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Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Guest House


3.2/ 5

Based on 10 reviews

Value for money
Karien K
1 night stay Individual traveller
May 2024

Toilet broken, WiFi not working, breakfast is the worst I have ever had and noise. Not at all, toilet broken, WiFi not working, breakfast is the worst I have ever had and noisy.

Toilet stukkend, WiFi werk nie, ontbyt is die swakste wat ek nog ooit gehad het en raas. Glad nie, toilet stukkend, WiFi werk nie, ontbyt is die swakste wat ek nog ooit gehad het en raserig.

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Value for money
Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Good day Karien, and thanks for your feedback. We investigated the matter and had our maintenance personnel inspect the toilet. They did not detect any leakages or system malfunctions. Our WiFi is working 100%, and we have informed the technicians to boost its signal strength for our guests' enjoyment and comfort. We sincerely apologise for the noise you experienced that day; we had rugby kids staying with us who were just excited after winning a match. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Goeiedag Karien, en dankie vir jou terugvoer. Ons het die saak ondersoek en ons instandhoudingspersoneel het die toilet laat inspekteer. Hulle het geen lekkasies of stelselfoute opgespoor nie. Ons WiFi werk 100%, en ons het die tegnici ingelig om sy seinsterkte te versterk vir ons gaste se genot en gemak. Ons vra opreg om verskoning vir die geraas wat jy daardie dag ervaar het; ons het rugbykinders by ons gehad wat net opgewonde was nadat hulle 'n wedstryd gewen het. Ons vra opreg om verskoning vir enige ongerief wat veroorsaak word.

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Vuyo B
1 night stay Individual traveller
Jun 2023

Good. She/he needs to renovate the room that I was occupying. The shower area was leaking, water was all over the bathroom floor, thank goodness I did not slip and injure myself.

Value for money

Willie L
Short stay Individual traveller
May 2023

Room served its purpose. Definition of "Executive" deserves attention to avoid expectations. Photos look better than the actual room. My first room's aircom wire was hanging loose and not working. No wardrobe. thought self-catering unit with kitchen now not. No table to update. Upon enquiry, my room was changed - still no wardrobe, but rail to hang clothes. They made an effort to get a table so I could work. My room was not cleaned. On inquiry I was told I had to hand in a key for it because there was only one set of keys. Loadshedding is a problem everywhere. The generator is only switched on in the evenings, so if you stay more days and are there all day, there will be no power and if it is hot, you will wake up sweating. Just think communication is important for no misunderstandings and more effort should be made to proactively communicate about keys, cleaning rooms, guests' comfort and so on. Think the room was expensive for what I received. The streets outside are full of potholes, little parking space. Sometimes you have to honk or shout at the gate because the 24/7 service is not always on its job. It can be confusing.

Kamer het sy doel gedien. Definisie van "Executive" verdien aandag om verwagtinge te vermy. Fotos lyk beter as die werklike kamer. My eerste kamer se aircom draad het los gehang en nie gewerk nie. Geen klerekas. gedink selfsorg eenheid met kombuis toe nou nie. Geen tafel om by te werk nie. By navraag is my kamer geruil - geen klerekas steeds, maar rail om klere te hang. Hulle het moeite gedoen om tafel te kry sodat ek kon werk. My kamer was nis skoongemaak nie. By navraag is gese ek moet sleutel inhandig darvoor omdat daar net een stel sleutels was. Loadshedding is oral 'n probleem. Die generator word net in aande aangeskakel, so as jy meer dae bly en seur die dag daar is, gaan daar nie krag wees nie en as dit warm is, wek jy gaan sweet. Dink net kommunikasie is belangrik vir geen misverstande en meer moeite moet gedoen word om proaktief te kommunikeer or sleutels, kamers skoonmaak, gaste se gerief ensovoorts. Dink die kamer was duur vir wat ek ontvang het. Die strate buite is vol potholes, min parkeer plek. Mens moet soms toeter of skree by die hek omdat die 24/7 diens nie altyd op sy pos is nie. Dit kan sturend wees.

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Value for money
Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Good day We really would like to thank you for the quick response in reviewing us. I believe we really did make sure that we had minimised the 8 hours of loadshedding that we had during that time, our generator runs for a capacity of 8 hours, and the time it went down was when we had to refill it. When our guest is not happy with a room we make very sure that we move the guest to another room. We would also like to apologise for the Kimberley municipality that don't fix the roads, but with your help and review we manage to make a plan to fix the street in front of our guest lodge. We apologise for the inconvenience you had but it helps us to better and up our game. Thank you very much.

