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La Vue Parfaite

Self Catering


4.7/ 5

Based on 9 reviews


Value for money
Robertha T
Short stay With friends
Jan 2024

My stay was awesome so is Lucy the owner. My stay was exactly what I hoped for and I enjoyed the place very much.

Value for money
La Vue Parfaite

Thank you, Robertha, for your honest review. I look forward to hosting you again in the near future.

Dankie, Robertha, vir jou eerlike resensie. Ek sien uit daarna om jou weer in die nabye toekoms te huisves.

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Martin B
Short stay Large group
Mar 2023

Great location, lots of space and well equipped with amazing views. The house is ideal for a large group because the lots of space and lots of bathrooms. The house is well equipped with all equipment for cooking and barbecuing. The large verandas and various braai places can be used in all weather conditions. The view is simply breathtaking.

Puik ligging, baie spasie en goed toegerus met ongelooflike uitsigte. Die huis is ideaal vir 'n groot groep a.g.v. die baie spasie en baie badkamers. Die huis is puik toegerus met alle toerusting om kos te maak en te braai. Die groot stoepe en verskeie braaiplekke kan in alle weersomstandighede gebruik word. Die uitsig is eenvoudig asemrowend.

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Value for money
La Vue Parfaite

Thank you, Martin, for your valuable review. It is greatly appreciated. It was a pleasure to host you and your family so you could all celebrate your mother's birthday. These are special moments when families can get together. I wish you and your wife well with your new adventure in Belgium. Good luck and take care. Kind regards, Lucy

Dankie, Martin, vir jou waardevolle resensie. Dit word baie waardeer. Dit was 'n plesier om jou en jou gesin te huisves sodat julle almal jou ma se verjaarsdag kon vier. Dit is spesiale oomblikke wanneer gesinne bymekaar kan kom. Ek wens jou en jou vrou sterkte toe met julle nuwe avontuur in België. Sterkte en pas op. Vriendelike groete, Lucy

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Carla V
Short stay With friends
Apr 2021

A fantastic, but way too short, stay! We stayed for five days at La Vue Parfaite. As soon as we arrived we had the friendliest greeting from the owner Lucy. From there things only escalated. The accommodation is situated in a fantastic area, the house is out of this world and the view a must-see. It was a break that will be spoken about for a long time. Thank you, and yes, we will definitely be back.

Value for money
La Vue Parfaite

Thank you Carla for your heart-warming review. It was an absolute pleasure hosting you all and I am thrilled that you, your family, and your friends all got to enjoy the well-deserved break. I certainly look forward to seeing you all again to repeat your experience. Wishing you the best for 2021 and to all take care. Kind regards Lucy

Dankie Carla vir jou hartroerende resensie. Dit was 'n absolute plesier om julle almal te huisves en ek is verheug dat jy, jou familie en jou vriende almal die welverdiende blaaskans geniet het. Ek sien beslis daarna uit om julle almal weer te sien om julle ervaring te herhaal. Wens julle die beste toe vir 2021 en sorg vir almal. Vriendelike groete Lucy

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Gillian D
Short stay Family with young children
Jun 2021

Okay We had a great weekend at La Vue Parfaite. Lucy is a great host. The house is huge and perfect for the number of guests we hosted. The views from any angle of the house are nothing like I’ve seen, it was picture perfect and different at any time of the day. We loved that all the bedrooms featured an en-suite. In terms of value for money, we felt that improvements are necessary since the house is listed as a Villa and we expected high quality in these areas for the price. 1. The solar heated geysers definitely weren’t effective, the water was lukewarm most of the time, those geysers didn’t have the capacity for 10 people. 2. The kitchen utensils e.g., pots, pans, cookware, dishcloths, and coffee mugs were not up to standard. They were either broken, chipped, or dirty. 3. The sewer system was totally blocked on the last day. 4. The family room indicated a TV upstairs. This TV was not available 5. The towels provided were hard and old. 6. The bedding needs an update If these items improve, we will return.

