful surroundings with many activities.

We really enjoyed the beautiful nature and activities on site. The resort is also located close to the town which is convenient. Rooms were nice and clean with electric blankets for the cold evenings. We also enjoyed the fly fishing and ended the day with a cold drink next to a warm fireplace in the "Jazz Bar".

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Ons is so bly om te hoor dat jy die pragtige natuur en aktiwiteite geniet het! Dit is wonderlik dat jy die gerief van die nabygeleë dorp waardeer het en dat die kamers skoon en comfortabel was met elektriese komberse vir die koue aande. Dit klink of julle die kunsvlieghengel en 'n ontspannende dag in die "Jazz Bar" baie geniet het.

Dankie vir die terugvoer en ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom vir nog ’n wonderlike ervaring!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Derik V - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Derik V
Family with young children

Was nie te sleg nie.

Die dubbelverdieping met die kamers op die boonste vloer kan problematies wees vir ouer mense aangesien die trappe baie steil en hoog uit mekaar is.

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It was not so bad.

The double storey with the rooms on the top floor can be problematic for older people as the stairs are very steep and high apart.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die oord geniet het. Ons waardeer jou opmerking en sal dit in ag neem.

Ons hoop om jou en jou geliefdes weer te verwelkom en om jou ’n wonderlike ervaring te bied.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Elzette H - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Elzette H
With partner

Baie potensiaal.

'n Asemrowende mooi ligging en natuurskoon, maar heelwat aandag aan detail met bietjie opknap is nodig by die oord. Gordyne was vol spinnerakke, beddegoed gevlek en van die gloeilampe was dood. Andersins 'n heerlike plek om die siel te herlaai en in die natuur te rus. Die cottage kan ook doen met nog 'n paar meubelstukke en/of 'n los mat, yl meubelering laat die huisie effe koud en onpersoonlik voel.

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Lots of potential.

A breathtakingly beautiful location and natural beauty, but a lot of attention to detail with some renovation is needed at the resort. Curtains were full of cobwebs, bedding was stained and some of the light bulbs were dead. Otherwise a lovely place to recharge the soul and rest in nature. The cottage could also do with a few more pieces of furniture and/or a loose carpet, sparse furniture makes the cottage feel a bit cold and impersonal.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Ons waardeer jou tyd om hierdie terugvoer te deel! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die asemrowende ligging en natuurskoon geniet het. Jou opmerkings oor die detail en die meubelstukke is waardevol en sal help om die ervaring verder te verbeter. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en jou volgende kuier nog meer spesiaal te maak!

Laat weet of daar iets anders is wat jy wil aanpas!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Lize W - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Lize W
With partner

Pragtige estate, heerlike en rustige wegbreek. Onderhoud van eenhede kort egter aandag.

Die estate is prentjiemooi en ook die restaurant en eenhede. Daar is heelwat damme en staproetes. Ons het die buitelug baie geniet. Ons kamer se onderhoud van toestelle was egter bietjie teleurstellend. Sommige toestelle het glad nie gewerk nie, en daar was ook nie genoegsame beplanning vir gas en warm water nie.

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Beautiful estate, lovely and peaceful getaway. However, maintenance of units needs attention.

The estate is picture perfect and so are the restaurant and units. There are many ponds and hiking trails. We really enjoyed the outdoors. However, our room's maintenance of appliances was a bit disappointing. Some appliances did not work at all, and there was also insufficient planning for gas and hot water.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die prentjiemooi omgewing, die restaurant, en die staproetes geniet het. Dit is wonderlik om te weet dat jy die buitelug waardeer het.

Ons het intussen aandag gegee aan die toestelle en streef daarna om die ervaring steeds te verbeter. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en om jou volgende kuier nog meer spesiaal te maak!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anonymous Guest - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Anonymous Guest
Family with young children
Sean B - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Sean B
With partner

Hulle antwoord nie hulle foon by ontvangs nie.

Hulle antwoord nie hulle foon by ontvangs nie - hulle sê daar is fout met die telefoon, maar dit word nie reggestel nie - die luitoon werk nie alhoewel die oproep deurgaan na hulle toe. Ons is ook in die verkeerde kamer geplaas as wat ons bespreek het.

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They don't answer their phone at reception.

They don't answer their phone on reception - they say there is a problem with the phone but it is not fixed - the ring tone does not work although the call goes through to them. We were also put in the wrong room than we had booked.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die atmosfeer van ons plek geniet het. Ons waardeer jou opmerking en sal dit in ag neem om te verbeter.

Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en om jou volgende kuier nog meer aangenaam te maak!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Lizandri N - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Lizandri N
With partner

'n Goeie wegbreek.

Dit is 'n baie oulike gastehuis, lieflike omgewing. Mal oor die fiet dat daar miljoene bome om 'n mens is, die lug voel sommer vars.

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A good getaway.

It is a very cute guest house, lovely surroundings. Love the bike that there are millions of trees around you, the air just feels fresh.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Wat ’n plesier om te hoor! Ons is so bly dat jy die omgewing geniet het en die vars lug waardeer het. Dit is wonderlik om te weet dat jy die pragtige bome en die rustige atmosfeer waardeer het.

Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en jou volgende kuier nog meer spesiaal te maak!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anonymous Guest - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Anonymous Guest
With partner

Surroundings very nice, but the unit we stayed in was not worth the money AT ALL.

Didn't have a nice stay. Braai area was not cleaned. Wine and drinking glasses, plates dirty, had to wash again. Mattress in room very old and slept through. Door in bedroom does not stay open, hinge broken. Bedding very old. Hot water in bath trickled in with a thin trickle. Sink in kitchen clogged and not a plug either. Cutlery of a very low quality, not at all appropriate for the price we paid. Reception only answered their phone (office and after hours number) 1x.

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Tara S - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Tara S
Family with teenagers

Dunkeld Estate boasts beautiful views and lovely opportunities to walk and jog. The accommodation at the Equestrian Units however, leaves a lot to be desired.

We stayed in the new Equestrian Units. Our unit was very dirty. The sliding and stacking patio doors were broken and couldn't be enjoyed. There were weeds and grit in all the tracks. There were numerous fixtures broken in the kitchen and bathrooms and the paint is peeling. There were no mattress protectors on the beds and the white towels were stained. Upon reporting this at checkout, no apology was given and the items were not noted down, just an "I'll notify the cleaning and maintenance team". As this was a last-minute mid-week booking, we enjoyed a 50% discount. Had we paid the full rate, I think we would have been very grumpy customers. We thoroughly enjoyed the horse riding, in particular our guide Dustin. He was knowledgeable about the property and extremely friendly and a wonderful host. We also participated in a quad biking excursion. The team who kitted us out was friendly. We ate at 1883. The service staff were friendly, but the service was a bit slow and I'd give the food a 3/5.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Guest,

Thank you for providing feedback on your recent stay in our new Equestrian Units. We appreciate your input and are pleased to hear that you enjoyed the horse riding and the service provided by Dustin, your guide.

We also take note of your comments regarding your unit and the dining experience. Your feedback is important to us, and we will use it for continuous improvement.

We value your honest feedback and look forward to the opportunity to welcome you back for an even better experience in the future.

Warm regards,
Sharon Hendricks

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Adele P - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Adele P
With partner

Dit was 'n goeie ervaring! Die ontbyt in die oggend was heerlik!

Ons het baie lekker gebly, maar wil net 'n paar dinge onder jul aandag bring: 2 van die handdoeke in die kamer was vol hare. Die gordyne in die kamer was ontsettend gekreukel. Een van die kussingslope op die bed was vol hare. Die tafeltjie buite die kamer was ongelooflik vol stof.

