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Perna 2

Self Catering


4.7/ 5

Based on 3 reviews


Value for money
Gerhardt P
Short stay With partner
Aug 2024

Very nice Very nice. Comfortable.

Baie nice. Baie lekker. Gemaklik.

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Value for money

Ewald V
Short stay Family with young children
May 2024

Fantastic. We had a wonderful stay and the unit was really clean and tidy. Will use the unit again anytime.

Fantasties. Ons het heerlik gebly en die eenheid is werklik baie skoon en netjies gewees. Sal enigetyd weer die eenheid gebruik.

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Value for money

John D
Long stay Large group
Dec 2024

Not such a good experience. The entire lawn in front of the unit was full of stumps, beer caps and old meat when we got there. The fridge didn't work for 3 days and we lost all our food in it. The power went out for no reason. The WiFi also didn't work at all.

Nie so goeie experience. Die hele grasperk voor die eenheid was vol stompies, bierdoppies en ou vleis toe ons daar aankom. Die yskas het vir 3 dae nie gewerk nie en ons het al ons kos daarin verloor. Die krag het af gegaan sonder enige rede. Die WiFi het ook glad nie gewerk nie.

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Value for money
Top Destinations
Perna 2

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We are sorry to hear that your expectations were not fully met and would like to address the issues you mentioned: Refrigerator: We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced. You notified us of the problem with the refrigerator on Friday evening, and we responded as quickly as possible by having a new refrigerator delivered on Sunday morning. This resulted in a period of approximately one and a half days that the refrigerator was out of service. As with any household appliance, unexpected problems can arise without any warning. Lawn: If we had been notified of the condition of the lawn in advance, we would have immediately called our landscaping services to fix it. We have taken note of this and will be more proactive in the future. WiFi: We are sorry to hear that your WiFi experience was unsatisfactory. It is unfortunate that this was not reported to us during your stay, as we would have liked to investigate and rectify it. Power outage: Our electrician was on site within 20 minutes of your call, and although he was unable to identify the cause of the problem, the power did not go out again. We appreciate your patience in this regard. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced and assure you that we are doing our best to prevent such situations. Your feedback is valuable to us and will be used to further improve our service.

Dankie dat julle die tyd geneem het om julle terugvoer met ons te deel. Ons is jammer om te hoor dat julle verwagtinge nie volkome bevredig is nie en wil graag die kwessies aanspreek wat julle genoem het: Yskas: Ons is jammer vir die ongerief wat julle ervaar het. Julle het ons Vrydagaand in kennis gestel van die probleem met die yskas, en ons het so vinnig moontlik gereageer deur reeds Sondagoggend 'n nuwe yskas te laat aflewer. Dit was dus 'n tydperk van ongeveer anderhalwe dag dat die yskas buite werking was. Soos met enige huishoudelike apparaat, kan onverwagte probleme ontstaan sonder enige waarskuwing. Grasperk: Indien ons vooraf in kennis gestel was van die toestand van die grasperk, sou ons dadelik ons tuindienste ontbied het om dit reg te stel. Ons neem kennis hiervan en sal toekomsgerig meer proaktief wees. WiFi: Ons is jammer om te hoor dat julle WiFi-ervaring onbevredigend was. Dit is jammer dat dit nie tydens julle verblyf by ons aangemeld is nie, aangesien ons dit graag sou ondersoek en regstel. Kragonderbreking: Ons elektrisiën was binne 20 minute na julle oproep op die perseel, en alhoewel hy nie die oorsaak van die probleem kon identifiseer nie, het die krag daarna nie weer afgegaan nie. Ons waardeer julle geduld in hierdie verband. Ons doen opreg verskoning vir enige ongerief wat julle ervaar het en verseker julle dat ons ons bes doen om sulke situasies te voorkom. Julle terugvoer is vir ons waardevol en sal gebruik word om ons diens verder te verbeter.

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Properties 100+

Reviews 440

On LekkeSlaap 9 years

From R 2 500
per night (sleeps 6)
R 2 500
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 7 North Beach Road, Umdloti, Durban, 4350, KwaZulu-Natal
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5c38429628e037bc66d757baf9dc64f12c26a03804ae019dfd68b0b66e71c56ea2f3ac457245fff0aca58d28c54ae9329907?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 500 per night (sleeps 6) 3 5 1 5 7 North Beach Road Umdloti 4350 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -29.669847952012 31.118014985206

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