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2 Guests

Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

Self Catering


4.2/ 5

Based on 11 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Susan L
Long stay With partner
Apr 2024

It is a very comfortable place and the host is very friendly and helpful. We had a very nice stay.

Dit is 'n baie gerieflike plekkie en die gasheer is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Ons het baie lekker gebly.

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

Once again wonderful guests that we could have enjoyed and we are glad that they enjoyed it not only here, but also our nearby neighboring towns. Would like to welcome them again with open arms and thank you for coming to stay here.

Weereens wonderlike gaste wat ons kon geniet het en ons bly is dat hulle dit nie net hier geniet het nie, maar ook ons nabygeleë buurdorpe. Sal hulle graag met ope arms weer wil ontvang en dankie dat julle hier kom bly het.

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Christine V
Short stay With partner
Jan 2024

Very comfortable place to sleep. We had a great stay, thank you very much.

Baie gemaklike oorslaapplek. Ons het lekker gebly, baie dankie.

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

It is always very pleasant to be able to welcome such friendly guests as you to our self-catering unit. We are glad that you enjoyed it here and would like to welcome you again in the future. A prosperous year ahead for you. Kind regards, Johan and Johlean.

Dit is altyd baie aangenaam om sulke vriendelike gaste soos julle te kon verwelkom by ons selfsorg eenheid. Ons is bly dat jul dit hier geniet het en sal jul graag weer wil verwelkom in die toekoms. Voorspoedige jaar vir jul vorentoe. Vriendelike groete, Johan en Johlean.

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Fred G
Short stay With partner
Jun 2024

Restful. A toaster in the unit would have been nice. Safe parking would have been good.

Rustig. 'n Toaster in die eenheid sou lekker gewees het. Veilige parkeerplek sou goed gewees het.

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

We, like many others who offer accommodation, are very angry and disappointed by grumpy, unfriendly guests' insulting comments about our places sometimes. Thank you for your feedback. I would like to do my part to clear up any misunderstandings. We are proud of our very good, affordable accommodation that we offer, with which we receive very positive feedback from most guests. Therefore, it is difficult to understand that you did not have the same experience, which is a shame. Our service is always very friendly and helpful, which is very important to me. I have very clearly encouraged you to report any issues so that we can address them immediately. For some reason you didn't. We stay at home all day (as mentioned due to my wife's health) and we have a very safe environment. In seven years we have never had any safety problems. You did have a rental car and you are the first guest who had safety concerns about it. I would like to point out that we are always here to help (as offered) and make sure your experience is as pleasant as possible, which is very important to us. We value your feedback and will use it to further improve our service. Friendly greeting, Johan

Ons is, nes baie ander wat verblyf aanbied, baie kwaad en teleurgesteld deur nors, onvriendelike gaste se beledigende aanmerkings oor ons plekke soms. Dankie vir jou terugvoer. Ek wil graag my kant gee om enige misverstande op te klaar. Ons is trots op ons baie goeie, bekostigbare verblyf wat ons aanbied, waarmee ons baie positiewe terugvoer van die meeste gaste ontvang. Daarom is dit moeilik om te verstaan dat jy nie dieselfde ervaring gehad het nie, wat jammer is. Ons diens is altyd baie vriendelik en behulpsaam, wat vir my baie belangrik is. Ek het baie duidelik u aangemoedig om enige probleme aan te meld, sodat ons dit dadelik kan aanspreek. Om een of ander rede het u dit nie gedoen nie. Ons bly heeldag by die huis (soos genoem a.g.v. my vrou se gesondheid) en ons het 'n baie veilige omgewing. Nasewe jaar het ons nog nooit enige veiligheidsprobleme gehad nie. U het wel 'n huurmotor gehad en u is die eerste gas wat kommer oor veiligheid daaromtrent gehad het. Ek wil graag daarop wys dat ons altyd hier is om te help (soos aangebied) en seker te maak dat jou ervaring so aangenaam as moontlik is, wat baie belangrik vir ons is. Ons waardeer jou terugvoer en sal dit gebruik om ons diens verder moontlik te verbeter. Vriendelike groete, Johan

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Jap B
Short stay With partner
Sep 2024

See stars. Acceptable under the circumstances. Old but clean.

Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

My wife and I always love to listen to parents giving good advice for their children. Friends of our son were once not very happy with the present he got for Christmas, a few years ago. The father then said to the boy: "My son, you looked so well at the gift and liked it. You liked what the beautiful pictures showed you. That's what you chose, so accept it according to what you saw and you chose. It's your fault if you're not happy with it. Always look at pictures of something you'd like to buy/have! Also remember that if we're going to take it back for an exchange, that you should always, still be kind and be honest that it was your fault and not the other person's. I would also like a comment from someone who has stayed with us quite a few times in our apartment, with private bookings. "I can't believe the negative comments that the last 2 people had to say about your apartment. For me value for money is a 5, service 10/5, because Johan always helps and is a very genuine friendly person. Cleanliness also a 5 because everything is spotless Location 4 because it's a bit out of town but the beautiful environment to get there is breathtaking Safety 5 because I always feel safe even with the car parking Had a problem. Maybe the gentlemen should just look at the pictures, and not complain about what's in there, and just be kind. It's a budget unit, which is easy to see and has a lot of value for what I paid in the area. It's such a nice quiet place, but unfortunately you get people who go to a place just to investigate and view.. which is a shame."

Ek en my vrou hou altyd daarvan om te luister na ouers wat goeie advies gee vir hul kinders. Vriende van ons se seun was een keer nie baie tevrede met die geskenk wat hy vir Kersfees gekry het nie, so paar jaar gelede. Die pa sê toe vir die seun: "My seun, jy het dan so goed gekyk na die geskenk en daarvan gehou. Jy het gehou wat die mooi foto's wys vir jou. Dis wat jy gekies het, so aanvaar dit volgens wat jy gesien het en jy gekies het. Dit is jou fout as jy nie gelukkig is met dit nie. Onthou om altyd mooi te kyk na foto's van iets wat jy graag wil koop/hê! Onthou ook dat as ons dit terug gaan neem om om te ruil, dat jy altyd, nog steeds vriendelik moet wees en eerlik moet wees dat dit jou fout was en nie die ander persoon s'n nie. Net graag ook 'n aanmerking van iemand wat 'n hele paar keer by ons gebly het in ons woonstel, met privaat besprekings. "Ek kan nie glo die negatiewe opmerkings wat die laaste 2 persone oor jou woonstel te sê gehad het. Vir my is waarde vir geld 'n 5, diens 10/5, want Johan help altyd en is 'n baie opregte vriendelike mens. Netheid ook 'n 5 want alles is spotless. Ligging 4, want dit is so bietjie uit die dorp, maar die pragtige omgewing om daar te kom is asemrowend. Veiligheid 5, want ek voel altyd veilig. Selfs met die kar se parkering het ek nooit 'n probleem gehad. Miskien moet die here net mooi kyk na die foto's, en nie kla oor wat daar in is na die tyd, en net vriendelik wees. Dit is 'n budget eenheid, wat maklik te sien is en het baie waarde vir wat ek betaal het in die omgewing. Dis so 'n lekker rustige plek, maar ongelukkig kry jy mense wat na 'n plek gaan om net alles te ondersoek en bekyk.. wat jammer is. Sterkte Johan"

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Chanel M
Long stay With partner
Mar 2023

Very peaceful atmosphere with friendly owners. The owners are a wonderful couple who enjoy chatting and telling about local attractions, but they also respect you as visiting guests (will strike up a conversation if you sit outside and chat together, will not be a nuisance). Was the best break we've had in a long time, couldn't ask for better! The views from all sides were also exceptional, the place is really nicely located and will definitely stay there again!

Baie rustige atmosfeer met vriendelike eienaars. Die eienaars is 'n wonderlike paartjie wat lekker gesels en vertel van local besienswaardighede, maar hulle respekteer ook jou as kuiergaste (sal geselsie aanknoop as jy buite sit en saam gesels, sal nie oorlas maak nie). Was die lekkerste ruskans wat ons in lang tyd gehad het, kon nie vir beter vra nie! Die uitsigte van alle kante was ook besonders, plekkie regtig lekker geleë en sal beslis weer daar bly!

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

It was so nice and pleasant to have you here. I always enjoy it when I can just chat with my guests and see them enjoying it. Thank you for the delicious biscuits and strawberries. When you come again it will be amazing to hear that there are now three.

Dit was nou so lekker en aangenaam om julle hier te hê. Ek geniet dit altyd as ek sommer net met my gaste kan gesels en te sien hul geniet dit. Dankie vir die lekker beskuit en strawberries. Wanneer jul weer kom sal dit amazing wees om te hoor dat daar nou drie is.