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It was a good experience! The breakfast in the morning was delicious!

We had a great stay, but just want to bring a few things to your attention: 2 of the towels in the room were full of hair. The curtains in the room were terribly wrinkled. One of the pillowcases on the bed was full of hair. The little table outside the room was incredibly full of dust.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Adele

Baie dankie dat u, u ervaring met ons gedeel het. Ons is verheug om te hoor dat u verblyf aangenaam was en dat u 'n lekker tyd by ons gehad het. Ons waardeer u terugvoer en wil graag gebruik maak van die geleentheid om te bevestig dat ons u kwessies ernstig opneem.

Ons vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat veroorsaak is deur u verblyf en wil u verseker dat dit nie die gehalte en standaard is wat ons nastreef nie. Ons betreur dit opreg. Dit is belangrik vir ons om 'n skoon en netjiese omgewing te handhaaf vir ons gaste. Ons is toegewyd om ons diens te verbeter en te sorg dat ons gaste 'n aangename en gerieflike ervaring by ons beleef.

Baie dankie vir u waardevolle terugvoer. Dit help ons om ons fasiliteite en diens te verbeter. As u in die toekoms weer by ons kom bly, versoek ons dat u enige kwessies onmiddellik aan ons aandag bring, sodat ons dit dadelik kan aanspreek en sorg dat u verblyf by ons u verwagtinge oortref.

Ons waardeer u besoek aan ons oord en sien uit daarna om u weer te verwelkom.

Met vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Lanette F - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Lanette F
With partner

Mooi, maar nie skoon nie.

Mooi omgewing, maar verblyf se netheid nie op standaard nie. Geen stort nie.

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Nice, but not clean.

Nice surroundings, but accommodation's cleanliness not up to standard. No shower.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die mooi omgewing waardeer het. Ons werk voortdurend aan die verbetering van ons fasiliteite en sal seker maak dat jou toekomstige ervarings nog beter is. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en om jou volgende verblyf nog meer aangenaam te maak!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Annemarie G - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Annemarie G
Family with teenagers

Estate need new management Urgently!

We stayed in the hotel. On arrival, no assistance with luggage. Room not clean, gum by the door outside, snot on the curtains, sheets too small for the bed, we don't receive complimentary shampoo and shower gel every day, just on the first day, regardless of the time we are staying. Arrogant, disrespectful cleaning staff. Breakfast was not up to standard, asked for well-set eggs and received runny eggs, the trout was very dry and tasteless and the English muffin soggy. Crumpets some burnt others raw. Restaurant staff not trained at all. Indoor heated pool is not heated and dirty. Not to even start with the maintenance that is needed all over. Will not return to the estate and will not refer anyone ever. The estate needs serious attention.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your feedback! We’re glad you chose our hotel and appreciate you sharing your experience. We're pleased you had the opportunity to stay with us and will use your comments to make improvements.

Your observations will help us refine our approach to ensure a better experience. We look forward to welcoming you back and exceeding your expectations next time!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Angelic H - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Angelic H


Met ons aankoms was die huisie vuil en bed onopgemaak. Hulle het dit vinnig reggestel 4 uur die middag. Ons was net voorsien van gesighanddoekies. Die warmwaterswembad was koud. Pomp het blykbaar die vorige dag gebreek. Die spa was wonderlik en die dames daar het ons bederf. Die omgewing en die natuurskoon was ongelooflik mooi, ons het rustig en veilig gevoel. En het lang ente gaan stap. Loadshedding het ons sleg gevang. Sal weer gaan.

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When we arrived, the cottage was dirty and the bed unmade. They quickly fixed it at 4 in the afternoon. We were only provided with face towels. The hot water pool was cold. Pump apparently broke the day before. The spa was great and the ladies there spoiled us. The surroundings and the scenery were incredibly beautiful, we felt peaceful and safe. And went for long walks. Loadshedding caught us badly. Will go again.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Ek vertrou hierdie antwoord vind u in goeie gesondheid.

Ek wil graag my verskoning aanbied vir die ongemak wat u ondervind het tydens u verblyf by die huisie. Dit is teleurstellend om te verneem dat die huisie vuil was en die bed nie opgemaak was by u aankoms nie. Ek is egter verheug om te hoor dat dit vinnig reggestel is om 16:00 die middag. Ons sal verseker kennis neem van hierdie voorval en ons prosesse hersien om soortgelyke situasies in die toekoms te voorkom.

Ek verstaan ook dat u slegs gesig-handdoekies voorsien is, en ek is jammer hieroor. Ons sal maatreëls tref om te verseker dat ons gaste volledig toegerus is met alle nodige geriewe om 'n gemaklike verblyf te verseker.

Die situasie met die koue warmwater swembad en die pomp wat blykbaar die vorige dag gebreek het, is ook betreurenswaardig. Ons sal ons bes doen om hierdie probleme in die toekoms te voorkom en sal sorg dat ons fasiliteite gereeld nagegaan en reggestel word.

Dit is egter bemoedigend om te hoor dat u die spa geniet het en dat die dames daar u goed bederf het. Ons sal dit aan hulle oordra as erkenning vir hul goeie diens.

Ons is baie verheug om te hoor dat u die omgewing en natuurskoon as ongelooflik mooi ervaar het, en dat u 'n rustige en veilige atmosfeer geniet het. Dit is belangrik vir ons om 'n aangename omgewing te bied waar gaste kan ontspan en die natuurskoon kan waardeer.

Met betrekking tot die beurtkrag, is ons bewus van die uitdagings wat dit kan inhou, en ons sal voortgaan om alternatiewe reëlings te tref om die impak daarvan op ons gaste te verminder.

Ons waardeer u eerlikheid en terugvoer ten seerste. U is waardevolle gaste, en ons sal altyd streef na 'n verbeterde ervaring by ons huisie. Ons sien daarna uit om u in die toekoms weer te verwelkom en u van 'n beter diens te voorsien.

Met hartlike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Jan S - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Jan S
With partner

Nie die prys werd nie.

Diens ondergemiddeld, eetsaal/restaurant nie op standaard nie en lui verskonings om nie te help nie. Indien die prys 50% minder was, sou ek die soort diens te wagte wees, maar teleurgesteld om nie waarde vir geld te kry nie. Pragtige ligging en oord, maar algehele diens het my laat dink aan toue by staatsdiensinstellings. Dunkeld sal my nie weer sien nie en ek sal hulle ook nie aanbeveel nie.

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Not worth the price.

Service below average, dining hall/restaurant not up to standard and lazy excuses for not helping. If the price was 50% less, I would expect the kind of service, but disappointed not to get value for money. Beautiful location and resort but overall service reminded me of queues at civil service institutions. Dunkeld will not see me again and I will not recommend them either.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Gas,

Ons is dankbaar vir u terugvoering en vra omverskoning vir enige ongerief wat u ervaar het tydens u onlangse besoek aan ons oord.

U insette is van groot belang vir ons en sal ons help om ons diens en aanbod te oorweeg. Ons neem u kommentaar oor die diens ernstig en sal dit sorgvuldig ondersoek. Dit is ons doel om 'n kwaliteitservaring aan ons gaste te bied, en ons is bekommerd om te hoor dat u nie die verwagte waarde vir u geld ontvang het nie.

U kommentaar oor ons pragtige ligging en oord word opreg waardeer. Ons streef daarna om te verseker dat ons gaste 'n unieke en aangename ervaring beleef.

