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Successfully reported

Marlo Huis

Self Catering


4/ 5

Based on 7 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Ashleigh S
Short stay With partner
Jan 2025

Our stay was better than expected. It was the perfect place for a getaway. Definitely worth the money. Would go back there anytime.

Value for money

Ilorna V
Short stay Family with young children
Jan 2025

Satisfying, peaceful, comfortable. It was very nice. Privacy was respected. Hosts were friendly and helpful. There were treats which were a surprise. My child enjoyed the sweets.

Value for money

Johan F
Short stay On business
Oct 2024

Very nice visit in a strange place, thank you very much! Very nice stay. Will visit again anytime. Everything was to a good standard, thank you!

Baie lekker kuier in 'n vreemde plek, baie dankie! Baie lekker gebly. Sal enige tyd weer besoek. Alles was op goeie standaard, dankie!

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Value for money

Desmond W
Short stay With partner
Feb 2025

Cosy, clean and comfortable. Very comfortable. Definitely needs a larger fan, especially in the summer months.

Value for money

Timothy H
Long stay With friends
Dec 2024

Friendly hosts, minimal issues, clean, good WiFi. Location was clean, few issues occurred during my stay and were resolved quickly. Great hosts, extremely friendly.

Value for money

Jeneane P
Short stay With friends
Dec 2024

It's a nice place but needs a little attention. We had to wait an hour to be seated. The host was not in town and had to arrange with someone else. The outside area was incredibly untidy. The outside bin was full. The braai was unusable. The shower in the bathroom would not start the gas geyser.

Dis 'n mooi plekkie maar kort 'n bietjie aandag. Ons moes 'n uur wag om te word. Die gasheer was nie in die dorp nie en moes met iemand anders reel. Die buite area was ongelooflik onnet. Die buite asblik was propvol. Die braaier was ongebruikbaar. Die stort in die badkamer start nie die gas geyser nie.

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Value for money
Louisa & Martin
Marlo Huis

Thank you very much for your feedback. We truly appreciate your input and are sorry that your experience did not meet your expectations. We strive to make every guest's stay as pleasant and hassle-free as possible, and it is clear that we fell short in this instance. I would like to address the issues you mentioned and provide more context. 1. Check-in process: We apologize for the inconvenience that occurred during your check-in process. We understand how frustrating it must have been to wait. We will communicate better in the future and accommodate arrivals as quickly as possible. 2. Cleanliness of the outdoor area: The strong south-easterly winds in Cape Town, especially in Gordon's Bay, can quickly litter the outdoor area with leaves and dust, even after our cleaning team was there recently. However, we recognize that this is not an excuse, and we will consider more frequent inspections to better address this issue. 3. Cleaning of the braai: We apologize that the braai was not clean. Although you indicated that it would not be used, we should have still made sure that it was in a clean and usable condition. This negligence is unacceptable, and we will address this with our cleaning team to ensure that it does not happen again. 4. Hot water issue: We apologize for the issue with the gas geyser. Upon investigation, we found that you had turned off the “pilot” flame. We always include a manual in the apartment to assist with such issues, but we understand that this may not always be convenient or intuitive. Going forward, we will provide clearer instructions. 5. Trash can: We apologize for the full outdoor trash can. Due to circumstances beyond our control with the previous tenant, the trash can could not be placed out in a timely manner for removal. We are currently working on a plan to ensure that this does not happen again. We appreciate your patience and understanding and are committed to learning from this experience. Your feedback helps us improve our processes so that future guests have a better experience. If there is anything we can do to further improve the situation, please feel free to contact us. Thank you again for bringing these issues to our attention, and we hope to welcome you back in the future.

