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La Pirogue 1

Self Catering

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Karen Verified

Properties 40

Reviews 568

On LekkeSlaap 10 years

Review Summary

4.4 out of 5from 15 reviews for La Pirogue 1
Value for money
Dana N - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Value for money
Dana N
Family with teenagers

Baie ry.

Die eenheid kort redelike aandag.

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A lot of driving.

The unit needs reasonable attention.

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Maritz V - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Maritz V
Family with teenagers

Dit was 'n plesier om hier te kuier.

Die diens van dag een af was uitstekend met Karin. Sy was op die bol met als. Die woonstel is goed geleë en netjies. Skoonpa het in sy (Cinema) gesit en sy TV geniet. Baie dolfyne en walvis gesien. Vrou was in haar noppies, so ook die kinders. Ons het regtig lekker gekuier. Nogmaals dankie aan Karin. Ek gee haar ook 5 sterre.

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It was a pleasure to visit here.

The service from day one was excellent with Karin. She was on the ball with als. The apartment is well located and tidy. Father-in-law was sitting in his (Cinema) enjoying his TV. Saw lots of dolphins and whales. Wife was in her element, as were the children. We really had a great time. Thanks again to Karin. I also give her 5 stars.

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La Pirogue 1 's response

Goeiemiddag Maritz, baie dankie vir die mooi resensie, ons sien uit daarna dat u weer by ons bespreek. Groete, Karen.

La Pirogue 1
Adel E - Jul 2022
Overall rating
Value for money
Adel E
Family with teenagers

As jy soek vir 'n see uitsig en die gedruis van golwe in jou ore.

Die woonstel is uitstekende ligging. Gemaklik ingerig. Pragtige uitsigte. Ons het baie lekker gebly.

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If you are looking for a sea view and the sound of waves in your ears.

The apartment is excellent location. Comfortably furnished. Beautiful views. We had a very nice stay.

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La Pirogue 1 's response

Baie dankie vir die terug voer. Ons hoop om jou weer te sien binnekort.

La Pirogue 1
Nicolene S - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Value for money
Nicolene S
Family with young children

Ons het die vakansie baie geniet ten spyte van 'n paar teleurstellende goed by La Pirogue 1.

Prop247 se bestuur van La Pirogue 1 is nie effektief nie: Toe ons daar aankom het die blinder in die een kamer afgeval en dit was eers 10 dae later reggemaak. Ons kon vir 10 dae glad nie die derde kamer gebruik nie as gevolg daarvan. Die skoonmaakdienste maak nie die braai skoon soos adverteer nie. Die oond is so vuil dis onbruikbaar. Ons moes self die handdoeke was om die suur reuk uit te kry en die plek kort 'n "fumigation" (daar is baie kakkerlakke). Ons het ook aan Prop247 voorgestel dat daar meer borde en koppies aangeskaf word sodat mens nie na elke maaltyd moet skottelgoed was nie (net 6 koppies en 8 borde is te min). Die parkering is baie knap en moeilik om in/uit te kom veral as iemand in die parkering langsaan is, maar dis doenbaar. La Pirogue 1 het baie potensiaal (al die geriewe wat mens nodig het) en is pragtig geleë, maar moet beter onderhou word, anders sal gaste dit nie kan geniet nie.

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We really enjoyed the holiday despite some disappointing things at La Pirogue 1.

Prop247's management of La Pirogue 1 is not effective: When we arrived the blind fell off in one room and it was not fixed until 10 days later. We couldn't use the third room at all for 10 days because of that. The cleaning services do not clean the braai as advertised. The oven is so dirty it is unusable. We had to wash the towels ourselves to get the sour smell out and the place needs a "fumigation" (there are a lot of cockroaches). We also suggested to Prop247 that more plates and cups be purchased so that one does not have to wash dishes after every meal (only 6 cups and 8 plates are too few). The parking is very tight and difficult to get in/out especially if someone is in the parking next to it, but it is doable. La Pirogue 1 has a lot of potential (all the amenities one needs) and is beautifully located, but needs better maintenance, otherwise guests will not be able to enjoy it.

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Jean V - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Value for money
Jean V
Family with teenagers

Dit was heerlik, alles wat jy nodig het was daar, netjies en skoon.

Parkering by Nr. 1 is 'n bietjie moelik as daar iemand in Nr. 3 ook is maar is moontlik. Is ook nie seker van die alarm gewees nie, die mense wat skoonmaak sit die alarm aan as hulle klaar is en jy weet dan nie dat dit aan is nie.

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It was lovely, everything you need was there, neat and clean.

Parking at No. 1 is a bit difficult if there is someone in Nr. 3 also is but is possible. Wasn't sure about the alarm either, the people who clean put the alarm on when they're done and you don't know it's on.

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Dewald S - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Value for money
Dewald S
Family with teenagers

Vinnige wegbreek, net wat ons gesoek het.