Dit beklaag ons dat u nie u besoek aan ons kon geniet nie, en ons hoop dat u ons in die toekoms 'n kans kan gee om u siening van ons te verander. U terugvoering sal ons help om te verbeter en u 'n beter diens te bied.

Dankie vir u insette.

Met hartlike groete,

Sharon Hendricks

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Roelf D - May 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Roelf D
Family with young children

Misleidend, vuil en nie die geld werd nie.

Wat 'n jammerte. Dunkeld is prentjiemooi en het wonderlike fasiliteite, maar dit maak ongelukkig nie op vir die teleurstellende akkommodasie nie. Ons het in 'n "County Chalet" gebly. Die eenheid was baie vuil. Vensterblindings staan gebreek in die hoek, sitkamerbanke is in 'n swak toestand en die matras pas nie eers op die basis van die bed nie, om maar net 'n paar te noem. Drie uit die ses glase in die kas was gekraak. Onafgewerkte regmaakplekke oral. Die foto's is totaal misleidend met die uitleg, afwerking, meubels, toerusting ens. wat wesenlik verskil van die werklikheid. Ons het die bogenoemde onder bestuur se aandag gebring. Hulle erken dat die foto's op die internet van 'n ander "opgegradeerde" eenheid is en dit klink nie of hierdie die eerste keer is dat hierdie klagtes onder hulle aandag gebring is nie. Hulle het wel 'n skoonmaker gestuur op die tweede dag om ten minste behoorlik skoon te maak asook iemand om die blindings reg te maak wat natuurlik beteken het dat ons met werkers in ons huis gesit het vir ure op die Saterdag. Uiters swak!

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Misleading, dirty and not worth the money.

What a shame. Dunkeld is picturesque and has great facilities, but unfortunately it doesn't make up for the disappointing accommodation. We stayed in a "County Chalet". The unit was very dirty. Window blinds are broken in the corner, living room sofas are in poor condition and the mattress doesn't even fit on the base of the bed, to name just a few. Three out of the six glasses in the cupboard were cracked. Unfinished patches everywhere. The photos are totally misleading with the layout, finish, furniture, equipment etc. which differs substantially from reality. We have brought the above to management's attention. They admit that the photos on the internet are of another "upgraded" unit and it doesn't sound like this is the first time these complaints have been brought to their attention. They did send a cleaner on the second day to at least clean properly as well as someone to fix the blinds which of course meant we sat with workers in our house for hours on the Saturday. Extremely weak!

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Roelf

Baie dankie dat u, u ervaring met ons gedeel het. Ons vra om verskoning vir die teleurstellende tyd wat u tydens u verblyf ervaar het. Dit is verre van die gehalte en standaard wat ons nastreef, en ons betreur dit opreg. Ons wil u verseker dat ons u bekommernisse ernstig opneem, en ons het dit onder die aandag van ons bestuur gebring. Die oord erken die situasie en besef dat dit nie ideale omstandighede geskep het nie. Onmiddellik is aksie geneem deur 'n skoonmaak- en herstelspan te stuur om skoon te maak en die vensterblindings te herstel. Ons erken egter die ongerief van die werkers in u chalet op Saterdag, en ons vra om verskoning vir die ongemak wat dit veroorsaak het, aangesien die eenheid nie op standaard was toe u dit beset het nie.

Ons waardeer u eerlike terugvoer en die geleentheid om hierdie kwessies te adresseer. Ons is vasbeslote om ons diens te verbeter en te verseker dat ons gaste 'n aangename en bevredigende verblyfervaring by ons ervaar. Ons hoop dat u ons nog 'n kans sal gee om u die ware kwaliteit en gasvryheid van Dunkeld te wys. Baie dankie vir u begrip en geduld.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Dee G - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Dee G
Family with young children

Poorly maintained, many staff indifferent to clientele.

Too much horse manure around apartments. Horses upend bins distributing plastic and polystyrene all over the estate. Entertainment center is poorly managed. Heated pool doesn't work.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Delia,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We appreciate your concerns regarding the presence of horse manure around the apartments and the issues you experienced with the horses upending bins and distributing plastic and polystyrene throughout the estate. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Maintaining a clean and pleasant environment is of utmost importance to us, and we have taken note of your comments. We understand the impact this has had on your experience and are committed to finding a solution to ensure a more enjoyable and hygienic environment for all our guests. We also apologize for any shortcomings you encountered with the management of our entertainment center. We will review our practices and take the necessary steps to improve operations, ensuring a well-managed and enjoyable experience for our guests. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention. Additionally, we apologize for the inconvenience caused by the non-functioning heated pool. Our team is actively addressing the issue and working to rectify it promptly, ensuring that the pool is fully operational for our guests' enjoyment. We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. We sincerely apologize for falling short of your expectations in these areas. Your feedback helps us identify areas for improvement, and we are committed to enhancing our facilities and services to provide a better experience for our guests. We value your feedback and appreciate the opportunity to improve. Thank you for bringing these matters to our attention, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back for a more positive experience in the future.

Kind regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Elaine C - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Elaine C
With partner

Oord skep 'n indruk van verwaarlosing.

Bestuur nie juis ingestel daarop om klagtes op te los nie.

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Resort creates an impression of neglect.

Management not particularly keen on resolving complaints.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Waardeerde Gas,

Ons waardeer u terugvoering en vra omverskoning vir enige ongerief wat u mag ervaar het tydens u onlangse verblyf by ons oord. Dit is ons doel om 'n gastevriendelike omgewing te handhaaf en u opmerkings oor die bestuur van klagtes sal ons beslis help om ons diens te verbeter.

Ons neem u insette ernstig en sal die saak ondersoek om dit aan te spreek. Dit is ons doel om 'n omgewing te skep waar al ons gaste 'n aangename ervaring kan hê, en ons is teleurgesteld om te hoor dat ons nie aan u verwagtinge in hierdie verband voldoen het nie.

U terugvoering is van groot waarde en sal ons help om nodige aanpassings te maak om in die toekoms 'n beter diens te bied. Ons hoop op 'n geleentheid om u weer van diens te wees en u 'n onvergeetlike verblyf te bied.

Dankie vir u insette en ons vra omverskoning vir die ongerief wat u mag ervaar het.

Met hartlike groete,
Sharon Hendricks

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Awie E - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Awie E
With partner

Baie nice plek, baie nice views. Chalet was goed ingerig.

Baie goed geleë. Baie skoon en netjies. Sal definitief aanbeveel. En definitief weer kom kuier.

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Very nice place, very nice views. Chalet was well appointed.

Very well located. Very clean and tidy. Will definitely recommend. And definitely come visit again.

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Simone P - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Simone P
With partner


Die personeel is baie vriendelik en hulpvaardig. Hulle gaan uit hul pad om dit vir jou lekker te maak en die geriewe is baie mooi. Ons kamer was pragtig, skoon en baie modern. Dit was die perfekte wegbreekplek.

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The staff is very friendly and helpful. They go out of their way to make it nice for you and the facilities are very nice. Our room was beautiful, clean and very modern. It was the perfect getaway.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Ons waardeer die lof vir ons personeel en geriewe! Dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat jy die kamer en die moderne fasiliteite geniet het. Ons is bly jy het jou wegbreekplek gevind en sien uit daarna om jou weer te verwelkom!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Conrad P - May 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Conrad P
With partner

Heerlike ervaring.