Value for money
La Vue Parfaite

Happy to hear I was a good host to you and your family. Although I am sorry you felt you did not get good value for your money. With regards to the solar geyser, it does work very well and is connected to 2 geysers which are sufficient for a full house. I think most likely the settings had been changed. I was happy to come up to the villa and check it for you, however, you had told me it was not necessary. Unfortunately, I have had to deal with a lot of breakages as well as petty theft since I have opened my home as a guest house. Not everyone is honest enough to tell me that items have been broken or taken by mistake until they have long gone and I cannot get any compensation. It has been a constant struggle this year to keep afloat and considering last year I was closed for over 10 months. The TV upstairs got broken and I have been unable to replace it, I will remove it from the description if it is still there so apologies for that. The pump for the grey water to the back bathroom (not sewage) is in need of repair but can be done manually. My apologies I did not tell you about that but generally when a family stays for just 2 nights the water in the pump does not get very high unless a lot of water is used. It was unfortunate you did not point these out to me when you checked out as I asked if everything was ok and twice you told me all was good. I have taken note of your constructive criticism in your review and I will do my best to amend for future guests. Thank you.

Bly om te hoor ek was 'n goeie gasheer vir jou en jou gesin. Alhoewel ek jammer is dat jy gevoel het jy kry nie goeie waarde vir jou geld nie. Met betrekking tot die sonkrag geiser, dit werk baie goed en is gekoppel aan 2 geisers wat voldoende is vir 'n vol huis. Ek dink heel waarskynlik is die instellings verander. Ek was bly om na die villa te kom en dit vir jou na te gaan, maar jy het vir my gesê dit is nie nodig nie. Ongelukkig moes ek baie breekskade sowel as klein diefstal hanteer sedert ek my huis as gastehuis oopgemaak het. Nie almal is eerlik genoeg om vir my te sê dat items gebreek of per abuis geneem is totdat dit lankal weg is en ek geen vergoeding kan kry nie. Dit was 'n konstante stryd hierdie jaar om kop bo water te hou en in ag genome verlede jaar was ek vir meer as 10 maande gesluit. Die TV bo het stukkend geraak en ek kon dit nie vervang nie, ek sal dit van die beskrywing verwyder as dit nog daar is so ekskuus daarvoor. Die pomp vir die gryswater na die agterste badkamer (nie riool nie) moet herstel word, maar kan met die hand gedoen word. My verskoning, ek het jou nie daarvan vertel nie, maar as 'n gesin vir net 2 nagte bly, word die water in die pomp nie baie hoog nie, tensy baie water gebruik word. Dit was jammer dat jy dit nie aan my uitgewys het toe jy uitgeboek het nie, want ek het gevra of alles in orde is en jy twee keer vir my gesê het alles is goed. Ek het kennis geneem van jou konstruktiewe kritiek in jou resensie en ek sal my bes doen om dit vir toekomstige gaste reg te stel. Dankie.

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Ruan V
Short stay With friends
Mar 2019

La Vue Parfaite has excellent views of Gordon's Bay and the house is very spacious. La Vue Parfaite has excellent views of Gordon's Bay and beyond. The house is very spacious and the kitchen is well-equipped. The outdoor entertainment area and pool is the perfect place to spend the day. Thank you to Anthony who was a great host.

Value for money

Pierre D
Short stay Family with teenagers
Mar 2019

If there is a better view than this in Gordons Bay I will eat my hat. There couldn't be a better view. Spacious, complete home with everything and more! This is a large, spacious, complete dream house with many rooms and bathrooms fully equipped with everything and more than you can find at home, including large TV, HiFi, DStv, WiFi, fridge with ice maker, living room, porch, barbecue area, swimming pool and a view over 180 degrees of Gordons Bay and surrounding areas as well as the whole of False Bay. In the evening you can easily see across to False Bay and as far as your eyes allow you. It's not every day that you get a chance to live in another person's dream home. The owner is friendly and not full of too much wire work. There is a permanent resident ginger cat and she is very loving. Wood is provided. There can be 10 to 14 people. Some stairs so the house is not wheelchair friendly! The owner no longer lives there himself so there are small things that are not perfect: Carpets and sofas not perfectly clean. Upper part of house not up to the same classy standard as downstairs (curtains and bedding could improve). Midday sun can be a bit harsh on the stoep, so rather grill for breakfast or brunch and then again at sunset. Can't really barbecue while it's raining, the lapa only has a thatched roof. We would have liked to stay much longer than two days if we could. Bargain for what you get! The view alone is worth the money!