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Matthew B
Short stay With partner
Nov 2023

Relaxing and peaceful. See stars.

Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

It was good to have you here. Just a pity that you were so busy and we couldn't chat anymore. We are glad that you enjoyed it here, and hope that one day you will come and stay here with your family, just for vacation. Greetings, Johan & Johlean

Dit was goed om jou hier te hê. Net jammer dat jy so besig was en ons nie meer lekker kon gesels. Ons is bly dat jy dit hier geniet het, en hoop jy sal eendag met jou gesin hier kom bly, net vir vakansie. Groete, Johan & Johlean

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Beyers L
Short stay Individual traveller
Nov 2023

If you want to book the place to use as your overnight stop to explore the area, perfect. It is nice near the sea. I've only been there a short time, but it has everything you need.

As jy die plek wil boek om te gebruik as jou oornag om die area te verken, perfek. Dit is lekker naby die see. Ek was maar min daar, maar dit het alles wat jy nodig het.

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

Hello Beyers, totally forgot to say thank you very much for being here with us. Hope you are still doing well and really hope to see you again at the sports events here this year. Best for the New Year. Greetings from Johlean.

Hallo Beyers, skoon vergeet om baie dankie te sê dat jy hier by ons was. Hoop dit gaan nog goed met jou en hoop werklik om jou weer te sien met die sport byeenkomste hier die jaar. Beste vir die Nuwe Jaar. Groete van Johlean.

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Rensia C
Short stay With partner
Oct 2022

Weekend stay. Johan, our host, is the best. He went out of his way to help us with transportation arrangements. We are very grateful for that. The place is well set up for overnight accommodation, and we would definitely stay there again.

Naweekverblyf. Johan, ons gasheer, is die beste. Hy het uit sy pad gegaan om ons te help met vervoerreëlings. Ons is baie dankbaar vir dit. Die plekkie is goed ingerig vir oornagakkommodasie, en ons sal beslis weer daar bly.

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

It was really nice to have you here with your kindness. Just remember, your secret is my secret. Enjoy the beautiful Swellendam.

Dit was regtig lekker om jul hier te hê met jul vriendelikheid. Onthou net, jul geheim is my geheim. Geniet die mooie Swellendam.

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Larry C
Short stay With partner
Sep 2022

Very calm. A very nice place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Baie rustig. 'n Baie lekker plek om van die stad se gewoel af weg te kom.

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

It was good to have you here and we look forward to a longer visit, so you can explore more of our beautiful surroundings.

Dit was goed om julle hier te hê en ons sien uit na 'n langer kuier, sodat julle meer van ons mooi omgewing kan verken.

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Gerda N
Short stay With partner
Jul 2022

The accommodation is an apartment under the uncle and aunt's house. We could hear every movement at the bottom. I prefer a peaceful night's rest when I'm on holiday. But with all the sounds of people moving it's hard. See stars.

Die verblyf is 'n woonstel onder die oom en tannie se huis. Ons kon elke beweging hoor aan die onderkant. Ek verkies 'n rustige nagrus as ek met vakansie is. Maar met al die klanke van mense wat beweeg is dit moeilik. Sien strerre.

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Value for money
Sea and Lakes Self-catering Unit

It was really good to have you stay here. Your husband told you what an appallingly light sleeper you are and that the clock's battery had to be taken out so you could fall asleep. We are especially very quiet when we have guests and are surprised by the response. Regards.

Dit was werklik goed om jul hier te laat kon bly. Jou man het vertel hoe n ontsettende ligte slaper jy is en dat die horlosie se battery uitgehaal moes word sodat jy aan die slaap kon val. Ons is veral baie stil as ons gaste het en is verbaas oor die aanmerking. Groete.

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Johan Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 11

On LekkeSlaap 4 years

From R580
R 580 R 493
per night (sleeps 2)
From R580
R 580 R 493
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • No children under 8
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 1885 Dalsy Street, Kleinkrantz, Wilderness, 6538, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAdf85dc5c8bd1cbde168f85d114e9c8c9a9f170142ff2eb0e4cac159eb6c0474eaab562b8ec560e1698cf74fcc0c6ead31e8f?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R580 nowFrom R493 per night (sleeps 2) 11 5 1 5 1885 Dalsy Street Kleinkrantz 6538 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-19:00 10:00 -34.004837736237 22.658530222784

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