Heerlike plek, kos is lekker, omgewing baie mooi. Kamers baie mooi. Hoogs aanbeveelbaar.

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Great experience.

Lovely place, food is delicious, environment very beautiful. Rooms very nice. Highly recommendable.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

So pleased to hear you had a great experience! We're thrilled you enjoyed the delicious food, beautiful surroundings, and lovely rooms. Thank you for the high recommendation—it's wonderful to know we met your expectations!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Gert D - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Gert D
With friends

Baie lekker, pragtig en genotvol.

Plaas Huis was netjies en skoon, en het aan ons vereistes voldoen.

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Very nice, beautiful and enjoyable.

Farm House was neat and clean, and met our requirements.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

“Jou terugvoer is vir ons waardevol! Ons waardeer dit dat jy die tyd geneem het om jou ervaring met ons te deel.”

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Henko V - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Henko V
Large group

Mooi huis met pragtige uitsig.

Pragtige perde en heelwat bokke wat rondloop voor die huisies.

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Beautiful house with a beautiful view.

Beautiful horses and lots of goats walking around in front of the houses.

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Enya D - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Enya D
With partner

Baie mooi plaas met baie aktiwiteite om te doen op die plaas.

Ons het perdgery, die moeite werd want jy sien die hele plaas en hoe mooi dit is.

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Very nice farm with many activities to do on the farm.

We went horseback riding, worth it because you see the whole farm and how beautiful it is.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer en die positiewe opmerkings oor die ingang en ontvangs. Ons waardeer jou insette oor die instandhouding en geriewe. Ons sal jou terugvoer in ag neem om ons dienste te verbeter. Ons hoop om jou in die toekoms 'n beter ervaring te kan bied.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Paula D - May 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Paula D
Family with teenagers

Breathtaking views.

One venue, with various options. Very safe and entertaining. Great place to rest and recharge.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

What a fantastic review! It’s wonderful to hear that you found our venue to be safe and entertaining, with plenty of options for relaxation and rejuvenation. We look forward to welcoming you back for another great experience!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Stefan V - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Stefan V
With partner


Ons tyd by Dunkeld was presies wat ons nodig na 'n vrek besige 2021. Die diens was puik. Die eenhede is baie netjies en goed toegerus met die kaggel wat 'n warm binne huis atmosfeer skep ten tye van slegte weer.

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Our time at Dunkeld was exactly what we needed after a very busy 2021. The service was great. The units are very neat and well equipped with the fireplace which creates a warm indoor atmosphere during bad weather.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Wat 'n wonderlike manier om na 'n besige 2021 af te skakel! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die puik diens en netjiese, goed toegeruste eenhede geniet het. Die kaggel bydra tot 'n gesellige atmosfeer, selfs tydens slegte weer. Ons hoop om jou binnekort weer by Dunkeld te verwelkom vir 'n verdere ontspanne ervaring!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Willem V - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Willem V
With partner

Die stilte, natuurskoon en geriewe is eersteklas!

Die eenheid was nie gediens nie. Die skoonmaker het wel opgedaag, maar sy het 'n uur lank op die bure se stoep gesit en slaap. Daar was Sondagoggend verskeie vuilgoedsakke wat oornag oopgeskeur was. Niemand het dit kom skoonmaak nie.

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The silence, scenery and facilities are first class!

The unit was not serviced. The cleaner did arrive, but she sat and slept on the neighbors' porch for an hour. On Sunday morning, there were several garbage bags that had been torn open overnight. No one came to clean it.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Willem,

Baie dankie dat u, u ervaring met ons gedeel het. Ons wil graag opreg ons verskoning aanbied vir die ongerief wat u tydens u verblyf in ons eenheid ondervind het. Dit is betreurbaar dat ons nie aan u verwagtinge kon voldoen nie. Ons sal u kwessie aanspreek en stappe neem om te verseker dat voorvalle van hierdie aard nie weer plaasvind nie. Dit is nie die standaard van diens wat ons nastreef nie, en ons sal verseker dat hierdie probleme aangespreek word om herhaling te voorkom.

U terugvoer is vir ons van groot waarde, en dit stel ons in staat om areas van verbetering te identifiseer en 'n beter ervaring vir ons gaste te bied. Ons vra nederig dat u ons 'n herkansing gee om u die uitsonderlike ervaring te bied wat ons gaste verdien. As u besluit om weer by ons te kom bly, sal ons seker maak dat u verblyf u verwagtinge oortref.

Baie dankie vir u begrip en geduld.

Vriendelike groete,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anton B - May 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Anton B
With partner

Rustige plattelandse kuierplek. Genoeg aktiwiteite. Gaan weer gaan.

Platteland met 'n rustige omgewing.

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Peaceful country retreat. Enough activities. Going to go again.

Countryside with a peaceful environment.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Absolutely! It’s great to know you enjoyed the peaceful countryside atmosphere. We hope you had a relaxing stay and that the tranquil environment added to your overall experience. Looking forward to hosting you again!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Johan S - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Johan S
With partner

Een van die beter verblyfopsies in Dullstroom.

Bo verwagting - baie netjes en gerieflik.

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One of the better accommodation options in Dullstroom.

Exceeded expectations - very neat and comfortable.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Johan

Baie dankie dat u by ons oord gekuier het. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Ons is verheug om te hoor dat u verblyf by ons bo verwagting was en dat u die netheid en gerief van ons fasiliteite waardeer het.

Ons streef daarna om elke gas 'n uitsonderlike ervaring te bied, en u positiewe terugvoer is vir ons 'n aanduiding dat ons daarin geslaag het. Dit is vir ons 'n groot bron van vreugde en ons wil u bedank vir u ondersteuning.

Ons hoop dat ons u in die toekoms weer kan verwelkom en dat ons u verblyf nóg beter kan maak. As u weer by ons kom bly, kontak ons gerus direk, en ons sal seker maak dat u verblyf u verwagtinge oortref.

Baie dankie vir u besoek en vir die geleentheid om u gasheer te wees.

Met opregte dankbaarheid,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Marie H - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Marie H
With partner


Blyplek is pragtig, baie rustig. Van die plekke kan bietjie oorgeverf word. Kamers is baie mooi. Daar was egter 'n paar kakkerlakke hier en daar. Maar anders baie netjies en skoon.

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Accommodation is beautiful, very peaceful. Some places can be painted over a bit. Rooms are very nice. However, there were a few cockroaches here and there. But otherwise very neat and clean.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your feedback! We're pleased to hear you enjoyed the peaceful setting and beautiful rooms. We’ve made strides in maintaining the cleanliness and upkeep of our spaces and continue to enhance our environment for a better guest experience. We hope to welcome you back soon to see the improvements!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Johanna B - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Johanna B
With partner

Sal gebruik as oorslaapplek, maar nie langer in daai kamer kan bly nie!

Bed was baie gerieflik en beddegoed was vars!

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Will use as a place to sleep, but can't stay in that room any longer!

Bed was very comfortable and bedding was fresh!