Baie dankie vir u terugvoer. Ons waardeer u insette opreg en is jammer dat u ervaring nie aan u verwagtinge voldoen het nie. Ons streef daarna om elke gas se verblyf so aangenaam en probleemvry as moontlik te maak, en dit is duidelik dat ons in hierdie geval tekortgekom het. Ek wil graag die kwessies wat u genoem het aanspreek en meer konteks verskaf. 1. Inklok proses: Ons vra omverskoning vir die ongerief wat tydens u inklok proses ontstaan het. Ons verstaan hoe frustrerend dit moes wees om te wag. Ons sal in die toekoms beter kommunikeer en aankomste so spoedig moontlik te akkommodeer. 2. Netheid van die buite-area: Die sterk suid-ooster wind in Kaapstad, veral in Gordonsbaai, kan die buite-area vinnig bemors met blare en stof, selfs nadat ons skoonmaakspan onlangs daar was. Ons erken egter dat dit nie 'n verskoning is nie, en ons sal egter meer gereelde inspeksies oorweeg om hierdie probleem beter te hanteer. 3. Skoonmaak van die braaier: Ons is jammer dat die braaier nie skoon was nie. Alhoewel u aangedui het dat dit nie gebruik sou word nie, moes ons steeds seker gemaak het dat dit in 'n skoon en bruikbare toestand was. Hierdie nalatigheid is onaanvaarbaar, en ons sal dit met ons skoonmaakspan aanspreek om te verseker dat dit nie weer gebeur nie. 4. Warmwater probleem: Ons is jammer oor die probleem met die gasgeiser. Na ondersoek het ons gevind dat u die “pilot”-vlam afgeskakel was. Ons sluit altyd 'n handleiding in die woonstel in om met sulke kwessies te help, maar ons verstaan dat dit nie altyd gerieflik of intuïtief mag wees nie. Voortaan sal ons duideliker instruksies verskaf. 5. Vullisblik: Ons vra omverskoning oor die vol buite asblik. Weens omstandighede buite ons beheer met die vorige huurder, kon die asblik nie betyds uitgeplaas word vir verwydering nie. Ons werk tans aan 'n plan om te verseker dat dit nie weer gebeur nie. Ons waardeer u geduld en begrip en is toegewyd om uit hierdie ervaring te leer. U terugvoer help ons om ons prosesse te verbeter sodat toekomstige gaste 'n beter ervaring kan hê. Indien daar iets is wat ons verder kan doen om die situasie reg te stel, kontak ons asb. gerus. Nogmaals dankie dat u hierdie kwessies onder ons aandag gebring het, en ons hoop dat ons u in die toekoms weer kan verwelkom.

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Amanda S
Short stay With friends
Dec 2024

Will not book there again. Had a reasonable stay, but it's too small for 3 people. It's good for an overnight stay only. The place is old and not well maintained. The trash can right at the entrance was left and not even emptied. The ladder to the upper sleeping area is inconvenient and unstable. Not a good guesthouse, no preparation was done for our arrival. The porch area is dirty and not cleaned, and there is not enough seating available either. It's just a 2-seater sofa and an office chair. Owners were not available upon arrival; they were on vacation. The person who helped us looks after the house for them.

Sal nie weer daar bespreek nie. Het redelik gebly, maar dit is te klein vir 3 mense. Dis goed vir 'n oornagverblyf alleenlik. Die plekkie is oud en word nie goed instandgehou nie. Die asblik reg by die ingang is gelos en nie eers leeggemaak nie. Die leer na die boonste slaapplek is ongerieflik en onstabiel. Nie 'n goeie gastehuis nie, daar is nie voorbereiding gedoen vir ons aankoms nie. Die stoeparea is vuil en nie skoon gemaak nie, en daar is ook nie genoeg sitplek beskikbaar nie. Dis net 'n 2-sitplekbank en 'n kantoorstoel. Eienaars was nie beskikbaar by aankoms nie; hulle was met vakansie. Die persoon wat ons gehelp het, pas die huis op vir hulle.

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Value for money
Louisa & Martin
Marlo Huis

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your honesty and take all comments very seriously as we strive to make our stay as enjoyable as possible for all guests. I would like to respond to the issues you mentioned and provide more context: 1. Check-in Process: We apologize that we were not personally available to welcome you upon your arrival. We were indeed on vacation, but we had designated a trusted person to assist with your check-in process and stay. We understand how frustrating it must have been to wait. Unfortunately, your early arrival caught us off guard, and we were not available in time to receive you. We will ensure that our communications and arrangements are communicated more clearly to guests. 2. Size of the property: Our website features clear photos and a full description of the size and layout of the property. We apologize if there was any misunderstanding about what to expect. 3. Cleanliness of the veranda and outside area: The strong south-easterly winds in Cape Town, especially in Gordon's Bay, can quickly litter the outside area with leaves and dust, even after our cleaning team has been there recently. However, we acknowledge that this is not an excuse, and we will consider more frequent inspections to better address this issue. 4. Seating: We are sorry that the available seating in the apartment did not feel adequate to you. There are 6 folding chairs available outside that can easily be used inside. We will ensure that future guests are aware of this option. 5. Trash can: The trash can referred to belongs to the neighbors and is beyond our control. We apologize for any confusion and will try to avoid similar misunderstandings in the future. 6. General maintenance: The apartment was painted in March 2024 and fitted with new cupboards and equipment. We are constantly working to maintain the premises well. However, we would be happy to consider any specific suggestions for improvements and thank you for your feedback. 7. Cleanliness of the outdoor area: The strong south-easterly winds in Cape Town, especially in Gordon's Bay, can quickly litter the outdoor area with leaves and dust, even after our cleaning team has been there recently. However, we acknowledge that this is not an excuse, and we will consider more frequent inspections to better address this issue. We are sorry that your stay did not meet your expectations. We will use your comments to improve our service and further refine our hospitality. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us directly. We hope to welcome you back in the future and provide you with an improved experience.