Goeie dag Ons wil u regtig bedank vir die vinnige reaksie om ons te hersien. Ek glo ons het regtig seker gemaak dat ons die 8 uur se beurtkrag wat ons gedurende daardie tyd gehad het, tot die minimum beperk het, ons kragopwekker loop vir 'n kapasiteit van 8 uur, en die tyd wat dit afgegaan het, was toe ons dit moes hervul. Wanneer ons gas nie tevrede is met 'n kamer nie maak ons baie seker dat ons die gas na 'n ander kamer skuif. Ons wil ook om verskoning vra vir die Kimberley-munisipaliteit wat nie die paaie regmaak nie, maar met julle hulp en resensie kry ons dit reg om 'n plan te maak om die straat voor ons gastelodge reg te maak. Ons vra om verskoning vir die ongerief wat u gehad het, maar dit help ons om ons spel te verbeter. Baie dankie.

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Limile T
Short stay With partner
Oct 2022

I really enjoyed my stay and it’s a safe place. I will gladly use the place every time I'm in Kimberley. I felt as if I was at my own place. The place is very neat and safe.

Value for money
Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Thank you very much. We hope to see you soon.

Thank you very much. We hope to see you soon.

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Therese R
Short stay With partner
May 2022

Enjoyed the visit very much. Is nice and close to everything.

Het die kuier baie geniet. Is lekker naby aan alles.

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Value for money
Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Thank you very much for the feedback, it only helps us to improve, we hope to see you next time for even better service

Baie Dankie vir die terugvoering dit help ons net omte verbeter, hoop ons sien u volgende keer vir nog n beter diens

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Phil S
1 night stay With friends
Mar 2022

This place looked OK but we were very disappointed when we arrived. The aircon did not work, the portable aircon provided did not work. There was no door handle on the bathroom, no toilet paper or towels were in the room. We found an old meal in the deep freeze. There was no fresh milk or rusks provided. We had to ask three times to get them to lock the entrance gate. The curtains did not fully cover the windows and on rail was broken.

Value for money
Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Thank you very much for the response as it really helped us to improve on our services to our clients, we took the time to install all new air-cons o our rooms with a better model. We have employed the best of staff to facilitate the running of the business to the extreme capabilities. We can now certainly promise that our services had improve since your last visit, we really appreciate the review and hope to see you soon.

Baie dankie vir die reaksie aangesien dit ons regtig gehelp het om ons dienste aan ons kliënte te verbeter, ons het die tyd geneem om alle nuwe lugversorging in ons kamers met 'n beter model te installeer. Ons het die beste personeel in diens geneem om die bestuur van die besigheid tot die uiterste vermoëns te fasiliteer. Ons kan nou beslis belowe dat ons dienste verbeter het sedert jou laaste besoek, ons waardeer die resensie opreg en hoop om jou binnekort te sien.

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Dewet M
Short stay On business
Apr 2022

Not a nice experience. When I arrived, staff didn't know I was coming, so they first wanted to find out if I had paid. There were builders still busy with building work on the site on Saturday afternoon, everyone was talking very loudly, including the office lady. There were many disturbances until late at night which hindered my sleep. I preferred not to spend the last night there and instead drove home a day earlier. I will definitely not visit the guesthouse ever again.

Nie 'n lekker ondervinding gewees nie. By my aankoms het personeel nie geweet ek kom nie, toe wou hulle eers uitvind of ek betaal het. Daar was bouers nog besig met bouwerk op die perseel Saterdagmiddag, almal het baie hard gesels, die kantoordame ingesluit. Daar was baie steurnisse tot laataand wat my slaap belemmer het. Ek het liewers nie die laaste nag daar oornag nie en eerder 'n dag vroeër huistoe gery. Ek sal definitief nie die gestehuis ooit weer besoek nie.