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Kobus P - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Kobus P
With partner


Na ons bespreking deur die webblad het the Dunkeld Country Estate vir ons 'n e-pos gestuur vir die preorder van etes, wildritte en massering. Wat ek wel op die webwerf gedoen het +/- 3dae voor ons aankoms. By aankoms daar was nie een van die preorder items geboek nie ook nie 'n wildrit vir die Sondagoggend nie, want hulle voertuig was gebreek. Na 'n lang rit wil 'n mens ten minste vroër inklok en nie eers 15:00 nie. Na ons die sleutels gekry het, is ons kamer toe en was daar nie handdoeke in die kamer nie en na ek by ontvangs dit aangemeld het, het hulle die handdoeke gebring. Die twee wit gemakstoelle wat by die bed se voet gestaan het, was baie vuil. Dit was bruin van handmerke oor die armleunings en die rugkant. Dit het ek ook by die ontvangs aangemeld. Die behuisingsbestuurderes het dadelik kom kyk en gereël dat die stoelle verwyder word en 2 ander stoelle is gebring. Die kamer word as 'n luukse hotelkamer bemark, maar dit is uiters teleurstellend om die tipe gehalte in die kamer te vind. Die kamer word ook met koningingrootte-bed bemark, maar 2 beddens is teen mekaar geskuif om die idee te skep van 'n groot bed, maar jy kan nie langs mekaar lê nie dan voel jy die dik houtrif van die twee beddens wat teen mekaar geskuif is. Ek het moeite gedoen om ons 19de huweliks herdenking onvergeetlik te maak en dis wat ons gekry het. Die agteruitgang van die oord kan gesien word in die geboue en ook in die restaurantarea. Daar was skaars 'n paar botteltjies koeldrank in die yskaste om van te kies. Die plek is oor die algemeen mooi so tussen die bome.

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After our booking through the website, the Dunkeld Country Estate emailed us to pre-order meals, game drives and massages. Which I did do on the website +/- 3 days before our arrival. On arrival there none of the preorder items were booked nor a game drive for the Sunday morning, because their vehicle was broken. After a long drive, one wants to at least check in earlier and not until 3:00 p.m. After we got the keys, we went to the room and there were no towels in the room and after I reported it to reception, they brought the towels. The two white armchairs that stood at the foot of the bed were very dirty. It was brown with hand marks over the armrests and back. I also reported this to the reception. The housing managers immediately came to see and arranged for the chairs to be removed and 2 other chairs were brought. The room is marketed as a luxury hotel room, but it is extremely disappointing to find the type of quality in the room. The room is also marketed with a queen size bed, but 2 beds are pushed together to create the idea of a large bed, but you can't lie next to each other then you feel the thick wooden ridge of the two beds pushed together is. I put effort into making our 19th wedding anniversary memorable and that's what we got. The deterioration of the resort can be seen in the buildings and also in the restaurant area. There were hardly a few bottles of soft drink in the fridges to choose from. The place is generally nice like this among the trees.

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Elrike T - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Elrike T
With partner

Great location for families with older children or couples.

Self-catering units could do with some maintenance. Some blinds are broken and taps are the wrong way round (warm water tap is cold and cold water tap is warm). Some of the lights don't work and the last paint job was done poorly. However, the units are well equipped and the location is great. Lots to do on the estate. The lack of Wifi in the units was a bit disappointing.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

We’re thrilled you enjoyed the well-equipped units and the fantastic location with its many activities! Your feedback is important, and we’re taking note to enhance our facilities and address any concerns. We’re committed to making every stay exceptional and look forward to welcoming you back for an even better experience!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Willem O - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Willem O
With partner

Natuurskoon beeldskoon.

Opgradering van elektroniese toestelle nodig.

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Beautiful natural scenery.

Upgrade of electronic devices needed.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en is bly dat jy die ligging en fasiliteite geniet het. Ons neem kennis van die behoefte aan opgradering van elektroniese toestelle en sal dit in ag neem om die ervaring te verbeter. Ons sien uit daarna om jou weer te verwelkom!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Roual D - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Roual D
With partner


Eenheid waarin ons gebly het het 'n ketel gehad, maar geen koffie, tee, suiker of melk nie. Winkeltjie kan beslis doen met 'n groter verskeidenheid produkte, bv. koffie, melk, suiker. Moet terugry dorp toe vir dit.

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Unit we stayed in had a kettle but no coffee, tea, sugar or milk. Winkeltjie could definitely do with a wider range of products, e.g. coffee, milk, sugar. Have to drive back to town for it.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Ons is bly om te hoor dat jy die eenheid geniet het. Terwyl ons winkeltjie 'n beperkte aanbod het, hoop ons dat die skoon en gemaklike akkommodasie jou verblyf vermaaklik gemaak het. Ons waardeer jou voorstelle en sal dit in ag neem om ons gaste se ervaring verder te verbeter.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Michael J - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Michael J
With partner

Dit was baie lekker.

Dit was baie aangenaam. Toe ons wou inboek was daar vir ons gesê eers 4 uur wat ek dink is 'n groot probleem. As mens so ver ry wil jy nie nog wag nie. Ons was vroeër daar, 2 uur, by ander plekke sal hulle darem probeer jou akkommodeer, maar was nie in die geval so nie. Maar verder was dit rustig en lekker.

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It was very nice.

It was very pleasant. When we wanted to check in we were told only 4 hours which I think is a big problem. When you drive that far, you don't want to wait any longer. We were there earlier, 2 hours, at other places they will at least try to accommodate you, but that was not the case. But other than that it was peaceful and nice.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Geagte Michael

Baie dankie dat u, u ervaring met ons gedeel het. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Ons wil graag verduidelik dat ons oord gaste verwelkom vanaf 4 uur in die middag. Dit is omdat ons skoonmaak- en onderhoudspan voorsorg moet tref dat al ons eenhede goed voorberei en in orde is vir ons gaste. Ons streef daarna om 'n aangename verblyfervaring te bied, en ons gaste-sertifikaat stel ons gaste in kennis van die ontvangs- en inboektye. Ons verstaan dat dit 'n teleurstelling kon wees om te hoor dat julle eers vanaf 4 uur kon inboek, en ons verstaan dat wanneer mens so 'n ver pad gery het, jy nie nog langer wil wag nie. Ons vra om verskoning dat ons nie in hierdie geval aan julle kon akkommodeer nie. Dit is egter bemoedigend om te hoor dat u 'n heerlik aangename tyd ervaar het. Ons neem u opmerkings ter harte, en ons waardeer u terugvoer. Dit is vir ons 'n geleentheid om ons diens te verbeter. Ons waardeer u besoek aan ons oord, en ons hoop dat ons u in die toekoms weer kan verwelkom. Baie dankie vir u begrip en ondersteuning.

Vriendelike groete,


Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Desire B - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Desire B
Family with young children

Beautiful equestrian estate.

The estate was beautiful, but the buildings maintenance was sorely lacking. Several items did not work and when given feedback during check-out (they run an honesty policy) they only said "oh".

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your feedback! We’re glad you enjoyed the beauty of the estate and its surroundings. We’re continuously working on improving our facilities, and your observations are valuable in helping us enhance our services. We’re always striving to provide the best experience for our guests and hope to welcome you back to enjoy the updates and improvements we’ve made.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Hanri H - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Hanri H
Family with young children

Mooi maar vervalle.

Die ingang, ontvangs en wooneenheid is baie mooi. Maar die instandhouding van die wooneenheid is swak, die vismotte is oorweldigend baie! Die badprop se seël is 'n gewone rubber rekkie, die water lek als uit. Die rock-climbing wall is buite werking, die ontspanningssentrum se winkel het geen voorraad nie, die put-put baan is moeilik maar oulik maar daar is net 4 stokke wat in 'n swak toestand is en 5 balle. Die pen wat ons gekry het om mee te skryf is in 3 stukke en word by mekaar gehou met selotape. Die tafeltennis se rakette is stukkend en die pooltafel is in 'n swak kondisie. Die banke waarop mens moet sit en ontspan is so vuil mens wil nie op dit sit nie. Die mense wat mens help weet nie rerig wat aangaan nie, elke een gee ander inligting as die volgende een. Ek kan nie kommentaar lewer op die restaurante nie ons het nie dit gebruik nie. Die bedrag per nag regverdig nie wat mens kry nie, veral as mens gaan vir die kinders omdat als swak geonderhou is.