As ek moet kla oor iets, dan is dit die kombuis wat werk kort. Die skottelgoed lappe het nie lekker geruik nie, ons kon dit nie gebruik nie. Ons moes van die potte en panne eers was voor ons dit kon gebruik. Die een pot was vreeslik vuil aan die buite kant. Die gasbraaier is geroes onder en om dit rond te skuif is nogal moeilik. Die parkering is 'n problem, veral as jy 'n groot voertuig het soos ons. Wonderlike uitsig vanaf die stoep, net wat ek gesoek het.

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Quick getaway, just what we were looking for.

If I have to complain about something, it's the kitchen that lacks work. The dish cloths did not smell good, we could not use them. We had to wash some of the pots and pans before we could use them. One pot was terribly dirty on the outside. The gas grill is rusted underneath and moving it around is quite difficult. The parking is a problem, especially if you have a large vehicle like us. Amazing view from the porch, just what I was looking for.

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Anri S - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Value for money
Anri S

Baie lekker.

Baie mooi plek. Meubels kan dalk vervang word vir die prys wat mens betaal.

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Very nice.

Very nice place. Furniture may be replaced for the price one pays.

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Taryn E - May 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Taryn E
With partner

Baie lekker vakansie by die see.

Ons het ons kort rukkie by die see geniet. Die huis is pragtig geleë en reg by die strand. Die uitsig is asemrowend en het elke oggend die sonsopkoms geniet.

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Lovely vacation at the beach.

We enjoyed our time at the beach. The house has a beautiful location right next to the beach. The view is breathtaking and we enjoyed the sunrise every morning.

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La Pirogue 1 's response

Baie bly julle het dit geniet! Julle is altyd weer welkom.

La Pirogue 1
Justin L - Oct 2018
Overall rating
Value for money
Justin L
Family with young children

Super tops akkommodasie met die see op jou voorstoep.

Ons verblyf by La Pirogue 1 was uit die boonste rakke. Die eenheid is asemrowend en het ons wildste verwagting oortref. Alles was skoon en gerieflik en die ruim leefarea en balkonne maak ontspan en rustige kuier moontlik. Die kinders kon op die gras en in die swembad baljaar. Ek kan die eenheid met oorgawe aanbeveel en sal beslis waar 'n bespreking maak.

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Super top accommodation with the sea on your doorstep.

Our stay at La Pirogue 1 was top notch. The unit is stunning and exceeded our wildest expectations. Everything was clean and comfortable and the spacious living area and balconies make relaxing and peaceful visits possible. The children could frolic on the grass and in the pool. I can wholeheartedly recommend the unit and will definitely make a reservation.

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La Pirogue 1 's response

Baie dankie vir die mooi woorde, Madelein. Ek is baie bly julle het die ruskans geniet.

La Pirogue 1
Sera B - Aug 2016
Overall rating
Value for money
Sera B
With friends

Pragtige plek, wonderlike uitsig, goed toegerus!

Ons het 'n heerlike naweek geniet. Die eenheid is goed geleë, toegerus met alles wat jy nodig het en die uitsig is ongelooflik. Ons het op die stoep gesit en eet terwyl die dolfyne voor ons in die see speel. Die strand is net oorkant die pad en die swemstrand binne loopafstand. Parkering is bietjie knap en ons moes baie versigtig met ons SUV parkeer.

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Beautiful place, great view, well equipped!

We enjoyed a lovely weekend. The unit is well located, equipped with everything you need and the view is amazing. We sat on the veranda and ate while the dolphins played in the sea in front of us. The beach is just across the road and the swimming beach within walking distance. Parking is a bit tricky and we had to park our SUV very carefully.

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La Pirogue 1 's response

Hallo Sera

Baie dankie - ons is bly julle het dit geniet!

La Pirogue 1
Annelien N - Apr 2016
Overall rating
Value for money
Annelien N
Family with young children

Ons het heerlik gebly - die uitsig is fantasties en die woonstel was netjies.

Ons het ons vakansie baie geniet. La Pirogue 1 het n fantasties uitsig en ons het meeste van ons tyd op die balkon spandeer. Die beddens slaap lekker en die woonstel is skoon en netjies. Die winkels is net 12 km ver en die strand is net oorkant die pad. Die woonstel se trappe is bietjie styl - so nie geskik vir iemand wat swaar loop nie. Ons sal definitief weer daar gaan bly!

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We had a wonderful stay - the view is fantastic and the apartment was tidy.

We really enjoyed our holiday. La Pirogue 1 has a fantastic view and we spent most of our time on the balcony. The beds sleep well and the apartment is clean and tidy. The shops are only 12 km away and the beach is just across the road. The apartment's stairs are a bit rickety - so not suitable for someone with heavy walking. We will definitely stay there again!