As daar 'n beter uitsig as hierdie in Gordonsbaai is sal ek my hoed opeet. Daar kan nie 'n beter uitsig wees nie. Ruim, volledige huis met alles en nog wat! Hierdie is 'n groot, ruim, volledige droomhuis met baie kamers en badkamers volledig toegerus met alles en meer as wat jy by jou huis kan vind, ingesluit groot TV, HiFi, DStv, WiFi, yskas met ysmaker, sitkamer, stoep, braaiplek, swembad en 'n uitsig meer as 180 grade van Gordonsbaai en omliggende areas sowel as die hele Valsbaai. In die aand kan jy liggies sien tot oorkant Valsbaai en so ver as wat jou oë jou toelaat. Mens kry nie aldag kans om in 'n ander persoon se droomhuis tuis te gaan nie. Die eienaar is vriendelik en nie vol te veel draadwerk nie. Daar is 'n gemmerkat wat permanent inwoon en sy is baie liefdevol. Hout word voorsien. Daar kan 10 tot 14 mense tuisgaan. Bietjie trappe so die huis is nie rolstoelvriendelik nie! Die eienaar woon nie meer self daar nie so daar is klein dingetjies wat nie perfek is nie: Matte en banke nie perfek skoon nie. Boonste deel van huis nie op dieselfde deftige standaard as onder nie (gordyne en beddegoed kan verbeter). Middagson kan bietjie erg wees op die stoep, so braai liewer vir ontbyt of brunch en dan weer teen sononder. Kan nie regtig braai terwyl dit reën nie, die lapa het net 'n rietdak. Ons sou baie langer as twee dae wou bly as ons kon. Bargain vir wat jy alles kry! Die uitsig alleen is die geld werd!

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Value for money

Leon V
Short stay Family with young children
Oct 2018

Very peaceful with a breathtaking view of the bay. Very nice house with a very nice view of the bay. We had a great time relaxing and were able to enjoy the pool and cool off on the hot days. There is plenty of space for large families. Fully equipped with everything you need. Little attention can be given to the cleanliness of the place. We will definitely go again.

Baie rustig met 'n asemrowende uitsig oor die baai. Baie mooi huis met n baie mooi uitsig oor die baai. Ons het baie lekker ontspan en kon die swembad geniet en afkoel op die warm dae. Daar is baie spasie vir groot families. Tenvolle toegerus met alles wat jy nodig het. Bietjie aandag kan geskenk word aan die netheid van die plek. Ons sal definitief weer gaan.

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Value for money

Sionaid L
Short stay Family with young children
Mar 2018

Awesome host. Superb location and home. We absolutely loved it. Great stay. We really enjoyed our weekend and your service was excellent. I would only recommend that hot water be sorted. Everything else was perfect.

Fantastiese gasheer, puik ligging en dit was net lekker. Heerlik gebly. Dit was 'n lekker naweek en die diens was uitstekend. Ek sal net aanbeveel dat die warm water uitgesorteer word. Alles anders was perfek.

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Value for money
La Vue Parfaite

Thank you, Sionaid it was a pleasure hosting you and your lovely family. Water is sorted we are in the process of installing an extra geyser, I think the water on a partially cloudy day influenced the water heater when normally the solar panels would have coped. Regards Anthony

Dankie, Sionaid dit was 'n plesier om jou en jou lieflike gesin te huisves. Water is gesorteer ons is besig om 'n ekstra geiser te installeer, ek dink die water op 'n gedeeltelik bewolkte dag het die waterverwarmer beïnvloed terwyl die sonpanele normaalweg sou klaarkom. Groete Anthony

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Joseph Francois O
Short stay Family with young children
Apr 2017

Breathtaking! 5 star accommodation at a reasonable rate. Fully equipped house with a nice view over Valsbaai, Gordonsbaai and the Strand. Value for money in a safe environment.

Asemrowend! 5-ster-verblyf teen 'n billike tarief. Volledig toegeruste huis met 'n mooi uitsig oor Valsbaai, Gordonsbaai en die Strand. Waarde vir geld in 'n veilige omgewing.

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Value for money

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Lucy Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 9

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R11 000
per night, for 16 ppl
R11 000
per night, for 16 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 16 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 4 Rhus Street, Gordons Bay, 7150, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDlmYzU4YTY5LTdmYTEtNGQ4Ny04M2E0LTNiYzYxNTRmYTc1Zg?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R11 000 per night, for 16 ppl 9 5 1 5 4 Rhus Street Gordons Bay 7150 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -34.160182 18.879869

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