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Beautiful but dilapidated.

The entrance, reception and living unit are very nice. But the maintenance of the housing unit is poor, the fish moths are overwhelmingly many! The bath plug's seal is a regular rubber band, the water always leaks out. The rock-climbing wall is out of order, the recreation center's store is out of stock, the putt-putt course is difficult but cute but there are only 4 clubs in poor condition and 5 balls. The pen we were given to write with is in 3 pieces and held together with cello tape. The table tennis rackets are broken and the pool table is in poor condition. The sofas you have to sit and relax on are so dirty you don't want to sit on them. The people who help you don't really know what's going on, each one gives different information than the next one. I can't comment on the restaurants we didn't use them. The amount per night does not justify what you get, especially if you go for the children because it is poorly maintained.

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Carien F - May 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Carien F
Family with young children

Dis jammer dat ons eenvoudig nie die ervaar het waarvoor ons betaal her nie.

Plek bespreek vir 4 volwassenes en 2 kinders. Toe ons arriveer was die cottage nie gereed vir 2 kinders nie. Ons moes by ontvangs gaan vra vir beddegoed vir die twee kinders en daar is betaal vir hulle. Daar is geen inventaris nie - vir 'n selfsorgeenheid was daar die minimum, nie eers 'n bak met 'n deksel om kos in te bêre, 'n skêr in die kombuislaai of 'n broodplank nie. Hulle diens ook nie eenhede op Sondae of vakansiedae nie, wat beteken oor 'n langnaweek is daar twee dae geen skoonmaak nie. Die restaurant het net die eerste aand goeie diens gehad toe Tshepo aan diens was - daarna was dit stadig en treurig. Ons het die spa ook ondersteun en alhoewel hulle baie hulpvaardig is, is die terapeute se naels lank en maak vreeslik seer tydens 'n massering.

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It's a shame that we simply didn't experience what we paid for again.

Place reserved for 4 adults and 2 children. When we arrived the cottage was not ready for 2 children. We had to ask at reception for bedding for the two children and they were paid for. There is no inventory - for a self-catering unit there was the bare minimum, not even a bowl with a lid to store food in, a pair of scissors in the kitchen drawer or a breadboard. They also do not service units on Sundays or holidays, which means over a long weekend there is no cleaning for two days. The restaurant only had good service the first night when Tshepo was on duty - after that it was slow and dismal. We also supported the spa and although they are very helpful, the therapists' nails are long and hurt terribly during a massage.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for sharing your feedback! We're pleased to hear that you enjoyed the beautiful surroundings and found the resort to be a great place to relax. We're aware of the areas you mentioned, and I’m happy to share that we've made improvements since May 2022. Our team is continuously working to enhance the experience for our guests, and your feedback helps us in this process. We appreciate your observations and look forward to welcoming you back for an even better stay in the future!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anonymous Guest - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Anonymous Guest
Family with young children

Very nice but unfortunately stairs to room upstairs not usable by children.

The stairs to the upper room are not usable by our youngest child.

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Clint D - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Clint D
Family with young children


We had various problems. We had no warm water and had to have a cold bath in the freezing weather. My son is 6 and was in tears with the cold. We had no linen (covers or sheet) for the sleeper couch (which is actually just a couch). My wife had to request linen a few times and the staff at reception became rude and irritable with my wife. We had to request clean, dry towels. We had to leave our chalet unlocked with the key in the door so that room service could come in. The overall experience was not what we are used to at Dunkeld. We have stayed there on numerous occasions but this may be our last.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dear Clint,

Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We sincerely apologize for the various problems you encountered during your recent stay at our resort. We deeply regret that your experience did not meet your expectations, especially considering your previous positive experiences at Dunkeld.
We understand the frustration caused by the lack of warm water. We apologize for the inconvenience and discomfort this caused you and your son. Providing a comfortable and pleasant experience is of utmost importance to us, and we apologize for falling short in this regard. We take these matters seriously, and we will address them with our staff to ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future. We will also review our procedures to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to provide a secure environment for our guests while allowing for efficient room servicing. We genuinely appreciate your feedback and your loyalty as a returning guest. We deeply regret that this experience may have left you contemplating whether to continue staying with us. We want to assure you that your concerns have been taken seriously, and we are committed to addressing these issues and improving our services to regain your trust. We hope that you may consider giving us another opportunity to provide you with the exceptional experience that you are accustomed to at Dunkeld. Thank you for bringing these matters to our attention.

Kind regards,

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Inge M - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Inge M
With friends

Mooi, maak wel vele maal seker oor jou bespreking.

Die ligging is perfek, maar die kliëntediens was nie goed nie. Ons bespreking was vir 6 grootmense en 1 baba, by aankoms is ons in 'n huisie geplaas vir 4 grootmense en twee kinders onder 12. Daar was niemand van die agentskap beskikbaar om te help nie en ook nie van Dunkeld se personeel nie. Die beddens in ons eenheid was ook nie opgemaak nie.

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Nice, make sure many times about your reservation.

The location is perfect but the customer service was not good. Our booking was for 6 adults and 1 baby, on arrival we were placed in a cottage for 4 adults and two children under 12. There was no one from the agency available to help nor from Dunkeld's staff. The beds in our unit were not made either.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Dit is fantasties om te hoor dat jy die ligging van die oord geniet het. Ons waardeer jou opmerkings oor die kliëntediens en akkommodasie en sal dit gebruik om ons dienste verder te verbeter. Ons hoop om jou in die toekoms weer te verwelkom en om 'n nog beter ervaring te bied!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Maryke C - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Maryke C
Family with young children

Vuil, bestuurprobleme.

Vullis uitgevee op gras, dromme nie leeggemaak nie, nat koekie seep uitgelos, stukke brood in hoek saamgevee, geen waslap op afdroogdoeke nie, geen sker, geen ekstra linne vir die persoon wat op bank slaap. Duvet net in die kas ingeprop. Gee toiletpapier in een toilet. Ruit uitgeval.

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Dirt, driving problems.

Rubbish swept out on grass, bins not emptied, wet bar of soap left out, pieces of bread swept together in corner, no washcloth on drying cloths, no scissors, no extra linen for the person sleeping on sofa. Duvet just tucked into the closet. Put toilet paper in one toilet. Window dropped.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Dankie vir jou terugvoer en dat jy die pragtige omgewing waardeer het. Ons sal jou opmerkings oor die fasiliteite en akkommodasie in ag neem om toekomstige ervarings te verbeter. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en 'n meer gerieflike verblyf te bied.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Lesly H - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Lesly H
With partner

Too many irritations not sorted out.