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Value for money
Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Thank you very much for the feedback it only helps to improve our services, we are very sorry for all that you have had to go through, we agree there was unfortunately contraction on site, we were busy improving the place after good service for us customers, a warning has been issued to staff who talked so loudly, we promise that our standards have improved after your last visit, but thank you very much for the feedback, enjoy your day, hope to see each other soon. regards

Baie dankie vir die terugvoering dit help net om ons dienste te verbeter, ons is baie jammer met als wat u moet deur gemaak het, ons stem saam daar was ongellukig kontraksie op site, ons was besig om die plek te verbieter na goeie diens vir ons kliente, n waarskuwing is uitgehandig an perseneel wat so hard gesels het, ons belowe dat ons standarde verbieter het na u laaste besoek, maar baie dankie vir die terugvoering, geniet u dag verder, hoop ons sien mekaar gou. groete

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Gerhard H
Short stay With partner
Oct 2021

Overnight only. Was at hospital during the day.

Slegs oornag. Was bedags by hospitaal.

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Value for money

Christine G
Short stay Individual traveller
Dec 2021

Not a lekke experience. I will definitely not be staying over at Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge. It took around 30 minutes to check in. The facility is still under construction and I am not impressed with the website as I trust them to provide us with pleasant, reliable accommodation. On Christmas morning a tiler began cutting tiles with a grinder. Around 9:00. My car was entirely covered in white dust. I couldn't breathe. Christmas Eve an intoxicated crowd arrived around 00:15. From what I could gather it was a spur of the moment check in. They partied, moved around furniture and later, unfortunately, had loud activities. I did not sleep that night from being afraid. The following morning, around 6am, someone literally stuck his head through my bathroom window while I was using the toilet. I was extremely disappointed and upset with the fact that the pictures are beautiful which lead to the booking, but it ended up as one of my worst accommodation experiences. I found human hair weaved into the bedding. The bedding is suppose to be white, but it was stained all over. The duvet cover wasn't even buttoned at the bottom. The pillows were dirty and stained. There had been 1/2 a roll of toiletpapier in the bathroom. Nothing spare.

Value for money
Kimberley Boutique Guest Lodge

Thank you very much for the review, it is was actually help a business to improve on service delivery, we really apologise for the bad experience you had to go througth on a christmas eve day. We were on construction making the place more beautiful, but the contractor did not have the rigth to work whilst guest were still on site, we really dealt with that issue. We took the time to employ the best of the best employees for the business success and customer service satisfaction. We have also adopted a policy of no noise on the premises after hours. Without your review we won't have been able to know our short comings, but i promise your next stay will be an experience that is memorable, hope to see you soon. Regards

Baie dankie vir die resensie, dit was eintlik om 'n besigheid te help om te verbeter op dienslewering, ons vra regtig om verskoning vir die slegte ervaring wat jy moes deurmaak op 'n Kersaand. Ons was besig met konstruksie wat die plek mooier gemaak het, maar die kontrakteur het nie die reg gehad om te werk terwyl gaste nog op die perseel was nie, ons het regtig daardie kwessie hanteer. Ons het die tyd geneem om die beste van die beste werknemers in diens te neem vir die besigheidsukses en kliëntedienstevredenheid. Ons het ook 'n beleid van geen geraas op die perseel na-ure aanvaar nie. Sonder jou resensie sou ons nie ons tekortkominge kon ken nie, maar ek belowe jou volgende verblyf sal 'n onvergeetlike ervaring wees, hoop om jou binnekort te sien. Groete

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Elene L
1 night stay With partner
Oct 2021

Disappointing When we came in after they knew we were on our way, spoke 3 hours ahead of time. Bedding was not changed, no milk, towels and toilet paper given after we moved in, no soap. Maybe it was just us who forgot them, but it's disappointing for the price. We only stayed 1 night.

Teleurstellend Toe ons inkom nadat hulle geweet het ons is op pad, 3 uur voor die tyd gepraat. Beddegoed was nie omgeruil nie, geen melk, handdoeke en toiletpapier gegee na ons ingetrek het, geen seep. Miskien was dit net ons wat hulle vergeet het, maar dis teleurstellend vir die prys. Ons het net 1 nag oornag.

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Value for money

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Lillian Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 12

On LekkeSlaap 4 years

From R 1 150
per night (sleeps 2)
R 1 150
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 14 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 22:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 18 Bender Street, Hillcrest, Kimberley, 8301, Northern Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA38689ed4954940c9f8d939f7550ae15596ce3bd692c693e23eced1acd0e7539b2f1f5ae87975a20d869af418ffb6c5066199?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 150 per night (sleeps 2) 10 5 1 4 18 Bender Street Hillcrest 8301 Northern Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-22:00 10:00 -28.758540883061 24.738845229149

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