Dankie vir u terugvoer. Ons waardeer u eerlikheid en neem alle opmerkings baie ernstig op, aangesien ons ons verblyf vir alle gaste so aangenaam as moontlik wil maak. Ek wil graag op die kwessies wat u genoem het, reageer en meer konteks verskaf: 1. Inklokproses: Ons vra omverskoning dat ons nie persoonlik beskikbaar was om u by u aankoms te verwelkom nie. Ons was inderdaad met vakansie, maar het 'n vertroude persoon aangewys om u inklokproses en verblyf te ondersteun. Ons verstaan hoe frustrerend dit moes wees om te wag. Ongelukkig het u vroeë aankoms ons onkant gevang, en ons was nie betyds beskikbaar om u te ontvang nie. Ons sal verseker dat ons kommunikasie en reëlings duideliker aan gaste gekommunikeer word. 2. Grootte van die woning: Ons webwerf bevat duidelike foto's en 'n volledige beskrywing van die grootte en uitleg van die plek. Ons is jammer as daar enige misverstand was oor wat verwag kon word. 3. Netheid van die stoep en buite-area: Die sterk suid-ooster wind in Kaapstad, veral in Gordonsbaai, kan die buite-area vinnig bemors met blare en stof, selfs nadat ons skoonmaakspan onlangs daar was. Ons erken egter dat dit nie 'n verskoning is nie, en ons sal egter meer gereelde inspeksies oorweeg om hierdie probleem beter te hanteer. 4. Sittoerusting: Ons is jammer dat die beskikbare sitplek in die woonstel nie voldoende vir u gevoel het nie. Daar is buite 6 opvoustoele beskikbaar wat maklik binne gebruik kan word. Ons sal seker maak dat toekomstige gaste bewus is van hierdie opsie. 5. Vullisblik: Die asblik waarna verwys is, behoort aan die bure en is buite ons beheer. Ons vra omverskoning vir enige verwarring en sal in die toekoms probeer om soortgelyke misverstande te voorkom. 6. Algemene instandhouding: Die woonstel is in Maart 2024 geverf en toegerus met nuwe kaste en toerusting. Ons werk voortdurend daaraan om die perseel goed in stand te hou. Ons sal egter graag enige spesifieke voorstelle oor verbeteringe oorweeg en bedank u vir u terugvoer. 7. Netheid van die buite-area: Die sterk suid-ooster wind in Kaapstad, veral in Gordonsbaai, kan die buite-area vinnig bemors met blare en stof, selfs nadat ons skoonmaakspan onlangs daar was. Ons erken egter dat dit nie 'n verskoning is nie, en ons sal egter meer gereelde inspeksies oorweeg om hierdie probleem beter te hanteer. Ons is jammer dat u verblyf nie aan u verwagtinge voldoen het nie. Ons sal u opmerkings gebruik om ons diens te verbeter en ons gasvryheid verder te verfyn. Indien daar enige verdere vrae of bekommernisse is, is u welkom om ons direk te kontak. Ons hoop om u in die toekoms weer te kan verwelkom en u 'n verbeterde ervaring te bied.

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Louisa & Martin New to LekkeSlaap!

Properties 1

Reviews 7

On LekkeSlaap 7 months

From R 800
per night (sleeps 3)
R 800
per night (sleeps 3)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 3 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 46 Somerset Road, Gordon's Bay, 7151, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa1c0f86f2988567fc5419767e61305bd2630deaa690aef6e72f86a2e132916c01d933e07b61a4ad753bf95f86373dafdd3d7?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R800 per night (sleeps 3) 7 5 1 4 46 Somerset Road Gordon's Bay 7151 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -34.152482122022 18.869058422719

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