Booked at Dunkeld for the long weekend. Reported some issues to reception. Biggest issue is the gas fireplace not working. No gas supply. Irritating things like hand shower on bath mixer leaking all over floor, curtain rail missing some hooks, curtains not closing properly, remote battery cover missing. Walls, ceilings and cornice seem newly repainted, however paint spills on carpet not cleaned off properly. Paint spills on top of small DStv decoder not cleaned off. Above items seems petty but for a first visit and R10k cost for accommodation only, I expect all things to be checked and functioning 100%. Must say our excitement has now faded. What a pity.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for your feedback! We're delighted to hear you enjoyed your time at Dunkeld. We appreciate your comments on the gas fireplace and other details. Since your visit, we’ve made significant improvements to enhance the guest experience. We hope to welcome you back soon to enjoy the upgrades and continue providing a memorable stay.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anna-marie D - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Anna-marie D
With friends


Ons het vreeslik uitgesien na ons verblyf by Dunkeld. Groot was ons teleurstelling toe ons daar inklok. Die huis was vreeslik vuil, beddens nie opgemaak of vloere gewas nie. Nadat ons by ontvangs gaan kla het, het ons koffie in die dorp gaan drink en toe eers na 17:00 weer terug gekom. Die netheid en higïene was regtig glad nie op standaard nie. Dit was 'n groot teleurstelling, aangesien die natuur en die omgewing waar Dunkeld geleë is, asemrowend mooi is. Ek het nog nooit deur die webtuiste so 'n teleurstellende ervaring gehad nie.

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We were really looking forward to our stay at Dunkeld. Great was our disappointment when we checked in there. The house was terribly dirty, beds not made or floors washed. After complaining to reception, we went to town for a coffee and didn't come back until after 17:00. The cleanliness and hygiene were really not up to standard. It was a big disappointment, as the nature and the environment where Dunkeld is located is breathtakingly beautiful. I have never had such a disappointing experience through the website.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Ons waardeer jou terugvoer! Dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat jy die pragtige natuur en omgewing geniet het. Ons neem jou bemerkings oor die netheid ter harte en sal alles in ons vermoë doen om te verseker dat toekomstige gaste 'n nog beter ervaring het. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom en vir jou 'n onvergeetlike verblyf te bied!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Cheeky C - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Cheeky C
With friends

Verblyf nie soos wat adverteer word nie.

Baie goeie ligging. Ongelukkig loop kamers in 1 badkamer in, dus moet jy wonder wie is in die badkamer wanneer jy dit wil gebruik. Geen moeite word gedoen om eers welkom in huisies te voel nie. Ontvangs doen geen moeite om jou mee te deel waar jy moet eet of waar jy kan hout koop vir die koue nagte nie. Die Spa is glad nie die moeite werd nie. Jy kan eers 16:00 in jou kamer ingaan. Net 1 restuarant wat gebuik kan word en nie 2 soos voorgestel nie. Warm swembad is 'n klein, koue swembad.

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Accommodation not as advertised.

Very good location. Unfortunately rooms walk into 1 bathroom so you have to wonder who is in the bathroom when you want to use it. No effort is made to feel welcome in cottages. Reception makes no effort to tell you where to eat or where to buy wood for the cold nights. The Spa is not worth it at all. You can only enter your room at 16:00. Only 1 restuarant that can be used and not 2 as suggested. Hot pool is a small, cold pool.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! We're glad you enjoyed the great location. Your feedback is important to us, and we’ve made improvements since your visit. We’re working on enhancing our guest experience and providing clearer information upon arrival. We hope you’ll have a chance to experience these updates on a future visit.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Charles U - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Charles U
With friends

Wonderlike plek met geen kliëntediens en geen netheid, management nooit beskikbaar vir klagtes nie.

Mooiste plek om te beskoek. Net jammer die kamer was vuil en onversorg. Die vorige mense se voetmerke was nog in bad gewees en die plek was vuil. Sigaretstopmies het nog voor die deur gelê en nie eers opgetel nie. Stort, spieëls en wasbak was vuil gewees en die lugreëling en afstandbeheer was vuil gewees. Was 5 keer by ontvangs gewees om die kamer skoon te maak, maar geen reaksie en kon geen bestuurder in die hande kry nie. Het van 4 uur tot 9 uur die aand gewag dat die plek skoongemaak moet word en geen bestuur was teenwoordig op perseel gewees om dit reg te stel nie. Wag nog steeds vir terugvoering van bestuur en die webtuiste na aanleiding hiervan.

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Amazing place with no customer service and no cleanliness, management never available for complaints.

Most beautiful place to bake. Just a pity the room was dirty and unkempt. The previous people's footprints were still in the bath and the place was dirty. Cigarette butts were still lying in front of the door and not even picked up. Shower, mirrors and sink were dirty and the air conditioner and remote control were dirty. Been to reception 5 times to clean the room but no response and couldn't get hold of any manager. Waited from 4 o'clock to 9 o'clock in the evening for the place to be cleaned and no management was present on site to fix it. Still waiting for feedback from management and the website following this.

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Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer! Dit is wonderlik om te hoor dat jy die plek as die mooiste beskou. Ons waardeer jou kommentaar oor die kamer en sal dit in ag neem om ons dienste te verbeter. Ons hoop om jou weer te verwelkom onder verbeterde omstandighede!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Anita O - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Anita O
Family with young children

Dit was baie lekker en die huis is baie goed toegerus en netjies.

Ons het net nie besef dat daar geen WiFi in die huis was nie. Ek voel net dat op die website baie foto's is van Dunkeld Estate en nie eintlik van die Equestrian Estate se omgewing nie. Die foto's is wel van die huise van die Equestrian Estate. Dit was 'n bietjie verwarrend, maar ons was baie verras en was alles verder regtig baie lekker! Met die beurtkrag wat weer ingestel is, sal ek net aanbeveel om meer kerse ens beskikbaar vir gaste te hê.

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It was very nice and the house is very well equipped and tidy.

We just didn't realize that there was no WiFi in the house. I just feel that on the website there are a lot of pictures of Dunkeld Estate and not actually of the Equestrian Estate's surroundings. The photos are indeed of the houses of the Equestrian Estate. It was a little confusing, but we were very surprised and everything else was really great! With the load shedding being reintroduced I would just recommend having more candles etc available for guests.

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Zurelda V - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Zurelda V
With partner

Rustig, mooi en ontspannend. Baie aktiwiteite om te doen.

Rustig, mooi en ontspannend. Baie aktiwiteite om te doen.

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Quiet, beautiful and relaxing. Lots of activities to do.

Quiet, beautiful and relaxing. Lots of activities to do.

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Charney M - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Charney M
Large group

Bietjie teleurgestel deur die kliëntediens.

Die plek was baie mooi en die prys werd, maar die gaste wat langs ons gebly het, het dit heeltemal versuur vir ons. Dit was bespreek met die bestuurder, maar vir my was dit nie reg en behoorlik hanteer nie. Dit kon beter gehanteer gewees het.

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A little disappointed by the customer service.

The place was very nice and worth the price, but the guests who stayed next to us made it completely sour for us. This was discussed with the manager, but for me it was not handled correctly and properly. It could have been handled better.

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Nf V - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Nf V
With partner

Baie rustig en wat ons verwag het.

Aanvanklik was ons in 'n verkeerde kamer geboek maar die bestuur het dit uitsorteer. Die foto onder was akkuraat nadat ek geskuif is na die kamer wat ek geboek het. Neem asseblief kennis dat hulle nog kamers renovate en ag geslaan moet word dat kliënte in die nuwe kamers geboek is.

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Very peaceful and what we expected.

Initially we were booked in a wrong room but the management sorted it out. The photo below was accurate after I was moved to the room I booked. Please note that they are still renovating rooms and it should be taken into account that customers are booked in the new rooms.

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Vance U - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Vance U
With partner

Relaxing and peaceful.

The room was a bit run down, however, we were led to believe that they are in the process of upgrading the suites.