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Yvette M - Apr 2015
Overall rating
Value for money
Yvette M
With friends

Netjies en skoon met lieflike uitsigte

La Pirogue No 1 is 'n groot, oop eenheid met goeie beligging en baie vensters om die uitsigte te beskou. Ons het heerlik gebly in die veilige eenheid met alle geriewe wat mens moontlik nodig kan he. Die leefarea is bo en die slaapkamers en badkamers wat onder is maak dit n heerlike plek indien sekere gaste wil slaap en die ander verder wil kuier. Die tuin was ook heerlik vir die kinders om bietjie te kan speel terwyl ons gebraai het. Ek sou dit nie aanbeveel vir ouer mense met die trappe nie. Die eenheid is modern en baie gemaklik. In die oggende kon ons dolfyne sien speel in die golwe wat 'n wonderlike ervaring was. Die strand is loopafstand weg, en die swemstrand nie veel verder nie (ons het die stappie geniet).

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Neat and clean with lovely views

La Pirogue No 1 is a large, open unit with a good location and lots of windows to take in the views. We had a wonderful stay in the safe unit with all the amenities one could possibly need. The living area is upstairs and the bedrooms and bathrooms downstairs make it a lovely place if certain guests want to sleep and the others want to hang out. The garden was also lovely for the children to play while we barbecued. I wouldn't recommend it for older people with the stairs. The unit is modern and very comfortable. In the mornings we could see dolphins playing in the waves which was a wonderful experience. The beach is walking distance away, and the swimming beach not much further (we enjoyed the walk).

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Elmarie M - Oct 2015
Overall rating
Value for money
Elmarie M
With friends

Pragtige uitsig! Woonstel kort net baie aandag ...

Die woonstel is baie goed geleë met 'n fantastiese uitsig oor die see. Het dolfyne en walvisse gesien vanaf die balkon. Die woonstel self het dringend opknapping en 'n goeie skoonmaak nodig! Handdoeke papierdun en is in 5 dae nie een maal vervang nie. Daar is ook baie steil trappe wat na die slaapkamers lei - nie geskik vir ouer persone of mense met klein kinders nie - 'n feit wat glad nie genoem is nie. Woonstel glad nie so keurig soos op foto's nie.

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Beautiful view! Apartment just needs a lot of attention...

The apartment is very well located with a fantastic view of the sea. Saw dolphins and whales from the balcony. The apartment itself is in urgent need of renovation and a good cleaning! Towels paper thin and were not replaced once in 5 days. There are also very steep stairs leading to the bedrooms - not suitable for the elderly or people with small children - a fact that was not mentioned at all. Apartment not at all as neat as in photos.

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Marlene V - Aug 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
Marlene V
Family with young children

Fantastiese uitkyk of die see, veilig, en naby alle geriewe.

Wonderlike verblyf, naby aan geriewe, veilig en 'n fantastiese uitkyk! Plekkie kort dalk net die gebruik van dstv of 'n werkende dvd masjien vir absoluut verveelde kinders op baie koue en reenige dae.

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Fantastic view or the sea, safe, and close to all amenities.

Wonderful accommodation, close to amenities, safe and a fantastic view! Plekkie may just need the use of dstv or a working DVD machine for absolutely bored children on very cold and rainy days.

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Molly M - Nov 2014
Overall rating
Value for money
Molly M
With friends


Die woonstel het werklik 'n pragtige uitsig op die see. Ek sal glad nie aanbeveel dat iemand wat swaar loop dit oorweeg nie aangesien dit nogal 'n redelike styl oprit van die straat na die woonstel kompleks is indien jy strand toe wil loop en nie elke keer 'n voertuig gebruik om strand toe te gaan nie. Die woonstel self het ook 'n hele paar trappies (ek dink so min of meer 12 as ek reg onthou) wat van die onderste vlak waar die slaapkamers is na die leefarea en kombuis toe gaan wat ons gevind het nie vir die ouer persoon wat saam met ons was geskik was nie.

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The apartment has a really beautiful view of the sea. I would not at all recommend that someone with heavy walking consider this as it is quite a reasonable style ramp from the street to the apartment complex if you want to walk to the beach and not use a vehicle every time to go to the beach. The apartment itself also has quite a few steps (I think about 12 if I remember correctly) that go from the lower level where the bedrooms are to the living area and kitchen which we found not for the older person staying with with us was suitable was not.

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From R1 792
R1 792 R1 523
per night (sleeps 6)
From R1 792
R1 792 R1 523
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: North Beach Road 53, Westbrook, 0001, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA9d4bf1f8773344151deeb30941e9374a750020d21b72858d58a800cc188bbd2f8d75c3fdc624633799f6a4052d3982beb755?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 792 nowFrom R1 523 per night (sleeps 6) 15 5 1 5 North Beach Road 53 Westbrook 0001 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -29.586881 31.17373

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