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 's response

Thank you so much for your feedback! We're excited to let you know that we've been working hard on upgrades since your stay, and we've made some fantastic improvements to our suites! We hope you'll visit us again soon to enjoy the refreshed experience!

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate
Miranda G - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Miranda G
With partner

Pragtige plek, skoonmaak kort meer aandag. Ontvangs personeel onbehulpsaam.

Dunkeld is 'n pragtige plek, maar ons was vreeslik teleurgesteld in die diens en "cleanliness". Ons kamer se beddegoed was gekreukel en het nie vars geruik nie (asof vorige mense daarin geslaap het). Gordyn het bruin spatsels op, vloere is vuil, matte lyk of dit jare laas gewas is. Personeel by ontvangs praat onduidelik en antwoord nie vrae direk nie.

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Beautiful place, cleaning needs more attention. Reception staff unhelpful.

Dunkeld is a beautiful place, but we were terribly disappointed in the service and "cleanliness". Our room's bedding was wrinkled and did not smell fresh (as if previous people had slept in it). Curtains have brown splatters on them, floors are dirty, carpets look like they haven't been washed in years. Staff at reception speak indistinctly and do not answer questions directly.

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Carla S - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Carla S
With partner

The views were great, but the rooms were dirty.

We stayed in the Country hotel room, and it was not very clean. There were spiderwebs at the entrance to the room, and the paint they used to cover up plaster was not the same color as the original paint. There was a major difference.

Janine B - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Janine B
Family with teenagers

Rustig, ontspanning vir natuurliefhebbers.

Rustige omgewing en aktiwiteite vir gesin! Die huisie self benodig aandag en opgradering! Nie heeltemal op standaard vir prys wat jy betaal nie!

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Quiet, relaxation for nature lovers.

Quiet environment and activities for family! The cottage itself needs attention and upgrading! Not quite up to standard for price you pay!

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Sarah K - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Sarah K
With partner

Teleurstellend en ongerieflik.

Ons het by Dunkeld aangekom 6 uur na ons vanaf 3 uur kon inboek om 'n ongelooflike vuil kamer te ontvang, die armchairs wat so vuil dat ek toe ek gaan kla het oor die toestand van die kamer gevra het dat dit omgeruil word. Dit was 'n ligte bekleedsel en so vuil dat ek nie eers daarop wou sit nie. Die koffiestasie het nog teevlek gehad van vorige gaste. Die kuns teen die muur was af/weg. Daar was goggas en stof in die vensterbanke. Die mat was definitief baie lanklaas gewas, want die ligblou skirtings was omtrent swart. Die geraamde kennisgweing by die ingangsdeur en die toiletrolhouer in die badkamer was afgehaal en teruggesit maar die gate wat dit in die verf gemaak het is nooit toegeverf nie. Hoe is dit die standaarde vir 'n kamer wat jou amper R2000 'n nag kos. Altwee chandeliers was so vol stof dat die kristalle nie eers meer reflekteer nie, en van die kristalle van die lig bo die bad was afgebreek en sommer net so op die kaggel se bokant neergesit. Na ons dit aangeteken het, het ons nog drie ure van ons kamer prysgeggee tot 6 uur dat hulle 'weer' kan skoonmaak. Dit was ongeloolfik ongerieflik, want ek het 'n meeting gehad met 'n oorsese span wat moes geskied op die laptop 6 uur (en geen beskikbare WiFi in die kamer). So tien voor 6 in, skirtings was steeds swart, hulle het seker maar net die skirting kom afstof en die counter afgevee en twee te groot publieke leerstoele van die reception af, geruil met die vorige vuil armchairs. En 'n lekker klomp Mr Min of iets soortgelyks om in te asem voor die meeting. Ons het dit toe so aanvaar, net om te probeer rus vir die min tyd wat ons oor het (3. 5 dae oor). Die volgende oggend toe ek uit die bad uitklim het grondluise om my voet rondgehardloop en ook dooie goggas op die wit badkamermatjie. Toe ons begin rondkyk sien ons die hele badkamer is oortrek van die grondluise, seker meer as tien afgeneem. Ons het toe terug gegaan na die manager en gesê ons boek uit, voor 10. Hy het gesê hy sal 'n versoek opstuur vir 'n refund. So het ons vier dae Dullstroom-trip toe 'n opgebreekte gemors spul geraak met 'n soektog na ander verblyf die dag voor Kersfees. Ek is glad nie uitgerus nie en redelik ontsteld dat ons R7000 eenkant gehou het vir wat ons gehoop het 'n baie aangename 4 dae sou wees, terug na die lieflike kamer waar ons ons wittebrood gehad het twee jaar terug. Die verwagtinge was kompleet verpletter en mens is met 'n teleurgestelde gevoel in jou hart deur Kersfees. Ons wag vir terugvoering oor ons refund vanaf die manager en sal nie graag die plek vir enige iemand aanbveel nie.

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Disappointing and inconvenient.

We arrived at Dunkeld 6 hours after we were able to check in from 3 to receive an incredibly dirty room, the armchairs so dirty that when I went to complain about the condition of the room I asked for it to be changed. It was a light covering and so dirty I didn't even want to sit on it. The coffee station still had tea stains from previous guests. The art on the wall was off/gone. There were bugs and dust in the windowsills. The carpet had definitely not been washed in a very long time, because the light blue skirtings were almost black. The framed notification sign at the entrance door and the toilet roll holder in the bathroom were taken down and put back but the holes it made in the paint were never painted over. What are the standards for a room that costs you almost R2000 a night. Both chandeliers were so full of dust that the crystals didn't even reflect anymore, and some of the crystals from the light above the bath had been broken off and placed just like that on the top of the fireplace. After recording this, we gave up three more hours of our room until 6 hours for them to clean 'again'. It was incredibly inconvenient, because I had a meeting with an overseas team that had to take place on the laptop for 6 hours (and no available WiFi in the room). About ten before 6 in, skirtings were still black, they probably only dusted the skirting and wiped the counter and two too large public leather chairs from the reception, exchanged with the previous dirty armchairs. And a nice batch of Mr Min or something similar to inhale before the meeting. We then accepted it as such, just to try to rest for the little time we have left (3.5 days left). The next morning when I got out of the bath there were earthworms running around my foot and also dead bugs on the white bathroom mat. When we started to look around we saw that the whole bathroom was covered in bedbugs, probably more than ten taken. We then went back to the manager and said we book out, before 10. He said he would send a request for a refund. So our four day Dullstroom trip became a broken mess with a search for other accommodation the day before Christmas. I am not rested at all and quite upset that we put aside R7000 for what we hoped would be a very pleasant 4 days, back to the lovely room where we had our honeymoon two years ago. The expectations were completely shattered and you go through Christmas with a disappointed feeling in your heart. We are waiting for feedback on our refund from the manager and would not like to recommend the place to anyone.

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Jackie G - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Jackie G
With partner

The rooms smell like smoke.

The rooms had a smoke smell and the guests made noise till early in the morning. We could not sleep in peace.

From R2 020
R2 020 R1 010
per night (sleeps 2)
From R2 020
R2 020 R1 010
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 72 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 16:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 80 Tonteldoos Road, Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate, Dullstroom, 1110, Mpumalanga
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAARa46wMWuMgSEn5pp1luJcGPk3jg6coRelvPtvBZNw7ubstagPP?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R2 020 nowFrom R1 010 per night (sleeps 2) 104 5 1 4 80 Tonteldoos Road Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate 1110 Mpumalanga 021 201 8901 16:00-18:00 10:00 -25.401399222565 30.076891199722

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